meetologue 2013 - Kongres Magazine

meetologue 2013 - Kongres Magazine

meetologue 2013 - Kongres Magazine


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ISSN 1855-86159 771855 861009www.kongres-magazine.euSPECIAL ISSUE // MEETOLOGUES <strong>2013</strong> // MAY <strong>2013</strong>KONGRES MAGAZINESPECIAL ISSUEMEETOLOGUES <strong>2013</strong>ConventaHave a cup of coffee with usMEETING PLANNERS’ GUIDETO SOUTH-EAST EUROPE

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6 thSoUtH eASt eURoPeAN eXHiBitioN foR MeetiNGS,eveNtS & iNceNtive tRAveLexplore the emergingdestinations of South east europeover a cup of coffee.www.coNveNtA.iNfo22 - 23 JANUARY 2014, Ljubljana—Slovenia

Use it!✃<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is far from beingjust a magazine. It is the only providerof integrated congress marketingcommunications, with which you canmake effective dialogue with congresscustomers. Because we know whatcongress customers really need andhow to ensure their long-term loyalty, we can makeabove-average, high-quality, relevant, independent,in-depth and interesting congress stories. In <strong>2013</strong>they will dedicate to you and your customers evenmore.SPRING ISSUEMarch <strong>2013</strong>DO NOTDISTURBREADINGMAGAZINEHUMAN issue: we are going to shed light on newneeds and changes in the habits of congressparticipants, which will affect the future of theindustry.SPECIAL ISSUEMay <strong>2013</strong>KONGRES MEETOLOGUESUMMER ISSUEJuly <strong>2013</strong>EXPERIENCE issue: The central theme is going tobe all aspects of experiential marketing with afocus on ways to involve event participants inexperiencing brands.FALL ISSUESeptember <strong>2013</strong>EMOTIONAL issue: The success of events depends onthe emotional transaction between participants andorganisers. Only if the meetings industry finds away to address the emotional side of participants,it will be successful.WINTER ISSUENovember <strong>2013</strong>COLLABORATIVE issue: What will social networksof the future be like and how they will affect themeetings industry, what will be innovations andwhat the future of the industry, all is going to bedisclosed in the last issue of <strong>2013</strong>.CENTRAL AND SOUTHEAST EUROPE MEETINGS INDUSTRY MAGAZINEwww.kongres-magazine.eu

Our selectionCONTRIBUTORSPage 8CONVENTA EXPERIENCENew edition 2014Page 12MEETINGS STAR WINNERS <strong>2013</strong>FRESH MEETOLOGUESPage 46 HvarPage 74 Novi SadPage 84 PodčetrtekPage 54 ŠibenikPage 56 UmagPage 58 ZadarPage 100HIDDEN CONGRESS GUEST- Melia Coral Umag- Hotel Spirit, Sarvar- Hotel Larix, Kranjska gora- Hotel Savoia Excelsior Palace, TriestePage 110VOICE FROM THE TOPDaniel MarušićSnežana VejnovićKONGRES TOP 10Page 104HOT 10 Affordable MeetingsDestinatonsPage 106HOT 10 Sport Incentive HotelsPage 108HOT 10 BIG Convention CentresPage 109HOT 10 Small Convention CentresRok KLANČNIKAlthough Rok is no longer amongus, he remains with us through anumber of travelogues in whichwith his characteristic love of theSE Europe region he presents itscolours, tastes and aromas. Rokprepared the travelogues in 2011, buteven today, they are fresh, strikingand written with amazing creativity.Gorazd ČADEditor of the magazine and by professiona geographer and historian. Heunited his professional education andlove of discovering new, lesser-knownconvention destinations with a loveand passion for the meeting industry.In Meetologues he will try to sharehis enthusiasm with the readers.Natalija BAH ČADAn unforgettable member of thetravelogue editorial board, who ateach destination adds her icing onthe cake. She has insight into thesoul of destinations, based on manyyears of practical experience withthe organisation of events. She isinterested in everything from thehistory, geography and destinationmarketing to taking care of the tinylittle things that make the big events.Polona SIMŠIČThe knowledge and experience accumulatedin organising advertisingfestivals and conferences was successfullytransferred to the meeting industry,where she tells stories about theConventa project and takes care thatthey are always up to date and fresh..Robert COTTERAlongside his work for <strong>Kongres</strong>, Robis a regular contributor to MPI’sOne+ magazine as well as MICENETAsia and MICE Japan. He attendsinternational MICE events to seek outbest practice and share this with theinternational meetings community.@kongresmagazineG www.facebook.com/kongres.magazineEditor in Chief Gorazd ČadAssistant to the Editor in ChiefDanaja BesnardEditor of Croatia Addendum Daniela KosEditor of <strong>Kongres</strong> Telescope RobertCotterEditorial BoardRenata Balažic, Gorazd Čad, Anuša Gaši,Miha Kovačič, Viljam Kvalić, Srečo Peterlič,Tatjana Radovič, Maja VidergarDesign Nenad Cizldtp and prepress Premedia, Andrej JuvanTranslation Danaja BesnardPrinting Grafični studio K, LjubljanaCirculation 6000 copiesISSN Number 1855-8615The <strong>Kongres</strong> magazine is entered into themedia register under sequence number 1423.<strong>Magazine</strong> issued inJanuary; March; May; July; September;NovemberPublisher, Production and MarketingToleranca Marketing d.o.o.,Štihova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana,t: +386 (0)1 430 51 03f: +386 (0)1 430 51 04e: kongres@go-mice.euIssue dateMay <strong>2013</strong>For the content reproduction it is requiredto get the written editorial consigment.Official magazine of the SlovenianConvention BureauMember ofMystery SHOPPERA professional person with a minimum15 years of international experiencein the organisation of congresses, aswell as knowledge of hotel and hospitalitymanagement. In addition, ourexaminers have verified references inthe field of quality assurance of theirown work in the field of the meetingindustry, which provides an unbiasedview. Our hidden guests are objective,fair, accurate and reliable, well-organisedand pay attention to details.kongres magazine is media partner of

EditorialFRESH CONVENTIONDESTINATIONS OFTHE NEW EUROPEEditorial board, <strong>Kongres</strong> magazineWhat do Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovenia,Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro all have incommon? They are all countries that can begeographically located in SE Europe. The definitionof regions often appears controversial; so it is withsouth-eastern Europe, which occupies most of theBalkan Peninsula. To popular and current politics, theBalkans often has a negative connotation. Judging bypolitical and economic news, it would be hard to findanother part of Europe to which the FB status ‘complicated’applies. An economically undeveloped area,the core of the crisis, inter-ethnic tensions… but whatof an area which by demographic composition is themost diverse in Europe? As well as the most energetic,colourful, temperamental and in its own special wayhonest? A creative heart of Europe?We have travelled it lengthwise and crosswise, and in aspecial edition, which you have here in front of you, wepresent to you first hand the most exciting conventiondestinations.This untamed region is the freshest and least discoveredEuropean convention zone. When you take thetime to dig deep into its essence, you will learn that ithas great potential, with what is at the very essence ofcongress events - amazing hospitality. That is why themeeting industry here is developing at an unbelievablespeed. Visiting and organising an event here is widelyconsidered to be a particularly memorable experience.This year we have expanded our preparation ofMeetologue to Central Europe, which in addition to themore famous locations also offers lots of hidden surprises.Our Meetologue is going to become an specialannual edition of the magazine, which will replace thedestinations directory with quality content and a fairassessment of destinations. With this project we wantto increase the visibility of emerging convention destinationsand create awareness of varied and high-qualitydestinations outside traditional destinations to theEuropean and global meeting industry.You can also get to know everything that we are writingabout at the Conventa 2014 trade show, to which youare of course already cordially invited today!HAVE A CUP OFCOFFEE WITH US!6

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Colours, sounds and fragrances of themeetings industry in south-east europeText by Rok KlančnikFor each important event in South-EastEurope – be it a birth, a wedding, aholiday...people would eat, drink, danceto different rhythms and rejoice. Each congressor incentive meeting in Central and SE Europerepeats this ritual and becomes a modern holiday.Europe is thrilled to welcome a new regionof congress and business tourism with all itscolours, sounds and fragrances.The participants and critics of the internationalmeetings industry have expressed childlikejoy over the entry of a new, colourful, fragrantregion to the market. Working in MICE can betough, market conditions are demanding, traditionalconvention and incentive destinationsdon’t like to share their profit and their business.Yet still – the organizers and clients wish forsomething new. They would like – for the sameor lower price – to see the yet unseen places, tasteun-tasted foods, unknown wines, hear unintelligiblelanguages and experience undiscoveredexperiences. Luckily, Central and South-EastEurope offers this and much more.SE Europe is a region at the crossroadsof Europe. This are countries history bestowedwith many experience, some bitter, some joyful.After the political cards were shuffled sometwenty years ago, these countries had to andwanted to create a new image in their internationalrelations, restructure their national economiesand open up to the world, to foreign investmentsand foreign knowledge. Today, most of thiswork is done. Foreign knowledge is still streaminginto SE Europe, but it is about time this regionoffers the best it has to the meetings industrymarket. Not just (new or renovated) hotels andother infrastructure, which is no longer missing.SE Europe can try to “cheat” or look forshortcuts in its development. We can learn fromthe experience of Slovenia, which prove good infrastructureand fair prices aren’t always enoughto attract the world market. Far from it. This iswhy the data on convention facilities is usuallyaccompanied by pictures of breathtaking naturalbeauty, culinary secrets, cultural gems, tied tothe languages, religions, scripts, which can besummed up in just four words: extremely richcultural heritage.The region certainly needed influences. Theywere easiest to find in our northern neighbours,which mostly influenced the countries theywere closest to. Luckily, regions like FurlanijaJulijska krajina (Friuli–Venezia Giulia), Koroška(Carinthia) and Austrian Štajerska (Styria) arenearby.Since Slovenia, the most northern part of SEEurope and at the same time a part of CentralEurope – depending on the context – was luckilynot a part of the political conflict during the nineties;it developed its economy much faster thanthe other states. Its development was pretty swiftsince it made up for 60 percent of the marketsit lost in SE markets, with markets in the Westin just two years. The economic developmentenabled the formation of new knowledge, whichthe state, celebrating its 20th birthday in 2011, orbetter yet the experts from the meetings industryare now investing to the South and East.The region has been aware of the three P’ssince the beginning, not only as a public-privatepartnership, but as a kind of a new mantra:people, planet, profit. This is why protecting thecultural heritage and sharing it with partnershas long been a part of a rounded tourist offer.The goal of the ever growing meetings industryin sunny SE Europe is not mass tourism, butbuilding a well rounded offer, developed withnature, local culture, social responsibility andcooperation with existing and potential businesspartners in mind.Even though the region offers numerouspleasant secrets, waiting to be discovered, thefoundations of economic cooperation are clear:They are set by the European Union. There isno use wasting breath on politics. This publicactivity, we sadly cannot do without, has seededdiscord and disagreement into this region far toooften. That’s why we try to avoid it.So we focus on sounds, colours and fragrancessurrounding the infrastructure ofan emerging meetings industry in SE Europe,which are distinctive, multilayer, pleasant,unusual. We cannot put it all in the same pot andspeak of a culture of the region – we are facedwith a rich cultural mosaic, undoubtedly theriches on the continent. This isn’t unusual. Theregion has developed its culture through the centuries.Despite the predominant Slavic culture wecan enjoy dishes shaped by the centuries of influenceof Ottoman, Alp, Pannonian, Mediterraneancuisine; poetry containing stories of hill-folk ormetropolis tribes... Actually, ten smaller oftenoverlooked nations, each adding their treasureto the treasure chest. Once, rigid religious rules,today an opportunity for celebration discoveringunknown colours, fragrances, sounds, dances.There is no predominant language in theregion, since more than a dozen are spoken, sonobody gets upset if the “lingua franca” at meetingsand after them is English.Oh, is there anything easier than an eveningat one of the fancier (zen, fusion, or whatever’smodern) restaurants in Sarajevo, Sofia orPodogrica, to relax with a glass of mojito, followedby salmon and asparagus dressed in prosciutto,then wake up to a tall cup of latte macchiato?The region as any other is following therules of globalisation. Yet, it’s aware of the importanceand the beauty of local traditions andcultural patterns, which are an echo of the giftsof nature.The region is incredibly rich since its northernarea begins at the Eastern end of the Alps,slowly dropping into one of the largest flat landsin Europe – the Pannonia plain. To make the geographya bit more interesting, the plain soonrises into the Carpathians. The western bordersof SE Europe are warm shores of the Adriatic.Its waves then hit the Dinarides, after that thelandscape varies across the central Balkan peninsula.The Karst world turns into the danceof numerous river valleys, lake basins and inbetween fields, which used to and still growcotton, tobacco and in Bulgaria – hectares of fragrantRoses. This region has always been abundantwith fruits, vegetables and wood, which itnever gave away for free. People had to work hardfor their harvest through the centuries, whichremains in their blood until today.Today, this people are – business partners.They enter the European market of business,congress tourism with a lot of zeal and adesire to work and learn. They know what becominga destination means for a place, so theyeagerly cooperate in the business process. Themarket needs to recognize their effort and therewords will be mutual. Welcome to South-EastEurope!7

Conventa ExperienceCONVENTA 2014 EDITIONInterview with Miha Kovačič, exhibition director8WHAT HAVE BEEN THE RESULTS OF FIVEYEARS DEVELOPMENT OF CONVENTA?Five years developing the Conventa tradeshow has broughtinteresting results. The idea of the setup of the meetings showfor the region of South East Europe was to present this undiscoveredregion to the European meetings market. Countries ofthe region had, and have, similar challenges. A joint show hasenabled us to find synergies and to present the region to the internationalmeetings market. After five years we are realisingthat Conventa is a trademark and it is more than just a show. Itrepresents South East Europe. This is a huge responsibility forthe organiser. The focus of the show is to provide clients andexhibitors the best possible business environment in orderto establish personal contacts, conduct business discussions,network and to offer professional development. So far it hashosted over 900 meeting professionals from over 30 countries.We are honored that Conventa delivers that and receives thehighest possible praise for how it carries out the show.WHY AND HOW HAS CONVENTABECOME A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT?Conventa tradeshow is not a regular show. It is a marketingevent of the South East Europe region. The SlovenianConvention Bureau is the organiser and Go.Mice the technicalorganiser. In addition there is the whole Ljubljana supplychain that is part of the organisation, plus regional and internationalpartners. There is also a group of regional, nationaland international media partners. All these partners aim forthe show to be a success.WHICH TRENDS HAVE YOU CONSIDERED INPLANNING FOR THE 2014 – 2018 PERIOD?The Conventa tradeshow has a strong informational aspect, asthe majority of hosted buyers haven’t experienced the regionbefore. Their biggest aim is to meet suppliers and to experiencethe region. As the organiser of the show we are awarethat time is the biggest asset today. The time at the show iswisely used to the maximum benefit of hosted buyers and exhibitors.While communicating with potential hosted buyersit is important to include quality content about the region andits potential in marketing campaigns. While at the show it isessential to offer a high quality professional environment andmemorable experiences for participants.Personal contact between the buyer and supplier is crucial inthe meetings industry. Face to face communication is still theking and it is essential to establish trust. Without trust thereis no business.HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBECONVENTA IN FIVE WORDS?Conventa is the gateway to meetings and incentive travel ofSouth East EuropeWHAT ARE THE AIMS FOR CONVENTAOVER THE NEXT FIVE YEARS?Conventa will develop further in the next five years andbecome an even better show offering the best opportunity toexperience South East Europe. We are thoroughly analysingthe show every year and in cooperation with our partners enhancingthe quality of the show and the experience of participants.The aim of the show is not just to grow in size - the aimis primarily to grow in quality.

Conventa ExperienceCONVENTA 2014 EDITIONInterview with Gorazd Čad, head of marketing9WHAT ARE THE KEY ADVANTAGES OFTHE CONVENTA BUSINESS MODEL?In addition to the basic mission and development focus,Conventa has become a meeting point for the region. Meetingplanners are discovering new and unfamiliar convention destinationsand it supports them in their development. Aboveall, it is based on experience, on a personal relationship withexhibitors and invited guests. We develop a ‘boutique’ businessmodel and solutions that are truly beneficial for bothsides. The major trade shows can simply not afford this, dueto economies of scale. Every year we set measurable goals andaccurately track the effects of the trade show.IN YOUR OPINION WHAT MAKES CONVENTADIFFERENT FROM OTHER TRADE SHOWS?First of all, that we - the organisers - still love what we aredoing and work from the heart. If you want to create somethingfor a long time, you have to be in love with doing it, andsometimes even a little crazy. We have our own formula forsuccess, followed from the outset on a mutual business relationshipwith partners beyond a mere buyer-seller relationship,which is typical of the major trade shows.HOW WOULD YOU PRESENT THECONVENTA BRAND IN SHORT?Conventa is simple, heart felt, warm and attractive. Our brandinvites you to a personal meeting for coffee, and this sumsup the essence and atmosphere of the project - hospitality.Through the brand we are trying to convince congress organiserswhat the DNA of the region in which we operate is like.We are trying to understand the context of the region and tofacilitate for meeting planners the agony of choosing destinationson the principle of the best in one place.Communication objectives will be achieved by a comprehensiveuse of digital and related contextual marketing. Conventawill continue to tell great congress stories. The whole communicationis conceived as a channel this year, which will bedirected to the concrete realisation of business. On our communicationplatform, all the elements of successful meetingsmarketing are taking place.HOW DO YOU SEE THE REGIONALMEETINGS SCENE? WHAT IS THERE TOOMUCH OF AND WHAT TOO LITTLE?Sometimes we get too self-righteous. We have to face outwardsand look for creative solutions that are at least equal to,or much better than, the competition. We are missing healthycompetition, because in the region in general we were notraised in this spirit. There is room for agencies and destinationswho dare.How would you describe Conventain five words to a randompartner, exhibitor, buyer?FACE-TO-FACE – FRESH - COFFEE - EXPERIENCE- EMOTIONWHAT’S COMING UP IN THE AREA OFCOMMUNICATION OF THE PROJECT?We will be maximising the involvement of all partners in thecommunication processes. This is becoming hybrid and dominantlydigital. We will do our best to listen to our partners.

Conventa ExperienceCONVENTA 2014 EXPERIENCE - EDUCATION- EMOTIONS - ENERGY - ENTERTAINMENTphotos Tadej BernikCONVENTA RESULTS:• Boosting your business• Establishing new partnerships and strengthening existingones• Increasing the visibility of your company• Loving, feeling and experiencing the SEE region• Integration of the meeting industry of SEEIn five years the Conventa trade show attracted 1,139international hosted buyers from 36 countries. Usingvarious criteria, facts checks and consultations withinternational partners, the Conventa organisers havealways strived to select only the best and most serioushosted buyers. Conventa organisers have been awarethat the success of their event is highly dependent on thequality of meetings planners and have thus focused onattaining buyers of meeting industry services with realbuying power and an interest in the SE Europe region.In <strong>2013</strong> more than 230 hosted buyers from 26 Europeancountries attended the fifth edition of the trade show,the largest proportions of meeting planners comingfrom Russia, Portugal, Germany, Austria and Italy.CONVENTA: 5 REASONS TO ATTEND:• Great value for money• Meet and network with key SEE meeting industryplayers• One2One meetings give you the chance to get personal• Experience first-hand the South-East Europeanhospitality• Building and positioning your brand with Conventa’syear-round promotionCONVENTA HOT HIGHLIGHTS• Professional approach with a personal note• Education programme like no other• Face-to-face business development with great results• Discover the undiscovered parts of SEE on Fam trips• Sustainable meetings theory seen in practice• Connecting with technology and event solutionproviders• Accompanying programme loaded with great energy,entertainment and culinary delights• Stay in the loop with Conventa TV• Honouring those committed to excellence• Sharing knowledge with young professionals10

Conventa ExperienceEXPERIENCE - EMOTIONS“Conventa is a top quality event to meet prime partners.The trade show lets you know the potential South EastEurope has to host future meetings.”Efrain Pardo, HelmsBriscoe, Czech Republic“As a professional meeting planner I’m being continuouslyasked for something different, value-centred, noboring meetings with supplier-partners who are flexibleand who want to do business. I firmly believe that SouthEast Europe can provide answers to many of these needs.Go there and check it out. I know you will be more thansatisfied!”Patrick Delaney, Managing Director, OvationGlobal DMC“The fact that I come to the Conventa show and find allthe partners in the region at the show, means I can do inan hour, maximum two days, what would take me fivedays or even more to do as I would have to travel amongother countries in the region. So in this way I can bringthe South East European countries together; all the partnersare at the table and I can seal the deal in a couple ofhours.”Linda Pereira, Senior Partner and CEO of theL&I Communications Group.“A well organized trade show from professional and veryfriendly people! A very good example of a fresh and innovativetrade show.”Andreas Fleischer, Andreas Fleischer Events,Germany“This is the best trade show in the region, especially forMICE business. When I say the best, I mean the mostprofessional one in terms of the publicity, organisation &realisation, sustainability, support provided by the organisersto the exhibitors at all times.”Stanislava Borisova, KempinskiHotel Zografski Sofia, Bulgaria11

Meetings Star 2012

Meetings Star 2012LJUBLJANAMeetings Star AwardBest SE Europemeeting destinationsTHE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY IN THE WORLDLjubljana has congresses written in its genome. Longbefore the emergence of the meetings industry as weknow it today, in 1821 Ljubljana hosted the Congressof the Holy Alliance. The legacy of the event is the CongressSquare, surrounded by famous buildings and one of the city’sicons, and after the renovation it is now also an attractivevenue. At the time of the Congress of the Holy AllianceLjubljana was chosen because of adequate accommodationfacilities and its strategic location.Because of the passage through the Ljubljana basin,Ljubljana has always had a linking role between SouthEast and Central Europe. Since then, the rural townLjubljana developed into a modern city with metropolitanattributes, forming a rounded urban tourist destination. Itscentre is still the castle hill, which is a symbolic and geographicfocal point of the city. It seems that Ljubljana is embeddedin rural surroundings, making it a very attractivelandscape. Only a stone’s throw from the city is a completelydifferent Ljubljana Marshes Nature Park (Barje), the greenoutskirts of the city can be felt on the walk on the uniquePST path (Path of Remembrance and Comradeship), whichinterconnects various rural and urban parts of the city.The combining images of Roman Emona, the medievalcity centre and Baroque and Art Nouveau elements also contributeto the attractiveness of the city. The city does not haveany internationally recognisable landmarks, but is has a seriesof small “gems” that are sufficiently attractive and appealingfor tourist development. The unique marketplace with thePlečnik arcades stands out along with the river Ljubljanicawith Triple Bridges, the Dragon Bridge and the Cobblers’Bridge. The city has a rich cultural and historical heritageand, consequently, is a social attraction. It has the attributesof a big city, while creating the impression of a small andfriendly town. Recently the comprehensive urban renewalalso contributed to this, with which Ljubljana acquired manynew areas that are closed to traffic and are also suitable forcongresses or other events. The renovated Congress Square,Trnovo harbour, the embankments of the Ljubljanica Riverare all excellent venues for events. The city also stresses theimportance of sustainable development, which is reflectedin the new low-emission buses, the introduction of chargingpoints for electric cars and other measures such as the expansionof green areas and revitalization of industrial areasthat make the city really green. The city is picturesque, attractiveand friendly to congress guests.Most congress guests consider the sense of security in thecity as very high. The opinion of its residents is that Ljubljanais a pleasant place to live in. Geo-strategically Ljubljana is extremelywell positioned and is known as an accessible destination,but it has more and more problems with its transportaccessibility.Currently, the airline connections are poor, as wellas the unused railway geostrategic location. This is ashame, as it is this form of transport that is the mostsustainable. The lack of regular air connections and problemsof the national air carrier currently places Ljubljanaamong the less accessible meetings destinations. Competitionin the region is currently much more active and ambitious.The main traffic artery remains the Slovenian motorwaynetwork. Otherwise Ljubljana is among the smaller towns,where most of tourist attractions are within walking distance.Parking problems have recently been eased with theemergence of a new parking garage and a changed trafficregime. Especially commendable is the bicycle rentals and asystem of landscaped bike lanes in Ljubljana.Tourism in Ljubljana is formally and effectively positionedas a key economic activity and a generator of development.An organised destination management throughLjubljana Tourism plays an important role here. Ljubljanathus functions as a developed tourist destination, generating13.1 percent of arrivals in Slovenia with the majority businessmotive of the arrival. Among lots of bars and pubs inthe city centre some of them are also marked with a symbolof Ljubljana Quality as a guarantee of quality. Much hasimproved in this area in recent years and only those mosttourist restaurants should be avoided. Also, the number ofinternational cuisines that can be found in Ljubljana has increasedand Ljubljana is now increasingly comparable withthe developed world. Nightlife of the capital is not particularlyattractive but Ljubljana is becoming a true regional shoppingMecca with a huge shopping centre on the outskirts ofthe city. Especially attractive is the recreational offer with anumber of sports facilities and a high recreational culture ofinhabitants of Ljubljana. Ljubljana is increasingly recognisedas a base for exploring other attractions of Slovenia.Ljubljana is the most important congress destinationin Slovenia, where most of the meetings take placebecause of the appropriate meeting infrastructure andits accessibility. Congress market in Ljubljana on the supplyside consists of the Convention Bureau at Ljubljana Tourismand other congress and incentive providers. Congress buyerssee Ljubljana, as a capital suitable for small to medium-sizedmeetings, positioned in the South-Eastern of Eastern Europe.Among capitals of the newly accessioned EU countries (EU-10), Ljubljana ranks at the tail of ICCA rankings. Compared toEastern European destinations, Ljubljana in the time periodto 2008 recorded good results, while in the time period from2008 onwards it has been falling, as opposed to the share ofdestinations with a larger increase.According to congress providers in Ljubljana, the congresscapital has competitive advantage in factors outside thecongress activities (entertainment, sightseeing, sports activities,professional opportunities), conference facilities andlocation (climate, environment, infrastructure, hospitality).In assessing individual factors, Ljubljana achieves the bestresults in terms of the attractiveness of the surroundings,security, the culinary offer of the destination, the hospitalityof the local population and opportunities for non-congressactivities. Poorer assessment merit factors of service quality,accessibility and image or experience.The main advantages of Ljubljana are certainly the twotop conference centres –Cankarjev dom and the Ljubljana13

Meetings Star 2012Exhibition and Conference Centre (GR). After numerousrenovations both are in excellent condition and suitable forthe most demanding conference guests. Even in the areaof hotels, Ljubljana does not lag behind, and as the largesthotelier in Ljubljana, the Grand Hotel Union has one of thefinest congress halls in the region. In addition, Ljubljana alsohas 9 hotels with conference facilities, 3 providers of otherconference facilities and 10 special venues. Well developed isalso the agency offer with three active PCO agencies, 4 DMCagencies, 8 event organising agencies and 4 catering providers.After the above written, Ljubljana is a mature conventiondestination that meets most of the requirements to becomea truly “Cool Capital for Great Meetings” as stated in theslogan of the congress destination Ljubljana.Ljubljana has comparative advantages and the experiencenecessary to occupy a better position in the market of Easternand South-Eastern Europe in particular. Analysis of the relevanceand effectiveness of competitiveness factors of theconvention destination, Ljubljana reveals that the locationfactor, conference facilities and outside congress activities,are assessed as successful and are at the same time importantfor the competitiveness of the destination. Ljubljanaless successfully meets the criteria of accessibility, qualityof service, information or image, local support, accommodationfacilities, which are all rated as very important factors ofcompetitiveness. Given that it is precisely these criteria thatplay an extremely important role in choosing the destinationand hence its positioning on the international market, theyshould be given more attention in the future.Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4. 44Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.4These are rated highly since Ljubljana is an ap- pealing andattractive tourist destination with a developed infrastructureand cultural offer as well as high experiential value. The focusof this is the Ljubljana castle and the medieval town. Given thesize of the city, it has an exceptional cultural and historicaldiversity with over 15 museums, 41 galleries, 10 theatres andexperi- entially diverse and varied natural hinterland.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.1Through history the city has expanded organi- cally and,consequently, the overall proportion of infrastructure andtransport is solidly regu- lated. Among the major shortcomingsare still the bad airline availability, the unused railway14

