McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide


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4Using <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP DiscoverOptimizing scanning with data classification5 Type in the Host Name or IP address of the database server.6 Click Save.The certificate be uploaded to the <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Discover appliance and stored in the TrustStore ofthe database crawler, and its identifying characteristics will appear in the Edit SSL Certificate window.After you have added the certificate and saved the task, you can start it. If the certificate matches theexported from the database, the crawler will start.Troubleshooting the SSL certificateIf the crawl fails to validate the certificate, you can log on as root to the <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Discoverappliance to examine the certificates in the TrustStore.Change directory to /data/stingray/python, then view the contents of the certificate file by runningthis command:# ./certificate_ct1.py LISTYou can match up the information in this file to the Certificate Details pane of the Edit SSL Certificate window.Optimizing scanning with data classificationThe <strong>Data</strong> Classification feature sorts crawled data into different content types and evalutes the likelihoodof potential rule violations before they are reported. That knowledge can be used to create newprotection strategies and optimized, more effective scans.This feature is not available for database scanning, but you can create an inventory scan for thedatabase to estimate the size and its schema structure.Without enough information about the characteristics of data in a repository, constructing a protectionstrategy for the data involves trial and error. Sensitive data might be sampled with different types ofcrawls, and trial runs might be done using different combinations of rules and policies.<strong>Data</strong> Classification uses an OLAP data model to obviate the need for such time‐consuming tactics,producing comprehensive and useful information so that new strategies can be devised and significantresults can be retrieved more quickly.Once data has been classified for use in optimized scans, OLAP tools can be used to manipulate andrecord it.How <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Discover uses OLAP<strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Discover databases are configured to use Online Analytical Processing, a data model thatenables processing of metadata at rapid rates from many different viewpoints. The process createsmultidimensional relationships between data values.When <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Discover scans a file system repository, each value, or hypercube, is compared tomany others in the database. A web of relationships between data values produces previouslyunknown data patterns that can be used to protect data at rest quickly and more effectively.When an optimized Discover scan is run after data has been classified and stored in amultidimensional OLAP database, new knowledge about the data can be used to estimate potentialviolations. Using data that describes the context of data values amplifies its usabilty and extends theeffectiveness of discovery.86 <strong>McAfee</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Loss</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>9.2.2</strong> <strong>Product</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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