Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament

Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) - New Zealand Parliament


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16 May 2009 Local Government (Auckland Council) Bill 3737<br />

Hon GEORGE HAWKINS: There is “Baldrick” going on again, over there; I wish<br />

he would keep quiet.<br />

The people of Manukau will want to talk about their airport shares, and how the<br />

National Government stole their shares in the airport. At least I had the decency to sell<br />

the shares back to the Government when I was mayor.<br />

Let us have a look at the cost. How much will it cost? The Government is not<br />

worried about the cost, because it will not cost the Government; it will cost<br />

Aucklanders. It will cost the people who are losing their jobs, the people who are losing<br />

overtime. They are the ones who will pay for it. Do members think that the National<br />

Government cares?<br />

We have local mayors like Len Brown, who goes around schools and talks to kids,<br />

sings to kids, and provides leadership, but there will not be any of that from local<br />

boards. They will be chasing dogs, licensing brothels, etc. Calum Penrose is an<br />

excellent person, and he is the Mayor of Papakura. What is happening there? In<br />

Papakura, where there are some difficulties, the kids are asking “Aren’t we going to<br />

have a mayor?”. The kids realise it; the kids realise that leadership is important. They<br />

need someone to look up to. They do not need as their figurehead the janitor who looks<br />

after the local hall.<br />

In the end, I think that this Government has made a big mistake. The process of<br />

getting out and talking to people should have happened with the first bill and not the<br />

second, if the Government is sending only one to the select committee. The process<br />

should have happened with both of them, actually. But of course the rush is on. And the<br />

rush will be on to the polling booths to get rid of the Government that has stolen<br />

Auckland this May. The people will remember this time as the turn-round time.<br />

Hon JOHN CARTER (Associate Minister of Local Government): It is quite<br />

funny, is it not—I say this in response to what the Hon George Hawkins just said—but<br />

the last time I looked, Auckland was still there. So I do not know who stole it.<br />

It is ironic—and we often get some irony in this House—that for the last 3 days or<br />

more Opposition members have been saying to us that they actually support having one<br />

city in Auckland, but the reason they do not support the first bill is that we have not sent<br />

it to the select committee. Here we are now, with a bill that will go to the select<br />

committee, and Opposition members do not like it. They do not want people to have a<br />

say.<br />

I am pleased to support the Government and to support the Minister of Local<br />

Government, Rodney Hide, in the first reading of the Local Government (Auckland<br />

Council) Bill. It starts the process of consultation that we said we would give the people<br />

of Auckland. Most important, it allows the people of Auckland to tell us what they<br />

want. I know that it is unusual for the Labour Party to do this, but rather than our<br />

prescribing things and telling people about them afterwards or letting them have their<br />

say afterwards, we are going out there with an open book. We are saying: “Just inform<br />

us, and then we will see how we can accommodate that.” That is the very point.<br />

We hear rhetoric from those members all the time saying that we are doing it wrong,<br />

but I did not hear one speech that said: “Here is the alternative.”—not one speech.<br />

Opposition members did not tell us what they would have done if they had had the<br />

opportunity. It is a good thing that those members did not have the opportunity, because<br />

we would have got some more old granny State stuff instead of actually genuinely<br />

getting out there and listening to the people.<br />

That is what this bill will do. That is what this Government is about, what this Prime<br />

Minister is about, and what this Minister of Local Government is about. I am proud to<br />

support a Government that is doing those things. This is a great day for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>. It

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