Giving Opportunities - UL Lafayette Foundation

Giving Opportunities - UL Lafayette Foundation

Giving Opportunities - UL Lafayette Foundation


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<strong>Giving</strong> <strong>Opportunities</strong>EndowmentsEndowments represent the permanently invested capital of The University of Louisiana<strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> that generates funds (annual interest/dividend earnings) to support theUniversity of Louisiana <strong>Lafayette</strong>.Hundreds of donors established endowments with their gifts to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>. Each donordecides which area of the University they wish to assist with their endowment.Each endowment provides the donor with a permanent naming opportunity. Endowment fundsare often named for the donor, for loved ones of the donor, or for someone for whom thedonor has great admiration, i.e., a respected faculty member.Each year, a portion of the endowment earnings is available for whatever purpose the donorintended when the endowment fund was established. To protect against inflation, and to helpeach donor's endowment fund grow over time, part of the endowment earnings each year areadded back to the endowment principal.Student Scholarships• Endowed scholarships help ensure that higher education remains available todistinguished and deserving students regardless of their financial circumstances.• An endowed scholarship is a permanent tribute to the person whose name it bears, andit can always be augmented. In many families, adding to a scholarship fund establishedyears ago has become a multi-generational tradition.• A named endowed scholarship at <strong>UL</strong> can be established with a gift of $10,000 or more.Gifts may be made at one time or over a period of 3-5 years.• Donors may select the college and/or department from which a student will be selectedeach year to receive their scholarship.• Donors of endowed scholarships receive annual reports from the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> on the financial status of their endowment fund.Distinguished Professorships• Endowed professorships help ensure that the University attracts and retainsdistinguished and effective professors. Annual stipends are awarded to faculty membersgranted a professorship. Professorships are very prestigious, and the faculty member

eceiving such distinction carries the name of the donor, i.e. "The John DoeDistinguished Professor in Business Administration."• A named endowed professorship at <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> begins with a gift of $60,000 which isthen augmented with a $40,000 match from the State of Louisiana's Board of RegentsSupport Fund (BORSF).• Donors may select the college and/or department their professorship benefits.• Donors of endowed professorships receive annual reports from the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> on the financial status of their endowment fund.Eminent Scholar Chairs• Endowed eminent scholar chairs help support the teaching and research work ofnationally recognized professors.• A named endowed chair at <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> begins with a gift of $600,000 which is thenaugmented with a $400,000 match from the State of Louisiana's Board of RegentsSupport Fund (BORSF). The creation of a super chair involves a gift of $1.2 million,matched by the BORSF in the amount of $800,000.• Donors may select the college and/or department designated for their chair.• Donors of endowed chairs receive annual reports from the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> onthe financial status of their endowment fund.Faculty Development Funds• Donors help support the work of faculty members in a particular college and/ordepartment by creating an endowed faculty development fund.• A gift of $10,000 or more establishes a named endowed faculty development fund.• Donors of endowed faculty development funds receive annual reports on the financialstatus of their endowment fund.How to Make a GiftGifts may be made in a variety of forms including cash, securities, and real estate, or plannedgifts (such as bequests, charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, etc.). Gifts to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>are tax-deductible to the full extent of the Internal Revenue Code. The University of Louisiana<strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> tax identification number is 72-6023836.Cash GiftsContributions can be made to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> by:1. Check, payable to "<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>," and mailed to:<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>P.O. Box 44290<strong>Lafayette</strong>, LA 70504-42902

