Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee


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2.5.2 In this instance Transportation Development Management have considered the applicationand recommend approval subject to conditions in the interest of road safety. The applicantadvised that there would be an average of 28 lorry movements, in and out, throughout the day.10 of these will be articulated lorries. It is anticipated that the raw material will come from withina 60km radius. It is recommended that visibility splays and off street parking are provided inaccordance with the current Fife Council Transportation Development Guidelines and 'DesigningStreets' Supplementary Guidance. It is noted that drawing no. BBL/IEE/03 illustrates 12 parkingspaces and that guidelines would dictate that 35 parking spaces are required by theTransportation development Guidelines, however, the applicant has advised a maximum ofseven operatives will be employed at the plant. As there is sufficient space within the applicationsite for the additional parking required, a planning condition is proposed to ensure the shortfall isprovided for within the site should the site transfer to another industrial process which is morelabour intensive, without needing to benefit from further planning consent.2.6 Air Quality2.6.1 Policy I1 of the Adopted Local Plan states that renewable energy developments will besupported provided that there is no significant adverse impact on local communities or the builtand natural environment. Fife Council's Protective Service's contaminated land team haveassessed the application and requested further information in terms of the number andclassification of vehicle movements associated with the facility during operation andspecifications should the facility be proposed with its own biomass unit for the drying of pelletsand/or the heating facility. It was confirmed that telehandler and fork-lift vehicles would be fittedwith appropriate exhausts and filters to maximise air quality and that, as the straw required forthe pellet production would arrive at predetermined moisture limits, therefore there is no dryingcycle and no requirement for a heating plant. Environmental Services have confirmed that theyare satisfied with no further comments to make. The proposal is therefore considered to beacceptable and would comply with the development plan in this regard.2.7 Drainage2.7.1 SPP (Flooding and Drainage), Policy SS1 of the Approved Fife Structure Plan, Policies I4and I5 of the Adopted Local Plan state that developments will not be supported if they wouldincrease the risk of flooding, nor will they be supported if sustainable urban drainage systems(SUDS) or other similar appropriate measures are not undertaken. Policy I3 of the AdoptedLocal Plan states that developments should not place unacceptable demands on publicinfrastructure including drainage systems. The applicant has submitted a drainage assessmentwhich concludes that there should be no issues in terms of flooding of the proposeddevelopment, or downstream as a result of the development. SUDS treatment is outlined asfilter trenching and permeable surfacing.2.7.2 SEPA has been consulted on the application and responded to note that the applicantintends to make provision for the sustainable drainage of water (SUDS) but it has not beenconfirmed in detail how this would be achieved. SEPA are therefore recommending that in orderfor them to support the application a condition to request full details of a finalised SUDS schemeshould be attached to any planning permission. Fife Council's Structural Services have alsoassessed the application and following the receipt of additional information have advised thatdetailed development proposals for the surface water drainage and SUDS provisions within thedevelopment site must be submitted, it is considered that a planning condition would beacceptable in this case. Following the addition of such a condition, the application would complywith the development plan with regard to water and drainage issues.6

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