December 2012 - Clark-Shawnee Local School District

December 2012 - Clark-Shawnee Local School District

December 2012 - Clark-Shawnee Local School District


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“Bulldog Beat” - Reid Primary and Middle <strong>School</strong><strong>December</strong> 2014 Phone: 328-5380/Fax: 328-5392ADMINISTRATIONMrs. Pamela YoungPrincipalMr. Robert WillmanAssistant PrincipalMs. Lynn LalandeGuidance CounselorHighly Qualified TeachersHave you ever wonderedwhere your child’s teacherswent to college? Where didthey learn their special skills?What were their areas ofconcentrated studies? Whichgraduate programs did yourchild’s teacher complete tobecome the professionaleducator they are today? NoCHILD LEFT BEHIND a federallylegislated schoolimprovement initiative,requires all schools to providethis information to parentswho ask for it.In the <strong>Clark</strong>-<strong>Shawnee</strong> <strong>Local</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, providing suchinformation is nothing new.We work hard to recruit andhire the strongest teachers.All of our faculty memberscontinue to attend seminars,workshops, and graduateclasses each year tostrengthen their teaching skillteaching skills. If you have anyquestions, feel free to ask us.We like to share good newsabout our staff!A note of thanks from: Mrs. Young, PrincipalAt Reid <strong>School</strong>, we are blessed with so many wonderful volunteers. Our PTOworks tirelessly to raise funds to buy educational materials, DARE T-shirts, computers,and anything else we ask them to support. We also have many Project MORE and KidsHOPE volunteers this year. These wonderful volunteers work with students in reading fora half hour each day. Kids HOPE volunteers also spend a half hour with students atrecess or lunch. These dedicated Project MORE Tutors and Kids Hope volunteers are:Chuck and Linda Hull, Deborah Holland, Glenda DeWitt, Johanna Anthony, JoyceBrown, Brent Paulus, Becky Bishop, Bonnie <strong>Clark</strong>, Larry Miller, Rich Silliman,Patti Arnold, Bernie Ross, Wilma Chadwell, Kim Hunt, Don Craig, Charles Morris,Elizabeth Thomas, Debbie Holland, Courtney Allen, Judy Schartz, Betty Flarida,Brittney Harris, and Wilma Chadwell. Subs: Carol Emerich, Ginger Blackburn,Jackie Juergens, Janelle McDorman, and Trudy Bucey.I would also like to thank Mrs. Womacks, our dedicated Librarian, for creating theschedule and helping the volunteers with this wonderful program.It’s a Busy Time of Year at ReidLost and FoundWOW! We have a verylarge number ofsweatshirts, coats,water bottles,lunchboxes and miscellaneousitems onthe tables outside thecafeteria!Also, stop by the officeif you have lost a pairof eyeglasses.Early Release DateStudents will be releasedearly on: Feb. 4; Hours onearly release days are:Grades 1-4 / 8:25-1:45Grades 5-8 / 9:05-2:20,Latchkey will open @1:45 p.m .EARLYRELEASEChristmas Spirit Day!Friday, <strong>December</strong> 19thFor students and staffWear your jeans and UGLYChristmas Sweater!Grade CardsGrade cards will be senthome with students.When? Grade cards gohome January 14, 2015.Where? In your child’sWednesday folder.What is it? Grade cards arean important tool to trackyour child’s progress.Please note; we can notsend home grade cards ifstudents owe fees.Created by: Gaybrielle Ray

TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” …On <strong>December</strong> 2nd at 7 p.m., the Third and Fourth Grade classes will be presenting “Twas the Night BeforeChristmas”, a mini-musical based on the famous poem by Clement <strong>Clark</strong>e Moore.Narrators are: Karlie Bowen, Danniel Rogers, Cole Ray, Jason Jones, Shelbey Mercer, Kaden Stevens, AllieKuntz, Camren Robbins, Morgan Burkitt, Melbanie Scott, Caden Parish, Ashlyn Jackson, Dillon Wooten, LaynaAdams, Kaden Wooten, Braden Greene, Chelsea Marks, Nick Hall, Sammi Riley, Rhett Sylvester, CaleighBlanton, Michael Moore, Krysta Newton, Landon Shelpman, Kaiden Snyder, Kayla Insley, Xavier Hines andCarsyn Owens.You won’t want to miss this talented production lead by Mrs. Ashley Hill, Reid <strong>School</strong>’s music teacher!Power of the PenOn Tuesday, <strong>December</strong> 16, our seventh and eighthgrade Power of the Pen team members will be competingat the Power of the Pen <strong>District</strong> Tournamentat <strong>Clark</strong> State Community College. Many otherschools are registered to compete at thetournament! Mrs. Darcy Leis coaches both teams.Congratulations to the following team members:Seventh grade: Katelyn Schoneberger, LayneRunyan, Genna Thompson, Mary Lyons, Maddy Rife,Olivia Warax and Arleigh Beckel.Eighth grade: Catie Cox, Lisa Pennington, NickHumphreys, Donovan Geer, Aspen Roesser, CoriShaw and Jessi Wooten. Tournament volunteers areKalyn Scott and Sam Stevens.The top fifty percent of writers at this tournamentwill advance to the regional tournament atWittenberg University in March 2015. Thebest of luck is wished by the students andstaff of Reid <strong>School</strong>!Reid <strong>School</strong> Book FairWOW! An amazing $5,000 was earnedat the recent Reid <strong>School</strong> Book Fair andwas received in free books for theclassrooms and the library!DECEMBER PTO NEWS…Christmas is just around the corner, and the PTOis busy gearing up for this holiday season. Wehave many things to share with you and hopethat you find them as useful as we do. But firstthe PTO would like to take this time to share ourheartfelt appreciation for all of the hard work ofour parents and that of our students who makeus so proud. May you and yours have a wonderfulHoliday Season and a Happy New Year!PTO PROJECTS:PTO has paid the first installment of our7th/8th grade laptops.Fifth grade will receive DARE T -shirts.We offer an enormous gratitude ofthanks to Mrs. Kerry Bauer and Mrs.Julie Jennings for coordinating theReid <strong>School</strong> Book Fair and the hugesuccess of this years book fair!Refreshments were given for GrandparentsDay.A special thank you to Toni Tayloe-Haddix forleading the nut sale. We made $4,000!Thank you to all parents!

The Giving Tree & Project Christmas Cheer…Hello Reid Families! It is time for our school’s 9th annual Giving Tree and Project ChristmasCheer. If you would like to choose a student ornament and help make a student’s Christmas alittle brighter please stop by our school office any time during school hours, sign the log bookwith your name and phone number included. When you choose an ornament it will list a shirtsize, pant size, shoe size and suggested toy or game the student would enjoy. Gifts should bewrapped with the ornament attached and dropped off at the Reid <strong>School</strong> Office byFriday, <strong>December</strong> 12, 2014.*All persons involved with this project will remain anonymous, whether you are giving or receiving. If youchoose a family ornament off of the tree, you can make a holiday food basket and attach the ornament to it.The baskets will be delivered the same time as the Giving Tree gifts. If you choose to make a donation, pleasemake checks payable to “Reid PTO” and enclose in an envelope, “Attention: Connie Zeigler, “Giving Tree”chairperson,” and note Giving Tree on the memo line of your check. Deliveries will be made the week beforeour Christmas break. Thank you for your continued support of Reid <strong>School</strong> and its students.Inclement Weather: Due to the onset of winter, students are strongly encouraged to wear winter coats, hats and gloves toschool as they will be going out for recess when the weather permits. Also, we are accepting donations of CLEAN and GENTLY usedsweatpants or jeans for both boys and girls, sizes 6 to 14. Your donations will be used for students who are in need of a change ofclothes during the school day. Parents are always welcome to send a change of clothes for their children as well.BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION PTO CONTESTThank you Reid students, parents and teachers. Our fall collection brought in a total of $520.50. Did youknow that you can shop online and get Box Tops points?If you are a Kroger shopper, you can double your profits by shopping after you register your Kroger PlusCard online. Visit the following link to obtain more information:http://www.rewardyourschool.com/Sites/General Mills Box Tops/Page/HomePage*Remember, you can submit Box Tops to your teacher throughout the year and notjust at collection time! For more information on Box Tops for Education and to sign upfor coupons, shop online and to participate in contests visit:http://www.boxtops4education.com/

<strong>December</strong> 2014Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1 2 3/4 GradeMusical 7 p.m. 3 4 5 67 8 9StringsConcert 7 p.m.10 11 BandConcert 7 p.m.12 1314 SHS CHOIRCONCERT WEAVERCHAPEL 6 P.M.15 DAREGRADUATION 2:30 p.m.16CHOIR CON-CERT SOUTH GATEBAPTIST CHURCH7 P.M.17 18 19 ChristmasSpirit Day! Last Day of<strong>School</strong> before break!2021 22 23 24 25MerryChristmas!26 2728 29 30 31Winter Break 12/22/2014—1/2/2015January 2015Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat1 NOSCHOOL2 NOSCHOOL34 5 Return toschool!6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 MLK,JRNO SCHOOL20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31

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