OR<strong>UL</strong> Office of DevelopmentP.O. Drawer 43410<strong>Lafayette</strong>, LA 70504-34102. Credit card online at ullafayettefoundation.orgSecuritiesWhile many donors commonly make gifts of cash, a growing number take advantage ofcontributing gifts of long-term appreciated securities to support the educational goals of <strong>UL</strong><strong>Lafayette</strong>.Advantages of Gifts of Securities• You receive an income tax deduction based on the market value of the security at thetime of the gift.• You avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the securities.• You can direct your gift for any purpose at <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>.• You can fund a life income gift and potentially receive a greater income.Valuing Gifts of SecuritiesThe value of a gift of securities is the average of the high and low trading prices on the date ofyour gift. The date of your gift is determined based on how it is made.• By mail…it is the postmark date.• By overnight carrier…it is the date of receipt by <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>.• By electronic transfer…it is the date the security is received into the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong><strong>Foundation</strong>'s brokerage account.• By re-registering the security into <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>'s name…it is the date on thenew certificate(s).The <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> will issue a receipt for your tax Stocks and BondsIf the certificate(s) are held by you:1. Send your certificate(s) by certified mail or by overnight carrier, without any endorsement,assignment or other notations to the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>, P.O. Box 44290, <strong>Lafayette</strong>, LA70504-4290.2. Enclose a letter stating the purpose of the gift.3. In a separate envelope, using the same carrier as used with the certificate(s), send astock/bond power endorsed in blank; that is, filling in only your signature but no otherinformation. Your name should appear EXACTLY as it does on the face of the certificate(s). If3

possible, include a copy of the letter you sent with your certificate(s).If you wish to donate only a portion of the shares represented by the certificate(s), the<strong>Foundation</strong> will complete the transaction and re-register the remaining shares back to you. Inyour letter, please indicate the social security number and the complete name of the registeredshareholder. Please also confirm the mailing address for re-registering the remaining shares.If the securities are held by a bank or broker:1. You can authorize your bank or broker in writing that you wish to make a gift/transfer_____(number of) shares of ________(name of security) to be designated to the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> for the purpose of _________________________.Provide your bank or broker with <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>’s electronic transfer instructions,which you may obtain online at: ullafayettefoundation.orgClosely Held Stock & Mutual FundsNon-marketable or closely held stock and/or mutual fund shares can also be gifted to <strong>UL</strong>. If youare considering giving these types of securities, please contact the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.Other information regarding gifts of securities:The <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> tax identification number is 72-6023836.The <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>’s legal address is:<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>P.O. Box 44290<strong>Lafayette</strong>, LA 70504Planned <strong>Giving</strong> <strong>Opportunities</strong>Planned <strong>Giving</strong> involves the integration of personal, financial, and estate planning conceptswith an individual’s plan for lifetime or testamentary charitable giving. The most common typeof planned gift is a charitable bequest in a will or trust. There are other types of planned giftswhich should be discussed with a qualified charitable gift planner and a professional advisor, todetermine the most appropriate planned gift. Donors including a minimum planned gift for <strong>UL</strong><strong>Lafayette</strong> are invited to become members of the Louisiana Heritage Society, the University'splanned gift donor recognition society.By including the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> in your financial and estate plans, you may increaseyour current income and reduce taxes, while providing future support for areas of the4

University important to you. Planned giving allows people to make very meaningful legacy giftsas part of their estate plan.Types of Planned Gifts:Bequests<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> friends and alumni can leave a legacy at the University through a bequest in theirwill or trust. Bequests are important to the University because in most cases they help build theendowment.There are several ways to make a bequest to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>, including the following:1. You may choose to bequeath a specific amount of cash from your estate.2. You may bequeath certain property from your estate, for example, a home, farm land orother real estate, artwork, or other tangible personal property.3. You can give a fixed percentage from your estate, for example 2%, 5%, 10%, etc.4. You can choose to give the remainder or residue of your estate after all other bequestshave been satisfied.5. Finally, if you already have a will or trust you can modify it (by adding a codicil) toinclude a bequest to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.Please note that bequests to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> should name the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> as thecharitable beneficiary. The <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> is a designated recipient of gifts for thebenefit of <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> and is certified as a "qualified charitable organization" as described inthe Internal Revenue Service Code, Section 501 (c) (3). Therefore, gifts made through the <strong>UL</strong><strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> are eligible for deductions for federal income tax, gift tax and estate taxpurposes.Life Income AgreementsWith a life income agreement, you essentially make a gift to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> while retainingincome interest from the gift. There are two life income agreements that are available through<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>: a charitable gift annuity and a charitable remainder trust.Charitable Gift AnnuityThis type of life income fund can be established with a gift of $10,000 or more to the <strong>UL</strong><strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>. In exchange for your gift the <strong>Foundation</strong> will pay a specified annuity toyou and, if you wish, another beneficiary. The payout rate is determined by the age of thebeneficiaries and currently varies from 6 percent to 11.5 percent. (Note that these rates aresubject to change, and the prevailing rates will apply for each gift annuity contract.) Pleaserefer to a Gift Annuity Rates table for examples of rates at specific ages.Donors can receive an immediate income tax deduction for the projected remainder value of5

