Translation Quality Assessment Tool (PDF) - Hablamos Juntos

Translation Quality Assessment Tool (PDF) - Hablamos Juntos

Translation Quality Assessment Tool (PDF) - Hablamos Juntos


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Tr a n s l a t i o n Qu a l i t y Asse ssm e n t To o lFo r He a lt h Ed u c a t i o n Mat er i a l sPART I: To be completed by RequesterThe health care decision maker requesting a quality assessment of an existing translated text.Requester (Name)Title/DepartmentPhoneDelivery DateTRANSLATION BRIEFSource LanguageTarget LanguageEnglishText Type Health Education Material Health Education MaterialText TitleTarget AudiencePurpose of DocumentQUALITY CRITERIAPriority Focus Area 2 Target LanguageRank EACH from 1 to 4(1 being top priority)1 Functional and Textual Adequacy3 Non-Specialized Content (Meaning)4 Specialized Content and TerminologyPART II: To be completed by TQA RaterRater (Name)PhoneTotal ScoreDate CompletedDate ReceivedTotal Rating TimeASSESSMENT SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONq Publish and/or use as isTo be completed afterevaluating translated textq Minor edits needed before publishing*q Major revision needed before publishing*q Redo translationq <strong>Translation</strong> will not be an effective communication strategy for this text. Explore otheroptions (e.g. create new target language materials)Notes/RecommendedEdits

Tally SheetTargetLanguageComponent Category Rating Score ValueFunctional and TextualAdequacyNon-SpecializedContentSpecialized Contentand TerminologyTotal ScoreComments

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