Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament


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3704 Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill 16 May 2009<br />

Subpart 2—Pacific and Minority Representation<br />

Guarantees representation and participation by Pacific and Minority groups by<br />

directing the Auckland Transition Agency to establish a Pacific Advisory Forum<br />

and an Ethnic Advisory Forum and allows the members of those forums to<br />

appoint one member each to hold a seat on the Auckland Council<br />

72<br />

(1) Directs the Auckland Transition Agency to establish a Pacific Advisory Forum,<br />

the members of which will be appointed by Councillors on Auckland Council in<br />

consultation with Pacific communities and pacific leaders based in the Auckland<br />

district<br />

(a) The Pacific Advisory Forum should—<br />

(i) appoint a representative to be a councillor on the Auckland Council:<br />

(ii) through its representative on the Auckland Council, advise the<br />

Auckland Council on issues of relevance to Pacific Communities:<br />

(b) The Pacific Advisory seat shall not be removed from the Auckland Council<br />

unless—<br />

(i) 75% of members of the Pacific Advisory Forum vote in favour of<br />

removing the seat.<br />

(2) Directs the Auckland Transition Agency to establish an Ethnic Advisory Forum,<br />

the members of which will be appointed by Councillors on Auckland Council in<br />

consultation with Ethnic communities and Ethnic leaders based in the Auckland<br />

district<br />

(a) The Ethnic Advisory Forum should—<br />

(i) appoint a representative to be a councillor on the Auckland Council:<br />

(ii) through its representative on the Auckland Council, advise the<br />

Auckland Council on issues of relevance to Ethnic communities:<br />

(b) The Ethnic Advisory seat shall not be removed from the Auckland Council<br />

unless—<br />

(i) 75% of members of the Ethnic Advisory Forum vote in favour of<br />

removing the seat.<br />

A party vote was called for on the question, That the amendment as amended be<br />

agreed to.<br />

Ayes 36<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Labour 25; Green Party 7; Māori Party 4.<br />

Noes 64<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> National 58; ACT <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> 5; United Future 1.<br />

<strong>New</strong> Part 5 as amended not agreed to.<br />

Clauses 1 and 2<br />

Hon RODNEY HIDE (Minister of Local Government): We are now making rapid<br />

progress on this bill, and we are up to the title clause and the commencement clause. I<br />

am sure that Opposition members will have some further suggestions on what the title<br />

might be, but the title, as it stands, and as recommended by the Government, is the<br />

Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill, which actually captures what the<br />

bill is about.<br />

I know that the commencement date has been contentious, because all the way<br />

through yesterday and today we heard no less a person than the deputy Leader of the<br />

Opposition, Annette King, tell us that the bill does not come into force until November<br />

next year. I am afraid that the Labour Opposition is wrong about that. This bill comes<br />

into force on the day after the date on which it receives the Royal assent, and I know<br />

there has been a bit of confusion about that.

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