the gift annuity after the beneficiaries are no longer living. Additionally, a portion of the annualpayments made to you by the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> may be tax-free. After the beneficiariesare no longer living, the <strong>Foundation</strong> will use your gift for the purpose(s) you have specified.Among the benefits of a Charitable Gift Annuity are:• You receive income for life.• Part of your income may be tax-free.• Your rate of return is fixed for life and backed by all the assets of the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong><strong>Foundation</strong>.• If you make your gift with low-yielding securities, you increase your current income.• If you make your gift with appreciated securities held longer than one year, you avoidimmediate capital gains taxes.• You receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction.• You may reduce your estate tax.• You have the satisfaction of supporting a <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> program important to you.• You will be invited to join the Louisiana Heritage Society for making a legacy gift.Deferred Payment Gift AnnuityPersons may also choose to establish a Deferred Payment Gift Annuity. The deferred paymentgift annuity allows you to set up a gift annuity now, but defer the annuity payments until a lateryear. You can select any year in the future in which you would like to begin receiving theannuity payments. And, because the annuity payments are deferred you will receive a higherannuity payout rate.Charitable Remainder TrustsThe charitable remainder trust is a tax-wise way to receive a lifetime income and ultimatelyprovide a generous gift for the University of Louisiana <strong>Lafayette</strong>.A charitable remainder trust is generally established with a gift of $50,000 or more, and thetrust pay-out rate is usually 5% to 8%. The trust can be funded with cash, stocks, bonds, or realestate. The trust will pay out either a fixed amount (annuity trust) or a percentage of the trustincome (unitrust). Upon termination of the trust, the <strong>Foundation</strong> will use the propertyremaining for the purpose you have specified.Example:A husband and wife, both aged 65, fund a charitable remainder unitrust with $100,000 inappreciated securities that cost them $50,000 several years ago. They choose a 6% payout rateand receive a charitable deduction of $28,679. Their first year's income will be approximately$6,000. Future income will vary with the trust value. Assuming an 8% total return for the trust,6

the before-tax benefit to income recipients over their life expectancies is estimated to be over$192,000. After their lifetimes, the remaining principal estimated to be over $160,000 passes to<strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>.Advantages of a Charitable Remainder Trust:• You receive income for life or a term of years (that you select).• If you make your gift with low-yielding securities or other assets, you increase yourcurrent income.• If you make your gift with appreciated securities or other assets, you may avoid capitalgains taxes.• You receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction.• You may reduce your estate tax.• You have the satisfaction of supporting a <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> program important to you.• You will be invited to join the Louisiana Heritage Society for this legacy gift.Charitable Lead TrustsA Charitable lead trust is one of the most effective techniques available to pass wealth to thenext generation with a minimum of transfer taxes. A Charitable Lead Trust can be createdduring the donor's lifetime or by will/bequest. The gift is placed in the lead trust for a fixedperiod of years, usually 10 to 25. Annual payments from the lead trust support the area of <strong>UL</strong><strong>Lafayette</strong> designated by the donor. Payments may be a fixed amount (annuity trust) or a fixedpercentage of the value of the trust (unitrust). When the trust term ends, the remainingprincipal is returned to the individuals named by the donor, typically the donor's children orgrandchildren.Advantages of a Charitable Lead Trust• It provides significant support for a <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> program important to you.• It can provide a substantial inheritance for your heirs.• You receive a gift or estate tax deduction based on the present value of your projectedgift payments to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>.• It reduces the size of your estate and thus the estate taxes that could be due upon yourdeath.• You will be invited to join the Louisiana Heritage Society at <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> in recognitionof this planned gift.Example:A donor makes a $1 million gift to the <strong>Foundation</strong> to establish a charitable lead annuity trust.Over a 20-year period, if the trust averages 8% annual return, and pays out 8% of the originaltrust per year, <strong>UL</strong> will receive $1,600,000 by the end of the 20-year term, and the heirs willreceive $1,000,000 tax free.Assets to Use for a Lead Trust7

