FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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university and released bunches of balloonsand a few white pigeons. The participantswere then administered the oath to take partin the sports events in fair competition for theglory of sports and their Beloved Bhagavan.Thereafter, Bhagavan lighted the sports torchwhich was carried by a mascot in the shape ofa swan to the hill top where it lighted the sportsurn.Daring Feats of Brindavan CampusStudentsThe sports events began with the performanceof Brindavan Campus students. Commencingwith the portrayal of ten incarnations of God,they celebrated the Advent of Bhagavan <strong>Sri</strong>A vibrant Bhangra dance by the students ofBrindavan Campus of the University delightedone and all.<strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Baba as the Avatar of Kali Yugawith a beautiful dance and followed it up witha vibrant Bhangra dance. Their next item wasa rhythmic group dance which they performedwith perfect synchronisation. After this, theyshowed their skill in equestrian events byhandling horses which crossed many types ofhurdles with consummate ease. But their mostbreathtakingly stunning event was stunts onmotorbikes. The spectators held their breathwhen motorbike riders criss-crossed each otherat blinding speed and when they jumped nearlysix metres high in the air. They concluded theirdisplay with a wonderful pyramid formation onDaredevilry of the students of Brindavan Campuswas demonstrated in their motorbike stunts.motorbikes. At the end of their performance,all the students made a beautiful formation infront of Santhi Vedika and offered salutationsto Bhagavan.Display of Balance, Rhythm and Acumenby Prasanthi Nilayam StudentsThe next performance came from thePrasanthi Nilayam Campus and <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Higher Secondary School. Before commencingtheir sports events, they brought before SanthiVedika a giant idol of Lord Subramanya whichthey themselves had prepared. This formed thebackdrop of their display. Their events includedThe students of <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sathya</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> Higher SecondarySchool making a colourful formation. The giant idolof Lord Subramanya is seen in the background.52 February <strong>2010</strong>

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