Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee


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2.5.5. The proposals, subject to appropriate conditions, are therefore considered to comply withdevelopment plan policies and Fife Council Guidelines.2.6 Road Safety2.6.1 Policy T1 of the Approved Structure Plan advises that development proposals must beaccessible to public or be made accessible to the existing or planned public transport networkand is located where road network capacity is or can be made available. Policy T1 of theAdopted Local Plan has similar provisions to the Structure Plan policy whilst Policy T2 of theAdopted Local Plan advises that car parking requirements, turning areas, visibility splays andother detailed road matters should meet the design standards adopted by Fife Council.2.6.2 Objections have been raised by residents regarding road safety issues in particular theaccess from Lorne Court and parking issues. Transportation Development Management (TDM)have been consulted and have no objections to the application subject to the imposition ofconditions relating to visibility splays, access to be a minimum of 5.5m, off-street parking, turningarea and roadside boundary markers. Revised drawings have been submitted showing 28parking bays.2.7 Day/Sunlight/Privacy2.7.1 Fife Council's <strong>Planning</strong> Customer Guidelines on Daylight and Sunlight (2010)complements the aforementioned policies in section 2.4.1 by advocating that the design ofresidential environments must seek to ensure that adequate levels of natural light can beachieved within new dwellinghouses and unacceptable impacts on light to nearby properties areavoided. The units have been designed so as not to affect the privacy of neighbouringproperties around the site.CONSULTATIONSTransportation Development ManagementEP+PS - Public And EnvironmentalProtectionApprove with conditionsConcerns regarding odour and noise from hotfood unit, external lighting, construction anddelivery issues and recommended conditions.REPRESENTATIONS6 representations have been received in relation to this planning application 1 letter makinggeneral comments signed by 5 other neighbouring dwellings and 5 objecting on the followinggrounds;- Road Safety- Night disturbance form Hot Food Takeaway, particularly access problems- Potential for increased criminal activity due to building being adjacent 202 Caskieberran Roadand access between the properties.- Anti-social behaviour from visitors to the hot food- Potential for anti-social behaviour during late hot food opening hours- Increase in adverse Odours from Hot food unit - The type of fast food being sold- Litter- Noise from taxis14

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