• Cash or other income-producing assets.• Interests in family businesses and family limited partnerships.• Income-producing property with a high-appreciation potential--allows property to betransferred eventually to family beneficiaries at a low cost.Good Candidates for Establishing a Lead Trust• A person with more income than he or she feels is necessary.• A person wishing to transfer assets to children or grandchildren at reduced gift and/orestate tax cost.• A person with an income-producing asset suitable to establish a lead trust.Note that a lead trust is not tax-exempt. Therefore, it can be disadvantageous to establish acharitable lead trust with an appreciated asset if the plan is for the trust to sell the asset. Onthe other hand, if the asset is appreciated stock and the trust sells just enough each year tomake its payout, the trust can work well.Types of Charitable Lead TrustsNon-Grantor: The trust principal is distributed to donor's heirs at the end of the trust term,which is the most common type of charitable lead trust.Grantor: The trust principal is returned to the donor at the end of the trust term.Other <strong>Giving</strong> <strong>Opportunities</strong>Gifts of Real EstateThe <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> accepts gifts of real estate. Some criteria considered prior toacceptance of the gift will be: property location(s); ability to achieve a return on investment(ROI) either through liquidation, or some type of revenue stream from the property such as anagriculture lease, timber development, or other value. The <strong>Foundation</strong> reserves the right todecline properties that are not conducive to the ROI objectives. Real estate will need to beappraised and a Phase I due diligence environmental assessment completed prior tocompletion of the donation.Non-endowed Gifts• Donors who wish to make a non-endowed gift for student scholarships or facultydevelopment may do so on a one-time, periodic, or annual basis.• One-time and periodic gifts are designated for scholarship, faculty development orother specified (or unrestricted) purpose in any college or department. These gifts arecomingled with others to create a pool of funds to provide annual scholarship, facultyand general support.8

• A naming opportunity is available to donors who wish to make a non-endowed gift tosupport scholarships, faculty development funds or other areas of the University on anannual basis, provided the annual gift is $500 or more.AthleticsRagin’ Cajun athletics has a new multi-million dollar indoor practice facility. This modern facilityenables Ragin' Cajun teams to practice during inclement weather. Numerous other projects areunderway, all of which are imperative to help keep Ragin' Cajun athletics in Division I.Ragin Cajun Annual FundGive a gift to support the initiatives of the Ragin Cajun Athletics <strong>Foundation</strong> (RCAF) throughtheir annual fund program. Contributions offer benefits at various levels.Ragin' Cajun ClubSupporters of Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns are eligible to become members of the Ragin' CajunClub at various levels.Athletic Support GroupsEach sport has an organized support group of fans who want to designate gifts to that sport.Examples include: Quarterback Club (Football); Rebounders Club (Basketball); Bullpen Club(Baseball); and Centerfield Club (Softball).Tickets & Young Ragin' Cajun ClubThe Cajundome handles all ticket sales for Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns. Children ages 2 to 16 areadmitted to all regular season sporting events when they join the Young Ragin' Club for anannual membership fee.Alumni Annual FundAlumni and friends contribute to the University of Louisiana <strong>Lafayette</strong> for many valid reasons.They believe in life long learning. They believe in the hope of the future which a qualityeducation provides.The Alumni Annual Fund enables the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> Alumni Association to continue the traditionof its mission and to serve as a channel between the support of generous alumni and friends,like you, and the best educational environment we can provide for our students.By supporting student programs, alumni programs, and academic areas funded by the AlumniAnnual Fund, you help <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> to continue as a premier institution of higher learning.9

