discop link • #11

discop link • #11 discop link • #11


content report60 YEARS AFTER, THEVOICES OF THE EXODUSBy Françoise LazardAs the 60 th anniversary of the creation of Israel approaches, two youngIsraeli film makers are getting ready to release a unique film on the threeheroes of the tragic odyssey of the EXODUS 1947 boat and its 4,515refugees. Co-produced by Israel's Channel 8, DISPLACED is distributedthroughout Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia by Paris-basedIDEAS FOR FILMS who will be represented at DISCOP 08.At the end of World War 2, the fateof the quarter of million ‘JewishDisplaced Persons’ living in camps inGermany, Austria and Italy was stillunclear. Many of them were at thevery end of their strength, dying everyday from exhaustion and diseases.Some Jews were able to reachPalestine, many by way of dilapidatedships. Between August 1945 and theestablishment of the State of Israel inMay 1948, 65 ‘illegal’ immigrantships, carrying 70,000 people arrivedfrom European shores despite increasinglyharsh immigration policiesimposed by the British.From August 1946, Holocaustsurvivors caught in ‘illegal’ ships weredeported to Cyprus and interned thereon the basis of considerations ofPalestine's economic absorptive capacity,but very quickly, the Britishauthorities strengthened their positionagainst the partition of Palestineinto two states and decided from thenDISPLACED will be available formid-April 2008 delivery, in time to beprogrammed on any TV channel interestedin commemorating the 60thanniversary of the creation of Israel.More information and a trailer can beobtained by contacting FrançoiseLAZARD / IDEAS FOR FILMSfrancoiselazard@ideas4film.comT + 33 1 45 51 42 54.Ike AHARONOVICHon to send ‘illegal’ immigrants back totheir port of embarkation in Europeinstead of deporting them to Cyprus.The 4,515 passengers of theEXODUS 1947 (a worn out boat soldas scrap) including 655 children,most of them German and Polish survivors,were the first group of Jewishrefugees to be shipped back to Europeunder this new policy.As the heroic commanders of theEXODUS 1947, Ike AHARONOVICH,Yossi HAREL and Mordechai ROZ-MAN played a significant role in thecreation of Israel and in the diplomaticswing of sympathy towards the tens ofthousands of ‘Displaced Jewish Refugees’with no ‘future’ in sight.60 years later, DISPLACED is thefilmed account of a formidable intimacycarefully built over two challengingyears between these three solitary‘heroes’ and two young, award-winning,Israeli filmmakers, both of themdescendents of Holocaust survivors,who found, thanks to these encounters,a chance to tell the importantstory of the EXODUS in a different way.At a time when historians wonderwhether there is really anything of sig-18 DISCOP LINK #11 NOVEMBER 07

content reportnificance left to say about the creationof Israel, DISCPLACED is all the moreremarkable as the film concentrateson the inner thoughts and the constantself-examination and soulsearchingprocesses of these threeheroes on the Eve of Israel's 60 th birthday,rather than providing a documentedaccount of the EXODUSodyssey.DISPLACED also provides anamazing account of the unique lessonsthat were learned in these powerful,but terrible times.Nevertheless, throughout thefilm, billboards appear at times tounderline and simply explain the chronologyof the events that took place.This is a voluntary understatement ofthe historical facts in order to betterenter the lives and minds of Yossi,Mordechai and Ike as they approachthe end of their lives.Frontal interviews have not beenprivileged. Rather, the camera followstheir respective day to day routine andsoon enough, the personal tragediesto which they are still confronted, thequestions related to the faith of theEXODUS that continue to haunt them,the gap between their dreams asyoung immigrants and the hardshipsthat current day Israel holds, emergeas the retaining backbone of this film.At 84, Ike, the captain of the EXO-DUS, looks likes a character out ofPRIZZI'S HONOR. Three years ago, hiswife passed away after severe depression.He made fortunes and lost themYossi HARELDISCOP LINK #11 NOVEMBER 07Mordechai ROZMANall, and today, Ike lives alone in a housebuilt as a ship. He spends most of histime dreaming about the love of hisyouth whom he has not seen in 60years.Mordechai, 89, was the leader ofthe EXODUS refugees. He is half paralyzedand has difficulties breathing,but his speech and his witty mind arestill fascinating. Mordechai livesalone, penniless, in an abandoned Kibbutz,far away from one of his sonswho left Israel many years ago tobecome a Silicon Valley entrepreneur.Yossi, 88, the man in charge ofthe entire EXODUS operation, was thehealthiest of the triumvirate until veryrecently. He made millions dealingwith Art and now lives in a beautifulhouse that overlooks the Mediterraneansea.After keeping away from eachother for many years, Ike, a chainsmoker weighing less than 45 kilos,and Mordechai, nicknamed ‘TheOrator’ on the EXODUS, started tomeet again as if no time had passed,ready to argue again!Yossi prefers to stay afar from theother two. However, he is often immersedin lucid self-examination processes,somehow expecting Ike andMordechai to fuel the ‘discussion’ withtheir numerous conflicting points ofviews!All images of Ike, Yossi andMordechai have been shot in Israelexclusively and no more than 10 interviewsof key witnesses based inFrance and in the United States will beintertwined with these images.The simple structure of the filmenhances the feel of intimacy as theseinterviews punctuate DISPLACED witha simple and chronological account ofthe EXODUS odyssey.No archival material has beenused, except at the end of the film:The grainy black-and-white footageof DISPLACED JEWISH REFUGEESaboard the EXODUS that will be usedwill look like any other home movietaken on a cruise ship with passengerswaving and leaning on the boatrailing, despite the fact that this wasno ordinary cruise. }19

