2 Mechanics - Pearson Global Schools

2 Mechanics - Pearson Global Schools

2 Mechanics - Pearson Global Schools

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Efficiency is defined as:Efficiency has no units.Efficiency is a scalar quantity.useful work out_____________energy put inIt is worth noting here that due to the law of conservation of energy, the efficiencycan never be greater than 1.Worked exampleA box of mass 10 kg is pulled along the floor for 2 m by a horizontal force of 50 N.If the frictional force is 20 N, what is the efficiency of the system?Solution50 N20 NThe work done by the pulling force force distance 50 2 100 JThe unbalanced force on the box 50 20 30 NSo the work done on the box 30 2 60 JThis work is exchanged to the box and increases its KE.Work done against friction 20 2 40 JSo work in 100 J and total work out 60 40 100 JEfficiency _____________useful work out ___ 60work in 100 0.6Expressed as a percentage, this is 60%.Exercise50 A motor is used to lift a 10 kg mass 2 m above the ground in 4 s. If the power input to the motoris 100 W, what is the efficiency of the motor?51 A motor is 70% efficient. If 60 kJ of energy is put into the engine, how much work is got out?52 The drag force that resists the motion of a car travelling at 80 km h 1 is 300 N.(a) What power is required to keep the car travelling at that speed?(b) If the efficiency of the engine is 60%, what is the power of the engine?2.10 Uniform circular motionAssessment statements2.4.1 Draw a vector diagram to illustrate that the acceleration of a particlemoving with constant speed in a circle is directed towards the centreof the circle.2.4.2 Apply the expression for centripetal acceleration.2.4.3 Identify the force producing circular motion in various situations.2.4.4 Solve problems involving circular motion.57

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