Meetings Star 2012

Meetings Star 2012GRAZMeetings Star AwardBest SE Europemeeting destinationsSECOND CITY FIRSTGraz and Maribor have much in common, with bothcities having been European Capitals of Culture. In2003 Graz became a city with some force behind itscultural offer in the international arena, and it also seemsthat the European Capital of Culture gave Graz additionaltourism acceleration. The centre of European culture isembodied in its futuristic Kunsthaus and other cultural facilities,which I often visit to see some of the exhibitions orconcerts.Graz is Austria’s second largest city and capital of Styria,which before the First World War was the administrative,cultural, economic, and political centre.The most eminent medieval building above the town isthe Schlossberg fortress with its famous bell tower with aclock, which is a real highlight. Around the fort a picturesquemedieval town centre has developed, with the orderlygardens and surroundings surprising in all seasons. The citygives out a youthful appearance, because of the many studentswho study at one of the three universities. It is similarin size to Ljubljana and is nicely compact and green. It givesits biggest green breath through the huge Burgarten citypark, full of attractive fountains and sculptures, as well asthe many other urban parks.Graz is located at the transition between the Alps andthe Pannonian Plain on the northern edge of the Graz field.Through the city flows the river Mura, which literally andsymbolically connects it to the plain. Its geographical locationhas resulted in a varied landscape seasoned with analpine skyline and wine growing hills to the south. The city isfull of cultural and historical attractions, with the medievalcity centre inscribed onto the UNESCO heritage list. In thecity and its surroundings there are many technical monumentsto the rich industrial tradition. The healthy experientialdiversity is complemented by a pleasant and orderly environmentand infrastructure, for both the eye and the soul.Graz is an important transport junction and for a numberof years it lived from its transport and border location. Theriver Mura, in Latin meaning ‘trench’ or ‘defence’, has hadsuch a role in the city’s history from when it served as a line ofdefence against the lowland Pannonian Plain. Infrastructurein Austrian cities is among the best in the world, with air accessibilityto the city improving year to year and the drive toVienna taking less than two hours. Vienna has for many yearsheld top spot on the Mercer quality of life scale and althoughGraz is missing, I’m sure that it is not far behind Vienna. Thequality of life can be felt at every step, especially the modernand largely green public transport with tram system. Sincethe city is small, everything can be done on foot or by bicycle.In 2001 the city was declared the ‘city of people’s rights’, indicatinga high degree of social responsibility.Graz is somehow overlooked as a tourist destination,too often in the shadow of Vienna and for the numberof overnight stays taking 4th place behind Salzburg andInnsbruck. However, Graz can successfully compete withthe better-known destinations, in particular because of thewell-organised tourism promotion through Graz Tourismand City Marketing. The ownership structure of the 1990-establisheddestination marketing agency is both interestingand instructive – it is 52% is owned by the city of Graz, 24%by the Tourist Board of the city, 8% by Graz fairground, 8% bythe Airport and 8% by Casinos Austria. Every activity of theoffice is aimed at increasing the number of overnight stays byforeign guests. The city has 3,294 hotel rooms, of which thereare 1,757 in 21 hotels of 4 and 5 star category.Graz excellently took advantage of its European Capitalof Culture status and the UNESCO title and upgraded it withthe UNESCO city of design and creativity.In the area around Graz all roads lead south to many winetrails, some of which take you all the way to Slovenia. The exceptionalincentive tourism potential lies in its spas, culinaryart and other green tourism offers in the city’s surroundings.Graz is currently developing tourism in three directions.Congress tourism is being developed under the slogan“Graz: the city of knowledge”, the basis for this being thestrong university base. Graz boasts four universities, namelythe University of Karl and Franz, Technical and MedicalUniversity and the University of Music and Dramatic Arts,together which number more than 40,000 students.Graz is also a city of fairs, with more than 100 years of traditionsince the very first Austrian fair in 1833 and CongressGraz since 1906 being a key venue for promotional and otherevents. In 2007, institutions with a rich history were broughttogether into a new brand of Messe Congress Graz, a commonbrand combining historic Congress Graz, MessecongressGraz and Stadhalle Graz. The historical convention centreCongress Graz, built at the end of the nineteenth century,has a total of 19 halls for a maximum of 1,500 congress participantsor for a reception for 2,300 guests.The modern convention centre Stadhalle was opened in2003 during the ECC. It is a multifunctional and superblyequipped fair event centre. Conference halls in hotels aresmaller and tailored to the needs of the market. As Grazboasts a lot of premium congress halls the hotel congressoffer has not fully specialised.International Congress guests, perhaps due to the mightyshadow of Vienna, do not expect much of Graz, but in the endthey are pleasantly surprised. Graz has been for many yearsa model of congress destination marketing and management.Looked at from the perspective of public and private infrastructure,Graz is the most developed regional conventiondestination. Just five years ago regional competition wouldqualify behind the second largest Austrian city, but recentlythe gap has significantly reduced. The new capitals on theterritory of the former Yugoslavia have taken their rightfulplace and because of this, on the ICCA scale and others,it now has a lower placing. The centre of culture, cuisine,design, creativity, technology and much more, which embodiesGraz, is far from saying the last congress word.17

Meetings Star 2012Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4. 34Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.5Graz is in the centre of Austria’s green heart, which gives itthe character of interplay between the forests of planar Grazfields and the majestic mountains, which are crossing intothe wine-growing hills. Cultural diversity, rich history andthe connecting Mura River have formed a high experientialdiversity, which is reflected in the many opportunities forcongress and incentive organisers and planners and is thereforeamong the most highly esteemed in the region.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.2Transport and general infrastructure in Graz is excellent andaccording to survey results amongst the best in the region.A network of public transport is very well organized; thecity has over 120 kilometres of bicycle lanes and the parkingsystem is superbly arranged. It all works very professionallyand tidily, and also remarkable is the sense of security witha high level of environmental responsibility and awarenessof the population.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.3Graz is a mature tourist destination, which despite the crisisis recording a steady growth of tourist arrivals and overnightstays in all tourism segments. This is due to a very clear positioningof the city on three pillars as the capital of culture,cuisine and knowledge. Graz has established itself as a basefor exploring Styria, which gives it additional marketingmomentum.E. Subjective grade 4.3Environmental responsibility, tidiness of the surroundingareas and infrastructure, cultural infrastructure, the cityof design and creative industries are all ideal for the developmentof congress tourism. The city, key stakeholders andpolitics do not lack creativity and strategic vision. Despite allthe positive projects it may lack some charisma of a capital,making it need much more energy to fight even more successfullyat the international congress scene. Otherwise, abeautiful and practical congress destination.Comparison with the region:Being the first is sometimes difficult, and Graz was amongthe first to develop the branding of the entire destination,congress grants and many other marketing innovations,from which other regional convention bureaus drew inspiration.However, former pupils have caught up and in thefield of branding and in some other areas are now ahead oftheir teacher. Graz may not be the most seductive conventiondestination, however, it should be highlighted that Graz andStyria live with congress tourism throughout the year. A developedinfrastructure and –year-long additional offer helpsthis, where tradition combines with the present and whereeveryone can find an offer for their taste, needs and pocket.With the focus on green meetings Graz will also definitelyfind the right answer to the ubiquitous crisis, which has notbypassed congress tourism.Cool meetings:Graz has been redefined into the culinary capital of Austriawith many gourmet surpluses. In a story that supports localfood and cuisine, 27 best restaurants are included. The combinationof an exquisite cuisine with Styrian wines can be feltat the largest outdoor culinary banquet for 660 guests. Weshall leave the dilemma of which pumpkin seed oil is betterto the experts. Both Styrian and “Prekmursko” are excellent,but it is mandatory that you try the black gold of Styria.D. Meetings infrastructure 4.4In terms of infrastructure Graz is still the leading regionalconvention destination. With more than 154 congress eventsand some 46,000 participants it achieves excellent resultsand is stable on the charts ranking international events. Grazcan be regarded as a proud congress destination, which ismodern, dynamic and internationally competitive. It is difficultto challenge it with any serious errors, perhaps just aslightly poorer image on the international scene.18

Meetings Star 2012BEST CONGRESS HALLS IN GRAZfor over 250 participants in plenary set up according to theeditorship of <strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> are:1. STEFANIENSAAL, Congress Graz1,050 seats, probably the most prestigious hall in Graz, whichwas opened way back in 1885. The concert hall with superbacoustics is also a prestigious congress venue.2. STADTHALLE GRAZ, Messe Congress Graz5,500 seats, one of the most modern multifunctional halls inAustria, which has become a symbol of Graz. A special advantageare extremely powerful lobbies in combination withspacious exhibition halls.3. BAROQUE HALL, Old University Graz300 seats, magnificent baroque hall, suitable for formalevents with excellent technical equipment.4. MINORITENSAALE, Minorite Kunsthaus342 seats, another Graz Baroque hall, which fascinates visitorsat every turn. The combination of baroque frescoes andmodern equipment creates a wonderful ambience for receptionsand gala events.5. DOM IM BERG, Schlossberg350 seats, former bunker, buried in the Castle Hill and nowconverted into a special venue, which appears as a cathedralin the mountain and a unique congress venue.6. HELMUT LIST HALL, Helmut List Halle1,200 seats, flexible, modern, multifunctional hall of the opentype suitable for various corporate events. Restored formerfactory.7. BLACK PANTHER, MP09200 seats, currently the most modern congress hall in Graz, apart of the new philosophy of the city of design and creativity.8. PLENARSAAL HALL, Messe Congress Graz600 seats, a modern flexible congress hall within the newfairgrounds. Suitable in combination with large congresseswith large exhibition needs.9. GYORGY LIGETI HALL, Mumuth400 seats, a modern concert hall in the house of music, suitablefor top cultural events and congresses.10. JUPITER AUDITORIUM,300 seats, a business centre in the city centre has been built inaccordance with the principles of feng shui. Very professionalenvironment for business events.11. LARGE CHAMBER HALLS, Working Chamber900 seats, a spacious and functional congress hall.Photo credits GRAZ CONVENTION BUREAU19

Meetings Star 2012

Meetings Star 2012ZAGREBMeetings Star AwardBest SE Europemeeting destinationsWHITE ZAGREB TOWNIoften come to the capital city of Croatia Zagreb, and thefirst thing I have noticed in recent years are many newbuildings and new modern trams. Trams have accompaniedme since my childhood as a sign that I am in a trulybig city. Zagreb today has about 800,000 inhabitants and togetherwith the surrounding conurbation, the population isjust a little over one million. Zagreb is a fascinating place tome; it reminds me of the proverbially well dressed womenof Zagreb, who have always been known as harbingers offashion trends in the region.I feel that life in Zagreb is running slower, people stilltake the time to sit in cafés and for socializing, and in thisrespect the character of the city is Mediterranean, whichgives the city a very specific character that more and moretourists are getting to know from year to year. Year 2012 was,according to number of tourist visits, a record year and itseems that Zagreb will soon reach its goal of a million touristarrivals per year.The city was built at the crossroads of important transportroutes and today it is the administrative and economiccentre of Croatia. For a foreigner, the first impression is certainlyCentral European. The architecture of many buildingsis marked by Austro-Hungarian times. The suburban ‘sleeping’New Zagreb appears more Balkan-like; which from mychildhood has not changed much and seems gray and tired.On the other hand, there is no shortage of green spaces andparks in the city. Urban Maksimir Park is the largest urbanpark in Croatia;Medvednica is a ski resort, a nature park anda tourist destination for the people of Zagreb. As a whole, thecity appears to have a diverse landscape with the dominantmedieval castle ”Gornji Grad” (Upper Town) and a cathedral.The medieval old town is considered one of the best-preservedcity centres with high experiential value.Zagreb is a great small place in terms of accessibility andtransport. A lot of it is because of its traffic location, as it connectsCentral Europe with the Mediterranean, at the sametime it is at an important road corridor on the main routes toSouth-Eastern Europe. And a little also because of simple citylogistics and relatively well-ordered public transport. As elsewherein the region, the airport is problematic, and appearsas one of the most tired of the whole region; the number andfrequency of air connections is problematic as well, althoughthere is year-to-year improvement. The most encouragingnews is that the renovation of the passenger terminal atZagreb airport will begin. Like everywhere in the region, therailway infrastructure, which is outdated and unattractive, isunused. Zagreb is giving to congress guests a feeling of a safecity, with the major infrastructure projects, such as in theairport and investments in green solutions, it will significantlystrengthen its current congress market position.Zagreb has over 45 hotels, including three hotels of thehighest category and with the regional flag bearer HotelEsplanade. In total, Zagreb hotels offer 1,561 rooms in 5-starhotels and 2.143 beds in 4 stars hotels. The offer is versatileand suitable for different target groups. Especially popularand fast-growing is the segment of the city break tourists. InZagreb one eats well in many restaurants, and some are alsoexceptionally gourmet and different such as the top bistro”Prasac” (Pig). In the centre there is a popular marketplace,similar to Ljubljana’s in character. Memory goes back to theteenage years, when a visit to the gallery Mimara was mandatoryfor all high school students of former Yugoslavia. It is aconcentration of culture that often attracts me to Zagreb. Thecity has over 20 museums, numerous art galleries and theatresincluding the latest acquisition, the Museum of ModernArt Zagreb, which is also an excellent conference and eventvenue. Zagreb is becoming the cultural capital of the regionand is regarded as the most developed capital of newly establishedcountries of the former Yugoslavia in terms of touristinfrastructure.Zagreb is not only the cultural and political centre ofCroatia. As the metropolis, it is also in terms of meetings industryamong the best developed parts of Croatia. In Zagrebis the largest concentration of international hotel chains withcongress facilities in the region. A congress can be held atHotel Sheraton, Westin, Arcotel, Four Points by Sheraton orin one of the best hotels in the region Regent Esplanade. Thisyear, branded hotel chains were joined by the Double Treeby Hilton. In addition to these hotels, there are also someexcellent local congress hotels available, such as the congresshotel Antunović. Zagreb could also host major internationalcongresses, if the hotel offer would be followed by an offer ofconvention centres. Partially, the modern Hypo centre fillsthe offer with a hall for 1.600 participants, the concert hallVatroslav Lisinski can take 1.800 guests, and the Zagreb Fairalso offers conference facilities. Most museums are suitablefor organising receptions and conferences. All museums arelocated in the city centre and are easily accessible and attractivefor organising events.Despite plans, Zagreb still lacks a modern multifunctionalconvention centre. This is, in my opinion, at the moment thebiggest development flaw for a faster growth of meetings industryin Zagreb and serious positioning on the congress map.Zagreb generally makes a good impression on the visitor.The impression is sometimes interrupted by ragged facadesand sporadic traffic chaos, which is the result of the size ofthe city. Generally, the city is safe, clean, comfortable andfriendly to congress participants. The good ratio betweenprice and quality is especially attractive; this has a positiveimpact on the competitiveness of the destination. It is notsurprising that in the last year Zagreb has become a true hiton the Croatian tourist scene and no longer just a transit stopon the way to the Adriatic. With proper marketing and thedevelopment of network of partners, Zagreb will continue toposition itself as the leading Croatian and regional conventiondestination. As its main advantage, I would highlightthe compactness and high quality of hotel accommodation,which combined with cultural and historical heritage, is theformula for success. Everything is seasoned with the rightdose of metropolitan character and friendliness of the locals.21

Meetings Star 2012Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4. 22Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.3Its rich natural and cultural heritage and the position of theCroatian capital have enabled Zagreb intensive developmentin tourism. Recently, Zagreb has profited as a destination ofculture with individual museums that have the potential tobecome world attractions, such as the unique Museum ofFailed Relationships.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.0special atmosphere. In addition, it is a ‘pocket-friendly destination’that offers a lot for reasonable money. It is the idealcombination of a metropolis with charm and a small townatmosphere.Comparison with the region:I predict a great congress future for Zagreb.I estimate that inthe international congress market it is well established andin addition to Ljubljana and Belgrade it represents the futurebackbone of the continental meetings industry of the region.All three cities are progressing steadily on the charts of developedmeetings destinations; the final breakthrough of theentire region is intertwined and dependent on the marketingof major regional cong ress cities in the international market.Cool meetings:‘Paprenjak’ is a traditional biscuit, which you’ll find only inZagreb, slightly spicy and goes excellently with the morningcoffee, but it can also be a unique souvenir of the visit or aCongress in Zagreb.In the last ten years Croatia has radically improved road infrastructureand thus its accessibility. Significantly improvedis also air accessibility via Zagreb Airport, which accepts over40% of all air traffic in Croatia. We would, however, like tosee an early construction of the new airport building as theexisting one is strongly outdated. Currently, Zagreb is laggingbehind in rail infrastructure the most. Accord- ing to municipalinfrastructure, local transport and sense of security,Zagreb can be classified into a golden class among competingEuropean cities.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.5The hotel infrastructure with new acquisitions fully satisfiesmodern congress guests and is perhaps at this moment thebest among regional capitals. The fact that the tourist infrastructureis good and that the marketing of the destination alsoworks well is also confirmed by the good results, which showa 5% growth despite the global recession.D. Meetings infrastructure 4.1In Croatia, Zagreb has a dominant image of a business as wellas a major congress destination. This has also been adapted bythe offer of hotels with excellent congress facilities. A somewhatworse score than competitive cities of the region is dueto the fact that Zagreb is without a convention centre, constructionof which has been heralded since the public tender,which was completed in 2007.E. Subjective grade 4.2In the region, Zagreb managed to best maintain the CentralEuropean culture that is reminiscent of Vienna and creates a22

Meetings Star 2012MEETINGS INDUSTRY NOVELTIES IN ZAGREBWith over 2.500 events annually, Zagreb is the mainCroatian congress destination, as in the capital of thecountry more than half of the events take place. Alsobecause of this and because of the positive indicators ofthe events, Zagreb conference scene is rich and full ofnovelties.In 2012 Zagreb became richer for a new conventionhotel the Doubletree by Hilton Zagreb. In addition, in thebusiness centre Green Gold a smaller conference centreForum Zagreb has opened with a hall for 376 participants.This year also an interesting multifunctional conventioncentre Kraš Auditorium has opened in the Krašcompany business building. The centre has 13 halls withthe latest equipment.In addition, the construction of a new air terminal ofZagreb airport is in full swing. The works will begin inSeptember and are expected to finish in 2016. Expandedterminal will have a capacity of up to five million passengersper year, and will be making Zagreb airport a majoraviation hub of the region.BEST ZAGREB’S MEETING HALLSfor over 250 participants in plenary set up according to theeditorship of <strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> are:1. EMERALD HALL, Esplanade Hotel280 seats, probably one of the finest and most exclusive congresshalls throughout the region, which stands out for itsdesign and special experience2. MAIN READING ROOM, Croatian Archive 700 seats, itis considered as the most distinctive larger historical hall inZagreb suitable for recep- tions and gala events3. CRYSTAL BALLROOM, Westin Hotel800 seats, multifunctional hotel congress hall with the possibilityof division into several parts is a true representative ofthe congress philosophy of its hotel chain4. GALLERY HALL, the Art Pavilion300 seats, oldest gallery facility in the region in the middle ofbeautiful parks and with superb artwork represents an excellenthall for recep- tions and protocol events5. GRAND BALLROOM, Sheraton Hotel600 seats, multifunction charming hotel congress hall withhigh functionality and full hotel offer is a comfortable andpractical choice6. TOMISLAV HALL, Antunović Hotel900 seats, multifunctional hotel congress hall with highfunctionality and modern design, which with its easy access,parking garage and other facilities stepped into the world ofthe big and the successful7. CONCERT HALL VATROSLAV LISINSKI, VatroslavLisinski 1851 seats, the most eminent concert hall in Zagreb,also suitable for congress events, is currently the largest congresshall in the city with fixed seats8. KORNATI HALL, Hypo Expo1100 seats, multi-purpose hall for various types of conferenceswith a modern design, spaciousness and practicality9. MIMOSA HALL, Double Tree by Hilton250 seats, the latest congress acquisition of Zagreb is a modernand practical multifunctional congress hall10. CONGRESS HALL FORUM, Green Gold Centre375 seats, modern multi-purpose hall within the Green Goldbusiness centre23

Meetings Star 2012HOTEL DUBROVNIK PALACE★★★★ PREMIUMPhoto credits: HOTEL DUBROVNIK PALACEMeetings Star AwardBEST PREMIUM RESORTMEETING HOTEL 20124. 41Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROMOpened in 1970, completely renovatedin 2004STANDARDCongress hotelNUMBER OF ROOMSTotal 308 rooms at the Hotel *****271 double and single rooms37 suitesONLINE PRICE171 – 367 EUR (September 2012)ADDRESSHOTEL DUBROVNIK PALACEMasarykov put 2020000 Dubrovnik, CroatiaTel: +385 20 430 830www.alh.hrPart of ALH (Escape Collection)FACILITIESMaslina Tavern Elafiti Restaurant(pension restaurant), Beach RestaurantPonta, Fine dinning restaurantLuna, Sunset Lounge Lanterna GlorijetBar, Vala Bar, Spa Comfort zoneon 1500m2, Fitness Studio, PrivateBeach, Scuba Diving ClubRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.55Accessibility 3.95First impression 4.65Lobby 4.38Employee attitude 4.11Reception 4.49Hotel room 4.15Hotel bed 4.95Bathroom and restroom 3.98Hotel breakfast 4.16Bars and restaurants 4.65Congress hall 4.78Additional offer 4.59Total 4.41FINAL GRADEPremium hotel 4.41LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationThe hotel is set in the fragrant Mediterranean environmentof Lapad peninsula, about five kilometresfrom the city centre. The hotel is part of the AdriaticLuxury Hotels (ALH) group, which in addition to theaward-winning Hotel Dubrovnik Palace in Dubrovnikalso manages the Excelsior Hotel, the Bellevue Hotel,Grand Villa Argentina, Kompas Hotel, Odysseus Hoteland Hotel Croatia. Although it functions as a resorthotel, it quickly became one of the hottest points of theDubrovnik congress scene.AccessibilityThe hotel is well connected to the city, with a frequentbus ride to the city centre, and guests also have a freehotel shuttle available. Dubrovnik is a distinct air destinationand it is 20 km from the hotel to the Čilipiairport. Flight availability is improving yearly, mostof the new lines coming from Great Britain, Germany,Scandinavia and Russia. We impatiently await the lastpart of the highway from Ploče to Dubrovnik, whichwill greatly improve road accessibility.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsThe Hotel Dubrovnik Palace seems overall a very neathotel. Conference guests who prefer atmosphere ofa large tourist resort, yet nevertheless orderly, donewith taste and generally pleasant, will certainly likeit. The original architectural features that were ratheraggressive have been replaced by a stylish modernistexterior after a thorough renovation, which opens tobreathtaking views. The subtle colour combinationsand generous space of the interior draws the eye andthe hotel comes across as functional throughout.Warm appetiser – personneland culinary offerAt the beginning of the main tourist season, an occasionalawkwardness comes over the otherwisefriendly staff. In general, the service is friendly and ofgood quality. Breakfast is rich and diverse with showcooking, although in the huge breakfast hall one feelsmore like being in some giant public space that lacksa little intimacy. Among the restaurants the most impressiveis the tavern Maslina, with its spectacularviews and easy Mediterranean cuisine for a reasonableprice. The hotel is excellent in terms of of catering,where they have no shortage of spectacular locationsfor fun by the pool or on the beach.Main course – congress and hotel offerAfter refurbishment the hotel proves that even whatmay at first seem a practically unsolvable architecturalchallenge of renovating a hotel colossus from the seventiescan actually be well solved. Virtually all roomshave an exceptional view of the sea and although thefurniture in some rooms is a bit tired, in general congressguests will feel good. The bed is solid, there arepleasant colours, excellent views and the attentivemaids will guarantee a positive impression. Eight multifunctionalconference rooms can accommodate from10 to 750 participants, facilities amongst which advantagesinclude a separate entrance for conference guestsand a top class team, accustomed to a very demandingcongress clients and protocol events.Dessert – additional offerA private beach with terraces that can be privatisedand where one can host an exclusive beach party. Arich offer of incentive programmes that through a wellpresented brochure can be ordered right from yourhotel room.-FLOP – negative surprisesGuests accustomed to 5-star standard wouldexpect a slightly higher standard in the rooms andespecially the bathrooms and upon arrival at hotel(concierge).+TOP – positive surprisesSpaciousness, comprehensive offer, wellnessand professional conference services.Overall impressions and credibilityAt the Hotel Dubrovnik Palace I wonder how littleis needed to move from being a solid hotel to somethingspecial and collecting numerous awards.Firstly, it is about the quality of services, as wellas about marketing that was excellently preparedaround the hotel and is reflected in its increasedprofile. According to the World Travel Awards jury,something of a tourism Oscar, the hotel earned the2011 award for being the leading Croatian hotel andspa resort. At the same time, we wonder whetherthey are eligible for other prizes. After visiting thehotel, it is clear that the Hotel Dubrovnik Palacedeserved the award; to the highest category it doesnot lack much, and depending on the assessment weranked it among the top premium congress hotelsin the region, where the emphasis is not only on theenvironment but on quality. In almost all respectsa modern hotel and definitely a good choice amongthe many options in Dubrovnik.24

Meetings Star 2012HOTEL ESPLANADE ZAGREB★★★★★ LuxuryPhoto credits: HOTEL ESPLANADE ZAGREBMeetings Star AwardBEST PREMIUM RESORTMEETING HOTEL 20124. 78Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROM1952, reconstructed in 2004STANDARDHotel with congress capacitiesNUMBER OF ROOMS208 rooms and suitesONLINE PRICE135 € – 249 € (March 2012)ADDRESSHotel Regent EsplanadeMihanoviceva 110000 ZagrebPhone: +385 (0)1 45 66 666www.regenthotels.com/EN/ZagrebFACILITIESZinfandel restaurant, Le Bistro, Esplanade1925 – lounge bar, OleanderTerrace, Wellness club, 11 meetinghalls.RESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.50Accessibility 4.00First impression 5.00Lobby 5.00Employee attitude 4.95Reception 4.95Hotel room 4.70Hotel bed 4.90Bathroom and restroom 4.90Hotel breakfast 4.80Bars and restaurants 4.80Congress hall 5.00Additional offer 4.60Total: 4.78FINAL GRADELuxury hotel 4.78LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationThe last Orient Express passed through Zagreb in1977. The legendary train, which travelled betweenParis and Istanbul, is the main reason for the developmentof Hotel Esplanade near the Zagreb TrainStation and the centre of the city, with a view ofZrinjevac Park.AccessibilityWith its central location the hotel is easily accessibleand it offers all the comfort of a top-notch hotel. Airaccess to Zagreb is constantly improving and a plannedexpansion of the airport implies that more and moreair carriers will be choosing to fly to Zagreb.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsThe elegant and recognisable hotel building is one ofZagreb’s secession icons. Since its opening the hotelhas been a centre of social life and the most luxurioushotel in the region. In 1964 it became part of the Inter-Continental chain, keeping its charm after the 2004renovation as part of the Regent Chain, which gaveit back its original secession spirit. The hotel lobbyis glamorous, conjuring up images of stars walkingaround it, and the hotel was named as Zagreb’s mostluxurious, not a year passing in which it scoops moreimportant tourist awards. After setting foot in thelobby you are transported to a new world, one that evensmells expensive.Warm appetiser – personneland culinary offerThe Zinfandel Restaurant located within the hotel wasnamed after the Californian red grape variety, whichactually originates in Croatia (kaštelanski crljenak),and it’s the Zinfandel vine that has become the trademarkof the hotel staff. Among the hotel’s culinaryoffer the legendary “Le Bistro” is a standout, whereguests can try the famous and instantly recognisable‘Esplanade Štrukli’. The staff are superior in serviceskills, pleasant and always professional.Main course – congress and hotel offerThe legendary Emerald Ballroom, which can host upto 280 participants, is unique and possibly the mostexclusive congress hall of the region, alongside whichare seven smaller halls. The catering, with the sloganESP-erimental, ESP-ressive and ESP-ert, is worldclass.The air-conditioned rooms are impeccably furbishedand include free newspapers, and you will finddesigner cosmetics in the bathroom. The rooms aregenerously spacious, the smallest measuring 32 m2.DESSERT – Additional offerA SPA and HEALTH club with a fitness centre, aprivate secretary should you need one, a personalshopper and stylist, special scented baths, tours ofZagreb on Segways, maps of jogging trails in Zagreb,and much more.-FLOP – negative surprisesSome of the technical equipment in the roomsis outdated and in need of updating (the TV set, forexample).+TOP – positive surprisesThe 250m2 presidential suite named afterOrson Welles, who once stayed at the hotel, and thesheer number of tiny surprises and pampering atevery step. Chef Jeffrey Vella, who excellently combinesMediterranean and continental gastronomy,guarantees a special experience.Overall impressions and credibilityThe hotel is an excellent choice for business andcongress guests and is probably the regional flagshipin terms of service quality, customer care,prestige and image. Staying at the hotel is a specialexperience, with a package that gives you a feelingof luxury.25

Meetings Star 2012Kempinski Palace Portorož★★★★★ LuxuryPhoto credits: Kempinski Palace PortorožMeetings Star AwardBEST PREMIUM RESORTMEETING HOTEL 20124. 77Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROMSince 1910, renovated as KempinskiPalace in 2008STANDARDHotel with conference facilitiesNUMBER OF ROOMS164 rooms *****superior17 suites ****superiorONLINE PRICE205 – 500 EUR (September 2012)ADDRESSKempinski Palace PortorožObala 45, 6320 PortoroseSloveniaTel: +386 5 692 7070FACILITIESSophia – Gourmet Restaurant, Fleurde Sel – Bar & Restaurant,Palace Club– Lobby Bar, Bubbles – Aperitif Bar,Forma Viva – Café and ladies saloon,Pool bar – healthy drinks and lightdishes, Wine cellar, Rose SPARESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.80Accessibility 4.00First impression 5.00Lobby 4.95Employee attitude 4.85Reception 4.39Hotel room 4.96Hotel bed 4.67Bathroom and restroom 4.97Hotel breakfast 4.99Bars and restaurants 4.87Congress hall 5.00Additional offer 4.60Total: 4.77FINAL GRADELuxury hotel 4.77LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationOne of the most famous hotels on the Adriatic coast,the bearer of the tourist development of Portorose,and a host to many celebrities and crowned heads istoday refurbished, proud and opened in full bloom fordemanding guests. It first opened in 1910 and togetherwith the Hotel Portorose became a cosmopolitanresort. The hotel renovated in 2008 was supposed tobring back to Portorose a similar revival as when itfirst opened more than a century ago. It does not makesense to waste words on the location, because withoutthe Palace Hotel one simply can not imagine Portorose.For Portorose it is also an important fact that the hotelis managed by the reputable Kempinski hotel chain,which put it back again on the global tourism map.AccessibilityPortorose is the most important tourist centre on theSlovenian coast. The hotel is in the centre of Portorose,near Slovenia’s main road network, which allows foreasy access. There is good access to the closest airport,which is in Trieste and just 80km away, and via thecentral Slovenian Ljubljana airport, which is 150kmaway. The local airport Sečovlje is only suitable forsmaller aircraft.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsThe hotel is one of the best quality examples of secessionarchitecture from the turn of the last century andis a key architectural trademark of Portorose. It is anarchitectural reflection of the time in which it wascreated, when neoclassical architectural compositionsthat conveyed a feeling of stability and tradition werefashionable. The Art Nouveau interior of the old hotelwith its superior Crystal Hall, is connected with thenew part of the hotel, which has a glass entrance hall,a nice feature with beautiful views of the park and theBay of Piran. In general, I find the work of the architectsto be of high-quality and sound design, with asense of the past blended with thoughts of the requirementsof today’s customers.Warm appetiser – personneland culinary offerBreakfast in the Crystal Hall is an unforgettable experience.Seamless culinary thrills for the most demandingof gourmets that the hotel scene on the Sloveniancoast struggles to compare itself with. The sweets area particular delight.The staff is typical of the standard expected from theKempinski chain, fast, friendly and efficient. Detailsare inspiring. Expectations of guests in a hotel of sucha category are very high and it seems that they aremeeting them well at the Kempinski.Main course – congress and hotel offerThe Kempinski Hotel is the only five-star superiorhotel in Slovenia. This means that the rooms are spaciousand well-equipped, as befits a top hotel. The interiorcolour is subdued, modernly designed and appearsprestigious whilst offering a lot of style and freshness.The technical equipment showcases the hotel’s technologicalsophistication. The modern conventioncentre is prestigious and well-equipped. Six conferencerooms have natural daylight and the largest hallcan accommodate up to 220 participants. The heartof the convention offer is Crystal Hall, which afterthe renovation shone in full splendour and in additionto the Union Hall in Ljubljana is the most prestigiousconference and banquet hall in Slovenia. It opens ontoa century-old park, which is an attractive venue foroutdoor events.Dessert – additional offerROSE Spa is an elegant wellness centre with a rangeof traditional treatments, derived from the traditionof Portoroz.-FLOP – negative surprisesIt’s hard to find faults, perhaps the only disturbingthing is the arrangement of the coastalstretch, which with the quality of its offer doesnot reflect the prestigious hotel, but this is notthe problem of the hotel, but rather of the developmentof Portorose tourism.+TOP – positive surprisesThe hotel is an excellent choice for automotivepremieres. Because of the above it is nosurprise that the prestigious car manufacturerMercedes chose it for the global launch of itsA-Class model.Overall impressions and credibilityThe Hotel Kempinski is, simply put, a great hotel.After the renovation it not only offers to guestssuperior services at Kempinski standards, but alsohas a unique look and style that reflects its legendarycharacter and Habsburg elegance. In addition,at the hotel they understand the concept of hospitalityat the very highest level extremely well.26

