McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide

McAfee Data Loss Prevention 9.2.2 Product Guide


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13Managing <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP systemsAdding servers to <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP systems10 Select Connection | Connect from the ldp window.11 Enter the host name and port number (secure port 636 is required).If the connection is successful, a window is displayed listing information related to the ActiveDirectory SSL connection. If it is unsuccessful, restart your system and repeat the procedure.How ADAM servers extend <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP ManagerADAM (Microsoft Active Directory Application Mode) servers allow <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP Manager to accessobjects in customized database schemas. Default attribute mappings are modified to recognize thenames of equivalent fields in existing LDAP databases.<strong>McAfee</strong> DLP products enable retrieval of information from Microsoft ADAM servers, making it possibleto customize existing attributes to map to <strong>McAfee</strong> DLP settings.Use of a Certificate Authority supports secure transmissions through LDAPS or HTTPS. Verification canbe disabled by selecting Accept Any Certificate when adding the server.Whenever SSL communication is requested, the host name should be name of the server with domainclearly specified. An IP address will not work.Mapping default to custom attributesDefault attributes can be mapped to existing databases with different sets of attributes to customizeretrieval of records from LDAP servers.When existing attributes are remapped, incidents reported to the dashboard contain the userinformation found in the corresponding fields on the existing LDAP server.Table 13-4 Default attributesDefault attributesUserName=cnUserID=sAMAccountNameUserTitle=titleUserCompany=companyUserDepartment=departmentUserCity=givenNameUserZipcode=postalCodeUserCountry=countryCodeUserManager=managerUserGroups=memberOfUserEmail=proxyAddressesUsing Active Directory attributesActive Directory attributes can be used for queries and rules, but incidents that are reported on thedashboard might have more objects available in the database. That information can be viewed byadding columns that can display those fields.All Active Directory elements are treated as word queries, and can be directed to specific LDAPservers. When Active Directory elements are used in a query, columns supporting the parameter areconfigured in the search pop‐up and on the dashboard.266 <strong>McAfee</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>Loss</strong> <strong>Prevention</strong> <strong>9.2.2</strong> <strong>Product</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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