FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

FEBRUARY 2010 - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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considered him even a madcap. He appearedas fakir to those who considered him a fakirand as madcap to those who thought him tobe so. While laughing like this, Baba said,“Oh Kulkarni, come here.” Kulkarni was oneof those persons who lived with Baba. WhenKulkarni asked Baba what his command was,Baba took out two coins from his pocket andgave them to him, saying, “Go and bringNanasaheb Chandorkar with you.” Nana wasa Tahsildar. In those days, Tahsildar wasconsidered a very high offi cer. It was Tahsildarwho decided all revenue matters. Apart fromholding such a high post, Nana was also wellversedin Sanskrit. Besides being a high offi cerand a great scholar, he had a very impressivepersonality also. Because of all these, he wasvery proud.When Kulkarni went there, Nana asked him,“What brings you here?” Kulkarni said, “Babais calling you.” Enraged at this, Nana said tohim, “Fie on you! Don’t you have sense? I ama Tahsildar and a great scholar. If any fakircalls me, shall I go to him? Do you want meto go to a fakir? Go away from here.” WhenKulkarni informed Baba about the refusal ofNana, Baba asked him to go again and bringhim. In fact, Baba started shouting like a madman, “I want to see Nana, I want to see Nana.”Kulkarni was perplexed and thought, “What isthis! Nana is insulting me also. How come Babahas so much love for such a proud person thathe is asking me again and again to bring him?”Kulkarni went to Nana again, caught hold ofhis feet while shedding tears and pleaded withhim, “Baba wants to see you and you haveto come.” At last, Nana relented and said toKulkarni, “I will come for your sake and notfor Baba. I have nothing to do with him andthere is no need for me to see him.” KulkarniI have told the example of lock and keymany times to the children. When youturn the key towards right side, the lockopens. When you turn it to the left side, itcloses. Both the lock and the key are thesame. But the difference lies only in theturning. Heart is the lock and mind is thekey. When you turn your mind towardsGod, you develop detachment. When youturn it towards the world, you developattachment. When you see the world withworldly feelings, you see only the worldor Prakriti. On the other hand, if you seethe world with divine feelings, you see itas the manifestation of God.pleaded again, “Please accept my prayer anddo come.”Nana came to Shirdi and asked Baba, “Whyhave you called me here? Do I have anythingto do with you? I am a high offi cer and youare just a fakir. I have nothing to do with youand you have nothing to do with me.” Babacame near him and said, “Sit down. So muchexcitement and pride is not good. I don’t loseanything because of your pride. Only you willbe the loser. Be calm, I will tell you something.”When Nana sat down, Baba said to him, “Inthis birth, we have no relationship with eachother. But in previous births, there was anintimate relationship between us. On accountof this relationship, I wanted to see you.” Atthis, Nana was all the more enraged, “What isthis? When we have nothing to do with eachother in the present, why do you talk about ourpast relationship? Nobody knows what hashappened in the past. I don’t have faith in suchmatters.”44 February <strong>2010</strong>

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