Meetings Star 2012GRAND HOTEL UNION EXECUTIVE★★★★ premiumPhoto credits: Grand Hotel UnionMeetings Star AwardBEST PREMIUM RESORTMEETING HOTEL 20124. 45Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★OPEN SINCE1905STANDARDConvention hotelNUMBER OF ROOMS172 rooms6 suites16 appartmentsPRICE INTERNET95 € - 154 € (December 2012)ADDRESSGRAND HOTEL UNION EXECUTIVEMiklošičeva 11000 LjubljanaSloveniaT: +386 (0)1 308 12 70E: hotel.union@gh-union.siwww.gh-union.siFACILITIESSmrekarjev hram, Union garden,Aperitif bar, Coffee shop, Union cellar,Secured garage, Indoor pool withmassage offer, sauna and fitness,Fashion boutique, Hair saloon, JewelerRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.90Accessibility 3.90Overall impression on arrival 4.35Entrance hall - lobby 4.15Employee behaviour 4.59Reception 4.52Hotel room 4.02Hotel bed 4.18Bathroom and toilet 4.34Hotel breakfast 4.75Bars and restaurants 4.75Congress hall 5.00Additional offer 4.40Total: 4.45FINAL GRADEPremium hotel 4.45LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationThe hotel’s main location is in the heart of the capitalcity of Slovenia. In Ljubljana it can’t get more centralas hotels and the convention centres are concerned, itis not. Beautiful, practical and convincing.AccessibilityIn Ljubljana, it is hard to imagine a better location forexploring the city on foot. Because in the very heart ofthe city it is difficult to park everywhere in Europe, aguarded hotel garage with 120 parking spaces is available.With flight availability the hotel shares the fateof the Slovenian capital. The hotel is easily accessiblefrom all major highways, and from railway and busstations.Cold apetiser – architecture and aestheticsThe hotel opened in 1905 opened, is built in the ArtNouveau style and was at the time of the opening oneof the most modern and most complete hotels in SouthEast Europe. The interior and exterior of the hotel ischaracterized by typical Art Nouveau ornaments.The hotel is located in the centre of the so called ArtNouveau Ljubljana, which was formed after the earthquakeof 1895. A special feature is the interior of thebuilding with distinctive Art Nouveau motifs. UnionHall was the opening a real technological achievementof the time and is considered to be the largest ballroomin the Balkans with a steel roof construction.Warm apetiser – personnel and culinary artWith cooking at Union there re no compromises.Therefore, the hotel has probably the best and highlyoriginal catering services in Slovenia. Top Team worksunder the direction of Olympian Chef Janez Dolški,who is the head chef of the Slovenian national team.Legendary team of waiters creates a special atmosphere,and are almost a kind of inventory of GrandHotel Union. It would be hard to find a more professionaland friendly team, trained for congress eventsin Slovenia.Main course – meetings hotel offerThe convention centre has been designed at the centrallegendary Union Hall, but a whole during the renovationin 2001, experienced a number of internal andexternal improvements and is now very well adaptedto the needs of conference delegates. Elegant additions,the selected colour combinations emphasise thegeneral good impression of the convention centre. Thatthe well-being at the centre is good, large glass surfacestake care of. With sophisticated performance theyhave taken care of superior final impression. In addition,the spatial relationships between the lobby andhalls are among the best in Slovenia. Organisers have21 halls and salons available which can accommodatefrom 10 to 800 guests.Comfort and equipment of hotel rooms depend on thechoice of executive or business hotel. More modernbusiness or a more traditional executive are more amatter of choice depending on taste and needs. Therooms are well maintained, but chances are, in comparisonwith the most luxurious hotels of the region,they will need a soft renovation. Otherwise, the impressionis of quality, although not the most stylishmodern and not entirely worth the money.Dessert – additional offerSuperb a la carte restaurant Smrekarjev hram, led byMiro Rismondo is one of the largest culinary surprisesof the hotel.-FLOP – negative surprisesLittle things in hotel rooms. materials, textilesand equipment of rooms could be more modern.+TOP – positive surprisesPersonnel from the reception to the waitersis among the friendliest and the most intuitive.Legendary nostalgic cafe is one of Ljubljana’s culturalinstitutions, known for its cabaret and varietyshows.Overall impressions and credibilityTaste of meetings organizers is unpredictable anddifficult to follow, but the choice of Grand HotelUnion is definitely a right one. Due to the excellentconvention halls, flexibility and friendly staff, ofcourse. In the Ljubljana conference offer the GrandHotel Union reigns. Excellent hotel for conventiongourmets and a true flag bearer of the Ljubljanahotel conference offer ever since 1905.27

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS AND FRAGRANCESBETWEEN THE ALPS AND THE ADRIATICText by Rok KlančnikGeographically, politically and economicallythe area between the Alps and theAdriatic – which is actually a gulf of theMediterranean Sea – is a cultural treasure. Atthe triple-frontier between Slovenia, Austria(Carinthia) and Italy (Friuli–Venezia Giulia)three languages and three European languagegroups meet: Romance, Germanic and Slavic.Whoever is born in this area has a much betterpredisposition to understand these three largeworld cultures.Friuli–Venezia Giulia borders on Carinthia inthe mountainous north, the border with Sloveniaflows parallel with the emerald river Soča all theway to the Adriatic coast. Its southern half iscompletely flat and is a part of the Po river plainmostly covered by the Italian province of Veneto.Even though there are some urban centres inFriuli, throughout history the driving forceof the region has always been Trieste. Friuli isknown for its language, since the Frilulians don’tspeak only Italian. At least a million people speakFriulian, a language reminiscent of the premedievaland even pre-Roman times.The gastronomy of Friuli is a link betweenthe Alps and the Mediterranean. As in Sloveniain Carinthia and Styria it’s often hard to assesswhich dish belong to which region. This greenpiece of Europe has always been, despite the politics,transitional. Salesmen, soldiers, clerks pavedmany ways and brought with them recipes, wine,brandies and good spirits.In Friuli we find some dishes we findnowhere else – here we really shouldn’t speak ofpizza, spaghetti or sea urchins, since Friuli is significantlydifferent from South Italy. This regionserves “cialsons” – very similar to Slovenian orbetter Bovec and Rateče fritters. These are doughpockets shaped like a crescent moon and filledwith fresh cheese. They are also very fond ofplum filled dumpling and offer them as appetizers(unlike their neighbours in Gorica, whichoffer them as desert). “Gubana” are tartlets filledwith walnuts, sugar, raisins and cocoa, but themost famous Friuli food is “frico”. It’s a “marriage”of potato and cheese, stirred and fried.The most appropriate cheese for this dish is“Montasio” from the mountain of the same name(in Slovenian Montaž). At the coast they enjoy eeland other kinds of sea food, as well as prosciuttofrom San Daniele and corn polenta cut by string.Among drinks, Friuli wines from the lowlandsand the western slopes of Collio (Brda) areworth mentioning.The Italian and Slovenian side of Collioshare rebula – ribollo, which supposedly originatesfrom the 12th century and the Pinot Nero,with the Slovenian Goriška Brda. The sweetwine Ramandolo is also known. They also makea strong yet fragrant grappa.Brandies are typical for Carinthia as well,since this south Austrian province cannot boastwith its wines – these are a speciality of itseastern neighbour – Styria. Again, it’s hard topoint out the typical Carinthian foods and thespecialities of Carinthian cooking. The shopsare full of wonderful types of bread, which ismostly dark, a bit sour especially when meadfrom dark or rye meal. “Reindling” is a type ofbread containing pieces of fruit, on other occasionsthe “Schlickkrapfen” (dough pockets filledwith meat), “Kasnudeln” (filled with cheese andmint) and beef soup with liver dumplings, are onthe table. Tafelspitz – cooked beef is accompaniedby apple or cream horse radish. Numeroushill cabins serve the skiers “Germknödel” in thewinter. A large dumpling filled with excellentplum marmalade, swimming in vanilla sauce andsprinkled with poppy.Styria, in comparison to Carinthia a winegrowingcountry, is full of “puschenschank” – atype of tourist farm. The winegrowers always hadto work hard, so the food is more filling and heavy.Here the brad is covered with “Verhackertes” orminced lard, they use a lot of pumpkin seed oiland enjoy food made of buckwheat meal, frommush to pasta.FACTS ABOUT AUSTRIA Facts Area:Total: 83,871 km 2Land: 82,445 km 2Water: 1,426 km 2Capital:ViennaLand boundaries:Czech Republic 362 km, Germany 784 km,Hungary 366 km, Italy 430 km, Liechtenstein35 km, Slovakia 91 km, Slovenia 330 km,Switzerland 164 kmClimate:Temperate; continental, cloudy;cold winters with frequent rain and somesnow in low lands and snow in mountains;moderate summers with occasional showersPopulation:8.214.160International country CALLING code:+43Time Zone:Central European TimeFACTS ABOUT ITALYFacts Area :Total: 301,340 SQ KMLand: 294,140 SQ KMWater: 7,200 SQ KMCapital:RomeLand boundaries:Austria 430 km, France 488 km, Holy See(Vatican City) 3.2 km, San Marino 39 km,Slovenia 199 km, Switzerland 740 kmClimate:Predominantly Mediterranean; Alpine in farnorth; hot, dry in southPopulation:58.090.681International country CALLING code:+39Time Zone:Central European Time28

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GO INCarinthia and StyriaCarinthia and Styria are the hidden jewels ofAustria. High peaks, deeply hollowed valleysand glittering lakes, golden sunny wine growinghills, authentic medieval villages and fairytalecastles, and also to be remembered the prominentcharm of Graz and Klagenfurt - this is a winterparadise for ski lovers, which in the summerwith its many lakes becomes one large swimmingpool, surrounded by beautiful mountain views.In the shadow of the more popular regions ofVienna and Salzburg at the forefront, Styria andCarinthia maintained their primary spirit - visitthem before this changes.In numbers13 peaks are higher than 3000 metres62 % of the whole Austrian territory is coveredwith the AlpsMore than 1000 kilometres of ski slopesTop 5Scenic mountain road Grossglockner –onthe most famous alpine road in Europe you aregoing through all climates and vegetation belts:meadows, forests, mountains, rocks and ice.Memorable.Graz with its Schlossberg is easily the mostbeautiful city of the region, and with its clubsand restaurants also the most fun.Woerther See, Millsteatter See and Faaker Seeare only the largest of numerous lakes thatprovide for swimming and sailing pleasures inthe summer in the middle of the Alps.Carinthian ski resorts are considered one ofthe finest and best equipped in Europe.Many festivals of folk music, beer and nationaldishes are an amazing experience that givesnew meaning to the word “hedonism”The most …~ ~ The Austrian flag is one of the oldest flags inthe world. It is in existence since 1191.~ ~ The most popular muscle man and GovernorArnold Schwarzenegger was born in Thal.~ ~ Grossglockner is with its 3798 metres thesecond highest European peak.~ ~ Graz Schlossberg is the strongest fortress inthe world, as since 12th century no one hasmanaged to conquer it.~ ~ Austrians are known for their hard work: onaverage they are working 45 hours per week,which is the highest in Europe.What else to do~ ~ While walking the charming and picturesquemedieval villages, such as Friesach and Gmund,forget what year it really is.~ ~ Go on a tour of the entire planet in Minimundus,the world in miniature.~ ~ Put on your boots and go whistling on paths ofthe mountain Nockberge National Park.~ ~ Surrender to the flow of road between the beautifulwine growing hills in the east and tasteyourself why it is called “Austrian Toscana”.~ ~ Experience a real golfer’s paradise with golfcourses next to calm lakes, amid vineyards orbreathtaking mountains.WHERE TO GO INFriuli-Venezia GiuliaItaly, one of the most widely acclaimed countriesin the world, despite its tourist popularitycontinues to surprise and impress. Friuli- Venezia Giulia is one of its smallest, but alsoone of the most versatile regions. Intact in itspristine beauty it is still an undiscovered touristgem, ideal for visitors who want to go “off thebeaten track.” Snowy peaks of the Alps and theDolomites, warm sandy beaches, remote mountainvillages, Roman monuments, rocky coastalcliffs and rural villas - welcome to la Bella Vita.In numbers8 kilometers of golden sandy beaches adornsLignano16,000 hectares of lagoons3 natural parks and 13 nature reserves25 kilograms of pasta Italian eats in a yearTop 5Aquileia, the metropolis of the Roman Empire,is an amazing archaeological open-air museumand one of the most brilliant jewels of the regionand the entire Italy.Dolomites with amazing scenery and colours,revealing the crystal water, snow-covered rockypeaks and lush valleys, are a paradise for naturelovers in summer and winter.Golden beaches of Lignano offer endless thrillsin the water during the day and party at night.Trieste is an elegantly cosmopolitan city, treasuretrove of architectural gems.Miramare Castle is a stunning castle fromfairytale fantasy.The most …~ ~ The region is named after Julius Caesar, themost famous figure of ancient Rome.~ ~ San Daniele is the place of world’s most famousham and here every year the town is hosting afestival dedicated to this meat.~ ~ Trieste is the home of Ernesto Illy, the world’scoffee guru.~ ~ Friuli-Venezia Giulia boasts one of the best varietiesof white wine in Europe, which is in noway lagging behind TuscanWhat else to do~ ~ In the seaside spa town of Grado you canregain strength and health, offered by therapeuticsand and air.~ ~ Visit the Grotta Gigante in Sgonico, which isthe largest European tourist karst cave.~ ~ Try the real rural life in one of the log huts inthe Carnic Alps, or at one of the tourist farmslearn how to be a cheese maker.~ ~ Try the charming snowy slopes of Sella Nevea,Forni di Sopra or Piancavalla.~ ~ Tour green hills of wine country around Collieand taste yourself, what is their attraction.29

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>KLAGENFURT AND LAKE WORTHERSEECONVENTIONLANDIt is interesting that municipalities of Bled in Slovenia andVelden are twinned. Both towns live with their lakes,which define their focus on tourism. Klagenfurt is substantiallylarger and more important. It will be interesting tosee further development of the two towns. Klagenfurt andCarinthia are already slightly in advantage because theresystematic marketing of meetings industry has already beendeveloped for years.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.34Comparison with the region:Klagenfurt is a likable and pleasant alpine congress destinationthat is reminiscent of Gorenjska region in Slovenia in manyrespects. Not surprisingly, co-operation between regions hasbeen developing lately, however we also note some competitivenessin the field of meetings industry. It is interesting thatcloseness to border represents an advantage and an opportunityfor majority of meetings industry suppliers. Key advantageof Klagenfurt is definitely fairy tale like well maintained andpleasant environment and quality offer and professionalism ofsuppliers. In this respect Carinthia and Klagenfurt are slightlyahead of other destinations in the region. But most importantis touristic culture and good co-operation between suppliersthat qualitatively round up standard meetings offer.Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.4Klagenfurt builds its meetings offer on sustainable development.Main types of tourism are based on natural wealth andexperiential diversity. Apart from natural wealth it also hasrich cultural heritage and the crossroads of three cultures representsa rich marketing potential.Cool meetings:Dumplings known from ski trip visits called “Germknodel” arenot originally speciality of Carinthia, nevertheless I think ofthem every time I think of Carinthia. Carinthia is otherwisedivided into 12 culinary regions each of which has their owntypical culinary products.More on KLAGENFURT on www.kongres-magazine.euB. General and traffic infrastructure 4.2Position at the crossroads of important routes is an importantfactor in competitiveness of destination. Klagenfurt is an importantinter social and European transit region that is easilyreachable thanks to modern highways and rail connections.Somewhat poorer are air connections.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.4Carinthia is one of the most developed tourist destinationsin Austria with comprehensive tourist offer. At this time it isleading in the field of sports, active holidays and holidays inpristine nature. This part of the offer is accompanied by numeroushealth, wellness and spa suppliers.D. Meetings infrastructure 3.8Being oriented towards holidaying tourism for years, conventioninfrastructure is somewhat behind compared to competitionin Austria. Although Klagenfurt is weakest in this respectthe offer is still above average in regional sense. Klagenfurt canbe an excellent starting point for incentive programmes nearby and in Carinthia.E. Subjective grade 4.4Klagenfurt as centre of Carinthia with its tidiness, safety andratio between price and quality is one of the best conventiondestinations in the wider region. Personal experience is pleasant.Image of destination positively affects the result of a congressor an event.31

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>TRIESTEIMPRESSIONS AT THE JUNCTION OF ROMAN AND SLAVICThe congress shape of the city gives the impression ofhibernation. Due to numerous scientific institutionsthe meetings industry is functioning, but not developing.It seems the huge congress potential of the city is unexploited.The city is pleasant and tidy, but it seems economicallyand socially stagnant for decades. This can mostly beseen in the image of the destination, which needs a seriousboost considering the cosmopolitan nature of the city. Theconvention bureau appears somewhat rusty so maybe the abolitionof the border can offer a new opportunity to cooperatewith the hinterland in Slovenia. Trieste used to be one of theleading cities in Europe, which attracted business and was anexample of multiculturalism. Today the meetings industryshares its faith with the city’s, despite a number of developmentopportunities. Globalisation and border abolitionenable Trieste to turn to its hinterlands. This can contributeto the revitalization of the meetings industry if there is intereston both sides of the border, which may be gone now, butis still present in the minds. In cooperation with Ljubljana,Trieste could become a large player in the meetings industryof the broader European space.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.36Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.1The Mediterranean climate, unspoilt Karst hinterland andextraordinary diversity of the landscape contribute to highattractiveness of Trieste and surroundings. The Karst hinterlandwith its extraordinary cultural heritage poses a contrastto the city which demonstrates its former cosmopolitan spiritat every step. The mixture of cultures left its mark on the cityand makes the meetings industry that much more interesting.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.7Trieste was an important traffic juncture and main port ofthe region for centuries. Traffic infrastructure is still good,but air access is poor. The most sensitive historical centre isneat and tidy but the feeling of industrial degradation aroundthe harbours is less pleasant. General feel and quality ofliving are adequate.C. Tourism infrastructure 3.5The trump cards of tourism are numerous cafes, bistros andrestaurants. Sports and recreation offer is well developed.The city offers some great hotels and a number of smallerboutique ones. Due to the demographic situation and the abolitionof the border it regressed somewhat in the once leadingshopping and entertainment area, which can now be foundon the Slovenian side of the border.D. Meetings infrastructure 3.4Despite the oldest convention centre in the region Trieste lostits previous high position on the international market. Theconvention centre is in dire need of renovation. Hotel Savoiais the flagship hotel others don’t reach its level. The agenciesare strong, but Trieste lacks some really strong PCO agenciesand a more innovative incentive offer.E. Subjective assessment 3.2The meetings industry of Trieste is actually fine, it’s justmissing something to make it an above average congressdestination. The city is safe, tidy, has a good price to qualityratio, the locals are hospitable and professional. The somethingextra that’s missing is a more attractive offer, whichwould take advantage of the hidden potentials of Trieste.Comparison to the Region:Today, Trieste is mostly known for its coffee, rather than themeetings industry. The geo-political location could makeTrieste a leading Adriatic congress destination, yet it is nowbeing overtaken by less accessible and geographically locateddestinations. Solid infrastructure is a good foundation for development.The image of the city on the regional and worldmarket needs to be improved. When key stakeholders onboth sides of the border realize the potential of the city, itcan become much more important than it is today.Cool meetings:Trieste is the second name for coffee. In Trieste coffee isgreat and is the first on the daily schedule. Espresso fromTrieste rules. And to quote the coffee doctor Ernesto Illy,“cappuccino is the female side of coffee, espresso is for men”.There are over 50 coffee companies working in Trieste today.More on TRIESTE on www.kongres-magazine.eu33

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Colours, sounds and fragrancesof Bosnia and HerzegovinaEven though the country looks prettycompact, hearth shaped on the map, it’sactually a mosaic of different cultures.It’s hilly and green, covered with vast woodsand part of the Dinaric Karst in the west. It evenhas a short strip of the Adriatic coast at Neum,yet it’s still seen as a mostly continental and notAdriatic country.Bosnia and Herzegovina in pretty vast incomparison to its neighbours. Some hills, likeJahorina and Bjelašnica, where the SarajevoWinter Olympics were held in 1984, are so hugea skier could easily get lost without the signs.Green turns to blue, followed by white and red,wherever a traveller stops, his eyes are neverbored.Even though BiH – hardly anyone uses theofficial name frequently when you can simplysay “be-i-ha”, is home to many nations, they allspeak the same language though in differentdialects. The new state calls it “Bosnian”, butactually there are no problems in communicationbetween Serbs, Muslims, Bosnians andCroatians, who share this once divided country.Noteworthy: this is the language the Nobel Prizewinning novel by Ivo Andrić, The Bridge on theDrina was published in.Sarajevo is very proud of its Jewish –Sephardi tradition, even though not much is leftof it today. Yet still! This friendly place offeredshelter to the Sephardi at the end of the 15thcentury when they were banished from Spain.Bosnians, regardless their nationality, listen tothe same music, mostly local rock band as wellas huge international stars. If we exclude fashionabletrends, like “turbo folk” we cannot passthe wonderful treasure of folk poetry and song,be it in the Herzegovian Karst, the hills of today’sRepublika Srpska and its capital Banjaluka orthe dreamy, melancholic “sevdalinka”. Likea Bosnian fado the sevdalinka is a song of oldBosnian cities, filled with sorrow of love or “animaginary ambiance of beauty, where in theendless vastness of the soul, grains of joy thriveand make life wonderful...”The cuisine is similar to music and poetry.It’s rich, diverse. It includes “čevapčiči” themost proletarian food we can imagine, whichmade their way (through workers from BiH)throughout Europe as far as Germany. The bestminced meat rolls (its larger, rounder form iscalled “pljeskavica”, balls served with tomatosauce are “ćufte”), with the addition of onions,“kajmak” (a soft cheese from cottage cheese andsalt), “ajvar”, served in a “lepinja”, are made inSarajevo. Ah, if this were only all ... What about“begova” and all the other stews?After a large lunch, the lady or man of thehouse will serve something sweet – often reallysweet. Be it a “baklava” (fried pastry with walnutsin warm water), “tufahije” (baked apples filledwith walnuts) “ružica”, “hurmašice”, “kadaif”,“oblande”, “sutlijaš” (rice pudding) and so onand so forth till the day after tomorrow.Herzegovina offers some excellent wines,mostly white. BiH is far more famous for its“rakija” or brandy, where the world renownedplum brandy from fat, home grown plums, oftenthree times distilled and strong as hell, is theundisputed queen. Let’s not forget the Bosniancoffee – strong, fragrant as sin. Sugar or no sugar,preferably served with “rahatlokum” (a jellycube with walnuts).FACTS ABOUT BOSNIAAND HERZEGOVINAFacts Area:Total: 51.197 km 2Land: 51.187 km 2Water: 10 km 2Capital: SarajevoLand boundaries:Croatia 932 km, Montenegro 249 km,Serbia 357 kmClimate:Hot summers and cold winters; areas of highelevation have short, cool summers and long,severe winters; mild, rainy winters along coastPopulation: 4.621.598International country CALLING code:+387Time Zone:Central European Time34

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOBosnia and Herzegovina, the land of the heart,as it is called because of its shape, really touchesyour heart. It has always been a wonderfulmeeting point of eastern and western cultures,as it bears the stamp of two completely differentempires, Turkish and Austrian-Hungarian. Landof good food, outstanding, open people and funoffers visitors stunning mountain landscapes andgreat experiences with a good sense of adventure.Enjoy the Bosnian rhythm and life will be betterand easier in a moment.In numbers …3 official languages1272 athletes from 49 countries took part at theWinter Olympic Games in Sarajevo250.000 tickets were sold at the Olympic Games75 metres high is the waterfall Skakavac inSutjeska National ParkTop 5Sarajevo, a magical city of timeless beautywhere everyone immediately feels like at homeMostar with its old bridge is without a doubtthe most fascinating city of this heart shapedcountry.Neum is the only coastal town, but it boasts anincredibly clean and calm sea.National Park Sutjeska, pristine area of glaciallakes below the high peaks, passing which theriver Sutjeska formed a stunning valleyMedjugorje is a place of miracles and one ofthe most famous pilgrimage sites in the world.The most …~ ~ In 1984 Sarajevo hosted the Winter OlympicGames. These were the first Olympic Gamesin any communist country in history.~ ~ The most famous ćevapi in the world originatein Sarajevo’s Baščaršija.~ ~ Peručica is one of the last two surviving primevalforests in Europe.~ ~ Oriental town Počitelj is host to the longestcontinuous art colony in this part of Europe.~ ~ The inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina areincredible coffee drinkers, which is similar toa ritual and is an important part of the culture.What else to do~ ~ Taking a walk through Sarajevo’s Baščaršija isalways a unique experience that everyone getsaddicted to.~ ~ In Visoko judge yourself, whether the stunningBosnian pyramids are the work of nature orancient human hands.~ ~ Enjoy several hours of a cup of coffee in“fildžan” and then pamper your taste budswith čevapčiči, kajmak and burek.~ ~ From Mostar to Sarajevo take a train and enjoythe incredible mountain views.~ ~ Rafting on Tara or Una- both are a uniqueadrenaline experience.35

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>SARAJEVOBETWEEN EAST AND WESTThe fragile peace in Bosnia is occasionally interruptedby incidents that don’t undermine the feeling of security.The city is opening up to new capital and buildingsites are open all over the city despite the economic woes.The meetings industry is not yet among the key products ofSarajevo. For a serious breakthrough it should be dealt within a planned and strategic manner. Sarajevo is a winner inhospitality, which contributes greatly to the positive personalexperience of the participants. I often wonder if thefour-year siege tore apart the spirit of tolerance that shapedthe Bosnian culture for centuries beforehand and culminatedin the Winter Olympics of 1984 under the world’s gaze.Sarajevo deserves a new “Olympic Games” and a numberof new congress projects. For starters, Sarajevo will be theEuropean Cultural Capital in 2014. The new spirit of thetimes is demonstrated by the Al Džezira Balkan TV stationsetting up headquarters in Sarajevo. According to the editorsthis is because of the special spirit of Sarajevo which enablesregional coverage without nationalist tendencies.The Bosnia and Sarajevo from my youth are gone, but theromantic memories remain!

