McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide


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Using <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP MonitorFinding incidents using keywords and concepts 2Find exact keyword matchesFind non-English keywordsBuild keyword expressions with logical operatorsUsing keywords to find incidentsKeyword usage is determined by the properties of the language that is being used to query thecapture database. Non‐English keywords are considered exact phrases.Use logical operators with exact phrases and keyword expressions to get the most relevant results.ExamplesKeyword inclusionWhen keywords are used with the contains all of condition, spaces between words imply AND.For example, Keywords | contains all of | Intel AMD NVidiaWhen keywords are used with the contains any of condition, spaces between words imply OR.For example, Keywords | contains any of | Intel AMD NVidiaWhen keywords are used with the exact phrase condition, spaces between words are literal.For example, Keywords | exact phrase | NVidia supports AMD and Intel platforms.Keyword exclusionWhen keywords are used with the contains none of condition, results that contain the keywordare excluded; but negative searches are not supported, so some positive condition mustfirst be specified. For example, Keywords | contains any of | Intel AMD. Another parameter canthen be added to exclude a related keyword from the results. For example, Keywords |contains none of | NVidia.Keyword expressionsIf Keywords | expression is selected, queries using logical operators can be typed directly intothe value field. For example, the following expression finds one of the expressions in thefirst set of parentheses, but neither of the expression in the second set of parentheses. Forexample, (Intel || AMD) !(Nvidia && ATI).Keyword exact phrasesYou might use an exact phrase keyword search to find specific UTF‐8 characters. Forexample, select Keywords exact phrase and paste into the value field.Find incidents using keywordsFind significant incidents and violations in network data by using keywords in queries.Task1 Select one of these options:• In ePolicy Orchestrator, select Menu | <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Loss</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> | DLP Reporting.• On your <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP appliance, select Capture.<strong>McAfee</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Loss</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>9.2.2</strong> <strong>Product</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 41

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