content report60 YEARS AFTER, THEVOICES OF THE EXODUSBy Françoise LazardAs the 60 th anniversary of the creation of Israel approaches, two youngIsraeli film makers are getting ready to release a unique film on the threeheroes of the tragic odyssey of the EXODUS 1947 boat and its 4,515refugees. Co-produced by Israel's Channel 8, DISPLACED is distributedthroughout Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia by Paris-basedIDEAS FOR FILMS who will be represented at DISCOP 08.At the end of World War 2, the fateof the quarter of million ‘JewishDisplaced Persons’ living in camps inGermany, Austria and Italy was stillunclear. Many of them were at thevery end of their strength, dying everyday from exhaustion and diseases.Some Jews were able to reachPalestine, many by way of dilapidatedships. Between August 1945 and theestablishment of the State of Israel inMay 1948, 65 ‘illegal’ immigrantships, carrying 70,000 people arrivedfrom European shores despite increasinglyharsh immigration policiesimposed by the British.From August 1946, Holocaustsurvivors caught in ‘illegal’ ships weredeported to Cyprus and interned thereon the basis of considerations ofPalestine's economic absorptive capacity,but very quickly, the Britishauthorities strengthened their positionagainst the partition of Palestineinto two states and decided from thenDISPLACED will be available formid-April 2008 delivery, in time to beprogrammed on any TV channel interestedin commemorating the 60thanniversary of the creation of Israel.More information and a trailer can beobtained by contacting FrançoiseLAZARD / IDEAS FOR FILMSfrancoiselazard@ideas4film.comT + 33 1 45 51 42 54.Ike AHARONOVICHon to send ‘illegal’ immigrants back totheir port of embarkation in Europeinstead of deporting them to Cyprus.The 4,515 passengers of theEXODUS 1947 (a worn out boat soldas scrap) including 655 children,most of them German and Polish survivors,were the first group of Jewishrefugees to be shipped back to Europeunder this new policy.As the heroic commanders of theEXODUS 1947, Ike AHARONOVICH,Yossi HAREL and Mordechai ROZ-MAN played a significant role in thecreation of Israel and in the diplomaticswing of sympathy towards the tens ofthousands of ‘Displaced Jewish Refugees’with no ‘future’ in sight.60 years later, DISPLACED is thefilmed account of a formidable intimacycarefully built over two challengingyears between these three solitary‘heroes’ and two young, award-winning,Israeli filmmakers, both of themdescendents of Holocaust survivors,who found, thanks to these encounters,a chance to tell the importantstory of the EXODUS in a different way.At a time when historians wonderwhether there is really anything of sig-18 DISCOP LINK <strong>•</strong> <strong>#11</strong> <strong>•</strong> NOVEMBER 07

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