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.36Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.2Sarajevo is known for its incredible countryside spiced withhistorical, social and cultural attractiveness. Due to the recenthistory Sarajevo is one of the more exciting cities in the region.The negative aspect is the attitude towards the environmentand the general state of the environment and architecture, aconsequence of the war in the nineties. In Sarajevo, geographyintertwines with chemistry.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.2Comparison to the Region:The brand ‘Sarajevo’ is one of the strongest trademarks inthe region. It gets its character from the dramatic juncturebetween East and West. In the meetings industry the brandand destination are completely unexploited despite theirimmense potential. With proper positioning and investmentsin the meetings industry Sarajevo can quickly catch up withother destinations in the region. A special asset for the developmentof the meetings industry is the attitude of the peopleof Sarajevo, who are known for their humour, tolerance andunderstanding.Cool meetings:Sarajevo burek (only with meat), Bosnian pies and ćevapčićiat Baščaršija rule! The Bosnian black coffee goes great withbaklava, urmašice, tulumba and ratlukom. We grew up withSarajevan music: Bijelo Dugme, Crvena Jabuka, Plavi orkestaras well as Kemal Monteno, Zdravko Čolić, Dino Merlinand sevdah. Even the culinary offer and multi-ethnic – culturaland national – Olympic spirit are a part of the congressSarajevo from our past.More on SARAJEVO on www.kongres-magazine.euThe general infrastructure and traffic infrastructure ofSarajevo is average, with huge investments needed in someareas to help Sarajevo catch up with developed congress destinations.This is especially the case with road and air accessand public transportation.C. Tourism infrastructure 3.2The tourism infrastructure of Sarajevo is gradually pickingup and rejuvenating, however everything is happening independentlyand without a clear and coherent strategy. Thebiggest attribute of their current offer are that numerous cafes,restaurants, čevabdžinice and bars Sarajevo is famous for.Tourist development is slowly followed by the tourist “superstructure”,such as information centres and support services.D. Congress infrastructure 2.8The weakest part of the offer is the congress infrastructure –first and foremost the lack of a convention bureau rounding upthe offer and the fact that Sarajevo lacks a mid-sized conventioncentre. Other congress infrastructure is at best average.E. Subjective assessment 3.4The biggest asset of Sarajevo is the hospitality of the locals anda good balance between price and quality. In the area of politicalstability, safety and competitiveness, Sarajevo is an averagedestination. To be on the way towards becoming a developedcongress destination, the attitude towards the meetings industrywill have to change.37

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS ANDFRAGRANCES OF BULGARIAText by Rok KlančnikBulgaria – along with Romania – is theyoungest member of the European Unionsince 2007. As its northern neighbour themembership has completely changed life andinfluenced the economic development. A lot ofwhat has been written for Serbia and Romania istrue of Bulgaria as well, even though the countryhas its own national identity, language and habits.It’s the oldest country in Europe since it has beenin existence since 681.At the north of Bulgaria the Danube lowlandsfinish, the south is hilly – with plenty opportunitiesfor skiing, the hills and plateaus hide beautifullyorthodox monasteries. To the east there’sthe Black sea, which has developed greatly as atourist destination in the recent years.Who hasn’t heard of Kris Javacheff – Christo,who has been wrapping buildings and largeobjects into fabric all over the world? Bulgarianmusicians are mostly popular among ethno-musicfans. This music found its place on the goldendisk, carried into space by the NASA probeVoyager.Have you tried marmalade of juice fromrose petals? Bulgaria is famous for its roses,which are not only for decoration. Your hostsin Bulgaria will mostly swear by local wines andmore “manly” drinks, like a kind of “rakija” and“mastika”, which originates from Greece. InBulgaria they add a hint of mint to it so it’s a bitdifferent than the Greek Ouzo.Bulgarian cuisine is dominated by vegetables,since they are abundant due to the mild climate.They are often the basis for hot or cold soups.“Tarator” is a speciality made from yogurt, cucumbers,garlic, walnuts, anise, oil and water. Tofreshen it up in the hot summer they add a fewice cubes instead of water. Bulgarians are fond ofthe grill as well; they put all kinds of meat on it– mostly pork and lots of vegetables. Beef is a bitscarcer; lamb is delicious at the Black sea coastand in the hills of the Old Mountain and Rodopov.Popular kinds of homemade cheese are“sirene” and “kaškaval” which are used everywhere– from soup, to salad, sauce and desert.Bulgarians have always been proud of theirdairy products; they have supposedly beenmaking yoghurt for over a thousand years, withthe help of the bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus.For Christmas they like to prepare vegetabledishes, like filled paprika or grapevine leaves. ForNew Year’s they traditionally eat cabbage, fish isserved on St. Nicholas day (December 6th), Roastlamb on Jurjevo (May 6th).The sweets are dominated by “banica” arelative of the Serbian layer cake. If there is nocheese at hand, the layers of pastry are filledwith pumpkin, cabbage, spinach, mushrooms orsweet filling like walnuts, hazel nut and others,which make the “banica” similar to the Slovenian“potica”.“Banica” is often served with “ajran”, a refreshingTurkish drink from yogurt, salt andwater.FACTS ABOUT BULGARIAFacts Area:Total: 110,879 km 2Land: 108,489 km 2Water: 2,390 km 2Capital:SofiaLand boundaries:Greece 494 km, Macedonia 148 km, Romania608 km, Serbia 318 km, Turkey 240 kmClimate:Temperate; cold, damp winters; hot, drysummersPopulation:7.148.785International country CALLING code:+359Time Zone:Eastern European Time38

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOLand that has been hidden for many years fromthe world, has finally blossomed in all its glory.Although small, it offers a lot to its visitors inall seasons: primal sandy beaches, attractive skiresorts, endless opportunities for hiking, mysteriousmonasteries and churches, and stunninghistorical monuments. Modern cities and remoterural areas, where traditional, slow pace of life ofits warm people has not changed for centuries.One can only hope it will remain such for a longtime.In numbers35.000 km marked hiking trails9 UNESCO sitesMore than 200 hotels and 130 restaurants onthe Black Sea Sunny Beach333 bagpipes »gaidas« has the largest bagpipeorchestra in the worldTop 5Black Sea Coast boasts stunning beaches andpicturesque bays.Sofia is a dynamic city of the young with interestingmuseums, beautiful churches andgourmet restaurants.Rila Monastery is known worldwide for itsexceptional colourful frescoes.Bulgaria, with its predominantly mountainousterritory is a paradise for lovers of white slopeswith its modern ski resorts Bansko, Borovetsand Pamporovo.Infinite networks of well-marked hiking trailstake visitors around the lush mountain andforest landscapes Vitosha, Rile and Rodopov.The most …~ ~ Bulgaria is a country with the oldest name inEurope.~ ~ Bulgaria produces half of all rose oil, which isadded to perfumes worldwide.~ ~ Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the bacterium usedin the production of yogurt can be found onlyin Bulgarian air.~ ~ Bulgaria proudly holds third place in thenumber of archaeological monuments, behindItaly and Greece.~ ~ When Bulgarians shake their head, they reallythink “yes”, and when they nod their head,their answer is “no”.What else to do~ ~ Enjoy the colorful atmosphere of museumsand stunning Roman amphitheatre that gracesthe old part of Plovdiv.~ ~ Climb up to the peaks of Rile and enjoy theviews of the crystal Seven Lakes.~ ~ Relax your body and your eyes on the Sunnybeach, the most popular Bulgarian sea resort.~ ~ Belogardchika rocks, extending to as much as30 kilometers will with their unusual formsand folk stories certainly stir your imagination.~ ~ Enjoy a Bulgarian folk music concert, whichtouches every soul deeply.Are you kiddin’ me?According to the old farm tradition, at a funeralusually coins are placed on the dead person’seyes and then soaked in water. Then they give theliquid to the men to drink and then allegedly theyare made blind to the faults of their own wives.39

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>SOFIASLEEPING CONGRESS BEAUTYSofia is technically as well equipped as any great city.Organizing a convention in Sofia should be no trouble.It’s missing the factor x. It lacks the concise and consistentbranding, which would position the city among othertourist sites in Bulgaria. The entire communications storyof Sofia seems tired and reminiscent of the olden days. Thesense of security in the city is not always absolute. You canquickly have a little mishap with currency exchange. Theagencies are doing everything to survive, so a true specialisationhasn’t taken place yet. As a consequence Sofia is notyet on the top of regional convention destinations, where itshould be considering its capacities. It’s behind all the importantcities by ICCA statistics, which means the potential ofthe destination is enormous.What is extraordinary about it, are the individuals. Amongthem the legendary professor Stella Filipova and her youngteam, who raise hope and optimism about the future of themeetings industry in Sofia and Bulgaria.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.62Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 3.4The city a little shyly offers a colourful array of historic andcultural attractions, which along with hidden nooks do notdisappoint conference delegates. Experiential diversity is abit spoilt by worse environmental conditions, however, it is atolerant city, in which a Mosque, a Synagogue, a Catholic andthe Bulgarian Orthodox Church and various architecturalstyles co-exist hand in hand.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.6Bulgaria is in fact the real Balkans. On the one hand, thebuildings and architecture bear the imprint of the socialistpast and on the other are its warm and friendly people. Thecity is not governed by strict Western standards, but it stillfeels safe. It seems that the attitude towards the environmentis not the most developed; because of the size of the city onefinds garbage and untidy communal infrastructure. What issurprising is the new underground metro with new stationsand the relatively solidly governed public transport.destinations in South-East Europe. The city where you meetwith the past and the future of Bulgaria is also arriving at aninternational congress map. Perhaps the city is not as spectacularas some other cities, but it offers a genuine BalkanCongress service and experience.Comparison with the region:Sofia is a typical transition convention destination, whichneeds some more quality of services and a connection of themeetings industry with creative industries. As a destinationto discover Bulgaria Sofia has a lot to offer, yet it will have tointernationalize its meetings industry and strengthen marketing.The biggest opportunity is in the added value of thedestination unknown to the rest of congress Europe. Sofianeeds to get rid of the image of a cheap congress destinationof a lesser quality and become an internationally recognizedcongress brand. Sofia is a congress sleeping beauty caughtbetween east and west.Cool meetings:ŠOBSKA SALAD is disputed between Serbs and Bulgarians.Both claim that is of their origin. Otherwise, it is very goodand typical Balkan salad, which is usually served with grilleddelicacies.C. Tourist infrastructure 3.9The streets of Sofia are increasingly full of tourists, and withthe advent of low-cost carriers, Sofia is becoming a popularEuropean city break destination. It seems that the inhabitantshave not yet become accustomed to the tourist rush.The city offers a lot of authentic travel experiences for whichthere appear to be somewhat shyly hiding providers.D. Meetings infrastructure 3.5A giant convention centre Palace of Culture forms the meetingsinfrastructure, otherwise the main providers are internationalhotel chains. The main problem of the destination isthe inadequate destination marketing and poorer destinationimage compared to the competition.E. Subjective grade 3.7A great advantage of the destination are its friendly andhelpful inhabitants, and price attractiveness of the destination.Sofia is one of the most attractively priced convention41

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS ANDFRAGRANCES OF CROATIAText by Rok KlančnikAmong all European states, Croatia is oneof the most graphically recognizable,since its image is always adorned by a redwhite(ore silver) chessboard. This symbol supposedlystems from the tenth century when themedieval country was ruled by Stjepan Držislav.The country owns 1778 kilometres of the Adriaticcoast, adorned by 1185 islands. Yet Croatia is notonly a marine, blue, country. In the hinterlands ofDalmacija, there’s Dinaric Karst, while the centreis wooded, hilly, green and softly wavy in Zagorjeand flat in Slavonija.Since the country is shaped like a boomerangthe linguistic and musical culture is very differentiated.In Istria the people display an influenceof old Venetian Italian, in Dalmacija the languageis actually a melody, the so called “proper”Croatian or “štokavščina” should be spoken inZagreb and Slavonija. Among the national instrumentsthe stringed tamboura and rarely “gusle”are worth mentioning. The entire region boastsnumerous modern Croatian pop and rock bands,which perform nonstop, not just at home, but alsoaround the region and wider.Zagreb is proud of its tradition of classicalmusic and poetry, which enriches Europeanculture. In Hollywood, the actor John Malkovichis of Croatian decent, the producer Branko Lustighas already won two Oscars, the inventor NikolaTesla is owned by both Serbs and Croats.Croatian gastronomy is similar to Slovenianand Hungarian in the capital and in the continentalpart. The country is rich in excellent vegetables,crops, all kinds of meat....Foreign tourists should ask for “pura zmlinci”, roast lamb, suckling pig, dumplings... Atthe seaside of course: seafood is the rule – numeroustypes of fish and molluscs, prepared “podčripnjo” (under the lid), in “pašticada” (cookedlamb), in Istria, try the truffles from the valleyof Mirna – if possible in a sauce with “fuži” (atype of pasta).In the last few years Croatian wines are awelcome addition to the European gastronomymeeting points. Wines are excellent in Zagorje,Medžimurje as well as in Slavonija. Dalmacija isknown for heavy, red wines, full of minerals andirons, or desert wines like “prošek”.Another curiosity: Maraschino, a liquormade from the maraschino cherry, and the bitter“Pelinkovec”.FACTS ABOUT CROATIAFacts Area:Total: 56.594 km 2Land: 55.974 km 2Water: 620 km 2Capital:ZagrebLand boundaries:Bosnia and Herzegovina 932 km, Hungary329 km, Serbia 241 km, Montenegro 25 km,Slovenia 455 kmClimate:Mediterranean and continental; continentalclimate predominant with hot summers andcold winters; mild winters, dry summers alongcoastPopulation:4.486.881International country CALLING code:+385Time Zone:Central European Time42

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOIn the land of a thousand sunny islands and attractivehistorical towns you will never be bored.This is a country, where one always runs out oftime for everything to do it. Although at firstglance, it gives the feeling that mostly sunnybeaches and water activities are struggling forthe attention of travellers against cultural treasuresand ancient architecture, Croatia with itsinterior offers much more.In numbers2786 sunny days per year1244 islands576 species of fish130 domestic types of wine19 UNESCO protected historical treasures8 national parksTop 5Croatian islands: if you discover them by boat,car, or simply lie down on one of them, they arealways fascinatingZagreb: dynamic city with the charm of Europeanelegance that enchants you at every stepDubrovnik: the first and only true gem of theAdriatic, a town with no competitionPlitvice Lakes: extraordinary beauty of six turquoiselakes, which with numerous waterfallsrest among forested hills.Slow food: from year to year Croatian Chefs aregaining more force in European culinary world.The most …~ ~ The largest and longest of the islands is Cres,Hvar is the sunniest, the most party is Pag, themost intact is Mljet, the most gourmet is Vis,the most Robinson-like is Palagruza, the mostphotographed is Brac.~ ~ Istrian town of Hum is recorded as the smallesttown in the world – it has only 23 inhabitants,in the Guinness Book of Records.~ ~ In 1999 the biggest truffle in the world wasfound in Croatia.~ ~ The oldest people’s community theatre inEurope was built in 1612 on the island Hvar.~ ~ Stone from the island of Brač could be the mostfamous stone in the world while the WhiteHouse was built of it.What else to do?~ ~ Cycle in its green heart among medieval townsand hill villages.~ ~ Wear a diving suit and explore the underwatertreasures around the Dalmatian islands.~ ~ Sail between the Croatian islands. You mightmeet one of Hollywood acquaintances.~ ~ See at least one of Zagreb’s numerous museumsand galleries.~ ~ Indulge all your senses in one of the many sparesorts, which were already enjoyed by theancient Romans, or indulge in an authenticfarm life on a tourist farm.Are you kiddin’ me?Tie, which is worn daily by more than 600 millionmen around the world, comes from Croatia. Thelegend began during the Thirty Years War from1618 to 1648, when the Croatian rented soldierswho served in the French army, worn around theneck small knotted scarves. With this fashion additionthey attracted the attention of Parisians,who immediately adopted it and named it afterCroats - Cravat.43

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>DUBROVNIKPEARL OF THE ADRIATICDubrovnik is a city growing and developing due to themeetings industry. It will be a big part of the future ofthis industry for the entire region. First, as the mostsuccessful Croatian and regional brand on the global meetingsmarket. With little exaggeration we can claim the destinationbrand of the entire region will hang on Dubrovnik.It will lead the region as the first destination where internationaland local hotel chains are opening convention centresand performing intensive co-branding. The results are numerousincentives of international corporations to book upthe season and convention centre openings one after theother. I personally believe the meetings industry can changethe image of Dubrovnik. It is possible new investments inmeetings industry will change the sociological structure oftourists. I have to add, the key question is always the visionof the destination and the knowledge the infrastructure willbe successfully marketed.The wonderful setting of Dubrovnik is only a part of thestory; the meetings industry is largely the logical industryfor Dubrovnik. It is only missing some important investmentsinto infrastructure and meetings infrastructure.The meetings organizers can learn much from Dubrovnik,the inscription on the door to the Duke’s Palace: “Obliti privatorumpublica curate” or “Forget your own gains and takecare of the common ones”.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.42Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.9Stone Palace, which hides many stories, will greet you in allits splendour as it has for centuries greeted travellers fromaround the world. The magnificent city is one of the touristicons of the Adriatic and justifiably the most painted touristskyline with unprecedented experiential diversity for conferenceguests.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.0Among Croatian destinations Dubrovnik depends the moston the availability of flights. Hence this year’s forecastedrecord number of flights is gratifying for conference organizers.The city is safe, as evidenced by the current analysisof the portal Trip Advisor. The city is logistically regulatedsolidly, it is only necessary to avoid the largest tourist crowdsin the middle of the season.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.4Dubrovnik is once again well established on the world touristmap as a leading tourist destination in the region. Given theextensive tourist infrastructure locals would want to stretchthe summer crowds on the rest of the year. In addition to legendaryand iconic hotels like the Excelsior, the city offers avariety of hotel accommodation and is regarding restaurantsand entertainment lively day and night.D. Meetings infrastructure 4.5To have convention completeness Dubrovnik is only missinga modern multifunctional convention centre, which has beenplanned for a long time. So far, it is successfully replacedby modern and well-equipped centres at hotels such asDubrovnik Palace, Excelsior, Bellevue, Grand Villa Argentina,Importanne Resort, Dubrovnik President, Valamar Lacromaand Radisson Blue. Well-developed is the entire conferenceinfrastructure including destination management and creativeagency scene.E. Subjective grade 4.3World destination is again attracting well-known names andworld class events. It is the strongest brand of the region inthe meetings industry which hardly disappoints or leaves indifferent.Dubrovnik ignites love at first sight.Comparison with the region:Dubrovnik is the flagship of regional tourism and is the firstassociation of meetings organizers we meet daily. It has stillnot reached its full potential. It is the closest in the region torenowned Mediterranean convention destinations Cannesand Monte Carlo. It has the biggest potential in the area ofcorporate and other incentives; after the completion of theconvention centre also in the area of international associationsconventions.Cool meetings:DUBROVNIŠKA ROŽATA: Dessert of Dubrovnik’s nobility.Cream eggs with caramel sauce, served most often withthe sweet liqueur or fruit. One of Croatian versions of theworld-famous cream with caramel.45

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>HVARROOM WITH A VIEWHvar is still quite wild and largely uninhabited island.Over the beauty of the island, reminiscent of theGarden of Eden, there is no point in wasting words,since there is no shortage of various urban legends for approval.Among other things, it used to be called AustrianMadeira. In Hvar urban has been coexisting with rural forcenturies. Towns Hvar, Stari Grad, Jelsa and Vrboska andon the other hand less touristic places Poljica, Zastražišće,Zavala,...Logistically the organisation of events on the island is certainlymore complex than on the mainland. However, todayin addition to the quite degraded ferries of Jadrolinija youcan use the more comfortable passenger catamaran, whichcan also be privatised. Each year Airport Split has moreconnections, even out of the main season. Number of flightsduring the season surpasses those of many of the South-EastEuropean capitals. Road connectivity within the island,however, requires a bit more patience, especially during thehigh season.In the middle of summer Hvar is really overcrowded, but inearly autumn and spring it is a perfect choice for the organisationof congresses and incentive programmes, both at seaand on land.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.12Individual grades:A. Natural and Cultural Factors 4.5Central Dalmatian islands are inhabited since prehistorictimes. Due to its island specificity they create as a geographicaland cultural-historical finished whole. Hvar is now on theUNESCO list of natural heritage and is the main adventurepearl of the Adriatic.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 3.8Since Split is accessible from the highway, way to Hvar is significantlyshorter.Sunčani Hvar is aware of the difficult access to the island,which is particularly problematic for congress and otherbusiness travellers who come for 2 - 3 day’s events. Improvingflight connectivity weighs even in the worst case a two-hourdrive from Split to the island.C. Tourist Infrastructure 4.3Sunčani Hvar took care of cosmopolitan transformation ofHvar into a world’s top destination. The renovated hotels Rivaand Adriana in the old town can meet the needs of the mostdemanding guests, without missing good restaurants, barsand exclusive beaches. Well maintained walkway connectsthe old part with the largest hotel, the Hotel Amfora.D. Meetings Infrastructure 3.6Hvar has put itself on the meetings map by building a conventionhotel Amfora with a congress centre and two large halls.The largest one can take up to 370 people theatre-style, andthe other 320. Both are flexible, A/V connected and can beconverted into five break out rooms, complemented by threeadditional ones, designed for smaller, intimate meetings. Forspecial events and receptions Hotel Palace offers a wonderfulambience at San Marco terrace on the main town square.E. Subjective Grade 4.4Despite the notoriety of the island and its visibility Hvar is stillsweet, genuine and full of sincere, authentic Mediterraneanexperiences. Island culture fascinates and conquers evendespite the more difficult access.It is worth it!Comparison with the region:None of the more than 1.000 Croatian islands has such karmaand recognition as Hvar. Definitely a “must” Croatian destination,right behind Dubrovnik. Distance from the mainlandgives it a touch of boutique smallness.Cool meetings:Hvar wine and island’s culinary art have thrilled the gourmetand the World traveller Anthony Bourdain who already afterthe first visit became one of the biggest promoters of Hvar.Definitely you will also be reminded of Hvar by the taste ofolive oil, red wine, and the fragrance of lavender.47

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>LOŠINJ AND CRESLOW-CARBON INCENTIVE ISLANDSpiced up by the long years of tourist tradition and solidbusiness-mindedness, the renowned hospitality of thelocals is a good starting point for the development ofthesustainable meetings industry. The ratio of quality toprice is excellent in comparison with other more famousislands. The island’s weakness, however, can be ascribed toits non-existent image to the meetings industry, somethingthat can be a huge opportunity for all wishing to take advantageof its immense potential. The personal experience iscertainly positive; I am a fan of autumnal serenity, when theislands breathe and seem more peaceful. Cres and Lošinj arethe perfect islands for all seasons.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so soIndividual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.5The diversity of the islands, the climate, vegetation, culture,architecture and the incredible marine areas are ideal forincentive and congress products. The natural environmentis very well preserved, dolphins living in the waters aroundLošinj are a clear testament to this. The natural and culturalfactors are ideal for incentive programmes.B. General and transport infrastructure 2.9The general accessibility of the Kvarner Bay has improved inthe last few years. Access to the islands is still problematic,even though they are not quite as isolated as other Dalmatianislands. The entire Kvarner area has bad air connections andthe renovation of the airport on Krk is a precondition for intensivedevelopment of the meetings industry.C. Tourism infrastructure 3.8The tourist infrastructure of Lošinj and Cres has been developingfor 125 years and is of a great standard. The offer ofrecreation and sports is extraordinary, as well as the culinaryoffer and destination management. The islands are missingsome boutique offers for the more demanding guests, theexisting hotel offer could also be complemented with somehigh-level hotels.D. Meetings infrastructure 2.9New congress capacities at the Aurora and Vespera hotelslifted the potential for organising congresses. In general, theproduct lacks the developed incentive programmes carriedout by specialised agencies. To date the offer is disconnectedand would benefit from strategic, coordinated action.E. Subjective assessment 3.6The islands of Lošinj and Cres are sustainable diamondsamongst the coal. Of the 1244 officially recognised Croatianislands they possess excellent natural conditions and areauthentic and packed with diverse adventures, all of whichcontributes to a positive personal experience. The meetings3.35industry is not in a prime position yet, but I am certain it willsoon become a part of the sustainable strategy of the islands’tourism.Comparison to the Region:Lošinj and Cres are the only Adriatic islands that successfullydeal with sustainable tourism and are amongst the moreeco-friendly islands of Kvarner. They differ from the morefamous Dalmatian isles, such as Hvar, Brač and Krk, with theirnature preservation, systematic sustainable development andcultural heritage. All these activities are well managed andpresent a huge opportunity for the development of a limitedand exclusive sustainable meetings industry in harmony withthe capabilities of the islands. The key challenge is the invisibilityof the islands’ image on the meetings industry radar,lacking the recognisable incentive brands to build the highquality boutique and intimate stories that can raise its profile.If local suppliers can develop from these points and their programmescan continue to be socially responsible, they will beable to benefit from the current trends in the industry. I amcertain their first clients will be the existing loyal guest ofCres and Lošinj. With a high added value the islands can alsobecome the eco-incentive oasis of the Adriatic.Cool meetings:Healthy Mediterranean cuisine pervades Cres and Lošinj– fish from the baker’s oven; brodet with polenta and othersea food with fresh ingredients; baked lamb from Cres that isequally as good as anything in Pag. Everything is available intypical taverns, alongside the few top restaurants at the upperend of the Croatian offer. The spices and herbs are a symbolof the islands, so a visit to Lošinj’s Miomirisni vrt herb gardenis highly recommended.More on LOŠINJ AND CRES on www.kongres-magazine.eu49

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>OSIJEKOVERLOOKED DESTINATIONOsijek is a special town you can quickly fall in love withand it gets under your skin. Somewhat slow pace oflife relaxes and gives the feeling of ease. Besides, theratio between authenticity, quality and price is accessibleand far more favourable than in the Mediterranean Croatia.Unfortunately, because of the process of transition from thepost-industrial town and the war, it is relatively undevelopedin meetings and conventions terms. Given what we havewritten above and the existence of own University with numerousfaculties and other institutions, which have some potentialcongress ambassadors, the town is one of the hiddenconvention gems of Croatia.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.26social processes. For serious development of conventiontourism this is not enough. The town has an excellent strategicposition with numerous opportunities for the development ofconvention tourism, but it could also quickly become a blindconvention gut. The most could be done on the image of theDestination, which besides the transport infrastructure is themain reason for the current lack of competitive edge of theDestination.Individual grades:A. Natural and Cultural factors 4.0The most typical Croatian Pannonian area is among the mostblessed Croatian provinces, which together with its positionat the crossroads of three nations created an extremely variedand socially attractive space. To illustrate: fertile agriculturalareas, thermal waters, geographic location at the junction ofthe three nations, position on the major transportation routesand the culture of co-existence and experiential diversity.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 3.1Despite the good road and rail infrastructure, the majorityof convention tourists arrive to the destination by air.Catastrophic air accessibility of Osijek, despite the recentlyrenovated international airport, is the main obstacle to seriousdevelopment. The second condition would be building a passengersport for river cruisers on the Danube. Until then Osijekwill remain above all a regional and local convention centre.Comparison with the Region:To most people, the extreme north-eastern part of Croatia isthe most marginal, border, multi-faith, multicultural and themost poorly known region of Croatia. Its character is givenby rivers Drava and Danube with its symbolic, functional andaesthetic value. Self image of isolation and the feeling of livingon a desert island of convention tourism in which only a smallnumber of meeting planners and organisers are interested.Because of its geographic position, it is economically and politicallyfar from the capital and also undeveloped as a conventiondestination as a consequence. The focus of the problem isthe stereotype feeling of neglect. If we ignore this part, Osijekis one of the freshest and most sustainable Croatian meetingsdestinations with no real competition in the region.Cool meetings:BARANJA KULEN is a spiced, slightly hot sausage of the typicallyred colour.More on OSIJEK on www.kongres-magazine.euC. Tourist Infrastructure 3.5The basic accommodation infrastructure is reasonably welldeveloped and of good quality. Restaurants with above averagecuisine stand out. Offer of bars and cafes and general eno-gastronomicoffer is good. The worst part of the offer is the lackof receptive DMC Agencies and a more proactive destinationmanagement.D. Meetings Infrastructure 2.2Currently deserves the most criticism. The destination practicallyhas only one true convention hotel. There are no localspecialised DMC Agencies. Incentive providers are practicallyinexistent. A Convention Bureau of Osijek or the wholeregion is missing. Consequently, the development and varietyof convention products is small. Because of all we have writtenabove, it is a great opportunity for development at the sametime.E. Subjective Grade 3.50It seems that Osijek lives and operates on the nostalgic drive.Its identity was shaped by natural features and turbulent51

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>SPLITCROSSROADS DALMATIASplit is full of stories and myths. First of all, the classicclash between the north and south, between Zagreband Split, Dinamo and Hajduk. Split reproaches Zagrebwith claims of centralism and exploitation of the south.Split is faced with the classic issue of many destinations,where the convention bureau is formally a part of the citytourist organisation and thus lacks international recognition.Split urgently needs a well organised and branded conventionbureau. The major disadvantage of the destination is airtraffic access, although infrastructure has been improvedwith the renovation of the airport platform and will furthergain from the planned construction of a new terminal, equippingthe airport to be able to receive up to 2 million passengersannually.Air transport is mostly an issue in the low tourist season,which is at the same time high congress season. This elementof an attractive destination is the main one preventing Splitfrom becoming an excellent congress destination. Split is thediamond amongst the coal.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.96Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.2The mild climate, lively atmosphere, historical attractionsand architecture are the main advantages of destination Split.Its disadvantage is the attitude towards the environment andsustainable development.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.8With the completion of the motorway Split has an excellentconnection to the continent. Air and rail accessibilityis steadily improving. The downside is local traffic infrastructurewith public transportation as well as communalinfrastructure.C. Tourism infrastructure 4.3Tourism infrastructure has improved immensely in the lastfew years. Even before that Split was well equipped withsports venues and leisure offers. Split is the cultural centreof Dalmatia. The progress of the hotel scene is making greatstrides.D. Congress infrastructure 3.8Congress hotels, professional services, ongoing developmentand a variety of congress products are a strong part of theoffer. On the downside are its congress history and refer-ences as well as the number of hotel rooms appropriate forcongresses, the weakest link being the lack of a conventioncentre in Split.E. Subjective assessment 3.4Political stability, safety, ratio of quality to price and generalcompetitiveness of the destination are the main attributes ofSplit’s offer. Split does somewhat worse in the area of meetingsindustry support, e-services and the image of Split as acongress destination.Comparison to the Region:Among the Adriatic congress destinations Split has becomeserious competition to Dubrovnik in the last years. The maindisadvantages of the destination are bad cooperation betweenthe service providers, lack of air traffic connections to keymarkets and not enough destination marketing. If Split getsa real convention centre in the future it could become oneof the leading congress destinations in the Mediterranean.New and excellent hotel capacities, good road connectionsto Europe and wonderful surroundings, with islands offeringnumerous incentive programme opportunities, all bolsterthis proposition. Split is one of the most unexploited congressdestinations in the Mediterranean.Cool meetings:HEART OF DALMATINSKA KUHINJA: Characteristicof Dalmatian coastal cuisine is its digestibility and simplepreparation. The secret of the fabulous taste of fish, meat,or other cooked dishes lies right in that. Yet the idea thatsimplicity means everyone everywhere could prepare themwould be deceiving. The tradition of grilling and roasting fishand delicacies of the sea in this region has been carried onfrom generation to generation, whereby the proper grillingtechnique often depends on the type of wood or wood briquetteschosen to do the grilling. In addition to this come thetantalizing Dalmatian olive oil, grilling technique, and theparticular taste of the fish and delicacies of the sea.53

