Character Sketch

Character Sketch

Character Sketch

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<strong>Character</strong> <strong>Sketch</strong>Because “By the Waters of Babylon” and “The Tell-TaleHeart” are written from the first-person point of view, thereader’s knowledge of John and the narrator are limited totheir words and actions.Directions: Write a character sketch of John or the narrator from yourown point of view. Before you write, gather details about them fromthe story that will help bring them to life. You may have to infermany details. Begin with an introduction that makes a fewgeneralizations about the character. Then elaborate on eachgeneralization in paragraphs.Criteria: Introduction that makes generalizations Go in-depth with character:o Ageo Personalityo Habitso Backgroundo Likes/Dislikes Cite details and events from the story for support Use proper grammar and mechanics Uses appropriate language 2 pages in length

<strong>Character</strong> <strong>Sketch</strong>RubricIntroduction(x2)Descriptionof character(x2)Support(x2)Use ofLanguageGrammarPage LengthIntroduction isstrong; includesgeneralizationsabout character4 3 2 1Introduction is Introductionpresent; includes someincludes generalizationsgeneralizations about characterabout characterSuccessfully goesin-depth withdescription;clearly covers allaspects ofcharacterContains richdetails that shapevivid characters;clearly elaboratesan insightDemonstratesexcellent sentenceand vocabularyvarietyContains noerrors ingrammar,punctuation, andspellingMeets requiredpage lengthGoes in-depthwithdescription;covers allaspects ofcharacterContains detailsthat developcharacter;elaborates aninsightDemonstratesadequatesentence andvocabularyvarietyContains fewerrors ingrammar,punctuation,Includes somedescription;covers someaspects ofcharacterContains somedetails; slightlyelaborates aninsightDemonstratesrepetitive use ofsentencestructure andvocabularyContains someerrors ingrammar,punctuation,No introduction;does not includegeneralizationsabout characterDoes not go indepthwithdescription; doesnot cover allaspects ofcharacterContains few orno details thatdevelop acharacter; doesnot elaborate aninsightDemonstratespoor use oflanguage &generatesconfusionContains manyerrors ingrammar,punctuation, andspellingand spelling and spelling--------------------- -------------------- Does not meetrequired pagelength

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