Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee

Central Planning Committee


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DrainDrainEl Sub Sta17FARADAY ROADEl Sub Sta1211Tank20211013TankEl Sub Sta8a7b7a68bSouthfield Industrial EstateFife Food CentreWHITWORTH ROAD82.1mSub El StasFARADAYROAD3176.1m30El Sub Sta77.7mROADRUTHERFORD76.3mLBWB TanksTankTank Sub ElSta78.3m78.4m78.9mWHITWORTHROUNDABOUTTankSub ElStaASHLEY ROADTank75.8m343332Tank5 3 1El SubStaWHITWORTH ROADTrackDrainDrainDrainEl Sub StaEl Sub StaDrainDrainHedgehogs CottageDrainStorm WaterPondDrainPondLochty BurnDrainReproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO.© Crown copyright and database rightAll rights reserved.Ordnance Survey Licence number 100023385.Application Ref: 12/04322/FULLAddress:Land To West OfWhitworth RoadGlenrothesFife2013.DrainApplication Boundary±Scale 1:5,0000 50 100 150 200 250MetresPlot file created on 21/03/2013 by KWalkerProduced using Fife Council Corporate GIS9

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