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>ŠIBENIKTHE HEART OF DALMATIAVarious tourist guides and the Top 10 somehow overlookedŠibenik. After war destruction the city neededsome time to make a new breakthrough. In addition,the status of the industrial city of the industrial zone to theeast of the city appeared quite unattractive. Despite this andin the shadow of more media exposed destinations it is experiencinga fast and high-quality tourism development. Thecentre of happening is the hotel complex Solaris, situated ina peninsula covered with Mediterranean vegetation, whichcomprises of thematic 5 hotels, apartment and villas complexwith a Yacht marina and a campsite. Carefully arrangedresort offers a wide range of facilities.The Mayor of the city, Franko Vidović, sees the future developmentof the city as a centre of green industries. Withinthis story we could also place the meetings industry. Thereis room for such development of congress tourism, just theright products and the corresponding ROI will have to bedeveloped. There is no shortage of opportunities. The nationalparks around Šibenik, rafting on the Cetinje rapids, therace with old boats, all lend themselves to creative incentiveprograms.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.02E. Subjective grade 3.9Once industrial, military and port city, it now has a soundbasis for the development of congress tourism after a periodof transition. It offers a very genuine and authentic experienceand a real boom. Foreign investors are coming,new tourist facilities are being built and also in the field ofmeeting industry, with the appropriate positioning, it promisesa bright future.Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.5Because of the natural beauty, a major part of the area aroundthe Krka is declared a national park, of which the geographicalcentre is Šibenik. This gives the whole area an outstandingexperiential value and also numerous opportunities in thefield of congress tourism. On the seaside one may wonder atKornati, the most dynamic and diverse group of islands in theAdriatic and a sustainable paradise.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.1The location is perfect and surprisingly favourable for congresstourism, although it is currently simply ignored. Accessvia the highway is elegant and simple. Nearby there are twosufficiently frequented airports, Split and Zadar. The factthat the city is located in the triangle of three extraordinarynational parks - Kornati, Krka and Paklenica - and close to thePlitvice Lakes and Northern Velebit is particularly attractive.Comparison with the region:Šibenik very rarely raises any association with the meetingindustry. In the process of transition from an industrial cityinto a tourist destination it has not yet asserted its imageamong competing cities. Despite this it is a fact that it has excellentconditions and is somehow considered to be a hiddenjewel of the Croatian congress offer. For ease of accessibilityit may be a suitable location for small association conferencesas well as a variety of incentive programmes.Cool meetings:‘PEKA’ (BAKING): in a cast iron container, under the heatedlid covered with coals, are baked meats of all kinds, which isalso great with fish and octopus. Large quantities of vegetablesand potatoes are required, which provide juiciness anda good taste.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.2The Hotel Renaissance outside the city should soon be followedby one in its very heart. Otherwise, Šibenik and its surroundingsis one of the most diverse and developed regionsof Dalmatia for tourists, where there is no shortage of entertainment,festivals, world-class cuisine and also offers forthe more discerning guests. It’s also worth remembering theharmony singing (‘klape’), which in the area around Šibenikis also the most developed on the Adriatic.D. Meetings infrastructure 3.4Meeting capacities in Šibenik, Vodice and Primošten areadapted to medium-sized congresses. Virtually all of the conventioncentres are completely renovated as part of the strategyto fill capacities in the pre-season. In Šibenik, a commondestination management - in the sense of establishing a conventionbureau in order to properly position the destinationamong the competition of neighbouring Dalmatian citiesof Split and Zadar,- means there is a significant untappedpotential.55

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>UMAG AND NORTHERN ISTRIADOOR TO THE ADRIATICNorth-western Istria offers a genuine and very activeconference experience. Options of activities withwhich you will fill up the schedule of your conferenceguests are countless. In Umag and its surroundings there isa very special spirit of sport in the air. It is an interestingand attractive congress destination because of its proximityto major convention markets in the region. Perhaps at themoment we can only reproach it a slightly reduced visibility.The establishment of a convention bureau would help ita lot in terms of development and promotion of the congressproduct and improve its image on the international conventionscene. That the destination is capable is demonstrated bysome big events that have recently moved to Umag from somemuch more famous Croatian convention places.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.08Individual grades:A. Natural and Cultural Factors 4.3Hinterland of Umag has retained some of its primal nature.Olive groves are intertwined with vines and produce excellentwine and olive oil. Specific climate, cultural heritage andrich history excite tourists, but especially excite Istrans whoimpress with their distinctive positive energy.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 3.8Door to Istria literally means that Umag is nearest to somemajor convention markets in the vicinity. The highwayYpsilon connected Istria to the mainland and also improvedaccessibility to guest who arrive by plane. Umag is a destinationthat is accessible from three airports (Ljubljana, Trieste,Pula) in less than two hours, which should not be an obstaclefor international congress organisers to think about it for organisationof international congresses and events.C. Tourist Infrastructure 4.4By connecting to the hotel chain Sol Melia Istraturist has gota fresh wind and a higher standard of hotels. Where beforethere were holiday villages of lower categories there arenow apartments and villas for the most discerning guests.Changes of the major tourist player in north-western Istria,were also followed by Laguna Novigrad, whose accommodationoffer has also much improved in recent years. Sportsfacilities, from golf courses to indoor swimming pools complementthe offer and Umag is from the summer increasinglyturning into a destination for all seasons.D. Meetings Infrastructure 3.6Unlike some destinations that have congress centres, but lackadditional offer, Umag has planned and developed co-operationwith suppliers in the Istrian hinterland, which is certainlyan additional motive for event organisers. Althoughthe largest hotel hall can only accommodate 350 participants,the Istraturist team is not intimidated even by an event for1.500 participants, for which they are ready to shake up eventhe tennis hall.E. Subjective Grade 4.3Sometimes we inadvertently overlook destinations that weremember as leisure. With what has changed in recent yearsin Umag and north-western Istria, it gives a whole new dimensionto the destination. Umag is primarily an incentivedestination, where we were convinced by hospitable localsand employees in hotels. It provides security, comfort anda range of environmentally friendly outdoor activities.Integration of local suppliers is in full swing and gives theimpression that the entire destination aspires toward worldclassincentive, sports, culinary and experiential services.Comparison with the region:Among the competing congress destinations, Umag even ayear ago would be easily overlooked, but today it is alreadyhosting the most demanding events such as the most importantMicrosoft event Windays. This proves that the destinationis profiled as a congress and especially incentivelocation. To the good functioning a great destination managementcontributes a great deal, which in a form of a clusterfrom 2010 is promoted under the brand “Colours of Istria”.Cool meetings:Istrian truffles are rightly called Istrian gold and representthe culmination of gastronomy offer of the largest Adriaticpeninsula. It is most prevalent in Mirna valley. White truffleis the most prized species; it is picked from the beginning ofOctober until the end of December. Truffles are an indicatorof pristine nature. We recommend tasting in the form of ‘fuži’with truffles.57

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>ZADARA COOL MEETINGS DESTINATIONCongress organisers will usually choose Zadar becauseof its location at the crossroads of the greatest naturalbeauties of Croatia, history and culture as well as thebetter overall and conference infrastructure. Zadar is becomingvery advanced and viable conference city, which boasts anexceptional cultural offer. With such potential it can competewith Mediterranean destinations of Spain, Italy, Portugal andTurkey. In the future it will have to do some urgent organisationaland infrastructural interventions to capture therhythm of most of the more advanced Croatian conferencedestinations.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.06D. Meetings Infrastructure 3.4Zadar is an ideal destination for organisation of smaller conferencesand incentives for up to 100 participants. In thisarea it has the greatest opportunity, as meeting planners arealways looking for new attractive convention destinations.Unfortunately, Zadar is missing a convention bureau and amore targeted marketing, which affects the congress imageof the destination.Individual grades:A. Natural and Cultural Factors 4.2Natural geographic position at the crossroads of differentregions, rich history, indented coastline and terrain anduntouched nature, together with the mild Mediterraneanclimate and vegetation is an excellent prospect for the developmentof congress tourism.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 4.2It seems that Ryanair transformed the tourist map of Zadarand returned Zadar among the important tourist hubs in theAdriatic. The city is experiencing a traffic and infrastructurerenaissance and gives a sense of urban tidiness. Even thequality of life seems to be at a high level.C. Tourist Infrastructure 4.4Zadar with over 4000 beds, several campgrounds and resortsis a developed summer destination for leisure and a yachtingparadise. With the advent of new air connections, constructionof new and renovation of existing hotel facilities,conditions for the development of congress tourism and exploitationof the extremely rich and already-developed touristinfrastructure.E. Subjective Grade 4.1The charming city with thousand years of cultural heritage,the proximity of the islands, five national parks and improvingflight connections. It’s no wonder that a number offoreign media see it as a cool convention destination.Comparison with the region:Conference organisers are always looking for new and differentdestinations. Zadar is the logical choice, as it has enormouspotential of natural and cultural conditions. Moreover,it is a cool destination with a specific urban rhythm.Currently, the main drawback are congress facilities thatonly allow smaller events as well as congress infrastructurewhich is not yet built and in function. Once everything is inplace, Zadar will certainly be an important congress player.Cool meetings:Maraschino liqueur is made from ‘maraska’ cherries after theoriginal recipe from the 16th century. It is attributed withhealing effects.59

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS ANDFRAGRANCES OF MACEDONIAText by Rok KlančnikMacedonia is the southernmost part ofthe former Yugoslavia. Its people arewarm, hospitable, probably due tothe climate – often Mediterranean, even thoughMacedonia is landlocked. In the west it bordersof Albania, Greece to the south, towards the eastwith Bulgaria. Most of the land is dominated bythe Vardar plain, where tobacco and cotton aretraditionally grown. Macedonian music can bedivided into country and urbane by the melodyand lyrics. Traditional music inspires a “kolo”dance in a circle. Traditional instruments inMacedonian music are “gajda” (a type of bagpipes),“šupelka” (flute), “kjemane” (a threestring violin), “tapan” (drum), and almost alwaysan accordion.Today folk bands use electronic keyboardsand rhythm machines... One of the most famousneo-folk groups was Anastasia, which becameknown through the Oscar winning film of MilchoManchevski, Before the Rain. Macedonians hadtheir first punk band called “Fol jazik” in 1978and music for the younger generation developedinto all possible genres – from hard core, togothic and hip hop. Modern electronic music ismarked by Kiril (Kiril Džajkovski) yet he is notnearly as famous as the queen of Roma music –Esma Redžepova, who is the biggest ambassadorfor Macedonian and Roma music in the world.The kitchen of this small, proud countrysmells great.Throughout the existence of Yugoslavia theirdish “tavče gravče” was very popular. It’s a simplestew made from beans, onions and sometimesmeat. Before the spoon reaches the ceramic dish,the company has to make a toast with “mastika”an anis brandy. Since it reaches 45% alcohol, it’smostly served with water to make it a hazy whitecolour.Among the salads the “šopska” salad is justa famous abroad. It’s made from cubed vegetablesand salty white cheese. Macedonians sharemany dishes with its neighbours, yet let’s stick toMacedonian particularities a little more. “Ajvar”is a sort of salad or better yet a paste made fromred peppers and aubergines or similar. Otherversions include “lutenica”, “pindžur” and “malidžano”,depending on the ratio between pepperand aubergine as well as other vegetables. Whenenjoying the shores of Ohrid Lake, don’t forgetthe Ohrid trout which is now a protected species.The deserts are mostly oriental and arrivedin Macedonia with the Turks in the 14th century.As did the coffee culture – the country has over5,000 cafes where the coffee is made in a “džezva”with or without sugar and “lokum”.Among the wines pay attention to Vranac andAlexandria and – T’ga za jug, this is a pure classicamong red wines.FACTS ABOUT MACEDONIA:Facts Area:Total: 25,713 km 2Land: 25,433 km 2Water: 280 km 2Capital:SkopjeLand boundaries:Albania 151 km, Bulgaria 148 km, Greece 246km, Kosovo 159 km, Serbia 62 kmClimate:Warm, dry summers and autumns; relativelycold winters with heavy snowfallPopulation:2.072.086International country CALLING code:+389Time Zone:Central European Time60

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOThere is something mysterious in its mountainwilderness. It is a true paradise for all pristinenature lovers and a right place for researchersof ancient ruins. In addition to spectacularpeaks, lakes and rivers and mystic monasteriesits biggest feature is amazing hospitality and cordialityof its people which make the visit of thislittle country unforgettable. Macedonia wins youover for your whole life.In numbers34 mountain tops higher than 2.000 metres53 lakes349 square metres is the size of Ohrid Lake4 national parks, covering 110.000 hectares700.000 tourists visit Macedonia annuallyTop 5Ohrid: with its dramatic beauty and culturalrichness it is the highlight of any visit toMacedoniaMonastery of Saint Naum: a beautiful refugeof tranquility on cliffs overlooking lake OhridNational Park Mavrovo: in addition to skiingit offers 73,000 hectares of pristine forests,lakes, karst planes, waterfalls and mountainsto explore.Skopje: a hospitable capital, where the remainsfrom the times of ancient Rome, Byzantium, theOttoman Empire and Yugoslavia mix in the bestway.Kokino and Kuklica: explore the ancient megalithicobservatory and mysterious land of 10million year old stone statues.The most …~ ~ Alexander the Macedonian was the greatestconqueror in the history of mankind. He defeatedthe Persian Empire, the Greeks defeatedthe Macedonian army and led all the way toIndia.~ ~ Kokino is, according to NASA, the fourth oldestobservatory on the planet. Ahead of it are onlyAbu Simbel, Stonehenge and Angkor Wat.~ ~ According to the writing of the New YorkTimes the cave Peshna in the MacedonianBrod is almost identical to the imaginary cavein the movie Lord of the Rings.~ ~ One of the most kind-hearted people in history,Mother Teresa was born in Skopje.~ ~ Ethnographic Museum near Tetovo underthe monastery Sv. Bogorodica is recorded inthe Guinness Book of Records as the smallestethno museum in the world.What else to do~ ~ Let yourself be impressed at a concert of traditionalMacedonian folk music, which is justas magical as the country itself and its people.~ ~ Visit Kruševo, which is practically a »living architecturalmuseum«.~ ~ Take a walk on the steep edge of the beautifulcanyon Matka.~ ~ If you are lucky to be in Macedonia in July,you must attend a three-day traditionalMacedonian wedding in the legendary mountainvillage Galicnik.~ ~ Discover Bitola’s many secrets of the past andenjoy its neighbouring National park Pelister.61

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>SKOPJEWHERE THE SUN SHINES ETERNALLYIn Skopje everything happens with a bit of a delay, yet isaccompanied by a feeling of relaxation and freedom. Theculinary and night life are among the best in the region.The food is simply divine. In this area Skopje breaths inthe rhythm of larger metropolises and can be compared toBelgrade in many aspects. The hospitality and kindness ofthe Macedonians is unbeatable.The dispute over the name definitely effects the positioningof Skopje’s meetings industry, which is virtually non-existingin the international meetings market. Despite that theatmosphere is lively and the congress position of Skopje canimprove immensely with the development of basic infrastructureand a convention bureau.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.30Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 3.3In 1963, Skopje was struck by a catastrophic earthquake.Symbols of Skopje were demolished and the city was floodedwith rubble. After the earthquake the city experienced acomplete makeover of its visual identity, surprisingly the oldoriental čaršija remained fairly intact and is today one of themain experiential values of Skopje, which otherwise is notamong the most experientially attractive cities of the region,unlike the inhabitants of Skopje on which the hot sun has apositive effect because they are always smiling and friendly.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.4In terms of transport and ecologically Skopje is not among themost arranged capitals of Europe. Grey socialist-realist imageand reality dominate. With a gigantic redevelopment projectby 2014 twenty new buildings and a series of sculptures aregoing to be built. It seems that the project came halfway andit will not be fully accomplished. It is true, however, that thecity is becoming more beautiful year after year as a touristdestination and hides a lot of pearls.C. Tourist infrastructure 3.9Tourist infrastructure is adapted to demand and is with over70 hotels sufficiently diversified for the current needs of thecity. Tourist pace is slow and relaxed and that’s what givesthe city its unique charm. The old part of town is full of smallshops, Ćevabdžinice and oriental tourism offer that inspires.For the current extent of congress tourism, the tourism offeris adequate and the strongest part of the congress chain.D. Meetings infrastructure 2.7In Skopje, except for a very well-functioning Skopje Fair andsolid congress offer in some hotels meetings industry is at itsbeginning. Range of agencies, destination management andcomprehensive offer has not yet been developed, and this iswhy we have described this part of congress infrastructureas the weakest part.E. Subjective grade 3.2Skopje is the heart of the Balkans in a positive and negativesense. It is a city of great cultural and ethnic differences.The warmth of people, their kindness, yummy food and finewines, on the other hand, ethnic differences and a numberof transition problems. Beautification of the city, improvingflight connections, a mix of modern and traditional andenergy and variegation are making it attractive to meetingorganisers.Comparison with the Region:As capital of Macedonia Skopje is a crossroads of internationalspaths and has all the predispositions to develop themeetings industry. It still has a long way of investing into infrastructure.A near neighbour is the Greek city Thessaloniki,which is far more developed and hosts up to 15 internationalcongress annually, in comparison to Skopje which only hosts1 according to ICCA. In Skopje a convention can be organizedwith some effort, yet for a serious breakthrough it needs tolook to its neighbours for a model of successful development– the Thessaloniki Convention and Visitors Bureau, whichcombines over 100 members.Cool meetings:Tavče gravče is a traditional Macedonian dish. It is preparedwith fresh beans and can be found in all the restaurants inSkopje.63

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS AND FRAGRANCESOF MONTENEGROText by Rok KlančnikMontenegro is one of the smallest andthe youngest European countries. Ithas existed as an independent statesince 2006, yet it had been an independentcountry before the First World War. It’s mostlyhilly and wooded, yet its history and people havemostly been influenced by the 300 kilometre ofthe Adriatic coast. The romantic Lord Byronwrote two hundred years ago: “The most beautifulcontact between the earth and sea took placeat the Montenegrin littoral.” Montenegrins speaktheir own language, which many locals as wellas visitors equate with Serbian, since the countriesare connected with the majority orthodoxreligion. On the coast line (Budva, Ulcinj, BokaKotorska and Kotor, the wonderful Sveti Stefan)or in the hinterlands they like to sing, you canhear tamboura everywhere and Montenegrinsare generally a cheerful people. Despite therich liturgical and classical tradition, the mostknown author of modern music has to be RamboAmadeus (Antonije Pušić).Even though the country is separated fromItaly by the sea, the gastronomy of Montenegrois highly influenced by Italian cuisine – mostlyin the areas of wine production, as well as prosciutto,ham and cheese making. Other influencescome from neighbouring Balkan states likeSerbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, since theywere part of the same country as Montenegro thelongest. Sea food dishes are the most popular inmodern Montenegrin cuisine, not only because oftheir tradition, but also because they’re healthy.Among the fish, the Skadar Lake Karp is a speciality,as is the lamb cooked in milk.Montenegrin wines are becoming moreand more known, yet still hard to get due to asmaller production. As a remedy for any kindof ailment, headache or heartburn, they recommend“lozovača”, brandy from grapeskins. YetBeware: this colourless fire water can containup to 55 per cent of alcohol.When visiting Montenegro, try the “boza”,non-alcoholic drink of a Turkish origin, madefrom cereals.FACTS ABOUT MONTENEGROFacts Area:Total: 13.812 km 2Land: 13.452 km 2Water: 360 km 2Capital: PodgoricaLand boundaries:Albania 172 km, Bosnia and Herzegovina 225 km,Croatia 25 km, Kosovo 79 km, Serbia 124 kmClimate: Mediterranean climate, hot drysummers and autumns and relatively coldwinters with heavy snowfalls in landPopulation: 666.730International country CALLING code:+382Time Zone: Central European Time64

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOMontenegro is considered to be St. Tropez ofthe South-East Europe and from year to year, itis gaining in its elite sign. Land of spectacularbeaches, dramatic peaks and canyons, elegantpalaces and ancient towns has become one ofthe most attractive tourist regions in recent years.When you see and feel its amazing attraction, itbecomes clear to you in a moment why.In numbers1300 meters measures the canyon of the riverTara in depth626.000 inhabitants, making it one of the smallestEuropean nations17-percent tourism growth every year3.500 Euros costs overnight stay in a suite SvetiStefan, which ranks Hotel Amman Sveti Stefanin the top of the most luxurious accommodationon the AdriaticTop 5Kotor Bay: dramatic bay with a beautifulwalled town, which oversees the deepest fjordin South East EuropeTara Canyon: the longest European and secondlongest canyon in the worldNational Park Lovćen: breath-taking mountainviews, are rising almost from the seaMonastery Ostrog: miracle, embedded in ahuge rock, visited every year by thousands ofpilgrims from around the worldSkadar Lake: amazing play of nature which hascreated a complete beautyThe most …~ ~ Montenegrins are the highest people in theworld, with an average height of 186 cm formen and 171 cm for women.~ ~ With 48 people per square metre, Montenegrois the most sparsely populated country inSouthern Europe.~ ~ Zabljak is 1485 meters above sea level, thehighest altitude city in Europe.~ ~ Tara River is the largest fresh water reservoirin Europe.~ ~ The oldest and best-preserved glass in Europefrom the 4th century BC was found near Pljevlja.~ ~ The first nautical school in the world operatedin Perast.What else to do~ ~ Hoist the sails and discover the stunning beautyof the Montenegrin coast with high cliffs.~ ~ Take a mountain tour in the Durmitor NationalPark, where you can also try skiing, rafting orbiking.~ ~ Enjoy a good meal in one of the seaside restaurantsin Budva, Herceg Novi or Ulcinj.~ ~ Feel like a star in the new Porto Montenegro,where Monaco and Russian rich park their yachts.~ ~ Try lozovača, a very strong, but (too) tasty nationalalcoholic drink.Are you kiddin’ me?Montenegro is considered to be unpopular amongcartographers. It is almost impossible to write itslong name on such a small area on the map.65

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>BUDVAON THE FOAMING SEAThe meeting industry as a part of luxury travel issomething they are serious and ambitious about onthe Montenegro coast. Other projects in the vicinityof Budva are also proof of capital attracting capital. Thissummer the Aman Hotel in Sveti Štefan was renovatedand re-opened, the Porto Montenegro mega yacht marina inTivat followed, sponsored by names such as banker JacobRotschild, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripasko and magnateBernard Arnault, all with the goal of Montenegro becomingthe ‘Monaco of the Adriatic’. They face several obstacles onthat way, the main one being poor accessibility by plane androad travel, currently one of the destination’s main weaknesses.The national air travel provider has a poorly developedflight net, and in the opinion of the local meeting industryplayers they do not sufficiently understand and support theindustry. There are only a few low-fare air travel providers,mostly to the nearby Dubrovnik. The entire destination ismostly dependant on charter flights, which are dependenton the attractiveness of the hotel selection; road accessibilityis also lacking. The destination, promoting itself as awild beauty, is well on its way to becoming a true congressqueen, but a lot will have to be done on the road to perfection,especially in infrastructure and shifting from seasonalto year-round meetings activity. This is the very reason whyit is practically impossible to organise a congress or an eventin high season and why access is difficult in low season. TheMontenegro coast remains a less accessible meetings destinationfor the time being and periodically an unconquerablefortress.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.62D. Meetings infrastructure 3.8First rate hotels in Budva offer superb conference facilities,but it is lacking a long-planned convention centre and a moresystematic and targeted destination marketing. Otherwisein Budva there is no shortage of top agencies and a numberof developed incentive suppliers and programmes, which fallinto the top of the Adriatic offer.E. Subjective grade 3.0Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.0Budva Riviera is the centre of Montenegrin tourism, whichhas developed because of the intermingling of cultural, historicaland landscape attractions and the warm Mediterraneanclimate. Early in the spring, while elsewhere we are still inthe cold, it is pleasantly warm in Budva. The ancient gem istoday much altered and studded with new hotels; the entirecoast is bursting with liveliness and a tireless nightlife.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.2It seems that the passions of the relentless transition waveof new buildings and the arrival of Russian investors havedampened somewhat. The most densely populated touristtown in Montenegro is, due to rapid development, facingsignificant urban and logistical challenges.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.1With its developed tourist infrastructure Budva is suitablefor all kinds of tourism. The offer is adapted to all types andforms of tourists, which is on the one hand a plus and on theother a minus of the destination. It surprises you with itsrelaxed atmosphere, the friendliness of the locals and theMontenegrin temperament.Budva is famous for its night life and it seems that the inhabitantsof Budva are on vacation all the time, with cafes fullduring the day and the night clubs at night: it’s a true paradisefor posers. Of course, it is necessary to reach deep into thepocket for a proper and appropriate atmosphere. The fameof Budva eventually over grew the reality, but neverthelessthis is a city worth its name and represents a solid conventiondestination.Comparison with the region:Budva is one of the central incentive destinations on theAdriatic coast, with very successful marketing, despite numerousdeficiencies in poor accessibility and current capacityselection. The development plans for the ‘Monte Carlo ofthe Adriatic’, openness to foreign investors and very liberalpolicies could position the Montenegro coast very high onthe meetings industry map in the next few years, while it isalready the leader in the area of incentive programs. It boaststhe unique opportunity for the practically untapped Russianmeetings industry, which has always had a positive relationshipwith Budva. If this “wild beauty” improves its accessibility,price competitiveness and infrastructure, it can be aworthy competitor as a meetings destination, even as one ofthe top destinations in the wider region of the Mediterranean.Cool meetings:NJEGUŠKI HAM: The famous local ham prepared in thetraditional way.67

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>PODGORICAREGION’S WARMEST CITYWhen I visited Montenegro for the first time, I wasfascinated by the combination of gorgeous landscape,biodiversity and its pleasant climate. Theextraordinary natural resources have not been managed well,however, a consequence of non-sustainable development inthe past. The same applies to the potential for the developmentof the meeting industry in Podgorica, which isremarkable, but poorly utilised. Moreover, the country issmall but has a remarkable history and, consequently, a highconcentration of tourist attractions that could become an integralpart of the meeting industry, or simply offer a coolingdown from the searing summer heat. The town is thus in theshadow of the bigger tourist places and unfortunately alsotouristically quite boring. Montenegro is probably one of therare countries with two capitals, the formal one in Podgoricaand its capital of the ‘heart’ in Cetinje. If you want to findthe true heart of the country, you will have to have to go ona trip there.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.36Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 3.9Podgorica lies at the cultural and transport crossroads ofthe middle of the Zetska plains, only a hop from the variedMontenegrin landscape. Montenegrins are justifiably a proudpeople, reflected in the awareness of outstanding natural andcultural heritage, which is the main attribute of the touristic/ meetings offer.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.1The worst part of the meetings offer, largely based on air accessibility,is that roads, railways and other traffic infrastructureis poorly developed. Also poor is the tourist informationinfrastructure of signs and directions around town. The attitudetowards the environment is not proportional to the environmentalstatements, because the infrastructure is governedmore or less ‘domestically’ and it is the weakest link in thetourist offer.C. Tourist infrastructure 3.4According to statistical data Podgorica has 31 hotels, 580rooms, 156 apartments and a total of 1,600 beds. Approximatelyhalf of the hotel rooms are appropriate for meeting industryguests (11 hotels are of 4* category), a hotel with 5 stars islacking. Taking into account the size of the town, it has thelargest concentration of bars and restaurants, over 700 in total.D. Meetings infrastructure 2.7Meeting facilities currently are mostly located at hotels. Fornow the best choice is the Hotel Ramada, with a smaller congresscentre for 200 participants, but after the opening of theHilton Hotel that everyone is waiting for there will be a largermultifunctional centre. The greatest weaknesses are the undevelopedmeetings brand of Podgorica, the lack of a conventionbureau and the needed development of a network of meetingsindustry suppliers.E. Subjective grade 3.7For nor Podgorica is more a transit tourist destination, waitingto present itself to congress guests.Comparison with the region:For now Podgorica can rarely be found on the meetings industrymap. Considering the outstanding potential it will overtime come to have all that is necessary to be a true meetingdestination. Among its advantages there is its strategic position,which enables easy access to the most attractive parts ofMontenegro for incentives. Among the weaknesses we haveto point out the current state of the meeting infrastructureand its transport isolation. Being an air travel destination it ishighly dependant on the number of flight connections, includinglow cost ones. A convention bureau for the town wouldgreatly help in positioning the destination, which it deservesas a capital city. The town is developing quickly and is lookingfor the right image, torn between the classic tourism flow andthe idea of development into a meeting destination.Cool meetings:Vranac - an aromatic and intoxicating wine, a true elixir oflife, that put you in a good mood. The best known is from thePlantaže vineyard, where they produce the best Vranac, procorde and loza (brandy made from grapes).More on PODGORICA on www.kongres-magazine.eu69

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS AND FRAGRANCESOF SERBIAText by Rok KlančnikSerbia is along with Macedonia the onlyland-locked country in the Balkans. Thisproud country borders on Hungary in thenorth, its northernmost region Vojvodina is, likeHungary, flat, yet slightly wavy. Now and then aforest appears between the endless fields and init an orthodox monastery or twelve monasteries(like at Fruška gora). An important symbolof Serbia is the Danube which it shares with itsneighbours.Danube and another river, Sava, split Serbiain two parts. After Belgrade the southern landsturn to hilly Šumadija, towards the west to Bosniaand Herzegovina and the border river Drina,the hills are pretty high. The highest mountainscan be found in the south of the country. Not tooverlook: Kopaonik ski slopes are open the wholewinter long – the ski-lifts are humming and thelambs are baking. The symbol of Serbia is a twoheaded eagle – a reminder of the times Serbiareached its independence from Turkish rule atthe beginning of the 19th century and started ajourney towards becoming an economic and politicalforce of the region.Serbia made a huge leap forward in tourismover the last few years. Since it ended the politicaland economic isolation it was faced with inthe 90’s, its firs aim was to improve the imageand gain new friends and new business. Belgradeas well as Novi Sad, have rich experience inbusiness and congress tourism – they enrichedthem by adding a story of a new, young, professionaland confident, democratic Serbia. Abouta country which takes care of the natural andcultural environment and where leadership andpower are gradually transferred to young, educatedpeople. Serbia is still on the way, it’s notat the finish line yet. But it’s very successful andBelgrade is gaining a reputation of a Europeancapital of fun and nightlife.The sounds of Serbia are known and acknowledgeon the international stage. And notonly because a Serbian song won the Eurovisionsong contest a few years ago, mostly due to the incrediblyinfluential rock’n’roll of Goran Bregovićand his Band for weddings and funerals and EmirKusturica (renowned filmmaker, recipient of theCannes palm) and the No smoking orchestra.They both bring primal Serbian energy intotheir modern rock, mostly with trumpets anddrums. Bregović with his band and a project withBulgarian vocalist (Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares)reached the largest European and world stagesas well as films (Queen Margot). Annual trumpetfestival at Guča attracts tens of thousands of visitorsfrom Europe. For the meetings industrymore appealing EXIT festival held in Novi Sadhosted the likes of the Chemical Brothers, Mika,Faith No More, Missy Eliott, Röyksopp and manyothers. Yet we mustn’t forget the gentle soundsof tambouras and tamboura orchestras, whichcharm the listener with love songs from the oldendays. For the more adventurous traveller – try themusic of the gypsies.When speaking of the fragrances of Serbia weare once again perplexed...Let’s start with “dunjevača”, brandy fromquince fruits. Or its sister plum brandy, or “komovača”,“travarica”, oh...let’s slow down beforewe get light headed. Serbian gastronomy is hardto tell apart from Bosnian or Bulgarian, since theyare a part of the same Central Balkan region.Preparing food was the central activity in atraditional Serbian family. The prepared dishes,their quantity and quality were often the decidingfactors of a reputation of the family and itsleader in society.Yet still: the Serbian layer cake, a gentle pastrydish filled with fresh cheese is simply a wonderfulexperience. At the beginning your host willoffer “slatko” a sort of jam or marmalade fromfruits as well as quince and pumpkin. Like inBosnia they enjoy using vegetables as wrappingfor the food. They fill paprika and cabbage, notonly with meat, they also use cheese and to topit off cover the paprika with breadcrumbs andfry it. All kinds of vegetable are traditionally preservedin jars and offered anytime. In Serbia thelove of pork is strong. They prepare it in manydifferentFACTS ABOUT SERBIAFacts Area:Total: 77.474 km 2Land: 77.474 km 2Water: 0 km 2Capital:BelgradeLand boundaries:Bosnia and Herzegovina 302 km, Bulgaria 318km, Croatia 241 km, Hungary 151 km, Kosovo352 km, Macedonia 62 km, Montenegro 124km, Romania 476 kmClimate:In the north, continental climate (cold wintersand hot, humid summers with well distributedrainfall); in other parts, continentaland Mediterranean climate (relatively coldwinters with heavy snowfall and hot, drysummers and autumns)Population:7.344.847International country CALLING code:+381Time Zone:Central European Time70

