Nagaland RTI Pamphlet in English - Commonwealth Human Rights ...

Nagaland RTI Pamphlet in English - Commonwealth Human Rights ...

Nagaland RTI Pamphlet in English - Commonwealth Human Rights ...


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ApplicationFeeeeFees ees payable (BPL Applicants need not pay any fee)Additional FeesInspection FeesMode ofPaymentCentralGovernmentRs 10/-A4/A3 size paper -Rs. 2/- per page.Larger size paper -Actual Cost.Pr<strong>in</strong>ted publications –actual cost or Rs. 2/-per page for photocopiesor extractsRs. 50/- fora floppy orCDActual pricefor sampleor modelFirst hour free.Every extra hour orits fraction - Rs. 5/-Cash, bankerscheque,Demand Draftor Indian PostalOrder<strong>Nagaland</strong>GovernmentRs 10/-A4/A3 size paper -Rs. 2/- per page.Larger size paper -Actual Cost.Pr<strong>in</strong>ted publications –actual cost or Rs. 2/-per page for photocopiesor extractsRs. 50/- fora floppy orCDActual pricefor sampleor modelFirst hour free.Every extra hour orits fraction - Rs. 5/-Cash aga<strong>in</strong>stproper receipt,bank draft orbankers chequeWhat can you do if you do not get the<strong>in</strong>formation?If the PIO -• refuses to receive your application;• does not give you the <strong>in</strong>formation with<strong>in</strong> the time limit;• demands additional fee which you th<strong>in</strong>k is unreasonably high;• does not reply to your application at all;• denies access to <strong>in</strong>formation <strong>in</strong> an unreasonable manner;• gives you false, mislead<strong>in</strong>g or <strong>in</strong>complete <strong>in</strong>formation or• destroys the records whose copies you had requestedYou have the right to file an appeal with<strong>in</strong> the same public authoritywith<strong>in</strong> 30 days. Every public authority has appo<strong>in</strong>ted an officer senior <strong>in</strong>rank to the PIO as the Appellate Authority. For contact details of appellateauthorities please visit the follow<strong>in</strong>g websites –http://rti.gov.<strong>in</strong>/m<strong>in</strong>istrynew - for Central Government officeshttp://nagaland.nic.<strong>in</strong>/rti-nag/ma<strong>in</strong>.htm - for Government of <strong>Nagaland</strong>The Appellate Authority has a duty to give a written decision on yourappeal with<strong>in</strong> 45 days.Or you may file a compla<strong>in</strong>t with theInformation Commission directlyIn matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to offices under the Central Government, file yourcompla<strong>in</strong>t with the Central Information Commission.Central Information CommissionBlock No. 4, 5 th Floor, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi – 110 067Tel: 011-2671-7352, Fax: 011-2671-7354, Website: http://cic.gov.<strong>in</strong>In matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to offices under the Government of <strong>Nagaland</strong> or thedistrict adm<strong>in</strong>istration, file your compla<strong>in</strong>t with the <strong>Nagaland</strong> StateInformation Commission.<strong>Nagaland</strong> State Information CommissionOld Secretariat Complex, P.Box-148, Kohima, <strong>Nagaland</strong> – 797001,Tel: 0370-2291595; FAX : 0370-2291798; e-mail: office@nic.gov.<strong>in</strong>; Website: http://nlsic.gov.<strong>in</strong>/You may also file a second appeal with the appropriate InformationCommission if you do not receive a satisfactory decision from theAppellate Authority mentioned above.Information Commissions have the powers of a civil court to conduct<strong>in</strong>quiries <strong>in</strong>to your compla<strong>in</strong>ts/second appeals. If the PIO or any otherofficer is found guilty of wrong do<strong>in</strong>g under the <strong>RTI</strong> Act, then theInformation Commission may -• impose a penalty of Rs. 250/- per day up to a maximum ofRs. 25,000/-;• recommend discipl<strong>in</strong>ary action aga<strong>in</strong>st any PIO who isfrequently violat<strong>in</strong>g the Act.In any appeal or compla<strong>in</strong>t case it is the PIO’s responsibility to justifywhy you should not be given the <strong>in</strong>formation. You need not give reasonsexpla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g why you want the <strong>in</strong>formation. But you are free to arguewhy the <strong>in</strong>formation should be disclosed <strong>in</strong> public <strong>in</strong>terest.Are you up to the challenge?Today lakhs of people across India areus<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>RTI</strong> Act to hold the governmentaccountable. Do you not want to jo<strong>in</strong> thismovement? Use your right to <strong>in</strong>formationto shape the country’s progress.<strong>Commonwealth</strong> <strong>Human</strong> Right InitiativeB-117, First Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110017Tel: 011-2686 4678, 2685 0523, Fax: 011-2686 4688E-mail: chriall@nda.vsnl.net.<strong>in</strong>Website: www.humanrights<strong>in</strong>itiative.orgYouth NetBelow Raj Bhavan, Officer’s HillKohima, <strong>Nagaland</strong> - 797001e-mail : rti.youthnet@yahoo.comPhone : 9436239062/ 9856307033CHRI’s work on the Right to Information is supported by the British High CommissionText, design and formatt<strong>in</strong>g: Lydia Yeptho, Hekani Jakhalu, Swati Kapoor, Venkatesh Nayak and Ranjan Kumar S<strong>in</strong>gh, March 2007

