Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament


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3674 Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill 16 May 2009<br />

accept that this <strong>Parliament</strong> has a process that everybody, including the general public,<br />

has an opportunity to take part in, then she is just as guilty of a dictatorial attitude as the<br />

Minister in the chair, Rodney Hide, and as the Leader of the House, and as many of<br />

those members sitting on that side of the Chamber. The junior Government whip is<br />

waving the paper in the air. He knows I am right. There is a process issue at hand here.<br />

The people of Auckland have the right to have a say in what the Government has in<br />

mind for their future.<br />

CHRIS TREMAIN (Junior Whip—National): I move, That the question be now<br />

put.<br />

HONE HARAWIRA (Māori Party—Te Tai Tokerau): Tēnā koe e te Heamana.<br />

Tēnā koe, Mr Jones, e ngaro haere ana. Tēnā tātou katoa, tēnā koe Mita. Greetings to<br />

you, Mr Chairman, to my whanaunga, Mr Jones, and to Mita Ririnui, who has just<br />

spoken. Tēnā tātou, ’hakoa tangi ana taku ngākau, pau te kaha te rongohia i ngā kōrero<br />

kua puta mai i te māngai o taku whakanaunga, a Shane Jones, me te tautoko anō hoki a<br />

Mita Ririnui—although my heart grieves greatly to hear the words spoken by Shane<br />

Jones and supported by Mita Ririnui here today.<br />

Hon Trevor Mallard: I raise a point of order, Mr Chairman. Sincere apologies to<br />

the member, but I think there is a risk of this member being treated inequitably. He is<br />

providing his own translation and, therefore, he is not getting the benefit of the clock<br />

being stopped while that translation is occurring. If that were to continue, it would result<br />

in his speech being half the length of any other member’s speech.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): The member is entitled to have the clock<br />

stopped when he speaks in Māori—that is, if he provides his own translation.<br />

Hon Trevor Mallard: He has been.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): I understand. Thank you for bringing it to<br />

our attention. I ask the member to continue.<br />

HONE HARAWIRA: He pātai, he pātai. I have a question, Mr Chairman: me<br />

tīmatangia anō ahau? May I start again?<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): No. The member has spoken for well over<br />

1 minute, and we have stopped the clock. So I ask the member to continue.<br />

Hon Trevor Mallard: I raise a point of order, Mr Chairperson. The point I was<br />

making is that about half of that time was for translation, and the clock was not stopped<br />

for that.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): Thank you. I said that at the time, and we<br />

will take that into account.<br />

HONE HARAWIRA: Tēnā koe. Tangi ana taku ngākau i te mea, kua rongo ahau i<br />

te kōrero me te whakaaro o Shane Jones, e ōrite ana te tū o te Māori ki tērā a wētahi atu.<br />

Tangi ana taku ngākau ki tērā. I was very grieved to hear Shane Jones put forward the<br />

view that Māori are just like anybody else. Tangi ana taku ngākau i te mea, ehara mātou<br />

i te tangata e ōrite ana ki tētahi atu. I am grieved to hear Shane Jones say that, because<br />

we are not the same as everybody else. He tangata whenua mātou te iwi Māori. We are<br />

the people of this land. E rongo ana au i ngā kōrero mō Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, e rongo<br />

ana au i ngā kōrero mō wērā kei roto o Haina, me wērā atu o ngā rohe. I hear the call for<br />

representation from the Pacific peoples and from Asian people. Engari, kei hea te kōrero<br />

mō ngā Tararā, kei hea te kōrero mō Kenya, kei hea te kōrero mō Somalia, kei hea te<br />

kōrero mō ētahi atu? He whai pōti anake tēnei kaupapa. Kāre au i te whai<br />

rangatiratanga. Koi rā taku riri. Tēnā koe.

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