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOA unique country, full of warm hospitality andundiscovered paths. This land of surprising contrastscan boast the natural beauty of valleys andmountains, rivers and lakes, and in its turbulenthistory, it has also created a rich treasure troveof culture. To its original atmosphere certainlyadds the fact that this is one of a few countries inwhich the people entertain and party just aboutany night of the week - and all the way to themorning too. Join them for a shot of šljivovica.In numbers …5 National Parks4 UNESCO sites1000 mineral springsThe Danube passes 588 kilometres from theeast to the west of SerbiaTop 5Belgrade is a charming city with a vibrant atmospherethat never sleeps.Zlatibor: picturesque mountains of “goldenpine” pamper the visitor with its rich folkloreheritage.Guča trumpet festival is one of the most authenticfestivals of folk music in the worldNovi Sad, an elegant city, which is not just likethat, nicknamed “Serbian Athens”.Vrnjačka Banja is the most celebrated Serbianspa, which is also a perfect base for visiting themost beautiful monasteries.The most …~ ~ Serbia is the largest exporter, as much as twothirds of (best quality) raspberries in the world.~ ~ The Economist magazine has awarded theprestigious title to Belgrade “City of theFuture” of Southern Europe.~ ~ Cathedral of St. Sava is the largest functioningOrthodox Church in the world.~ ~ The Danube, linking the Serbian east and west,is the second largest European river.~ ~ Opanke, Serbian national footwear, have theirplace in the Guinness Book of Records: largestsuch shoe measures 3.2 meters in length andweighs 222 kg.What else to do~ ~ Marvel Byzantine art in medieval monasteriesManasija, Sopoćani and Studenica.~ ~ Ride the known, more than 1000 km long“Danube Bike Trail” or see the romanticSerbian countryside from a horseback.~ ~ Refresh in the lake in the middle of Belgrade’spark Ada Ciganlija and indulge the hedonisticnightlife in the bohemian quarter Skadarlija.~ ~ In winter or summer conquer beautiful peaksof Kopaonik, the most famous mountain resort.~ ~ Replenish your tired senses in one of over 50healthy havens in thermal resorts.Are you kiddin’ me?In December, the town Zarožje saw a strong increasein sales of garlic, because the mayor issueda public warning about a possible hike of the legendarylocal vampire Sava Savanović, when themill in which the vampire lived according to thetale, broke.71

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>BELGRADEA CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPSBelgrade is an authentic, open and hospitable congressdestination with soul. The gap between current infrastructureand the actual potential of the city, whichit has because of its historical and cultural position in theregion, is the biggest challenge for Belgrade’s congressscene. In short, the zeitgeist of Belgrade is best summed upby writer Momo Kapor with the words: “Belgrade is a lowbudgetNew York”.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.88D. Meetings infrastructure 3.7Belgrade has a good basis for the development of meetingsindustry with a large convention centre, the Belgrade Fair, numerousconvention hotels, the long tradition and very reasonableprices. With the establishment of the Serbian ConventionBureau in 2007, co-operation and promotion has thoroughlyimproved and now Belgrade has in terms of management aunique opportunity to take advantage of its benefits, providedthat the complete infrastructure will be thoroughly renewed.E. Subjective grade 3.9Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.0The city at the crossroads of routes and historic conflict is fullof history and forms an authentic social and cultural whole interestingto tourists. Unfortunately, some cultural monumentsare in a pretty bad shape and that is why the grade is slightlylower compared to the other parts of the region.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.5All roads lead to Belgrade. The geostrategic position ofBelgrade is extremely favourable and allows for easy accessat any time of the year. Unfortunately, the traffic and especiallyits quality is the weakest part of the congress infrastructure.Years of wars, sanctions and isolation have claimed its toll onthe transport and general infrastructure, which is slowly returningto normal.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.3Belgrade is currently dominated by medium 3 and 4 star categoryhotels, in short this will be improved with new openings,which will improve the offer in the first hotel league.Otherwise, it is a city with remarkable cuisine, world-classnightlife, world events and positive vibrations, which makesit a very dynamic and attractive tourist destination.Looking at Belgrade in terms of conference infrastructure,investments are necessary for it to be able to compete in thepremier league of European cities. Most convention facilitiesneed renovation to get rid of a dominant retro style from the beginningof 1970s. The city has enormous potential, which is stillsignificantly untapped. The gap between expectations of internationalcongress planners and the reality is simply too great.Comparison with the region:Belgrade bases its congress story on the rich culture at thecrossroads of East and West, the central position in the South-East Europe and a lively social life. Belgrade is a city on the riseand a rough congress diamond, which has enormous developmentpotential and can be placed geo-strategically side by sidewith world congress capitals, if it improves its infrastructureand handles the entire meetings sales chain. Promises of anew era are new hotels like Falkensteiner, which will open inNovember, the renovation of the Continental Hotel has alsostarted and which will operate as Crown Plaza from <strong>2013</strong>.Cool meetings:Despite the remarkable culinary diversity, it is hard to avoid”ROŠTILJ” (grill) and different forms of mixed grilled meat.Belgrade is the world capital of “čevapčiči” (meat rolls),patties, “uštipci”, “ražnjiči”, spicy sausages, “vešalica”, …..More on BELGRADE on www.kongres-magazine.eu73

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>NOVI SADAUTHENTIC CONVENTION “EXIT”In Vojvodina multiculturalism accompanies you at everystep. Capital of the autonomous region, where the roadsare all long and fields endless, is also exhibition/fair andconference hub of Serbia. Meetings industry is tailored to thenature and the character of the city. Novi Sad is the economic,scientific and university centre. With the construction ofthe convention centre Master and renovation of hotels it hasbecome a competition to more established destinations. If wecross the really good and modern offer with the hospitalityof locals, superb cuisine and very reasonable prices, we getmore than competitive convention destination.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.94Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.0The first thing that you notice in Novi Sad is PetrovaradinFortress, which stands out from the surrounding plains, andgive the city a special adventurous character. Petrovaradinwas once considered to be Danube Gibraltar. The second is itsmulticultural character, which makes it socially and culturallyattractive. In Vojvodina live 26 nations and ethnic groupsthat make Novi Sad very cosmopolitan. The third is the riverDanube, which gives the city energy.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.8Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina and the second largest cityin Serbia. As a centre of culture and science it has always beendirected towards Vienna. Also the communal and general infrastructurewith architecture are reminiscent of the Austro-Hungarian period. The city boasts with the highest qualityof life in Serbia. High employment, communal infrastructureis arranged and air is the cleanest. The cultural offer is alsorich and it seems that it is a pleasant place both to stay and toorganise conferences.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.0In the city you certainly will not be left hungry and thirsty. Alook at the huge and colourful market is proof that you are inthe heart of food production. The hotel offer is also diverseand ranges from five star Hotel Leopold to many hotels ofcategory 3 and 4 stars. The offer is tailored to the diverseneeds of guests and visitors of the Novi Sad Fair and otherbusiness guests. It also offers a rich nightlife.D. Meetings infrastructure 3.7Master centre, which was created in 2006, is the heart of thecongress offer of Novi Sad. At more than 31.000 meters ofsurface the convention centre offers a trade fair hall and amulti-purpose hall. Novi Sad is a city with one of the longestfair traditions in the region. Convention facilities and otherinfrastructure are suitable for medium large conferences forup to 500 participants.E. Subjective grade 4.2Novi Sad is teeming with nostalgia, it is a way of thinkingand living. In Novi Sad, life is slow and harmonious betweennumerous nations. Residents of the city have a lot of heart andthey are exceptional hosts. A paradise for culinary hedonistsand a great congress alternative if you decide to organise aconference in Serbia.Comparison with the region:Novi Sad maintains well its image of an advanced capitalalso with festivals such as Exit and others. Unfortunately,the tourism sector is lagging behind some of the most activedestinations, especially the capital Belgrade, which is perfectlyestablishing itself as an important European congressdestination. The question is why to organise a congress in thecity, which is only 100 km away from the capital city of Serbia.The answer is in a different, perhaps more authentic atmosphereand hospitality, numerous possibilities of accompanyingprogrammes genuine ‘salaš’, in short in the authenticityof the congress story of Novi Sad.Cool meetings:FISH PAPRIKAŠ a modest dish of exceptional taste for truegourmets75

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>COLOURS, SOUNDS ANDFRAGRANCES OF SLOVENIAText by Rok KlančnikSlovenia is one of the smaller countries ofSE Europe and is along with Friuli andAustria a “member” of Central Europe. It’san Alpine country with “added value”, since athird of the country is under the influence of theMediterranean and flows into the Pannonia planein the North-East.Each season paints Slovenia with an infinitepalette... Each place is proud of its colours, bethey a rich autumn yellow, gold, to brown andred, winter white with veins in the form of riversand blue spots of lakes, glacial or artificial. Acolour Slovenia adopted as its own is green: 60%of the country is covered by forests, which placesit on the second place in Europe.Slovenians speak Slovenian, which is thefoundation of their culture and an historic survival– the nation consists of only a litter over twomillion of souls. Slovenian doesn’t have a typicalSlavic melody.Through the centuries the melody as well asthe vocabulary and grammar were influenced byGerman, and through religion – Latin. It’s markedby a rarity in European linguistics: dual. This isknown in modern Arab, limitedly in Hebrew. InSlovenia it survived through Old Church Slavicfrom Proto- Indo-European language and is trulyan exception in Europe.Dual is good for singing as well. Sloveniansare very proud of their folk songs. After theSecond World War brothers Slavko and Vilifounded a quartet and later an ensemble of theAvsenik Brothers in the Alp village of Begunje.The band introduced a new form of folk music tothe Germanic speaking and of course Slovenianpublic. This is based on the piano accordion andthe rhythms of polka and waltz.The musical progress of Slovenia did notstop at the song “Trompetenecho”. Along withan abundance of good rock’n’roll the band mostknown abroad is Laibach and their vision ofpost-industrial rock, full of similar ideology.From Triglav to Bela krajina there is a lotof good food to be found, yet when it comes toSlovenian cuisine you never know exactly howto describe it.As all Slovenian culture it’s, not only influenced,but intertwined with Austrian or typicalCentral- European cooking. Polenta is just asmuch at home in Ljubljana, Hungarian Goulashis prepared in a unique way, mostly with threetypes of meat and called “Bograč”. A few dishesare truly typical for this small, charming country:Dozens of dumplings made from scrolls of doughand filled with all kinds of fillings. If a scroll likethis is baked, it’s called a “potica”, the queen ofwheat in Slovenia is definitely buckwheat. Youmust try: Karst prosciutto. The food should beaccompanied by sparkling, white, red or rosevine, while the most eager will try homemade“cviček” a mild wine, which barely reaches 10%alcohol content. For the courageous ones: mead,schnapps from pine tops, forest strawberries andherbs (Bear’s blood), and the list could go on andon...Let’s just mention the often wrongly overlookedmineral water Donat Mg from RogaškaSlatina. This water is a record holder on magnesiumcontent and is excellent for concentration,psychic condition and feeling well, which are allthe ingredients of a good congress.FACTS ABOUT SLOVENIAFacts Area:Total: 20.273 km 2Land: 20.151 km 2Water: 122 km 2Capital:LjubljanaLand boundaries:Austria 330 km, Croatia 455 km, Hungary102 km, Italy 199 kmClimate:Mediterranean climate on the coast, continentalclimate with mild to hot summers and coldwinters in the plateaus and valleys to the eastPopulation:2.003.136International country CALLING code:+386Time Zone:Central European Time76

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>WHERE TO GOA small land of many beauties that Lonely Planethas ranked among the top 10 global destinations.It offers everything large ones have. And muchmore. From snowy mountains to the sunny coast,from hills dotted with vineyards and floweryplanes to Gothic churches, baroque palacesand historic castles. With its incredible mix oflandscapes and climates, its small territory isthe scene for endless ways to spend a wonderfultime. This is certainly the most authentic innature, as it is rightly considered as one of thegreenest countries in the world.In numbersIn 2 hours from the Alps to the Adriatic56% of the country is covered with forestswhich are home to more than 400 bears20.570 m is the length of the Postojna Cave46 km of the Adriatic Sea coastline2 million inhabitants who speak more than 40dialects7.000 km of mountain hiking trailsTop 5Ljubljana: a small capital city with great cultural,architectural storiesBled: turquoise lake with an island and a medievalcastle on top of a dramatic cliffPostojna and Škocjan cave: Two of the mostbeautiful and most visited caves in the worldTriglav National Park: breathtaking mountainviews, green valleys and pristine forests withmany waterfallsNatural spas: for 20 years the most visited inthe Slovenian tourist offerThe most …~ ~ Postojna cave is the most visited undergroundcave in Europe.~ ~ In Maribor lives the oldest vine in the world.400-year-old velvet black still annually producesmore than 25 litres of wine.~ ~ The ski jump in Planica is the largest in theworld, which hosted more than 60 worldrecords in ski jumps.~ ~ Chimney of the power plant in Trbovlje is thehighest industrial chimney in Europe.~ ~ In the Slovenian folk and cultural traditionswitches have a special place, so Slovenia alsoboasts an extraordinary number of local magicassemblies.What else to do~ ~ Walk along the Ljubljanica River which duringthe day reveals the European dynamism ofLjubljana and in the evening, the view overit is changed into an inspiring architecturalpostcard.~ ~ In Piran see the sunset, falling into the sea.Unforgettable.~ ~ Try and taste Slovenian wines. You will not beable to stop.~ ~ Take a turn in the Soca valley and test youradrenaline in rafting, canyoning or downhillbikes.~ ~ Explore the many castles and monasteriesscattered across the country.~ ~ Let yourself be pampered in one of the naturalSpas or boutique hotels.Are you kiddin’ me?In Ljubljana, anyone can sleep in a former prison– the known hostel Celica has even been calledthe “hippest” hostel in the world by the LonelyPlanet.77

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>BLEDTHE IMAGE OF HEAVENThe overall personal experience in Bled is a positiveone, despite the feeling of low season sleepiness. Theratio of price to quality is mostly good. The low competitivenesslevel of the destination is influenced by the disconnectednessof both its offer and congress marketing. Adifferent understanding of the quality of congress suppliersand their uncoordinated work are the main reasons Bled’simage has suffered slightly. The solution lies in an excellentcongress product, promoted under the destination slogan‘The Image of Heaven’. Bled is becoming one of the moreattractive and world famous Slovenian meeting places witha known brand, which in itself summons quality. In the pastit hosted numerous important congresses and other importantevents. Based on its tradition and profiled offer itcan clearly compete with more world-renowned alpinecongress destinations. It is important to follow the policyof sustainable development, which needs to be taken intoaccount for any consideration of the renovation of the conventioncentre and the individual marketing activities of theconvention bureau. The natural environment of the destinationcalls for this, which can become one of Bled’s futurecompetitive advantages. I am certain that Bled will quicklycatch up with the competition and regain its former, famouscongress identity.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.88Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.4Bled can thank its environment and rich cultural heritage forthe development of tourism. The place is linked with its greenhinterland, which offers a variety of additional activities withhigh experiential value.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.0Bled’s location is favourable, being near the central Slovenianairport and having good road and rail connection to other congressmarkets. This is a big plus for Bled, besides safety andtidiness.C. Tourism infrastructure 3.6The hotel infrastructure of Bled is satisfactory, yet not adaptedto the needs of demanding congress guests. The entire touristoffer is differentiated by quality and image. Bled is becomingthe new culinary capital of Slovenia. Activities and recreationare well developed. The weakest part of the offer is nightlifeand entertainment as well as shopping. Tourist infrastructureneeds some polish and development of the soft part of the offer.D. Congress infrastructure 3.6Bled offers numerous congress halls and venues for smallercongress events. The weakest link is the outdated FestivalHall. Many years of congress tradition are evident in a broadpalette of congress suppliers and support services.E. Subjective assessment 3.8Bled is definitely among the leading Slovenian meetings destinations.Tidiness, wonderful nature and entire infrastructureare ideal bases for development. Unfortunately, Bled lost sometrust of its loyal customers. The newly established ConventionBureau indicates a new era and promises to restore Bled to itsformer congress glory.Comparison to the Region:As a recognisable brand Bled stands out among other congressdestinations in the region. It most closely resemblesDubrovnik, which caught up with the pre-war congress tempoby taking the right steps. Currently the biggest disadvantageis the lack of a clear focus towards quality rather than masstourism. This is most clearly seen in the restaurant, nightlife and shopping offer. As a result the current perception ofquality is lower than with largest competitors. In Bled thesaying ‘Less is more’ is very true. The potential for the meetingsindustry is immense, it just needs to be harnessed in theright way.On the domestic market Bled lost most ground to Portorož,which on average hosts larger events with higher added value.Its advantages were traditionally built on congresses and conferencesof international associations, which can once againfuel its development. It just needs to adapt to change faster.Cool meetings:The legendary Bled Cream Cake is the symbol of Bled’s culinaryoffer. The Cream Cake, made from pastry and filled withvanilla and whipped cream, became famous after the SecondWorld War. To date more that eleven million have been soldin Bled.More on BLED on www.kongres-magazine.eu79

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>MARIBOREUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTUREMaribor has no shortage of special venues for events.Lent, the former Drava RiverMaribor has everything bigger ones have (only in asmaller format). Compared to other Slovenian Meetings destinationslike Ljubljana, Portorož and Bled it possibly has abit less experience in the field of meetings industry, which itcompensates with friendly attitude of suppliers, that givethe client a feeling that he or she is wanted.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.74Individual grades:A. Nature and Cultural Factors 4.1Maribor is in the centre of Styria with a rich history that isreflected in its cultural heritage. The landscape diversity offertile soil, beautiful nature, forests, clean streams, and thegreen Pohorje are the basics for all kinds of add-ons for themeetings industry. Maribor is also the cultural centre of thecountry.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 3.2Transport Infrastructure, mostly because of the inactiveMaribor Airport, is the weakest part of the Maribor meetingsindustry offer. Otherwise Maribor is a safe and pleasant cityto live in. Its speciality is an extraordinary access to nature.of co-operation between the suppliers. In Maribor you willnot be able to find a specialised DMC agency with localknowledge.Comparison with the Region:Maribor is one of the most promising meetings destinationsin Slovenia. The city is historically, ethnically and culturallyextremely interesting. It gives an impression of familiarity andwarmth. Unfortunately the city lacks an attractive story thatwould also attract foreign event organisers. The main reasonis the inexistence of a convention bureau. I have a feeling thatthe lack of knowledge in the field of meetings industry stemsfrom the influence of the past and industrial thinking. Mariborhas everything that is necessary for development. On the otherhand people are not fully aware of the potential the meetingsindustry could have. We hope that the ECC project will alsouse meetings tourism in its start-up phase.Cool meetings:Before downing the “Pohorje blue berries” liquor, try the“Pohorje pot”. It is a traditional dish that can be found in hutsall over Pohorje; on special request it will also be prepared foryour guests at Hotel Habakuk!More on MARIBOR on www.kongres-magazine.euC. Tourist Infrastructure 4.1In Maribor and its immediate surroundings there are over109 accommodation facilities with some 1,500 rooms. A littleover half of these are in hotels that are mostly of medium orhigher categories and are suitable for business tourism. Theadditional tourist offer is well developed, especially for sportsand recreation.D. Meetings Infrastructure 3.4Congress offer of Maribor is concentrated in company TermeMaribor and their hotels Habakuk, Piramida (Pyramid) andBellevue. This company and partly also Sports Centre Pohorjeand City Hotel are carriers of offer and development. Thetown is very rich with additional convention programmes suitablefor incentives but unfortunately a comprehensive offerof Pohorje and the town is under-utilised and not presented,convention bureau does not operate, and there are chronicshortages of specialised agencies. A more intensive co-operationbetween all players of the destination is essential and wehope that the ECC Project will have a positive impact on thedestination.E. Subjective mark 3.9Maribor is an excellent meetings destination whose biggestproblem is its meetings identity and visibility and the absence81

Wine Cellar Ptuj. Treasury oftradition. The cradle of the future.Apart from the rich tradition that dates back to the times of the Roman Empireand archives, in which Ptuj Wine Cellar safely nourishes best of the bestvintage years, in it is also a carefully guarded treasure, a special wine, theoldest Slovenian wine from the Golden Vine from 1917. In the company of olderreloads are newer matured and fresh wines of modern taste that respectboth the tradition as well as the demands of today‘s consumers.Ptuj wine cellar is known by the names: Pullus, Haložan and Pinky Chick. Sinceits inception in 2007, Pullus has been primarily determined as the winnerof flavors, which it is continuously proving - first among consumers becauseit is a reliable choice for lovers of fine wines, then among the professionalswhere it constantly convinces at many competitions both at home and abroad.Ever since its inception Pullus has been at the very top of quality, as itconquers the highest medals at the largest domestic and world wine evaluationssuch as Slovenia Wine, Decanter, AWC Vienna, Concours Mondial deBruxelles, San Francisco Wine Challenge, etc..A superb experience! Taste Ptuj!It awaits you in the wine house of Ptuj wine cellar, where we have room forup to 60 people. Beautiful photos of Haloze and surrounding hills that areinterwoven with a walk through the history of winemaking in the Ptuj area arepresented to you in a unique way by our Wine Master - Riesling from Haloze.The show is enriched with carefully selected music from different eras of themusic art and this way it creates a beautiful experience of the rich treasuryof tradition of winemaking and viticulture in Slovenia. We will also impressyou with a walk through the „noble Ptuj underworld“, our tourist wine cellar.Shows are available in Slovenian, German, English and Italian, so you canalso invite your friends, acquaintances and business partners from abroad,and of course they are also improved with a wine tasting or tasting menuwith wine accompaniment at the inn PP.http://www.pullus.si/firstinfo@ptujska-klet.si

Prava izbira za praznovanja, druženjein poslovna srecanja.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>PODČETRTEKThe success storySmallest place in our analysis is big in its offer and anexample to all of us involved with tourism. Once aremote and poor community, in the 60-ies of the lastcentury focused on tourism. Its epicentre is a thermal spring,around which a success story was created. At every step thelocals you meet, be it a wine-grower, a caterer or a priest, willlet it be known that you are welcome.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.88D. Meetings Infrastructure 3.4As a part of the Wellness Hotel Sotelia, the convention centrein the spa Olimia was opened in 2006. The largest of eighttechnically perfectly equipped halls and meeting rooms cantale up to 350 participants in theatre style and can be dividedinto two rooms. The entire hotel has been awarded for architecture,mainly due to its placement in the environment;the architects have used a common thread of modern designalso in halls, which are attractive to professional, businessor social gatherings. Perhaps sometimes a larger lobby forbreaks or on-site meetings might come in handy as well asdaylight in Primula halls.Individual grades:A. Natural and Cultural factors 4.0Podčetrtek is the tourist centre of Posotelje near theSlovenian-Croatian border. The wine-growing soil and especiallythe thermal water are two of its natural resourcesand tourism potential of the place. Thermal spring was discoveredin the mid-sixties, the main development occurred inthe mid eighties with the increase of hotel and spa capacities.The castle from the 13th century certainly gives a historicalmark to the place, which is one of the oldest in Slovenia andthe Franciscan monastery Olimje, built in the 16th century.While the castle is still waiting for the right investor forrenewal, you will be welcomed at the Franciscan monasteryby hospitable Franciscans who will provide you with herbsfrom their pharmacy.B. General and Transport Infrastructure 3.8In terms of traffic a pretty closed region influenced the developmentof places in the past. Highway has shortened theroute to Podčetrtek, but it is still necessary to use local scenicroad that leads to one of the most beautiful wine-growingtowns in Slovenia. Increasing connections to the Zagrebairport, which is only 1 hour and 20minute drive away, putPodčetrtek in an improved position for the organisation ofinternational events.E. Subjective Grade 4.2The complete offer of Podčetrtek is intended primarily fortourism. However, everything intended for recreation canbe advantageously applied for congress guests. The biggestadvantage is a diverse offer and a range of adventure andvariety in a small area, which makes it a good use of timealso for business guests.Comparison with the Region:There are few places where the only driving force of theeconomy is tourism. Because in these places industry hasnever developed, today this can be considered as one of theiradvantages. Podčetrtek has a great potential in the field ofcongress tourism. It is an authentic and in many ways a sustainablecongress experience.Cool meetings:What is more sustainable than the old, indigenous varietiesof apples, which in Kozjansko they maintain with love. Onthe now traditional event Kozjansko apple farms offer theold varieties of apples, healthy agricultural products grownin a sustainable way and original and imaginatively processedfruit in home canning. Apple is still the most sympatheticattention that you can offer to the participants of your event!More on PODČETRTEK on www.kongres-magazine.euC. Tourist Infrastructure 4.0One rarely finds a place with such a positive attitude towardstourism as Podčetrtek. Alliance of the municipality, thelargest provider Terme Olimia, associations and all smallersuppliers is reflected in the new projects that increase thevalue of the place. In the past year, among other things, theyhave created new cycle paths that open up new opportunitiesfor the surrounding farms and the development of additionaloffer. The whole offer, from historical, sports and gastro-oenologicalis calling for incentive events which finish withpampering in the beautiful wellness centre Orhidelia, whichin 2009 added the icing on the cake of spa and wellness offer.85

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>PORTOROŽPORT OF ROSESThe image of the destination is improving thanks tosome individual efforts and the innovative viral campaign‘Jump to Portorož’ and “Fly me to the Green”but it is high time to raise the level of the congress offer andimprove the destination marketing of Portorož and Piranas well as their surroundings. Portorož will have a difficulttask in competing with low-cost Mediterraneancongress destinations, which are already tempting organiserswith their ‘all-‘ and ‘ultra-inclusive’ packages.With its own high quality and making best use of its naturaladvantages, it can reclaim the spot it has held several timesin the past. For this to happen, a clear definition, strategy andorganisation of the congress product is necessary.Unfortunately the philosophy of knowing that the overalloffer will only be as good as the sum of its parts is breakingthrough very slowly.86

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Recommendable Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so3.42Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.1The climate, cultural diversity, access to the coast and experienceindex are the main advantages. The weakest part is thearchitectural value and state of the environment.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.4Highest marks for road access, destination security, communalinfrastructure. Low marks for bad air and rail accessibility andcondition of the airport.C. Tourism infrastructure 3.4The strongest feature of Portorož is the offer of sports activities,cafes and bars, not so great is the offer of shops, restaurants,nightlife and cultural options.D. Meetings infrastructure 2.8Congress hotels, history and references, quantity of appropriatehotel rooms and incentive offer are the strongest part ofthe congress infrastructure. Bad marks for a lack of a conventionbureau, non-existent support of congress services and theinappropriate position of the Avditorij Portorož conventioncentre.E. Subjective assessment 3.4Political stability, security, e-services and professionalism arethe strongest parts of the offer. Portorož does somewhat worsein the area of political support of the meetings industry, ratioof quality to price, hospitality of the locals and the generalcompetitiveness of the destination.Comparison to the Region:The historic laurels of the leading Adriatic congress destinationare slowly starting to gather dust. Portorož is still in hardcompetition with Dubrovnik, Opatija and new Adriatic congressdestinations that are developing all the time.A rich congress history, tradition and the existing infrastructureare a competitive advantage. The meetings industry isby no means a tree to sleep under and simply harvest its fruitof wealthy congress participants. Despite that, Portorož hasproven resilient and adaptable many times in the course ofhistory, so some innovativeness and marketing opportunitiesshould ensure it has a bright future.Cool meetings:DARK CHOCOLATE WITH FLEUR DE SEL: Piran salt isthe result of restless winds, warm sun, and the hardworkingsalt pan workers. It is made manually, according to traditionalmethods dating back more than 700 years.One of the products made with salt is a dark chocolate withfleur de sel. A perfect balance of bitter and sweet, with just ahint of traditionally harvested virgin salt. A true delicacy madefor connoisseurs.More on PORTOROŽ on www.kongres-magazine.eu87