<strong>Foundation</strong> Honor RollThe <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Honor Roll is an annual program enabling the <strong>Foundation</strong> togenerate unrestricted gifts. Gifts are used primarily for operational expenses, developmentefforts, publications, and to respond to university needs not met by state funding. Members ofthe Honor Roll are eligible for nomination for consideration to serve on the <strong>Foundation</strong>'s Boardof Trustees.Unrestricted <strong>Giving</strong>An unrestricted gift is simply a gift with no restrictions from the donor on how it is to be used.The gift can be directed to a particular college or area of the University and would beconsidered quasi unrestricted.Your annual gift to <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> is a good example of an unrestricted gift. It directly supportsthe University's mission and provides the means for <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> to take advantage ofunexpected opportunities and meet necessary challenges in a timely manner.Special InitiativesMatching Gift Program for <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> Moody College of BusinessAdministrationThe Moody College of Business Administration (Moody COBA) has a matching gift programthanks to the generosity of the Moody Family <strong>Foundation</strong>.Certain gifts in support of the college are eligible for a 1-to-1 matching gift from the MoodyFamily <strong>Foundation</strong>. For example, if a donor wants to establish a $10,000 endowed scholarshipor faculty development fund for the Moody COBA, a $5,000 gift would be eligible for a $5,000match from the Moody Family <strong>Foundation</strong>.A $100,000 endowed professorship can be established with a $30,000 gift from a donor -- thatgift would be eligible for a $30,000 match from the Moody Family <strong>Foundation</strong> and a $40,000match from the Louisiana Board of Regents' Support Fund to round out the $100,000endowment.In the first two years of this matching gift program, the Moody Family matched more than$700,000 in endowment level gifts to <strong>UL</strong>'s College of Business.University Art Museum Building Campaign & Membership Fund Drive"A New Museum for a New Century" is the comprehensive campaign to provide funds for thenew Paul & Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum at <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong>. There are a myriad of namingopportunities to help <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> reach its campaign goal. Naming opportunities begin at$5,000. Whether you are a <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> graduate, corporation, or friend of the University, the10

prominent use of your name in the new University Art Museum symbolizes how much it meansto be part of this monumental effort. This is a visible way to show your alliance with andsupport of the goals for <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> and Acadiana as a whole.Another important way to support and participate is through Museum Membership. Membersreceive special discounts and advance notice for events and activities including previewreceptions, classes, trips, lectures, and family events. Annual dues from members of theMuseum provide critical financial support for Museum operations, exhibitions and programs,and help the Museum purchase art for its permanent collection. Museum members andvolunteers present one major fundraiser annually - the Acadiana Wine and Food Festival.Contributing Level memberships help sponsor the festival and Contributing Level membersreceived additional benefits related to the annual Festival.Alumni Center Room Naming <strong>Opportunities</strong>Nestled amidst numerous century-old live oaks, the <strong>UL</strong> <strong>Lafayette</strong> Alumni Center serves as thesite for many alumni and university events and gatherings. This special place alumni call "theirhome on campus," has a few remaining naming opportunities for donors who wish to establisha lasting legacy on the campus.Benches for BeautificationA recently implemented project -- Benches for Beautification -- places benches, tables, andtrash receptacles across campus.The project provides outdoor seating areas where students and others can enjoy thepeacefulness and beauty of the campus.The project offers naming opportunities whereby donors choose the location of a bench ortable and are permanently recognized by an engraved nameplate on their bench or table.<strong>UL</strong>LF.givingopportunities.06.200911

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