FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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PILGRIMAGE OF BAL VIKASCHILDREN OF DELHI - NCRAGROUP OF BAL VIKAS CHILDRENof Delhi-National Capital Regionalong with their parents and Guruscame on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayamfrom 25th to 29th December 2009. 85 ofthese Bal Vikas children presented a danceand music programme in the Divine PresenceBal Vikas children. Meanwhile, Prasadamblessed by Bhagavan was distributed to all. Atthe conclusion of Bhajans, Bhagavan blessedthe children and posed for group photos withthem. He also materialised a gold chain for oneof the children. The programme which startedat 5.10 p.m. came to a close at 5.55 p.m. withArati to Bhagavan.PILGRIMAGE OF INDONESIANDEVOTEESBal Vikas children of Delhi-National CapitalRegion presenting a beautiful Rajasthani danceon 29th December 2009.of Bhagavan on 29th December 2009. Theprogramme started with a beautiful song anddance by Bal Vikas boys in praise of LordGanesh which was followed by a song anddance by Bal Vikas girls, describing the glory ofBhagavan. The next item was a Rajasthani songand dance by Bal Vikas boys who performedwith gusto in their colourful Rajasthani dress.The last song and dance performed by BalVikas girls conveyed the message of unity ofmankind as taught by Bhagavan. This wasfollowed by Bhajans which were also led byMore than 400 devotees came to PrasanthiNilayam on a pilgrimage from Indonesia from16th to 30th December 2009 and experiencedthe bliss of Bhagavan’s proximity. On 30thDecember 2009, a group of these devoteespresented a music programme in the DivinePresence of Bhagavan. The programme beganat 5.15 p.m. with prayer to Lord Ganesh whichwas followed by fi ve devotional songs by theladies singers. All the songs were marked bythe melody of singing and deep devotion of thesingers. This was followed by Bhajans whichwere led by both ladies and gents singers. AtDevotees of Indonesia presented a programme ofdevotional music surcharged with deep devotionon 30th December 2009.38 February <strong>2010</strong>

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