India is a democracy. You elect thegovernment every five years. Every time youbuy someth<strong>in</strong>g from a shop you pay salestax/VAT or excise duty along with the priceof the item. Every citizen of India pays sometax or the other. The government collectstaxes from you to pay salaries to officers and f<strong>in</strong>ance developmentschemes meant for your benefit.So when you elect the government and you pay taxes, should you nothold the Government accountable for what it does <strong>in</strong> your name?Under the Right to Information Act, 2005• You can seek and receive <strong>in</strong>formation from any government office– be it your local village council or municipality or even the officeof the President of India.Why?Where?HowMuch?• Public Information Officers (PIOs)have been appo<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> all Centraland State Government offices todeal with <strong>in</strong>formation requestsreceived from citizens.• Every PIO has a duty to provideyou access to government recordsand documents. If any <strong>in</strong>formationcannot be given he has a duty totell you why.As a citizen you have the right to seek and receive all<strong>in</strong>formation that an MP or MLA can get from Government.Voluntary DisclosureEvery m<strong>in</strong>istry, department, board, public sector enterprise, public sectorbank and any other public authority under the State and CentralGovernment should give you the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation voluntarily-• The name, designation, powers, duties, responsibilities and salariesof all officers;• The decision-mak<strong>in</strong>g procedure <strong>in</strong> all matters and the norms set fortak<strong>in</strong>g action on any matter;• Details of all rules, regulations, <strong>in</strong>structions, manuals and guidel<strong>in</strong>esused by officers <strong>in</strong> their work;• A list of all categories of records available <strong>in</strong> their offices;• The proposed budget, allocation of funds and reports about theirdistribution;• The manner of implementation of subsidy schemes, list of beneficiariesand amount of funds sanctioned to them;• Details of recipients of any permit, authorisation or concession issuedand;• Name and designation of PIOs.All this <strong>in</strong>formation should be available with the PIO. The PIO has aduty to give all this <strong>in</strong>formation to you on demand. There is no need tosubmit a written application or pay applications fees. The PIO may chargeyou for pr<strong>in</strong>touts or photocopies (not more than Rs. 2/- per page)Now under the <strong>RTI</strong> Act you have the right to: Inspect government files and records and take notes or extracts Seek and receive certified copies of government records Inspect, on the spot, public works such as construction of roadsand build<strong>in</strong>gs Collect certified samples of materials used <strong>in</strong> public works andoffices Seek and receive copies of <strong>in</strong>formation held <strong>in</strong> electronic formatAccess<strong>in</strong>g other k<strong>in</strong>ds of <strong>in</strong>formationBesides the <strong>in</strong>formation that public authorities are required to give youon their own, you have the right to seek and receive other <strong>in</strong>formationwhich may be <strong>in</strong> the form of records, documents, memos, emails,circulars, file not<strong>in</strong>gs, advice, log books, contracts, reports, papers,samples etc.• You should submit a writtenapplication along with theapplication fee to the PIO of theoffice which may have the<strong>in</strong>formation you require. (The feerates are given overleaf.) You maysend your application by post oremail also.• You may use the applicationformat given <strong>in</strong> the next columnto draft your <strong>in</strong>formation request.It is not compulsory to use pre-pr<strong>in</strong>ted forms. The PIO has a duty toreceive applications written/typed on pla<strong>in</strong> paper as well.The PIO does not have the power to ask you why you needthe <strong>in</strong>formation. You have the right to seek <strong>in</strong>formationwithout giv<strong>in</strong>g any explanation to any officer.