Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament


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16 May 2009 Local Government (Auckland Reorganisation) Bill 3673<br />

te iwi Māori. Nō reira, e Hone tēnā koe. Otirā, āhua hōhā ki tō tumuaki rā ki a Tariana,<br />

hara mai ki roto i te Whare i nanahi, ka tuku i tana wero ki ā mātou ka kī mai rā, ē, āhua<br />

taurekareka noa iho a kōtou kōrero e Reipa. Kai te tino whakahe ki tēnā wero i te mea<br />

rā, mātou o tēnei taha ka tuku wero ki te Kāwanatanga kia āta whakaarohia, kia āta<br />

whakarongo ki ngā nawe, ki ngā pōrarurarutanga kua horahia nei i roto i te Whare.<br />

Kīhai i te whakarongo. Nō reira, nāna nā Tariana i kī ai, ē, āhua taurekareka noa iho ngā<br />

wero, ngā kōrero katoa o te Rōpū Reipa. Ē, kai te tū a Reipa ki te tautoko i ngā iwi<br />

katoa o Tāmaki-makau-rau. Ko wai a ia ki te kī mai, kai te āhua korotake noa iho ngā<br />

kōrero?<br />

Hon Trevor Mallard: I raise a point of order, Mr Chairperson. We have not had the<br />

interpretation.<br />

The CHAIRPERSON (Lindsay Tisch): Well, I did pause. Is there to be a<br />

interpretation?<br />

[An interpretation in English was given to the House.]<br />

[Thank you, Mr Chairman. I rise to endorse the statements and the challenge set<br />

down by my colleague the Hon Shane Jones. He stood up in this House to support the<br />

matter in our midst. He stated that the authority of the Māori people of Auckland has<br />

been trampled upon. We are troubled by that, a matter that the person seated by you,<br />

the Minister of Local Government, created. Because of that, it is right that we challenge<br />

that side of the House, the Māori members of each party, and, indeed, all parties<br />

gathered here in this House, to stand up and express their views on the matter that is on<br />

the Table about the authority of Ngāti Whātua.<br />

As a descendant of Ngāti Whātua, I say that the authority of this one standing before<br />

you has been trampled upon. As a descendant of Tainui, as well, my authority has been<br />

trampled upon again. Kawerau-a-Maki’s authority, just like Pare Hauraki’s authority,<br />

has been trampled upon, because this bill states that in respect of this matter you<br />

collectively must remain silent. You have no authority at all. It has gone to smaller<br />

groups whose members are somewhat fair in colour and who will steal Auckland’s<br />

resources and sell them offshore. That is my reason for standing up.<br />

Trampled upon as well is the authority of the people of the Great Ocean of Kiwa, of<br />

the Pacific, those from Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Fiji, and all those islands. My<br />

challenge once again, therefore, is for Māori members of all political parties to stand<br />

up and oppose the matter on the Table. To the Minister seated at your side, Mr<br />

Chairman, Auckland at large is somewhat weary of him.<br />

And so I acknowledge the parties gathered here in this House. Be staunch and<br />

address us at length and in depth about Māori independence. Greetings to you, Hone. I<br />

find your leader Tariana a bit of a bore. She came into the House yesterday and stung<br />

us by saying: “Labour, all your challenges and talk amount to nothing.” We reject that<br />

taunt entirely, because we on this side are challenging the Government to really<br />

consider and think through the complaints and concerns being presented in the House.<br />

The Government is not listening. So for Tariana to say that all of Labour’s talk and<br />

challenges amount to nothing is being somewhat extreme. Labour is actually standing<br />

up in support of all the people in Auckland. Who is she to tell us that what we have<br />

stated is pointless?]<br />

Hon MITA RIRINUI: I thank the interpreter for his very close description of what I<br />

said.<br />

I would like to summarise one particular point. I was very offended—and I have to<br />

say this while Hone Harawira is in this Chamber—by the comments made by the Hon<br />

Tariana Turia yesterday. She came to this Chamber and described as vexatious Labour’s<br />

efforts to have the Government recognise the needs of the Auckland people and allow<br />

them to have a say in this process. That is absolutely ridiculous. If that member cannot

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