Nehmer - Military Order of the Purple Heart

Nehmer - Military Order of the Purple Heart

Nehmer - Military Order of the Purple Heart


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Requirements for Comp Based on AO Exposure(38 U.S.C. § 1116(a), 38 C.F.R §§ 3.307(a), 3.309(e))Veterans qualify for presumptive SC <strong>of</strong> diseasesrelated to AO exposure if <strong>the</strong>y meet 2 or 3 reqs:• Service in Vietnam during <strong>the</strong> Vietnam era (oro<strong>the</strong>r pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> AO exposure)• Have a disease (or its residuals) VA recognizes islinked to AO, and it is at least 10% disabling• Some non-cancer diseases must appear within acertain time after <strong>the</strong> vet left Vietnam or wasexposed to AO.© NVLSP 2012 2

Vietnam Service(38 C.F.R § 3.307(a)(6)(iii))VA will presume a vet was exposed to AO ifhe/she had active military, naval or air servicein <strong>the</strong> Republic <strong>of</strong> Vietnam at any pointbetween January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975.© NVLSP 2012 3

<strong>Nehmer</strong> Special Effective Date Rules: Applicability• The special ED rules apply to claims byeligible Vietnam vets (those who served inVietnam at any time between 1/9/62 and5/7/75) or <strong>the</strong>ir survivors.• The rules DO NOT apply to vets who wereexposed to AO outside <strong>of</strong> Vietnam.• The claim must involve a disease on <strong>the</strong> list<strong>of</strong> AO presumptive conditions.© NVLSP 2012 4

<strong>Nehmer</strong> Special Effective Date Rules: Applicability• The claim must have been pending any timebetween 9/25/85 and date VA published <strong>the</strong>regulation adding <strong>the</strong> disease to its AO PresumptiveList.The claim counts if filed before 9/25/85, as long asit was still pending on that date© NVLSP 2012 5

<strong>Nehmer</strong> Special Effective Date Rules:Veteran’s Disability Compensation ClaimsThe ED will be date VA received 1st claim for diseasethat was pending at any point between 9/25/85and <strong>the</strong> date VA amended its AO Presumptive List• If disease was not at least 10% disabling on <strong>the</strong>date <strong>of</strong> claim, <strong>the</strong> ED will be date <strong>the</strong> evid shows itmet criteria for at least a 10% evaluation.• If claim was received by VA within 1 year <strong>of</strong>military discharge, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> ED will be dayfollowing <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> discharge.© NVLSP 2012 6

<strong>Nehmer</strong> Special Effective Date Rules:DIC Claims• The ED will be date VA received 1st DIC or deathpension claim that was pending between 9/25/85and date VA amended AO Presumptive List.• If that DIC or death pension claim was filed w/in 1year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> vet’s death, <strong>the</strong> ED will be 1st day <strong>of</strong>month <strong>of</strong> vet’s death.© NVLSP 2012 7

What Constitutes a <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claim?Anything that would constitute a claim for disability comp or DICunder normal VA rules:• Any communication or action that demonstrates an intent toapply for disability comp or DIC or a belief in entitlementqualifies as a claim. For example, a written request for SC forParkinson’s disease.• “Inferred” claims (claims reasonably raised by <strong>the</strong> evid).• Death pension claims = DIC claims.© NVLSP 2012 8

What Constitutes a <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claim?Claims under footnote 1 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1991 <strong>Nehmer</strong> FinalStipulation and <strong>Order</strong> – “Footnote 1 Claims”• If a disability was coded or should have been coded in RDpursuant to a provision in <strong>the</strong> VA Adjudication ProceduresManual in effect at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1991 Final Stipulation and<strong>Order</strong>, <strong>the</strong>re is a <strong>Nehmer</strong> claim.• A disability should have been coded in RD if it was “noted.” Ifduring <strong>the</strong> dev <strong>of</strong> a claim for SC for Disability A, VA obtained adiagnosis <strong>of</strong> Disability B, <strong>the</strong>n Disability B should have beencoded in <strong>the</strong> RD for Disability A.© NVLSP 2012 9