• The PIO has a duty to give you a written acknowledgement uponreceiv<strong>in</strong>g your application.• If the <strong>in</strong>formation you want is not available with the public authoritywhere the PIO is work<strong>in</strong>g, it is his/her duty to transfer the applicationwith<strong>in</strong> 5 days to such other public authority that is likely to have it.He should <strong>in</strong>form you of the transfer <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g. You need not payapplication fees once aga<strong>in</strong>.• The PIO may charge you additional fee for provid<strong>in</strong>g copies ofrecords. He will <strong>in</strong>form you of the additional fee <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g (The feerates are given overleaf.)• If you th<strong>in</strong>k the additional fee charged is very high, then you havethe right to seek a review before the Appellate Authority or the relevantInformation Commission. (Addresses are given overleaf.)• The PIO has a duty to give you the <strong>in</strong>formation you want or <strong>in</strong>formyou <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g why it cannot be given, with<strong>in</strong> 30 days. (Add five daysif the application is transferred from one public authority to another.)If the <strong>in</strong>formation you have requested relates to the life andliberty of any person, then the PIO has a duty to give it toyou with<strong>in</strong> 48 hours.Application under section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act 2005Recommended formatTo,The Public Information Officer………………………………………...(Address of the public authority)………………………………………...1. Applicant’s name: …………………………………………….2. Applicant’s address and contact number: …………………...3. Details of the <strong>in</strong>formation requested-(i) description of the <strong>in</strong>formation required: …………...........(ii) period for which <strong>in</strong>formation is required: ……….............(iii) Form of access: photocopy /certified copy/floppy/ CD/ certified sample/ <strong>in</strong>spection*........................(iv) How will the <strong>in</strong>formation be collected?:<strong>in</strong> person/by post † ……......…………………...................4. Application Fee paid : Yes / No † …………………………......If Yes † cash (receipt no. …............ )/DD/Banker’s cheque/(number and date…….................)(If claim<strong>in</strong>g BPL status attach copy of BPL ration card or extract from BPL list)Signature of the ApplicantDate :……………………Place :…………………..* choose the form of access you prefer. † choose one• You may also request <strong>in</strong>spection of a file or records by submitt<strong>in</strong>g anapplication and pay<strong>in</strong>g the necessary fee. (The fee rates are givenoverleaf.)However, the PIO may refuse to give you<strong>in</strong>formation, if:• disclosure will harm the sovereignty, <strong>in</strong>tegrity, security, strategic oreconomic <strong>in</strong>terests of India;• disclosure may provoke anybody to commit a crime;• disclosure may lead to contempt of court or if any court or tribunalhas ordered that the requested <strong>in</strong>formation should not be disclosed;• disclosure may endanger the life or safety of a person;• disclosure is likely to put obstacles <strong>in</strong> the process of <strong>in</strong>vestigation ofcrimes or the arrest or prosecution of offenders;• disclosure will reveal the trade secrets or other similar <strong>in</strong>formationof commercial bodies and harm their ability to compete with others• it is personal <strong>in</strong>formation and no public <strong>in</strong>terest is served by disclos<strong>in</strong>g it.However, , even if the <strong>in</strong>formation you want belongs to any ofthese categories the PIO has a duty to give it to you if public<strong>in</strong>terest is likely to be served better by such disclosure.

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