FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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divinity is present in all names and forms. Thissignifi es the oneness of the entire creation.Purity of Heart is Essential to RealiseGodMind is the root cause of everything good andbad. That is why it has been said, Manah EvaManushyanam Karanam Bandhamokshayo(mind is the cause of bondage and liberation ofWhen you see the world with worldly feelings,you see only the world or Prakriti. On the otherhand, if you see the world with divine feelings,you see it as the manifestation of God.Mind is one but it assumes differentforms. What is the reason? Depending onthe types of Sankalpas (thought currents),its form undergoes change. Whatever formMan’s intelligence is below senses,whereas the divine principle is beyondsenses. Therefore, God has to comein human form to establish intimaterelationship with man, to be closerto him, to talk to him and ultimatelyto grant him the direct experience ofdivinity. For example, if God comesdown in the form of Vishnu withconch, discus, mace and lotus inHis hands, man will not be able toestablish close relationship with Him.Such a form is not natural for humanbeings. Therefore, it is necessary thatGod comes in human form so thatman can have intimate relationshipwith Him in a natural way. That is whyGod descends on earth in human formto develop divinity in man.man). I have told the example of lock and keymany times to the children. When you turn thekey towards right side, the lock opens. Whenyou turn it to the left side, it closes. Both the lockand the key are the same. But the difference liesonly in the turning. Heart is the lock and mindis the key. When you turn your mind towardsGod, you develop detachment. When you turnit towards the world, you develop attachment.it assumes, mind has to act in accordancewith it. Its action cannot be at variance withits form. For example, there was a great actorby name Nagayya. Once he enacted the roleof Thyagayya. After assuming the role ofThyagayya, he should act like Thyagayya. Onthe other hand, if he acts like Nagayya afterassuming the role of Thyagayya, people arelikely to pelt stones at him. He may be NagayyaFebruary <strong>2010</strong> 47

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