What Constitutes a <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claim?• The ED <strong>of</strong> a Footnote 1 claim is <strong>the</strong> later <strong>of</strong>:a) <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> claim that gave rise to <strong>the</strong> ratingdecision that coded or should have coded <strong>the</strong>disability now on <strong>the</strong> AO Presumptive List, orb) <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> diagnosis.© NVLSP 2012 10

What Constitutes a <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claim?VA has instructed its adjudicators that <strong>the</strong> followingalso constitute <strong>Nehmer</strong> claims:• Claims for NSC disability pension based on adisease now on AO Presumptive List.• Notice <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> a vet = DIC claim.• A burial benefits claim, unless <strong>the</strong> claimant wassent a DIC app and it was not returned to VA© NVLSP 2012 11

Special Rules about BeneficiariesIf a Vietnam vet claimant or DIC claimant dies after <strong>the</strong>publication date <strong>of</strong> VA reg adding <strong>the</strong> subject disease to <strong>the</strong>presumptive list, but before receiving retro benefits requiredby <strong>Nehmer</strong>, unpaid retro benefits are to be paid to <strong>the</strong>claimant’s survivors or estate in <strong>the</strong> following order:• Surviving spouse• Surviving children• Surviving parents• Estate <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Claimant© NVLSP 2012 12

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasVA identified 149,945 cases for <strong>Nehmer</strong> review:• Incl ~96,000 vets or survivors who had claim forcompensation related to one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 3 new presumptiveconditions denied on or after 9/25/85. VA searched diagnostic codes (DCs) associatedwith <strong>the</strong> diseases and matched list to VA/DoD’s“in-country Vietnam file.”© NVLSP 2012 13

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasList was over-inclusive because:• It incl all vets who served in SE Asia, not justVietnam.• Some DCs were used to analogously code a differentdisease.• If on initial review, VA found vet did not have Vietnamservice or presumptive condition, claimant couldcontest. If not, VA placed memo in claims filedisposing <strong>of</strong> case. By 12/27/11, VA dispensed with11,101 cases this way.© NVLSP 2012 14

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasList was under-inclusive, because it does not incl vets (orsurvivors) who were granted SC for one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> diseasesafter 9/25/85 (direct or secondary SC). They may beentitled to an even EED under <strong>Nehmer</strong>.List was under-inclusive, because DIC claims may nothave incl relevant DC.If you discover a case that should have been reviewedunder <strong>Nehmer</strong>, please contact NVLSP and request thatVA review case under <strong>Nehmer</strong>.© NVLSP 2012 15

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasList also incl ~54,000 vets or survivors who filed a newclaim for SC for one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 3 conditions between 10/13/09(when VA announced it would add <strong>the</strong> diseases to <strong>the</strong> AOpresumptive list) and 8/31/10 (when VA published <strong>the</strong> finalrule adding <strong>the</strong> diseases).© NVLSP 2012 16

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasAs <strong>of</strong> 1/12/12:• 496 <strong>Nehmer</strong> claims for live vets remainedunadjudicated. Most involve complex issues.• ~12,200 <strong>Nehmer</strong> claims involving deceasedvets remained unadjudicated. VA <strong>of</strong>ten hasdifficulty identifying and locating properpayee.© NVLSP 2012 17

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell Leukemias• About 75% <strong>of</strong> claims VA identified for<strong>Nehmer</strong> review have been granted.• Over $2 billion in retro benefits have beenawarded.© NVLSP 2012 18

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell LeukemiasTo date, NVLSP has identifiederrors in almost 500 <strong>Nehmer</strong>decisions.© NVLSP 2012 19

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell Leukemias• In general, <strong>the</strong> VA seems to bereadudicating most claims accurately withrespect to effective date.• However, in up to 20% <strong>of</strong> cases reviewed<strong>the</strong>re is a specific type <strong>of</strong> error that <strong>the</strong> VAmay have made in cases decided prior toMarch 2010.© NVLSP 2012 20

