Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament


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3698 Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill 16 May 2009<br />

There is another amendment in the name of Sue Kedgley to insert a new Part 4,<br />

“Transition Agency and Environmental Rights”. That amendment has been ruled out of<br />

order as it is outside the scope of the bill. The bill deals with governance, and not<br />

operational matters. There is another amendment in the name of Sue Kedgley to insert a<br />

new Part 4, “Transition Agency Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. This is ruled<br />

out of order as it is beyond the scope of the bill, as the bill deals with governance, and<br />

not operational matters. I have ruled that those amendments are out of order as they are<br />

outside the scope of the bill.<br />

KELVIN DAVIS (Labour): I raise a point of order, Mr Chairperson. Ka mōtinihia<br />

ahau kia whai rīpoata mō tō tātou kōkiri whakamua.<br />

[An interpretation in English was given to the House.]<br />

[I move that we report progress.]<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): Progress cannot be reported on a point of<br />

order.<br />

Schedules<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): The question is that the schedules stand<br />

part. [Interruption] There is no debate on schedules. The schedules are not debatable.<br />

We will go to the vote.<br />

Hon DARREN HUGHES (Senior Whip—Labour): I raise a point of order, Mr<br />

Chairperson. Because we are now moving to consideration of the schedules, I take it<br />

that all the additional parts that have been submitted by way of amendment have been<br />

ruled out of order by you—that the series that you have just ruled out were all the<br />

remaining parts that there were to be amendments.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): That is correct.<br />

Hon DARREN HUGHES: I also seek a second assurance. It was not while you<br />

were in the Chair, but there was an outburst from the Leader of the House directed at the<br />

Clerk’s Office. I just want an assurance that that outburst is not linked to the fact that,<br />

all of a sudden, every single amendment that created a new part has been ruled out. The<br />

convenience of that for the Government is not lost on the Opposition.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): Thank you. I am the sole judge of that. I<br />

can assure the member of the integrity of the Clerk’s Office and the hard work it has<br />

done over the last few days. I will be here to protect the Clerk’s Office at every<br />

opportunity, and I am the sole judge of such things. I heard that comment. I was not<br />

here, but I did hear that comment. Any criticism of the Clerk’s Office goes through the<br />

Chair, but I want to give you the assurance that I have full faith in the integrity of the<br />

way that the Clerk’s Office has been operating.<br />

Hon DARREN HUGHES (Senior Whip—Labour): I want to absolutely endorse<br />

those remarks. I think you would find that absolutely everyone in the Chamber shares<br />

those views. The Clerk’s Office has worked remarkably hard, and it has people of<br />

integrity and professionalism. That is why the Opposition objected so strongly to the<br />

way it was addressed by National’s Gerry Brownlee.<br />

My next point of order relates to the suspended amendment to insert a new Part 5,<br />

“Mechanisms to ensure representation of Maori, Pacific and Ethnic groups in the<br />

reorganisation of the Auckland Council”, which also deals with Asian representation in<br />

the Auckland super-city. That part was suspended by the Minister in charge of the bill,<br />

the Hon Rodney Hide. We have to take that before the preliminary clauses. I am just<br />

checking that you will do that after the schedules have been voted on. Is that your<br />


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