Constantini vineyardwinery estateA piece of heaven for wine lovers on the Slovenian-Italian borderThe natural coherence of the ground withits balanced mineral composition andmicroclimate enter the glass in the winesproduced on the Constantini estate of Goriškabrda. The Constantini estate vineyards coverselected locations of both the Slovenian andItalian parts of Brda - Doc Collio Goriziano.Written records show that the family has beenproducing wine in Brda since 1680, allowingit to connect tradition to a contemporaryapproach of global wine trends and naturalmethods in the vineyard and vinification. As aresult, Constantini Wines have been rewardedat international competitions with Goldenand Grand Golden medals, being the highestrated wine in the evaluation and given a specialrecognition by journalists. They have also beenserved at gala lunches and dinners, as well as atinternational events, their Pinot Gris served inLjubljana during the visit of the British QueenElizabeth II.also known in Japan and the USA. The family Humar would bevery glad to welcome you to their winery estate, open the doorof their wine cellar and tell you a story or two about their wines.REWARDSVariety Constantini 2006GRAND GOLDEN MEDAL, Emozioni dal Mondo, Italy 2011The highest rated wine of the evaluation Premio della stampa,Emozioni dal Mondo Italy 2011GOLDEN MEDAL Muvina, Slovakia 2011GOLDEN MEDAL Mundus vini, Germany 2011Cabernet franc 2009GOLDEN MEDAL Emozioni dal Mondo, Italiy 2011GOLDEN MEDAL Finger Lakes International WineCompetition 2012, Rochester, NY, USAMerlot 2005Premio della stampa, Emozioni dal Mondo, Italy 2012Constantini wine can be found in selectedrestaurants, hotels, wine bars and touristdestinations in Slovenia and abroad. They areCONSTANTINI WINES Patricia Humar, Dušan HumarPlešivo 32 5212 Dobrovo v brdih, SloveniaPhone: +386 (0)5 39 59 577, +386 (0)31 630 072, +386 (0)41 771 449constantini@siol.net, www.constantini.si

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>89

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>CENTRAL EUROPEText by Barbara DmitrovićCentral Europe or Middle Europe is aregion in the heart of Europe consistingof about 9 countries: Austria, CzechRepublic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein,Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland. Itis a very diverse part of Europe, including theGerman-speaking countries, four former WarsawPact member states that have successfully joinedthe European Union, and Slovenia, a formerYugoslav republic, now also a member of the EU.Among these countries, only Switzerland andLichtenstein are not EU member states.The Central Europe region stretches from theBaltic and North Sea in the north, to the Adriaticin the south, and it includes the mountain rangeof the Alps. It is a home to some of Europe’s andworld’s most prosperous economies and cities.Because of its heritage of nationalities CentralEurope is home to many languages – German,Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, French, Italianand Slovenian, plus many different regional languagesand dialects.With one of the busiest European airports,Frankfurt, this part of Europe is very well connectedwith the rest of the world.With such diverse cultures in one place youcan find almost everything. From classical musicin the Salzburg and Vienna world-renownedoperas, to famous German hard-core metal bandRammstein, and Slovenian folk ensemble theAvsenik Brothers.You can find delicious gastronomy delightsin every country. The famous Swiss cheesesGruyere and Emmentaler are the main ingredientsfor dishes like “fondue”, “raclette” and“tartiflette”. And of course who can forgettheir world’s best chocolate producers as Lindt,Teuscher, Sprüngli and Frey. In Slovakia, Austria,Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and Polandyou cannot miss the recognizable beef andvegetables stew kind of soup called “goulash”.Different types of sausages are common to all theCentral European countries – from Frankfurterwurst, Currywurst, Bratwurst “krvavica” (bloodpudding), “kolbasz”. Dumplings can be foundin Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Hungary,Austria and also Slovenia. We must not forget90

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>about the meat, which is an important part ofevery meal. From steaks of beef, pork, veal, lamb,to poultry like chicken, turkey, goose, duck, andseafood as well. For the sweet tooth you will finddifferent varieties of pancakes, “strudels”, cakes,waffles and sweet dumplings.Beer is the one drink that associates all theregion’s countries and is by far the best in thispart of Europe. Czech Republic has a grandbrewing heritage and Pilsner Urquell, Budweiser,Staropramen, Bernard and Kozel are just some ofthe most famous Czech beers. Germany, Austriaand Switzerland have a similar brewing heritage,but with several different types of beer (wheatbeer). Beer drinking is especially popular inGermany as every neighborhood has theirown “biergarten” (beer garden) where peoplegather and enjoy this golden drink. The CentralEuropean region produces a wide range of winesfrom superb world famous regions, down to inexpensivelocal table wine. Possibly the finestregion in the area is Tokaj, world-renowned forits sweet dessert wines. Germans are just as passionateabout their wines as they are about theirbeer. The Rhine and Mosselle Valleys regions areknown for their fragrant white wines. Austriaand Switzerland also produce some very highquality products – Eiswein (dessert wine producedfrom grapes that have been frozen whilestill on the vine). You can find some very goodwines in Slovenia and Hungary as well. In Polandyou can get probably the best vodka in the world.The most popular brands are Zubrowka andWyborowa. Coffee culture is popular in all thecountries and you can see that in many city cafés.91

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>KRAKOWPROUD CITYJerusalem’, or ‘Slavic Rome’, boasts specialcharm and is one of the most charming central‘PolishEuropean cities. It is therefore not surprising thatin 1978 UNESCO recognised the Old Town centre as one ofits heritage sites. For congress excellence the city is missingjust the completion of the Congress Centre ICE, and I am surethat in the future, with the scientific and economic potentialKrakow has, it will be one of the major meetings destinationsin Central Europe.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.34Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.4The cultural capital of Poland is a city where the glorious pastis omnipresent. A number of cultural and historic sites attracta large number of tourists and conference organisers. Its veryhigh score is only lowered by a bad attitude towards the environmentand the much-ignored grey suburbs that stir memoriesof socialism. A typical example of the socialist experimentis in the workers’ settlement Nowa Huta, with heavy industryand endless blocks of flats.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.6Currently the most problematic part, as Poland has probablythe worst roads in Europe. We recommend that you come tothe city with one of the many air companies and save yourselffrom the road ‘adventure’. Otherwise, the city is a pleasantplace to stay with an extensive network of bicycle paths andincreasingly orderly public transport. Also impressive is thehigh level of shared space tidiness.C. Tourist Infrastructure 4.8Krakow is a mature and well developed tourist destinationwith a variety of hotel services and an exceptional numberof tourist attractions. This and the extraordinary offer of restaurants,cafes and entertainment make it one of the leadingcentral European tourist destinations. Krakow was rightlychosen to be the cultural capital, since as much as 11 culturalcentres, 8 theatres, four orchestras, and 9 museums with 37permanent and 152 temporary exhibitions operate in it.hospitality of the locals. A good image is a big help. We areawaiting with curiosity the world premiere of the ConventionCentre ICE 2014, which will certainly shuffle the wider stackof cards.Comparison with the region:Of all the Polish cities Krakow is the one with the greatest souland is the most fraught with history. Being the main touristcity it has excellent conditions in place for the development ofcongress tourism. With the construction of the new conventioncentre it has also received a real affirmation. In PolandKrakow will be the destination of the new generation, whichwill soon be recognised as a high quality, compact and mostversatile meetings destination in Poland due to the culturalheritage, new meetings capacities and because of its hugescientific potential. The activities of the Convention Bureauare a good indicator of what the destination is capable ofand what expectations it can meet. Krakow’s recipe is successfuland a case of good practice for other more traditionalcentral European destinations. I expect a fierce fight amongthe leading Polish destinations, which is moving into its nextphase. Poland boasts 17 Nobel Prize winners and consideringthe size of the country it has a numerous scientific community.A large part of it is concentrated in Krakow, with more congressAmbassadors working around the world. This is anotherplus for the future of the destination.Cool meetings:Oscypek is a characteristic smoked sheep’s milk cheese, whichis produced in the High Tatras. It is smoked at the open fireand is on the list of protected products. With its characteristiccylindrical shape it is highly typical of Zakopane.More on KRAKOW on www.kongres-magazine.euD. Meetings Infrastructure 4.2For congress tourism of the city, ICE will be extremely important.The city has taken a risk with the new conventioncentre, but they managed to create a modern concept witha lot of novelties, a traditional destination for the Facebookgeneration.E. Subjective Grade 4.7Krakow convinces with its quality, positive affection for congresstourism and competitiveness, all seasoned with the93

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>GDANSKCITY OF SOLIDARITY AND FREEDOMThe increase in visibility of the European footballchampionship has contributed in its own way, whilstat the same time Gdansk is relatively affordable andaccessible and also has solid infrastructure in place. Theseare the basic conditions for the rapid development of congresstourism. From other Polish cities and towns Gdansk is distinguishedby a unique atmosphere, rounded off by the Gothicarchitecture of the city. This is greatly aided by the mixing ofcultures that have left their mark on the city a very open andrelaxed place. The positive impression comes through mostlyin the friendliness of the people and their warm reception.We can also count on Poland as an interesting outgoingmarket, as the country with almost 40 million inhabitants issuccessfully battling the recession.94

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.18Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 3.8The shallow Bay of Gdansk, rounded to the north by the HelPeninsula and the Baltic Sea, gives the city a unique naturalcharacter. Coastal dunes protecting the region against the intrusionof the sea from the bay alternate with a picturesquelake area around Gdansk and form attractive landscape diversity.The main experiential diversity, however, lies in the richand tumultuous cultural history, which has plenty of historicalmonuments in the old centre of Gdansk.B. Meetings Infrastructure 4.5Gdansk is the city with the most advanced and comprehensivemeetings infrastructure in Europe as a result of huge investmentsfor EURO 2012. Together with the excellent ConventionBureau that connects the entire offer of the Pomorjanskaregion, Gdansk has managed a major break- through on theinternational meetings scene.relationship between price and quality is one of the mainreasons for the competitiveness of the destination. A positivepersonal experience and the hospitality of the locals reinforcethe image that the city has acquired in a relatively short time.Comparison with the region:Gdansk differs markedly from other Polish cities because ofthe special atmosphere in the old town and its many historicalsites suitable for congress tourism. There is an attractive mixof west and east, of northern culture and of the old and thenew, all adding to the city’s unique identity. Gdansk is knownas a place of freedom, which is written into its genetic codeand is reflected in the rich cultural heritage and current culturaland artistic production. As a result of the hyperactiveConvention Bureau, Gdansk as a destination is in an extremelyhigh position in comparison with other Polish internationaldestinations. To achieve excellence Gdansk needs to focus onbetter regulation of its traffic and its accessibility, which isnot yet at an adequate level, although the other infrastructureis excellent and comparable with competing Europeandestinations.Cool meetings:‘Pierogi’ are Polish ravioli, stuffed with a variety of meat,cabbage or potato fillings. Gdansk Promotional VideoGDANSK AND REGION – WHERE BUSINESS MEETSMore on GDANSK on www.kongres-magazine.euC. General and transport infrastructure 3.7EURO 2012 gave an acceleration to the development of generalinfrastructure. Transport seems to be a bit weak, as the Poleshave not finished all of the projects, but they are well on theway to a better situation, as this is the weakest part of the meetingsinfrastructure. It is necessary to highlight the dysfunctionalcycle paths and inadequate road system and parking arrangements.New age blend of socialist and capitalist urbanismis still solid and works better than in some other Polish cities.D. Tourism infrastructure 4.3In the years up to the European football championship Gdanskliterally blossomed. Accommodation capacities were adaptedto the new tourists, with the biggest progress made especiallyin the area of cuisine offers, ranging from fast food toworld-class cuisine. In the summer, the region around Gdanskis turned into the biggest Polish Riviera with a traditionalseaside offer.E. Subjective Grade 4.6Gdansk lives and breathes for meetings tourism and is recognisedas one of the most important tourist areas. The solid95

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>PRAGUESLAVIC PARISThe spirit of Central Europe is in the best way caughtin this beautiful city, which is an excellent conventiondestination because of its cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism,liveliness and a tireless nightlife. What is the secretof the Prague congress tourism? What are they doing differently?It is a combination of circumstances and wise developmentpolicies. Elegantly and sustainably they are workingto be among the top ten European congress cities.

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Excellent Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.50Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.4Prague’s historic districts, Staro mesto (the Old Town), Novomesto (the New Town), the Jewish Quarter, Hradcany andthe Little Quarter form the core of an outstanding experientialdiversity of the city, which for many years has been attractinga number of tourists. The city has developed on sevenhills by the river Vltava. ‘Golden Prague’ is special becauseof its extreme concentration of architectural and historicalsights in combination with landscape diversity, culture andthe arts.B. General and transport infrastructure 4.2Safety, excellent infrastructure, professional environmentwith an educated workforce, affordability, tradition and highquality of life are the main attributes of the general infrastructureof Prague. Also important for the development ofcongress tourism are the solid airline availability and regulationof the Vaclav Havel airport ,with a new Terminal 2 that isbecoming an important aviation hub of the region.Every street and house tells its own story, which gives the citya special touch. Prague maintains and builds on its high-qualityromantic reputation.Comparison with the region:Prague has for a long time not been an Eastern Europeangem, but a true European tourist metropolis with a diverseand comprehensive offer, luxury hotels and sometimes toohigh prices. The story is reminiscent of Škoda, of which theCzechs are very proud and is one of the oldest automotivebrands in Europe. Reputable, solid and reliable pre-warlimousines were after the war changed by cars that werebehind the times. Today, Škoda shines again and again putsthe Czech manufacturer where it once was. The same can besaid for the meetings industry, where Prague began to seriouslyfalter against the locations top of the European league.If we look at the position of Prague regionally, Prague will nottake primacy in the region over Vienna, but it certainly hasall the conditions to remain for a long time the first congressdestination among East European capitals.Cool meetings:CZECH KNEDLIČKI - bread dumplings, which are mandatorilywashed down with some of the excellent Czech beer.There is a legend that Prague got its name Golden Praguebecause of the beer. Anyone who has not eaten Czech knedličkiwith goulash and drank a mug of beer, has not properlybeen in Prague.C. Tourist infrastructure 4.7The Czech capital has in recent years established itself asone of the most visited European tourist destinations. In thecity everything is therefore subordinate to tourists with analmost pilgrimage-like surge in high season. However, thecity retains its charm and offers a diverse and mainly highquality tourist infrastructure. Prague is a room with a view.D. Meetings infrastructure 4.6A complex and comprehensive offer, in which a remarkablenumber of world-class historic congress venues stand out.It is the first meeting point of the East European meetingsindustry that with further development is mixing it upwith such first category destinations as Vienna, Berlin andBarcelona. It is the city in which conference participants willfeel good.E. Subjective grade 4.6The city with its rich cultural heritage, friendliness of localsand countless congress options anchors deep in the heart.97

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>VILNIUSBALTIC CONGRESS TIGERSThe competitive advantage of Vilnius lies in its hotelcapacities, its accompanying tourist offer, the compactnessof the city and its very good organisationand integration of congress service providers. The greatdesire for the development of congress tourism by the mayorand the city policy is also praiseworthy. Furthermore, thethree Baltic countries are one of the few positive stories inthe current European crisis. After a disastrous recession in2009, they quickly picked up and are now a rare success story.In a simplified way one could say that they are smaller, moreflexible and more open than other European countries, andthis is also reflected in the meetings industry. The proudLithuanians prefer to compare themselves with Scandinavia,rather than with Europe, and whilst the country’s competitivenessis hampered for now mainly by inadequate air linksand a dampened image of the destination for the industry,I believe that the common investment of the destination inthe Convene project will greatly strengthen and improve thecity’s competitiveness.98

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Destination grade:Quality Meetings DestinationGrades:5 excellent meetings destination4 quality meetings destination3 recommendable meetings destination2 average meetings destination1 so so4.04Individual grades:A. Natural and cultural factors 4.0Vilnius is a green and spacious city with a beautiful old citycentre where you can find over 40 churches, which is why itis also known as the Baltic Jerusalem. The history of the citywas developed by a flourishing Jewish community, which hasleft a visible seal on it. The city has interesting traces of multiculturalismand religious diversity reminiscent of Jerusalem,which have created a unique experiential value.B. General and transport infrastructure 3.6Vilnius city centre is compact and easily accessible. In termsof its infrastructure arrangement it is comparable to otherEastern European capitals and at first glance everythingworks smoothly and normally. The quality of life is impactedby a good balance between price, quality and solid infrastructure,which improves each year. Vilnius may not be themost beautiful city in the world, but it can also surprise andimpress where you least expect it. The air quality, which isthe best among comparable cities of Europe because of thesurrounding forests and absence of heavy industry, is particularlyimpressive.E. Subjective grade 4.1Vilnius is a city open to foreigners and different cultures,which is best reflected in the cosmopolitan old town witha dominantly Baroque seal. In the transition period the cityaimed to make up for lost time and regain its cosmopolitanspirit. To a large extent they succeeded and today Vilniusthrives and appears a friendly and safe convention destination.Particularly surprising are the simple, hospitable andopen Lithuanians who make it a pleasant destination and arenothing like the Scandinavian restraint.Comparison with the region:Over the last few years Vilnius learned diligently, polished itsoffer and was preparing for its entry into the internationalcongress scene. In their favour they have the charm of thecity, which is cosmopolitan, urban, very European and fullof hidden surprises. It’s a city where socialist modernist architecturecoexists with the Baroque centre, and unlike someother Eastern European congress destinations this makes itvery attractive. By joining the EU the city has become a crediblepartner of the international meetings industry, makingis one of the new, undiscovered convention destinations thatappeals because of its freshness. For all three Baltic CongressTigers - Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn - we predict a sunny congressfuture.Cool meetings:ŠAKOTIS – festive dessert in the form of a treeMore on VILNIUS on www.kongres-magazine.euC. Tourist infrastructure 4.2The three most important reasons for visiting Vilnius arearchitectural heritage, the city’s rich history, and its specificurban atmosphere. Together with a very wide range of hotelaccommodation and accompanying offer, which in recentyears has much developed, Vilnius is an attractive tourist destinationthat is still largely undiscovered.D. Meetings infrastructure 4.3The main congress provider in the city is LitExpo, with thelargest hall for a maximum of 1,800 participants. It defines themaximum size of congresses that can be held in the Lithuaniancapital. The spine of the Vilnius meetings offer is composed ofconvention hotels of all sizes and categories, offering a widerange of services in one place. With an active and well-organisedconvention bureau and broad-based marketing Vilnius isbecoming an important new European congress destination.99

Hidden Congress GuestHOTEL SAVOIA EXCELSIOR PALACE★★★★★ LuxurySEAFRONT HOTEL CHARMPhoto credits: HOTEL SAVOIA4. 65Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROM1911, renovated 2009STANDARD★★★★★NUMBER OF ROOMS144 roomsONLINE PRICE227 - 490 EUR (May <strong>2013</strong>)ADDRESSSAVOIA EXCELSIOR PALACERiva del Mandracchio 434124 Trieste, ItalyT: +39 040 77941F: +39 040 638 260E: savoiaexcelsior.ts@starhotels.itFACILITIESSavoy RestaurantLe Rive BarLes Clefs d’Or ConciergeRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.90Accessibility 3.80First impression 4.70Lobby 4.58Employee attitude 4.61Reception 4.57Hotel room 4.89Hotel bed 4.92Bathroom and restroom 4.95Hotel breakfast 4.75Bars and restaurants 4.45Congress hall 4.90Additional offer 4.40Total: 4.65FINAL GRADELuxury hotel 4.65LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationThe imposing buildings of the Habsburg period onthe central Trieste square Piaza Unita continue alongthe central coastal road into an impressive building ofthe Savoia Excelsior Palace Hotel. This historic hotelwhich opened in 1911, is today exemplary renovated andoffers views of the Gulf of Trieste and is only a stone’sthrow away from the convention centre. It is reminiscentof the old glory of the city when it had its ownparticular identity, which is also Austrian, Slovenian,Croatian, Jewish and above all multicultural.AccessibilityFor centuries Trieste was an important transport huband main port of the region. Consequently, the transportinfrastructure is still very good. Train infrastructureis solid and as part of the Italian rail system isamong the more developed in the region. Perhaps theworst part is air accessibility, where the city is dependingon the nearby airports in Ljubljana and Venice, asTrieste airport has less frequency. The airport connectsaround 15 destinations with 12 airlines.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsExemplary renovated historical building from 1911was at its inception one of the most exclusive hotels inthe Habsburg Monarchy. After two years of renovation,which was completed in 2009, the hotel shines inthe former beauty. The external appearance does notstand out as much with its stylish lines, but mainly byits magnificence. For the interior design of the hotel,we can say that less is more. Much more, as they takecare to move forward in the internal arrangement ofrooms that simply thrills and in which you can easilyflow into and which it do not disappoint you.Warm appetiser – personnel and culinaryofferThe hotel convinces with the quality of service. Butthis is not the only specialty of the hotel. Advancedculinary experience begins at breakfast and continuesin the À la carte offer of the restaurant Savoy. Nowonder the hotel is a central venue of all importantevents in Trieste, film stars, politicians and the elite.Guests are pampered with extra luxury at the hotel,which includes a special pillow menu “pillowmania”and a well-stocked bathroom full of little details.Main course – congress and hotel offerAt the hotel Savoia excellence is observed in every step,touch and view. Materials in the rooms are natural, selectedand fit nicely with the whole. Especially charmingare certain rooms with balconies offering views ofthe Gulf of Trieste. Nowadays one rarely finds roomswith such high ceilings.Leather seating, warm colours, ambient lighting withthe possibility of day-light, all of which offer verytastefully furnished conference rooms. The hotel hasnine meeting rooms. Maximum capacity of the largestone is up to 320 participants.Dessert – additional offerNice library similar to home living room.-FLOP – negative surprisesPerhaps the only downside is due to the slowwi-fi.+TOP – positive surprisesTrieste is a nice city with a lot of soul andmany attractions. City worth a visit and a greatconvention destination.Overall impressions and credibilityThe Savoia Excelsior Palace is definitely a goodexample of why such hotels are still a big sellinghit and a shining exception on the otherwise quitetired Trieste congress-hotel scene. The hotel withits offer is a good starting point for the re-launch ofTrieste as a congress destination. Less can be more.Probably the most stylish first category facility alsoin the wider region.100

Hidden Congress GuestSPIRIT HOTEL SARVAR★★★★★ LuxuryROYAL SPA MEETINGSPhoto credits: SPIRIT HOTEL SARVAR4. 54Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROMMarch 2008STANDARD★★★★★NUMBER OF ROOMS271 roomsONLINE PRICEFrom 122 - 198 EUR (single room, May<strong>2013</strong>)ADDRESSVadkert krt. 5.,9600 Sárvár, HUNGARYPhone: (+36) 95-889500Fax: (+36)95-620901Email: info@spirithotel.huwww.spirithotel.huFACILITIES“Oasis“ spa and wellness area(10,000m2): swimming pool(25x12m), Sauna Island, fitness centre,squash and tennis courts, medicalspa, Onyx RestaurantConference centre 5 Elements: flexiblemeeting room (from 1 – 5 meetingrooms), Free wi-fiRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.50Accessibility 4.05First impression 4.38Lobby 4.72Employee attitude 4.89Reception 4.37Hotel room 4.62Hotel bed 4.61Bathroom and restroom 4.64Hotel breakfast 4.95Bars and restaurants 4.82Congress hall 4.45Additional offer 4.05Total: 4.54FINAL GRADELuxury hotel 4.54LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationCongress guests’ tastes are changing. In particular,the female audience responds well to a combinationof meetings with pampering. For such pleasures,Hungary seems to be ideal, because their thermalsprings are one of their greatest natural resources.Western Hungary is a true spa paradise, where in thelast decade many modern spas and water parks werecreated. Sárvár has a rich thermal history and is alsoknown as Royal Spa City.AccessibilitySárvár is located south of Vienna, east of Graz and westof Budapest. Like other health resorts, it is far from themajor cities and motorway connections. Nevertheless,the Vienna International Airport is only 130 km awayor two hours drive. From the capital city of Budapestit is 200 km and less than 3 hours drive. In view of theexcellent air connections with the world of Vienna,Sárvár is easily enough accessible for internationalguests.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsIn creating the resort, architects gave vent to createprobably the most modern spa in Hungary. The exteriornicely fits in the green surroundings and with thehotel park and lakes acts convincingly. Air ambient ismost felt right at the spa, and especially in the worldof saunas, which is really comfortable and luxuriouslydecorated. Everything is subordinate to the comfort ofthe guest and arranged with great taste.Warm appetiser – personnel and culinaryofferIt is necessary to recognise that the Spirit in terms offriendliness of staff and serving service is a pleasantsurprise. The hotel breakfast buffet is inspiring andone of the best in the region, suitable for the most demandingguests. Especially romantic is a part of therestaurant with large glass surfaces, which gives theimpression that you eat breakfast in the middle of aforest. A great selection of local wines is icing onthe cake, it is rich and varied and full of fine details.Ambience of the Restaurant Onyx is diverse and full offine details, this is also followed by the culinary offer,to which gives a finishing touch an excellent selectionof local wines.Main course – congress and hotel offerWhile the emphasis is on spa and wellness offer, animportant part of the hotel is also that it has a conferencecentre with a multi-functional and technicallywell-equipped hall. In the largest setting it can accommodateup to 500 participants, but otherwise it canalso be divided into five smaller halls and a foyer inthe middle.Conference halls are named after the five elements: air,water, earth, fire and “spirit”. The rooms are modernand properly equipped with elegant, earthy colours,but without special additions that would make thispart of the hotel offer stand out from similar upscalehotels.Dessert – additional offerDelightfully arranged and maintained garden can bean excellent venue for conference participants’ reception.For event organisers an important piece of informationis that in colder days for evening receptions apart of the spa can also be used – the Oxygen bar.-FLOP – negative surprisesIt is clear that the focus is on the spa offer,while meetings and incentive part of the offer hasa lot of untapped potential, also the great story onfive elements.The hotel took a great advantage of the naturalmineral water spring from a depth of over 1.000meters, both for pampering and for a range of prevention,health and beauty programmes.Overall impressions and credibilityThe hotel Spirit certainly represents a new chapterin the rich history and culture of spa tourism ofSárvár, which is currently the “flag ship” of the city.Hotel Spirit is elegant, spacious and because of allthis an impressive hotel. It is certainly not perfect.Anyone wishing to take advantage of everything thehotel has to offer will have to deal with a relativelyhigh price for this part of Europe.101

Hidden Congress GuestMELIA CORAL UMAG★★★★★ LuxuryUnbeatable incentive offerPhoto credits: MELIA CORAL UMAG4. 58Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROM2010STANDARDResort meeting hotel with conferencefacilitiesNUMBER OF ROOMS244 rooms, 6 luxury suitesONLINE PRICE92 - 258 EUR (April <strong>2013</strong>)ADDRESSHOTEL MELIA CORAL UMAGKatoro bb, 52470 UmagT: +385 52 701 000,E: melia.coral@istraturist.hrwww.istraturist.comFACILITIES:Other hotels with in the tourist resort:Sol Aurora - All inclusive, 4***, 298rooms; Sol Garden, 4****, 481 rooms;Melia Istrian Vilas, 4****, 180 luxuryvillas; Sol Amfora 4****, 134 suites; SolStella 3***, 207 suites; Polynesia Apartments,3***, 620 suites, 66 bungalowsAdditional services: Tapas bar, Aperitifbar, Passion Lounge bar, Tavern Mediterranean,Wellness Coral Fusion Spa,Fitness studio, Tennis centre Katoro,Sports centre Sport Art, Outdoor andindoor poolsRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.90Accessibility 3.95First impression 4.15Lobby 4.78Employee attitude 4.96Reception 4.30Hotel room 4.56Hotel bed 4.91Bathroom and restroom 4.05Hotel breakfast 4.45Bars and restaurants 4.78Congress hall 4.78Additional offer 5.00Total: 4.58FINAL GRADELuxury hotel 4.58LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationUmag’s most prestigious hotel builds its offering onprovincial trump cards of Istria with the diverse coastline, Karst hinterland, cultural diversity and a favorableclimate. All this combined with excellent touristattractions ranks Istria among the leading Croatiantourist destinations. The Katoro hotel complex wasbuilt in the middle of the golden tourist eighties.Exemplary tidy hotel complex is the epicentre ofCroatian sports and active tourism and at the sametime a great incentive destination. Completely renovatedhotel offering is often unfairly overlooked andalready today it ranks Umag among the new upscaletourist destinations.AccessibilityIstria is distinguished by its favourable position as itreaches deep into the European continent and is wellconnected with the main European transport corridors.One can say that the road access is fast, secure andconvenient. In the case of air accessibility Umag largelydepends on the traffic situation on the nearby airports inPula, Ljubljana, Trieste and Venice, which are relativelyclose. Particularly commendable is the transport organisationwithin the resort with large parking areas andecological public transport in the form of Tourist train,which connects the hotel to the city centre. Exemplarilyare arranged paths for cyclists and pedestrians.Cold appetiser – architecture and aestheticsThe Hotel wants to be Zen balanced and we must admitthat architects managed to renovate and upgrade theoriginal architectural design from the eighties verywell. When renovating the hotel a lot of new contentwas added. For example innovative fitness in a pinegrove, zen garden and many tiny little things that areon the verge of prestige. The renovation was muchmore than just an aesthetic change of the facade.Probably to well-being greatly contribute felicitouslychosen colours and fine details. What makes the wholeparticularly attractive is the complete horticultural arrangementswhich this season are further improvedand upgraded. The whole appears balanced, impressiveand inspiring.Warm appetiser – personnel and culinary offerHotel Melia Coral pays the most attention to theservice and friendliness. From this perspective, it is themarket leader in the region. At this hotel everything isas it is usual in this class of hotels. The hotel with itsculinary offer is at the top among Istratourist grouphotels. It seems that due to this the staff is carefullychosen. Quite extensive is also the hotel’s culinaryoffer with well-prepared dishes, but they sometimeslack a bit of a common thread. Good choice proves tobe the pension offer which is diverse and varied bothat breakfast and at dinner. They are serving creativemodern dishes that are partly coloured by local foods.The wine list in the hotel is varied and one can tastethe best wines of Croatia. One of the advantages of thehotel is a pleasant hotel bar with excellent coffee.Main course – congress and hotel offerFollowing the renovation, the hotel offer has beenupdated and upgraded to the level of five stars. Butthe first message of the renovation is not only thechanged appearance, but the entire offer under thebrand ‘Adults only’. In many respects, everything thatis hidden under that brand turns out to be written onthe skin of normal conference guests. Otherwise, thehotel is geared towards comfort and enjoyment. Atthe hotel and next to it there are plenty zen corners.Hotel rooms are very tastefully equipped, and a specialpraise goes to beds, it does also not disappoint in termsof gadgets, such as Nespresso coffee appliance.Pamper yourself in a smaller, modern and pleasant spacentre and sweat in the fitness room with state of theart equipment. Convention centre with four meetingrooms can accommodate up to 350 participants.Dessert – additional offerA brand new tennis centre Katoro, and many andvaried sports activities on offer, which in the next fewyears will be further upgraded in the context of sportszone Humagum, with offer for 30 sports.-FLOP – negative surprisesDue to the crowds, high season willchase away classic conference guests.+TOP – positive surprisesPersonnel and their friendlinessand professionalism.Overall impressions and credibilityHotel Meliá Coral convinces with the quality of theoffer, comfort and spaciousness. The final grade isthat this is a good hotel for good money. Prices arein fact reasonable in relation to the nearby Istrianand Slovenian competition. Numerous options fororganising receptions and outdoor activities.Istratourist together with the hotel chain Meliawithout much bragging managed to make a great hoteland convention product. Umag is becoming a seriousand respected European incentive destination.102

