FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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expressed gratitude to Bhagavan for Hiscontinued guidance in the sports events andthe large number of costly prizes which werebeing awarded to students. Prof. Pandit alsoannounced amidst a thunderous applause ofthe gathering that Bhagavan was immenselypleased with the performance of PrimarySchool students. After the conclusion of Prof.the students of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus ofthe university.Mrityunjaya: A DramaThe drama began at 7.05 p.m. with abeautiful dance by the students in worshipof Lord Siva. As the name of the drama“Mrityunjaya” (victory over death) suggested,the theme of the drama was man’s yearningfor immortality. The drama fi rst portrayedrelevant incidents from the life of Ravana whoworshipped Lord Siva to attain immortalitywith the selfi sh motive of ruling over earthand heaven. Thereafter, the drama depictedthe story of Markandeya who worshippedLord Siva with total dedication without anydesire for fruits. Lord Siva granted the boonof immortality to both. However, Ravana lostit because of his ego and Markandeya got itwithout asking for it. The drama, in this way,taught the valuable lesson that total devotionand surrender to the Lord was the only way toThe students of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Primary Schoolreceiving trophy from Bhagavan.Pandit’s speech, Bhagavan awarded trophiesto the students of all educational institutionswhich participated in the sports and culturalevents and blessed a large number of gold andsilver medals as well as prizes for distribution tothe students. Bhagavan also distributed prizesto Primary School students with His DivineHands. In their brief speeches that followedprize distribution, three faculty members ofthe university, viz., Dr. Pallav Baruah, Dr. SivaShankar <strong>Sai</strong> and Dr. T. Ravikumar expresseddeep gratitude to Bhagavan for giving bountifulprizes to students and for His valuableguidance during the course of the preparationsfor sports and cultural events. This grandfunction concluded with a drama enacted byA scene from the drama “Mrityunjaya” enacted bythe students of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus of theuniversity on 14th January <strong>2010</strong>.immortality. Excellent dances of the students,thrilling music and powerful dialogues madethe drama an impressive presentation. At theconclusion of the drama, Bhagavan blessedthe students and posed for group photos withthem. The programme came to a close withArati to Bhagavan at 8.15 p.m.56 February <strong>2010</strong>

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