Invitation to Tender with Instructions For Final evaluation ... -

Invitation to Tender with Instructions For Final evaluation ... - Invitation to Tender with Instructions For Final evaluation ... -


Krivaja Area Development ProgrammeInvitation to Tender with InstructionsForFinal evaluation of World Vision’sKrivaja Area Development ProgrammeFrom World Vision International in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRef. Number: 00761- febDATEDate of announcement Feb 23, 2010Deadline for submission of tenders March 5, 2010At 15.00 CETAddress for tender submission and contactperson Contact person for inquiriesContact person:Zeljko Blagojevic, Zonal Manager - SarajevoClaudia Bade, Country Programme CoordinatorClaudia_Bade@wvi.orgAnd cc toZeljko_Blagojevic@wvi.orgNotification of award to the successful tenderer March 10, 2010Contract signature March 15, 2010Service commencement date (pre-assignment)Assignment in the fieldfrom 15 March’10 for pre-reading, deskstudy and conduct of evaluationdesign/framework.from 12 April to 28 May 2010 for evaluationexercise in area1. Project to be evaluatedPlease see the ToR – Annex 12. Scope of WorkThe consultant shall do an interim evaluation of the programme and act as LeadConsultant for the World Vision. The consultant is expected to cover the issues asdescribed in the ToR for the evaluation, which is attached as Annex 1.The consultant’s work should reflect the priorities of WV and take into consideration WV’sDesign, Monitoring and Evaluation framework, which is attached in Annex 5. Theconsultant shall be responsible for practical arrangements in conjunction with the trip toBosnia.3. MethodIntroduction to tender – Krivaja ADP – Feb2010 Page 1 of 2

Krivaja Area Development Programme<strong>Invitation</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Tender</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Instructions</strong><strong>For</strong><strong>Final</strong> <strong>evaluation</strong> of World Vision’sKrivaja Area Development ProgrammeFrom World Vision International in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRef. Number: 00761- febDATEDate of announcement Feb 23, 2010Deadline for submission of tenders March 5, 2010At 15.00 CETAddress for tender submission and contactperson Contact person for inquiriesContact person:Zeljko Blagojevic, Zonal Manager - SarajevoClaudia Bade, Country Programme Coordina<strong>to</strong>rClaudia_Bade@wvi.orgAnd cc <strong>to</strong>Zeljko_Blagojevic@wvi.orgNotification of award <strong>to</strong> the successful tenderer March 10, 2010Contract signature March 15, 2010Service commencement date (pre-assignment)Assignment in the fieldfrom 15 March’10 for pre-reading, deskstudy and conduct of <strong>evaluation</strong>design/framework.from 12 April <strong>to</strong> 28 May 2010 for <strong>evaluation</strong>exercise in area1. Project <strong>to</strong> be evaluatedPlease see the ToR – Annex 12. Scope of WorkThe consultant shall do an interim <strong>evaluation</strong> of the programme and act as LeadConsultant for the World Vision. The consultant is expected <strong>to</strong> cover the issues asdescribed in the ToR for the <strong>evaluation</strong>, which is attached as Annex 1.The consultant’s work should reflect the priorities of WV and take in<strong>to</strong> consideration WV’sDesign, Moni<strong>to</strong>ring and Evaluation framework, which is attached in Annex 5. Theconsultant shall be responsible for practical arrangements in conjunction <strong>with</strong> the trip <strong>to</strong>Bosnia.3. MethodIntroduction <strong>to</strong> tender – Krivaja ADP – Feb2010 Page 1 of 2

Krivaja Area Development ProgrammeThe consultant(s) shall carry out a desk study at first for assessing the proposal and<strong>ba</strong>ckground information and secondly meet the WV team for discussing the programmeand the <strong>evaluation</strong> schedule and framework.The consultant shall have senior level experience in one or more of the following areas(preferably a combination thereof): socio-economic development, agriculture, civil-societybuilding, and programming. The consultant shall be familiar and have experiences inworking in the Balkans.A substantial part of the review shall be a field visit <strong>to</strong> the Area Development Programme(ADP), which is located in following municipalities: Han Pijesak, Sokolac and Olovo. Theconsultant shall contact relevant staff at World Vision in Sarajevo for <strong>ba</strong>ckgroundinformation, plans and programme information. In this respect, World Vision hasprepared a ToR for the <strong>evaluation</strong>.The consultant shall be responsible for practical arrangements in conjunction <strong>with</strong> thefield visits in the country although support (also in terms of programme preparation andlogistics) will be provided by World Vision. The time table, work plan, data collectionprocess (methods, <strong>to</strong>ols) and <strong>evaluation</strong> matrix shall be developed by the lead evalua<strong>to</strong>rand submitted <strong>to</strong> World Vision at least by 2 April 2010.4. BudgetThe interested tenderers shall submit their lump sum offer, which must have respectivetaxes included, <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>with</strong> the CV of the nominated candidate for this assignment,which will include a list of relevant <strong>evaluation</strong>s/reviews conducted.World Vision will make the payment <strong>to</strong> the consultants’ <strong>ba</strong>nk account.Please find the World Vision generic Service Contract in Annex 35. ReportingThe Consultant shall coordinate, as the Lead Evalua<strong>to</strong>r, the writing of his/her report onthe World Vision programme <strong>with</strong> World Vision review team and as per Annex 5 – DMEframework.6. Selection and CriteriaProposal including budget should be sent <strong>to</strong> Claudia Bade at World Vision BiH NationalOffice ( <strong>with</strong> cc <strong>to</strong> Any tenderreceived after this deadline will not be considered.In case of any clarification questions, please call Zeljko Blagojevic at 00387 33 660 426.Required documents are: Cover letter; Technical proposal (max 5 pages, not includingappendices), Appendix 1 - Work plan, Appendix 2 - References for this particularassignment, Appendix 3 – CV of the proposed consultant (max 3 pages) – see CVtemplate attached); and Financial proposal.In evaluating tenders, World Vision BiH will use the Review grid (Attached as Annex 2).Award criteria will be 80% for Technical offer and 20% for the Financial offer.Please see the WV tender report template in Annex 5Note: if all offers exceed the amount available for this <strong>evaluation</strong>, WV keep the right <strong>to</strong>reject all offers.7. Annexes:Annexes can be downloaded fromhttp://www.worldvision.<strong>ba</strong>/content/view/22/23/lang,en/Introduction <strong>to</strong> tender – Krivaja ADP – Feb2010 Page 2 of 2

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