Hidden Congress GuestHOTEL LARIX HIT ALPINEA★★★★ PREMIUMALPINE MEETINGSPhoto credits: HOTEL LARIX HIT ALPINEA3. 99Final ScoreCATEGORY★★★★★OPEN FROM1971, renovated in 2002STANDARDHotel with conference facilitiesNUMBER OF ROOMS102 rooms *****superiorONLINE PRICE81 - 130 EUR (single room, May <strong>2013</strong>)ADDRESSHOTEL LARIXBorovška cesta 994280 Kranjska gora, SloveniaT. +386 4 588 41 00F. +386 4 588 44 70E. info@hitholidays-kg.siFACILITIESHotel restaurant, Café, Casino, Waterpark Aqua Larix, Welness centre Vita,Night cub in Kompas hotel, Relaxationcentre in Kompas hotel, Sportsgrounds, In-line hockey groundRESULTS OF ANALYSISLocation 4.68Accessibility 3.90First impression 4.14Lobby 4.32Employee attitude 4.00Reception 3.77Hotel room 3.89Hotel bed 3.72Bathroom and restroom 3.45Hotel breakfast 3.76Bars and restaurants 4.05Congress hall 4.15Additional offer 4.02Total: 3.99FINAL GRADEPremium hotel 3.99LuxuryPremiumBusinessEconomyBudget★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★LocationThe hotel is located in the centre of Kranjska Gora, orrather is the centre of the town. It all revolves aroundthe famous Kranjska Gora winter and summer “beach”.The hotel with a rich history of the gaming group Hithas recently handed over its management to the Swisscompany Sophos Hotels. Kranjska Gora throughoutthe year provides an interesting experience and withthe accompanying products such as Eskimo village it isbecoming more widely known as an active conventiondestination.AccessibilityThe position right on the ski slopes is one of the advantagesof the hotel. The airport Jože Pučnik is 66 kilometresaway. Even by road Kranjska Gora is easily accessible.Parking outside the hotel is spacious enoughfor smaller events. Even in the high ski season one canfind a parking space at a giant parking adjacent to thehotel.Cold appetiser – architectureand aestheticsThe architectural image of the hotel remains classicalpine even after the renovation and is an integral partof the postcard views of Kranjska Gora. Hotel has pioneereda wave of building hotels in Kranjska Gora inthe seventies. Due to the more classical architecturaldesign of the hotel it in no way stands out while it doesnot at the same time appear disturbing. Increasinglyregulated “beach” is one of the attractive enrichmentsof the offer both in the winter and in the summer.Warm appetiser – personnel and culinaryofferHotel Larix offers classic hotel cuisine. This is evenmore pronounced in a very classic hotel breakfast. Ifyou do not complicate too much, you will generally besatisfied. On the way to the new times and the newmanagement some details in a relatively wide assortmentof dishes are stopping them. With the servicethey are trying to capture the best combination ofquality, friendliness and personal approach. From pasttop times there are several ‘candies’ left at the level ofservice, which are more the exception than the rule.In this area there is the most room for improvement.Main course – congress and hotel offerBusiness philosophy is simple, to offer a comfortableand functional enough quality hotel at a good price.As a general rule, a hotel a few years after the renovationis slowly starting to show signs of aging. The hotelLarix managed to stop this process pretty well. Hotelrooms are correct, but not superior, more or less, it isan expected and average package. It is positive thatyou have some choice of other hotels of the same groupKompas, Prisank and Alpina, available.Smaller convention centre with views of Kranjska Goraski slopes or on pastures has everything you need for asuccessful conference. The interior is flexible enoughfor groups of up to 250 delegates, as much as PlanicaHall can accommodate. Commendable is daylight,which is available in all rooms.Dessert – additional offerThe ideal position of the hotel, right next to the skislopes in winter and in summer overlooking greenpastures in the midst of beautiful surroundings,enables a number of incentive experiences in theirown backyard.-FLOP – negative surprisesA little more varied gastronomic offer, selectionof wines and cuisine in general.+TOP – positive surprisesGreat possibility of combining halls and assemblinghotel accommodation and culinary experiencesin a variety of hotels of the group in KranjskaGora with a capacity of up to 1.200 participants.Overall impressions and credibilityAccording to the latest hotel standards, the hotel’sconcept stayed somewhere halfway. In terms ofconference delegates it, together with subsidiaryHotel Kompas, is intended a role of flag bearers ofKranjska Gora. It impresses with spaciousness andflexibility, less with the service. We believe thatwith the new hotel management the hotel is goingto gain new guest and improve the offer, whichwill have a positive impact on the development ofKranjska Gora.103

Top 10TOP 10 AFFORDABLE MEETINGSDESTINATIONS IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPEThe following TOP 10 list the 10 affordablemeetings destinations in South-eastEurope based on Numbeo statisticalindexes for <strong>2013</strong>. Indexes are relative to NewYork City (NYC index = 100). When making thelist we used the criteria of Numbeo average travelcost per day, hotel index and travel cost index.The editorial board has analysed only cititis withsolid meetings infrastructure.4. BUCHAREST, RomaniaTravel cost per day: 97,02 €Hotel index: 36,38 %Travel cost index: 36,66 %8. PODGORICA, MontenegroTravel cost per day: 129,92 €Hotel index: 47,63 %Travel cost index: 49,09 %1. PLOVDIV, BulgariaTravel cost per day: 71,43 €Hotel index: 25,17 %Travel cost index: 27.05 %5. SARAJEVO, Bosnia and HerzegovinaTravel cost per day: 98,08 €Hotel index: 37,88 %Travel cost index: 37,09 %9. BUDVA, MontenegroTravel cost per day: 134,57 €Hotel index: 41,16 %Travel cost index: 50,58 %2. NOVI SAD, SerbiaTravel cost per day: 86,91 €Hotel index: 28,09 %Travel cost index: 32,84 %6. BELGRADE, SerbiaTravel cost per day: 108,03Hotel index: 39,54 %Travel cost index: 40,82 %10. TIRANA, AlbaniaTravel cost per day: 138,25 €Hotel index: 40,59 %Travel cost index: 52,24 %3. SOFIA, BulgariaTravel cost per day: 91,98 €Hotel index: 35,11 %Travel cost index: 34.76 %7. SKOPJE, MacedoniaTravel cost per day: 114,25 €Hotel index: 49,20 %Travel cost index: 43,17 %Hotels price index: is a relative indicator ofprices of 3 star and 4 star hotels in the given city.Travel price index: is a relative indicator ofprice for the common business traveller. Prices,which are taken into account, are: 3 meals inmid-range restaurants, 6 drinks and 4 short taxirides per day.Source for statistical data: Numbeohttp://www.numbeo.com/104

Top 10TOP TEN SPORT INCENTIVEHOTELS IN SEE1. MELIA CORAL UMAG, Umag, CroatiaMeliá Coral is a five-star hotel located in Istria,just steps from the Adriatic Sea. With innovativeservices and facilities aimed adult only guests, aswell as personalized attention that will satisfythe most demanding of guests, Meliá Coral isan ideal destination for a relaxing holiday. Thehotel offers numerous leisure interests, includingboth indoor and outdoor swimming pools and anAsian-themed wellness centre. The property iscomplete with a state-of-the-art business centre,fully-equipped for meetings and presentations.2. VALAMAR HOTEL DIAMANT,Poreč, Croatia4. HOTEL SRBIJA LUX,Stara Pazova, SerbiaCONTACT:Hotel Meliá CoralKatoro bb, 52470 Umag, Istria – CroatiaTel: +385 52 701 000Fax: +385 52 701 999melia.coral@istraturist.hrhttp://www.melia.com/hotels/croatia/umag/meliacoral/index.html3. UNITUR HOTEL PLANJA,Rogla, SloveniaThe Planja Hotel**** presents a perfect choicefor all guests who wish to experience an unforgettablevacation in the heart of the pure natureof Pohorje. This is a great place for active holidays,rest, a business meeting or simply a relaxationfrom stressful days. The Hotel includesa Multipurpose Hall, a Snack Bar, ConferenceRooms, a Gallery, a Children’s Nook, anInformation Point, an internet corner, and youcan buy souvenirs at the Souvenir Shop by theHotel’s Reception Desk.CONTACT:Unior d.d. Program TurizemCesta na Roglo 15, SI – 3214 ZrečeTel: +386 (0)3 75 76 000Fax: +386 (0)3 57 62 446unitur@unitur.euhttp://www.rogla.eu/si/poletje/nastanitev/5. FALKENSTEINER HOTELIADERA Zadar, Croatia6. KEMPINSKI ADRIATIC,Savudrija, CroatiaKempinski Hotel Adriatic is easily reachablefrom many European cities by car or by plane. Itis located near Savudrija, the westernmost point106

Top 10of Croatia, in a picturesque Istrian countrysidesetting with stunning views of the Adriatic Seaand nearby vineyards and olive oil farms. Fromhere you can easily explore Istria’s rich history,natural splendors, culture and arts, enjoy sportsor simply discover true Mediterranean values.CONTACT:Kempinski Hotel AdriaticAlberi 300 A52475, Savudrija, CroatiaTel: +385 52 707 000Fax: +385 52 737 093Reservations.adriatic@kempinski.comhttp://www.kempinski.com/en/istria/hotel-adriatic/welcome/8. HOTEL LAGUNA NOVIGRAD, Novigrad,Croatia10. GRAND HOTEL PRIMUS, Ptuj, Slovenia7. HOTEL LARIX, Kranjska gora, SloveniaRight at the bottom of a ski slope, which is thestarting point for all the Kranjska Gora trails,you will find the comfortable and friendly Larixhotel, totally renovated two years ago. Its nicelyfurnished rooms with their view of the slopes area promise of a cosy and beautiful holiday, whereasbathing in the water park offering a panoramicview of the surrounding snow-covered slopes isan unforgettable experience, especially in winter.CONTACT:Hotel LarixBorovška cesta 994280 Kranjska Gora, SloveniaTel: +386 4 588 41 00Fax: +386 4 588 44 70info@hitholidays-kg.siwww.hitholidays-kg.si9. PARK PLAZA, Verudela, Pula, CroatiaThe Park Plaza Histria, perfectly located on thePunta Verudela peninsula overlooking the sea,represents the symbol of Pula’s tourist offer. Thehotel Park Plaza Pula offers state of the art facilities– including a number of dining options, twoseawater swimming pools, conference center,wellness center with gym and saunas.CONTACT:Park Plaza Histria PulaVerudella 17, PulaTel: +385 52 590 000Fax: +385 52 214 175meetings@arenaturist.hrwww.arenaturist.com; www.parkplaza.com107

Top 10TOP 10 BIG CONVENTION CENTREStheater max. more than 10001. Salzburg Congress, Salzburg, AustriaOpened: 200115 halls, theater max. 1324Right in Salzburg city centre2. Cankarjev dom, Cultural and CongressCentre, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Opened: 198217 halls, theater max. 1541Richest tradition of event management in Slovenia3. Austria Center Vienna, AustriaOpened: 198717 halls, theater max. 4320Sustainabilty, digitalisation and networks4. Congress Schladming, Schladming AustriaOpened: 20119 halls, theater max. 1400State of the art5. Congress und Messe Innsbruck, AustriaOpened: 197314 halls, theater max. 1500One company, three locations6. Ljubljana Exhibition & Convention CentreOpened: 195524 halls, theater max. 2.200Space for various events7. Messe Congress Graz, AustriaOpened: 199919 halls, theater max. 1180More than 100 year of history8. Prague Congress Centre, Czech RepublicOpened: 198120 halls, 50 meeting rooms, theater max. 2764Dominant meetings landmark9. Budapest Congress Centre, Budapest, HungaryOpened: 198420 halls, theater max. 2000Completely renewed facilities10. Sava centar, Belgrade, SerbiaOpened: 197915 halls, theater max. 3533Largest congress, cultural and business center in Serbia108

Top 10TOP 10 SMALL CONVENTION CENTREStheater max. capacity to 10001. Congress Centrum Alpbach, AustriaOpened: 19996 halls, theater max. 500Green meetings2. Brdo Congress Centre, Brdo pri Kranju,SloveniaOpened: 2007; 8 halls, theater max. 550Glass modernity3. Ferry Porsche Congress Center Zell amSee, AustriaOpened: 2007; 8 halls, theater max.Powered by Porsche4. Conference Centre Laxenburg, AustriaOpened: 17568 halls, theater max. 350Habsburg residence5. Congress Saalfelden, Saalfelden, AustriaOpened: 20058 halls, theater max. 900Business as unusual6. Bled Festival Hall, SloveniaOpened: 19614 halls, theater max. 512Lake view7. Europahuas Mayrhofen Event &Convention Centre, Mayrhofen, AustriaOpened: 1979; 10 halls, theater max 660Picturesque destination8. Blumenhalle, Sankt Veit, AustriaOpened: 200915 halls, theater max 600Rent a city Sankt Veit9. Congress Center Villach, AustriaOpened: 20049 halls, theater max. 1060State of the art technology10. Kolcsey Convention Centre, Debrecen,HungaryOpened: 20067 halls, theater max. 1180Cultural and social109

Voice from the topVOICEFROM THE TOPDaniel MarušićCEO & PresidentDT CROATIA - DUBROVNIK TRAVEL DMCHave you always wanted to work in the meetingindustry?Somehow my life path brought me into the meetingand event industry. My family is in the travelindustry and was involved with many corporatemeetings in the early 70s.Why is your destination/country the best in theworld?I will be a bit modest and say that Croatia is notthe best in the world, but is among the best destinationsin the Mediterranean. Whoever has beento Croatia lately will agree on this, especially whoeverhas been to my hometown Dubrovnik - thisjewel destination has everything that one needsfor the ‘wow’ effect of a really well organisedmeeting, and at the same time it is so safe, soromantic and so sexy!What would be the first thing you would showevery visitor to your country?A stop on the scenic Croatian coast overlookingthe historical towns and islands, toasting with aglass of cold dalmatian grappa and some homemade dried figs ... this makes every visitor to Croatiafeel the simple, warm welcome!What has been your star moment so far and yourfavourite project you would choose to praise yourself?The star moment is coming soon, it will be thisautumn when our company Dubrovnik Travel - DTCroatia will be celebrating 15 years. That is mymost successful business project. DT is today theproven best DMC in Croatia.What motivates you most at work?I work day and night, but there is no better motivationthan all our happy clients!In what way do you deal with stress?I have some tough training in the mornings, somy days do always start with the post-trainingwide-awake happy hormones, which luckily followme throughout the day. In the evenings I love tomake a nice dinner for my whole family, if I amlucky enough to be at home.When were you last angry / disappointed, andwhy?I can only get angry at myself. I do that often,blame myself for things; yes maybe it was evenlast week, when I was overloaded and could notcope with all duties in time.What will be new in your business in <strong>2013</strong>?We have our event ship ‘Sea Star’ that has recentlybeen renovated internally, so our clients using itwill be very happy about that. The ship has a com-pletely modern look now and can carry up to 400passengers per day.What did you learn last week?I learn a lot everyday and by following the homeworkof my kids in school, but now from a parentperspective, one also gets to re-learn the lifebasics well!Where will you spend this year’s holiday, and why?Most probably this summer will be spent on oneof the popular Croatian islands, where one canhave a really good time, eat well, sleep well, andtrain too.If there were no time and financial constraints,where would you go?Africa, to help, however I could. Otherwise whereverI can help out.What would be the title of your life autobiography?No titles, I will never write one anyway.110

Voice from the topVOICEFROM THE TOPSnežana VejnovićCEOTalas M - The Destination ManagementCompany Of MontenegroHave you always wanted to work in the meetingsindustry?The answer is YES. It’s been more than 10 yearssince I met with the MICE industry for the firsttime, and I fell in love instantly.This was definitely something I wanted to do,something I wanted to develop in my country, andI have to say we succeeded.With each new project we were growing proudof a new experience, new knowledge, discoveredplaces and new themes for next events... at theend when the project is finished we just say “Yes,we did it! We just made it happen!”Why is your destination/country the best in theworld?Because our small country seems to be puttogether by magic. Beautiful old towns, dramaticcanyons and stunning landscapes, cobalt-bluefjords, amazing lakes, baroque palaces– allstitched closely into patchwork, with a logic of itsown.Just few days ago we had an IBM group, and oneof the guests told me “This is the most beautifulday of my life” – this is my answer to both of yourquestions.What would be the first thing you would showevery visitor to your country?Island of Our Lady of the Rocks.What was your star moment so far and the projectwith which you would praise yourself themost?It is hard to say, because every project has somethingspecial about it. At this moment I will say itis the Airbus conference, which was held in AmanSveti Stefan.What motivates you most at work?Unlimited ability to think creatively about everydaychallenges.How do you deal with stress?I usually take a walk by the sea, breathing deeply.When were you last angry / disappointed, andwhy?I can’t remember, it comes fast and goes awayfast. I’m a problem solver and I’m always trying toleave my anger behind, because it doesn’t help usto move forward.What will be new in your business in the year<strong>2013</strong>?This year we are going to be more focused onmarketing and the new concept of programs thatwe are creating.What did you learn to do last week?I learned how valuable the smile of my kids is.Where will you spend this year’s holiday, andwhy?In France. We are taking our 15 month old twinsto meet their cousins. This will be a memorableevent, a family gathering.If there were no time and financial constraints,where would you go?Mongolia.What would be the title of your autobiography?So close, yet so far.111

Extended stayEXTENDED STAYAre you organizing acongress?....CALL US!A GLOBAL NEST HIDDEN IN THEHEART & SOUL OF LJUBLJANAVander Urbani ResortThe first member of Design Hotels in Slovenia.Plava Laguna – Laguna Poreč is one of the biggest tourism and hospitalitycompanies in Croatia. In our 13 hotels we offer you conference halls andmeeting rooms from 10 to 600 seated places with audio-visual and otherequipment. You will find everything you need for Professional organizingbusiness events and a pleasant Mediterranean climate with the natural environment.We will merge business with pleasure – and this may be the goalof our offer - to organize congresses, seminars, sport events, weddings andgala-dinners.After your regular program, we offer you the opportunity to relax with excellentsports and recreational outdoor facilities or in our sports halls, fitness,swimming pool and the wellness center. Therefore it is best to see for yourselfand be sure how your stay in Laguna Poreč facilities brings you real success,because: YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR GOAL!PLAVA LAGUNA d.d., LAGUNA POREČRade Končara 12, 52440 Poreč, HrvaškaTel. 00385/52/410-222, Faks 00385/52/410-412E-pošta: mice@plavalaguna.hrwww.lagunaporec.comVander Urbani Resort is a unique architectural mixture between the romanticpast of old Ljubljana and the unique quality of accommodation expectedfrom a modern wanderer.The 16 rooms feature high-end materials, one-of-a-kind design pieces andplush amenities. Intimate spaces to reflect and rest abound, from the winecellar in the basement to the reception desk, restaurant, lounge bar androoftop terrace with an outdoor infinity pool and BBQ where guests cantake a sunset swim or enjoy the glassed-in yoga studio or pilates with viewsover the city. Also all kind events can be organized on the terrace from pressconferences, business meetings, private parties, power breakfast meeting toweddings.A 24 hour reception desk is available for our guests, we also offer free Wi-Fi.We offer a perfect sleep with Frette bedding and with exceptional mattressesand Molton Brown amenities.Our Vander restaurant is a special experience, offering a unique breakfast,as well as “Deep dish” lunches and a la cart dinner. The most exquisite ingredients,from Slovenia are used by Benjamin Launay, our Chef de Cuisine,with his endless inspiration. The wine cellar of the Vander restaurant is a realtreasure of authentic wines especially from Slovenia.Vander’s heart beats with the Old part of Ljubljana, where old and new co-existin a passionate embrace. Everyone can find a place at Vander. Whoevercomes to Vander, will leave with the feeling as a local – “Ljubljancan”.Vander Urbani Resort, Krojaška ulica 61000 LjubljanaT:+386 1 200 9000E: reception@vanderhotel.comW: www.vanderhotel.comThe Best New Hotel of <strong>2013</strong> BY CONDÉ NAST TRAVELhttp://www.cntraveler.com/hot-list/<strong>2013</strong>/hotels/slovenia112

AdvertorialBusiness meetings in the warmembrace of the Julian AlpsSpring wraps Kranjska Gora with warm rays of sunshine,making it an even more pleasant destination for businessmeetings. It is also an excellent starting point for walks innature and discovering of what lies in the surrounding villages,with its outstanding gastronomic offer pleasantly roundingoff the moments spent in the splendour of the surroundingmountains.Kranjska Gora meetings tourism has a long tradition. In theHit Holidays Kranjska Gora hotels they have as many as 19halls with all the necessary technical equipment, the biggesthosting up to 1,200 participants and most of them havingplenty of daylight. The unspoiled natural surroundings callfor active leisure time and are excellent for a wide range ofteambuilding programmes. After the activities, participantscan relax in any one of the four wellness centres, swim in oneof the pools, take a walk and see the local sights, or visit anyof the museums. There are also many options for organisinggala dinners and dinner parties that take you to the realm ofdream culinary experiences. Guests can wrap up the eveningby singing karaoke at the Legends Pub, dancing under thespotlight at the disco or trying their luck in one of the casinos.At the end of February the Hotel Larix hosted the 12thCEESCA Conference and the participants were very satisfied.It was excellent, without fault from the hotel staff, and for that I would like to thankyou a lot. This was the 12th CEESCA Conference and you can be proud because yourservice was the best so far. You can see at our website that we had always used renownedhotels with many stars.The organisers of various events like to come back to KranjskaGora, because they are always surprised with its new and originalideas for carrying out events in a way that participantsalways fondly remember.Bussiness meetings in Julian Alps19 halls the biggest hall with 1200 seats1300 beds 4 wellness centres team buldings in unspoiled naturedifferent options for evening entertainment great culinary experiencesINFO: +386 4 588 44 77info@hitholidays-kg.siwww.hitholidays-kg.si113

BUSINESSRegister now imex-frankfurt.comPOWERED BYimex-frankfurt.com/registerOR CALL: +44 (0)1273 227311@IMEX_GROUPThe worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events.

AdvertorialUMAG’S NEW OFFER EVEN FOR THEMOST DEMANDING BUSSINES GUESTSHotel resort Istraturist has invested in their MICEoffer already for several years and today Umag isone of the most wanted destinations for businessmeetings and congresses: meeting centre, banquet halland top restaurants in hotels 4*-5* (Sol Umag, Sol GardenIstra, Melisa Coral), modern technology and excellentfeedback is the guarantee for success of every businessmeeting.Our desire to be better than your expectations hasbrought us to our new offer:Sol Umag (4*) will await its guests with a new spirit with anexpended offer. From now on with excellent wellness and congressspace, we offer all cycling enthusiasts a new bike point.Melia Coral (5*) is the first Croatian Adults Only Hotel whereour professional staff is going to make sure you do not missanything. The hotel has also a modern meeting centre and 5conference halls.Since this year Umag has a new tennis centre and academy inKatoro Resort. The new tennis centre has a club house with alot of new space, which will be the centre of the academy andwill hold up to 80 people.Umag is the best choice for every type of business travels,meetings, conferences, congresses, sports events and otherevents… and beside all that we offer you a getaway from youreveryday stress life with all kinds of activities and relaxationin our Wellness Centres.Come and discover top service that Istraturist Umagoffers you!www.istraturist.com115

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>MEET US AT CONVENTA 2014Prostor raznovrstnih doživetijA place of diverse experiencesDobrodošli, veselimo se vašega obiska vse dni v letuWe look forward to your visit any day of the year!Ljubljana Castle, Slovenia, T: +386 1 306 42 93, www.ljubljanskigrad.sidt-conventa.indd 1 10.5.<strong>2013</strong>. 10:47116

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>Soča Valley, where you can....JUMP into the emerald river Soča * CROSS the Devil’s Bridge and discover hidden treasures in thedepths of the Tolmin gorges in Triglav National Park. * TAKE the Walk of Peace and listen to itsstory * Find the beauty of nature at Kozjak Waterfall.VISIT the outdoor museum of World War I.* TASTE Cheese Tolminc in one of the mountain pasturesor in the Planika Museum. *FEEL the beat of the traditional Carnival in Drežnica village. * MAKE astop in one of the local restaurants and feel like at home!Simple but comfortable, in the center of local life but quiet,not much but everything you need.www.visit-soca-com; info.kobarid@lto-sotocje.siMEETINGS WITH A VIEWBEST WESTERN PREMIER HOTELLOVEC BLED 4*- 61 rooms and suites- indoor pool, massage tub- Grill Restaurant, Lovec Pub- meeting room for up to 140 participantsand two boardroomsBUSINESS MEETINGSHOTEL KOMPAS BLED 4*- 95 rooms and suites- indoor swimming pool- sports massages and lymphaticdrainage massage- squash court,- café with panoramic terrace- five meeting roomsBEST WESTERN PREMIER HOTEL LOVEC & HOTEL KOMPAS Bled, Slovenijasandra.cerar@kompas-lovec.com | www.kompashotel.com | www.lovechotel.com|117

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>A COASTALJOURNEY AWAITSIn Le Meridien Lav Spliteverything comes with a view,including meetings, conferencesand events. State of the artconference facilities on singleDISCOVER EUROPE’SHOTTEST NEW DESTINATIONFor more information or to makean enquiry pleasecall +385 91 4444 379 or e-mailkovacevic.ozren@lemeridien.comLE MERIDIENLAV, SPLITN 43° 3’ E 16° 32’T +385 21 500500lemeridienlavsplit.comAre you organizing a congress? CONTACT US!Plava Laguna – Laguna Poreč is one of the biggest tourism and hospitalitycompanies in Croatia. In their 13 hotels you will not only find conferencehalls and meeting rooms with up to 600 seated places, but everythingyou need for your business events in a pleasant Mediterranean climate.Business with pleasure. After your regular program,there is a plenty of opportunities to relax at excellentsports and recreational outdoor facilities.Your success is our goal!PLAVA LAGUNA d.d, LAGUNA POREČmice@plavalaguna.hr, www.lagunaporec.com118

<strong>Kongres</strong> <strong>meetologue</strong>INSIDE CONFERENCE <strong>2013</strong>HOT SPOT for Meetings Professionals • TOP International andlocal speakers • Experiental Learning • Guided Networkingwww.inside<strong>2013</strong>.euHotel Lone, Rovinj, Croatia, August 30 – 31, <strong>2013</strong>TolE®AnCa119

Join us at the 5thTRADE SHOW OF SPA &WELLNESS TOURISM inCENTRAL EUROPEFrom 3 to 5 October <strong>2013</strong>, Royal Spa City Sarvar, Hungary.

Anyone looking for excellence,comes to BrdoAt the Convention Centre, which was headquarters tothe Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, areal difference is created by experienced organisers.The natural environment provides a memorable relaxation,and business Hotel Kokra a superior accommodation.Glass modernity in the middle of natureThe Brdo Estate has historically been a venue for importantgovernmental events. Renaissance castle Brdo, villa Zois andother attractive premises in the middle of the superbly designedpark were in 2007 joined by the modern Congress Centre,which was also the seat of the Slovenian Presidency of theEuropean Union. Behind glass fronts of the building, which inarchitecturally thoughtful way blends with the natural environmentand the Alpine peaks in the background, there are around9 thousand m2 of premises. Adjustable larger and smaller halls,meeting rooms, business rooms, booths and halls offer an excellentenvironment for large congresses and conferences andfor smaller meetings and work conversations. The equipmentis designed in such a way to allow for a wide variety of layouts.Superior custom-made implementationThere are all devices for multimedia work, free wireless accessto the Internet throughout. Interpretation booths for translatorsare available, workplaces for journalists are arranged.Depending on the needs of the event the Convention Centreteam can arrange for any additional details. Experts, tested atevents of the highest protocol level, are advising in meetingsorganisation - from the first talks through all the way to flawlessexecution and to the final thanks to participants. At anyevent special attention is given so that it all corresponds to theorganiser, participants and content of the meeting.Staying with specific tastesDuring the event chefs at Brdo can provide everything fromsnacks, informal cocktail receptions to comprehensive entertainmentboth on the premises of the Congress Centre and in selectedand properly arranged other facilities at Brdo. Participantscan be accommodated at the Kokra Hotel, which in addition togreat rooms and restaurant also offers a wellness centre.The integrity of different experiencesPark Brdo, with its natural features, with lakes and a duckpond, with an elite restaurant Zois, with the cottage Jezero(lake), a golf course and many other venues, is also an excellentchoice for unusual motivational meetings! For specialmeetings you can also select the Brdo Castle and the nearbyCastle Strmol.www.brdo.siThe true difference is in detailsActually, everything starts and ends with a cup of coffee. In-between your wishes arerevealed, plans and possibilities discussed, detailed organisation of the event set, andperfect performance carried out. Our experienced team guarantees your event in theCongress Centre Brdo or in the recently renovated Strmol Castle will not only meet yourexpectations but leave an impression. Welcome drink awaits you at Brdo!T: +386 4 260 15 01brdo-eu@gov.siwww.brdo.si

SLOVENIAMEETINGSFeel the people.Taste fresh ideas.www.slovenia.infowww.slovenia-convention.com

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