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell Leukemias• There is a particular rule in <strong>Nehmer</strong> readjudicationsthat applies when evid showing IHD, Parkinson’sdisease, or a chronic B cell leukemia is receivedwhile ano<strong>the</strong>r claim is pendingWe called it a “Footnote 1 claim” earlier when wediscussed effective date rules under <strong>Nehmer</strong>• Unlike inferred claims, <strong>the</strong> ED for <strong>the</strong>se claims isnot <strong>the</strong> date <strong>the</strong> evid was received by VA, butra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> claim that was pending when<strong>the</strong> evidence was received.© NVLSP 2012 21

Status <strong>of</strong> Adjudication <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> Claims Related toIHD, Parkinson’s Disease, & Chronic B-Cell Leukemias• For example, if a vet filed a claim for hearing loss in April2006, and in July 2006 evidence <strong>of</strong> IHD was received at <strong>the</strong>RO – <strong>the</strong> effective date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> IHD should be April 2006.• In many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se cases, VA wrongly assigns <strong>the</strong> date itreceived medical evid showing one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 3 new presumptiveconditions as <strong>the</strong> ED <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> claim, instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> claimthat was pending when it received <strong>the</strong> evid• In Feb 2011, VA clarified to its adjudicators <strong>the</strong> app <strong>of</strong> thisrule, and instances <strong>of</strong> this error have decreased since <strong>the</strong>n© NVLSP 2012 22

Eligibility for O<strong>the</strong>r Retroactive BenefitsDue to <strong>Nehmer</strong> Award• Retro Dependents’ Educational Assistance(DEA)• Refunds <strong>of</strong> VA Health Care Expenses• Refunds <strong>of</strong> Non-VA Health Care Expenses• Retro CHAMPVA© NVLSP 2012 23

Retro Dependents’ Educational AssistanceSome vets’ dependents may be eligible forretro Dependents’ Educational Assistance(“DEA”) due to <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>Nehmer</strong> award.© NVLSP 2012 24

Retro DEARetro DEA Benefits• Since survivor or dependent would not be eligible toreceive DEA until VA awards entitlement, most donot file DEA application until VA awards SC forcause <strong>of</strong> vet's death or a P&T rating.© NVLSP 2012 25

Retro DEA• Survivor or dependent may be paid retro DEA forany period <strong>the</strong>y were o<strong>the</strong>rwise eligible, if <strong>the</strong>y fileDEA application (VA Form 22-5490) within oneyear<strong>of</strong> VA decision that vet has/had a P&T SCdisability or died from SC disability.See 38 U.S.C. § 5113; Friedsam v. Nicholson, 19Vet. App. 222 (2005).© NVLSP 2012 26

Retro DEAApplication to <strong>Nehmer</strong>Many children and spouses <strong>of</strong> vets may beentitled to DEA as a result <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong>decision if VA found:• <strong>the</strong> vet had P&T SC disability; or• <strong>the</strong> vet's death was SC.© NVLSP 2012 27

Retro DEAIf child or spouse participated in a qualifyingprogram <strong>of</strong> education while o<strong>the</strong>rwise eligible,<strong>the</strong>y can now file an application for retro DEAbenefits.© NVLSP 2012 28

Retro DEAThey must have met <strong>the</strong> eligibility criteriapreviously discussed when <strong>the</strong>y undertook <strong>the</strong>educational program. In o<strong>the</strong>r words, <strong>the</strong>y musthave been <strong>the</strong> appropriate age, etc., when <strong>the</strong>yparticipated in <strong>the</strong> program for which <strong>the</strong>y areseeking retro DEA.The application must be filed within one year<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> VA’s <strong>Nehmer</strong> decision.© NVLSP 2012 29

