Camp Rover

Camp Rover

Camp Rover


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Lite Breaks -StormyWeatherBy Jeffrey B. AronsonMarch has seen several nor’easters poundmuch of the East Coast. During one storm, Ihad to drive my Series II-A through blizzardconditions between central Massachusetts andinto Maine. Very few vehicles were on thesnow-covered roads; indeed, the state ofConnecticut had banned all tractor trailertrucks from its interstate highways for theduration of the storm. Without question, I wasthe only 36-year old vehicle on the highwayfor the entire duration of the trip.The last storm started as a 34-degreemonsoon one night while I stayed in a motelin Portland, ME. The next morning, I went tostart the car. It would crank but not catch;there was no sound of compression at all. Iquickly realized I would get drenched, but Itook cans of PB Blaster and WD-40 out of theparts box, stepped outside into the cold rain,opened the bonnet, and sprayed every plugwire, the distributor, ground wire, and coil. Iclosed the bonnet, returned inside the car,counted to 10, and tried again - still nothing.I left the ignition key “on.” I stepped outagain and this time, I removed the distributorcap, which appeared quite dry inside,removed the rotor, and with a screwdriver,checked to see if I had a spark at the points. Idid, so I put everything back together. Ichecked that every plug and coil wire wasplugged in tightly. I tried to start the car - onceagain no result.Perhaps I had a defective cap and rotor, soI found the old ones I always keep in the partsbox [if you replace parts before they wear outcompletely, they become great emergencyaids] and used them as replacements. I carefullychecked the firing order [1-3-4-2] and???tried starting the car once more - and onceagain, no luck.Now, very wet and cold due to the lowtemperatures and high winds, I went into themotel room to defrost my hands. If I had aspark at the low-tension points, perhaps theproblem was in the high-tension end of theignition. That’s what produces the high voltagespark used by the plugs. The only piece leftwas the coil, but this seemed puzzling. Coilsusually show problems through electrical misfiresor “breaking down” under load. Carswith bad coils will often start, but notaccelerate. My car had been running quitefine. Still, what if the coil had a leak that permittedmoisture to enter during the intensestorm.I called <strong>Rover</strong>s North and spoke withArthur Patsouris, who confirmed that the coilcould be the problem. He suggested I removeit from the car and set it atop the heater in themotel room. That would dry it out. Themoment he said to “remove the coil” Iremembered that in the last issue ofthe <strong>Rover</strong>s North News, Dave Sangerhausenwrote of helping a stranded <strong>Rover</strong> owner withadvice on selecting the right type of ballastedcoil when forced to purchase one at a generalparts shop. I dug out my latest issue of the<strong>Rover</strong>s North News and thought of buying onewhen I remembered that I had a spare coil inmy parts box. I ran back outside into the miserablestorm and found the old coil. I pluggedin the ground wires to the correct terminalson the new/old coil, and pushed the coil wirefrom the distributor into the hole in the coil.I rested the unit on the valve cover andreached it to push the starter button. The carleapt to life.Coil failures are uncommon, and whenthey do foul, the symptoms are usually quitedifferent than what I experienced. Thisbecame a situation that when the likely solutionsfail, you must turn to the unlikely. Sincethe coil was the last piece left, it was worth thetry, but I have to admit, I would never haveturned to it first. My new coil is on the wayfrom <strong>Rover</strong>s North, so I should be fine for along time.2001 Club Events ScheduleJ u n e1 6 Series Only Ride, GAS o l a r o s( w w w. s o l a r o s . c o m )23 – 24 17th OVLR Birthday PartyOttawa, CN( w w w. o v l r. c o m )J u l y20 – 22 Land <strong>Rover</strong> EnthusiastBilling ShowBilling Aquadrome,Northhampton, UK( w w w. l a n d r o v e r e n t h u s i a s t . c o m )A u g u s t2 – 6 Solihull Society RallyNationals - Ouray, CO( w w w. s o l i h u l l s o c i e t y. o r g )9 – 11 Steens Mtn. Run - WAP a c i fic NW Coast <strong>Rover</strong> Club( w w w. p c r c . n e t )11 – 12 <strong>Rover</strong>fest 2001Killington, VTW C R C( w w w. l a n d r o v e r c l u b . c o m )17 – 20 4th Annual Unofficial Te l l i c oRally - Tellico, NC Solaros( w w w. s o l a r o s . c o m )S e p t e m b e r14 – 16 8th Annual AppalachianExpedition - Solaros( w w w. s o l a r o s . c o m )22 – 23 British InvasionStowe, VT*( w w w. b r i t i s h i n v a s i o n . c o m )* This years event has been moved todowntown Stowe and does NOT include atrails course. A full car show is still scheduled.<strong>Rover</strong>s North has decided NOT to participateat this year’s event due to the lackof a driving trials area.22 – 23 British InvasionStowe, VT*O c t o b e r5 – 6 Mid-Atlantic Rally - Vi r g i n i aR O AV ( w w w. r o a v. o r g )SecondAnnual Series1 Club MeetJune 22-24th, 2001Silver Lake, Ontario, CanadaThe Series One Club invites all Series OneLand <strong>Rover</strong> owners to our second gatheringin North America. This event will be in conjunctionwith the OVLR Birthday Party heldevery year in Silver Lake, Ontario. Thisthree day event consists of camping, offroaddriving, tailgate swap meet, and achance to socialize. The meet will be part ofthe OVLR event, and will have a Sundaybreakfast meeting to talk about futureevents, discuss problems unique to ourvehicles. Bring your <strong>Rover</strong> and have a goodtime. This may be a one time opportunity tosee so many Series Ones together in oneplace on this side of the Atlantic. The infoabout the event can be found at:www.ovlr.org/events.Accomodations can be found at theSilver Lake Motel and Provincial Park. TheSilver Lake Motel is located about a quartermile west of Silver Lake Provincial Park. Itis between the main Event site and theProvincial Park on the south side ofHighway 7. For reservations, telephone(613) 268-2511or visit http://www.ontarioparks.com/silvl.htmlFor more informationyou can call Tom Bache 1-610-268-8008 orEmail him at tbache9248@aol.com Toreceive a full information packet. We hopeto see you there!<strong>Rover</strong>s North thanks Land <strong>Rover</strong>Clubs throughout North Americafor the hard work and consider -able time that go into makingoff-road events possible. W einvite you to send us notices ofyour club’s upcoming events to:rovers@together.net .© 2001 <strong>Rover</strong>s North Inc • 1319 VT Route 128, Westford, Vermont 05494-9601, USA • 802.879.0032 • e-mail rovers@together.net • www. r o v e r s n o r t h . c o m

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