FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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Baba got up and placed his hands onNana’s eyes. When Nana opened his eyes,he could see his past life. However, Nana wasnot convinced and said to Baba, “I am able tosee only my past. Should I not be able to seeyour past also?” Then Baba touched his owneyes fi rst and thereafter touched Nana’s eyes.After this, Nana could clearly see who he wasand who Baba was in the past. Immediately,he prostrated before Baba and said, “Baba!Out of my ignorance, I have behaved foolishly.We mortals act as if we know everything when,in fact, we know nothing. On the other hand,you act as if you do not know anything thoughyou know everything.” This is the differencebetween God and man. Man behaves as ifhe has all the knowledge without knowinganything, whereas God has all the knowledgebut behaves as if He knows nothing. Godappears to be knowing nothing and doingnothing but He does everything and attractseverybody. This is the difference betweenDeva and Jiva (God and man). In order tounderstand this truth, one should developsteady mind, sacred feelings and unwaveringvision. Do not give room to doubts under anycircumstances. Do not be bogged down anddepressed by doubts. At the same time, donot be elated when you receive God’s grace.Maintain equanimity in both the situations. Youcan attain this state only when you have totalfaith in God.Man can Experience God when HeComes in Human FormGod comes down on earth in human form.It is not possible for man to come close toHim when He assumes any form other thanthat of a human being. Purandaradasa said,“People offer sugar candy, do Pradakshina(circumambulation) and offer their salutationsMan is deluded when he sees God inhuman form. He thinks, “How can Godbe like this in human form? He is movingand talking like an ordinary humanbeing. How can God do like this? Heis supposed to be of transcendentalnature.” If you cannot understand Godwhen He comes in human form, how canyou understand the transcendental divineprinciple? That is impossible. Either youshould rise to the level of God or Godshould come down to your level. Onlythen can there be intimate relationshipbetween the two.to the stone idol of a snake. But when they seea snake, they throw stones at it and try to harmit.” God incarnates on earth in human formto provide opportunity to man to redeem hislife through Sameepya, Sarupya and Sayujya(proximity, identity and merger). Man can comeclose to God only when He is in human form.Man has the intelligence to understand anotherman and not God. Due to this limitation of hisintelligence, man can experience God onlywhen He comes down in human form. Man’sintelligence is below senses, whereas thedivine principle is beyond senses. Therefore,God has to come in human form to establishintimate relationship with man, to be closer tohim, to talk to him and ultimately to grant himthe direct experience of divinity. For example,if God comes down in the form of Vishnu withconch, discus, mace and lotus in His hands, manwill not be able to establish close relationshipwith Him. Such a form is not natural for humanbeings. Therefore, it is necessary that GodFebruary <strong>2010</strong> 45

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