Refunds <strong>of</strong> VA Health Care ExpensesVets who are SC for IHD, Parkinson’sdisease, and chronic B-cell leukemias under<strong>Nehmer</strong> should be eligible for refunds <strong>of</strong> VAco-pays for treatment <strong>of</strong> and medication for<strong>the</strong>se conditions made from <strong>the</strong> effective date<strong>of</strong> SC to <strong>the</strong> present.© NVLSP 2012 30

Refunds <strong>of</strong> VA Health Care ExpensesIf <strong>the</strong> <strong>Nehmer</strong> decision raises vet's combinedSC evaluation to 50% or higher (placing <strong>the</strong>min Priority Group 1), vet should be eligible forrefund <strong>of</strong> all VA co-pays made since <strong>the</strong>effective date <strong>of</strong> that combined disabilityrating.© NVLSP 2012 31

Refunds <strong>of</strong> VA Health Care Expenses• vet should submit a claim in writing to VA stating:“This is a claim for reimbursement <strong>of</strong> VA co-pays,deductibles, and/or any o<strong>the</strong>r reimbursableexpenses paid by <strong>the</strong> vet and to which he/she maybe entitled under 38 C.F.R. § 17.126 due to <strong>the</strong>award <strong>of</strong> service connection for [IHD/Parkinson’sdisease/chronic B-cell leukemia].”© NVLSP 2012 32

Refunds <strong>of</strong> Non-VA Health Care Expenses - § 1728In most cases, reimbursement <strong>of</strong> medicalexpenses incurred outside <strong>of</strong> VA healthcaresystem for treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> newly SCconditions is not permitted.© NVLSP 2012 33

Refunds <strong>of</strong> Non-VA Health Care Expenses – § 1728One possible exception is treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> now-SCcondition in a medical emergency, if VA or o<strong>the</strong>rfederal facilities were not feasibly available.See 38 U.S.C. § 1728; 38 C.F.R §§ 17.120-132© NVLSP 2012 34

Refunds <strong>of</strong> Non-VA Health Care Expenses – § 1728Application for reimbursement must be filedwithin 2 years <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> date vet was notified <strong>of</strong>decision awarding SC.Application is VA Form 10-583, Claim forPayment <strong>of</strong> Cost <strong>of</strong> Unauthorized MedicalExpenses.© NVLSP 2012 35

Refunds <strong>of</strong> Non-VA Health Care Expenses – § 1728Example: In 2004, vet suffered severe chest pains. He was notenrolled in VA healthcare and was brought to a private hospital.Hospital found he was having an MI and treated him. Hospital billedhim $1,000. In a 7/1/11 rating decision and notice letter, VAawarded him SC for IHD effective 5/1/03. He is likely entitled toreimbursement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> $1,000, if he files a claim by 7/1/13, because:he is now SC for IHD effective prior to treatment; andVA or federal facility was not feasibly available because hewas not enrolled in VA healthcare and not SC for IHD at <strong>the</strong>time; andtreatment was for a medical emergency.© NVLSP 2012 36

Retro CHAMPVA• The following people are eligible for CHAMPVA(relevant to <strong>Nehmer</strong>):Spouse or child <strong>of</strong> vet with P&T SC disability.Surviving spouse or child <strong>of</strong> vet who died from SCdisability or, at time <strong>of</strong> death, had P&T SC disability.NOTE: spouse or child not eligible for CHAMPVA if:• Eligible for TRICARE, or• Eligible for Medicare Part A if over 65 (usually).© NVLSP 2012 37

Retro CHAMPVAAn eligible spouse or child may be entitled toretro CHAMPVA benefits as a result <strong>of</strong> a<strong>Nehmer</strong> decision.© NVLSP 2012 38

Retro CHAMPVAThe effective date <strong>of</strong> CHAMPVA eligibility is:<strong>the</strong> effective date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> vet's P&T SCdisability; or<strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> vet's death from an SCdisability.© NVLSP 2012 39

Retro CHAMPVAThe beneficiary is entitled to CHAMPVAbenefits for covered med services thatoccurred on or after <strong>the</strong> effective date <strong>of</strong>eligibility.© NVLSP 2012 40

Questions?© NVLSP 2012 41

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