Presentation on Voith Hydro

Presentation on Voith Hydro Presentation on Voith Hydro


Milestones1974 Grand Coulee III, USA:The world’s largest and mostpowerful Francis turbines, with arunner diameter of 9.1 m foran output of 716 MW.1976 Bath County, USA:The world’s most powerful pumpturbines with an output of 458 MW.1978 Itaipu, Brazil/Paraguay:Complete mechanical design for theworld’s most powerful hydroelectricplant (13,300 MW).1988 Yacyretá, Argentina:The largest and most powerfulKaplan turbines in the Western worldrated at 154 MW and featuring arunner diameter of 9.5 m.ItaipuItaipu4019eong>Presentationong> | 2009-08-18 | 6

Milestones1992 Grand Coulee, USA: New watercooledstators for the largest hydroelectricgenerator in the world ratedat 826 MVA per unit (diameter: 23 m).1995 First “fish-friendly“ turbine designin the hydro power industry.1997 Three Gorges, China: Participationin the supply of turbines, generatorsand electrical equipment for the mostpowerful hydropower plant in theworld currently under construction.1998 Variable-speed pump turbine technologyfor Goldisthal.2000 Guangzhou II, China: Commissioning ofthe world’s largest pumped storage plant(2,400 MW output). Four pump-turbinesand motor-generator units from VoithSiemens Hydro.Sanxia stator frame Grand Coulee GuangzhouII4020eong>Presentationong> | 2009-08-18 | 7

Milest<strong>on</strong>es1974 Grand Coulee III, USA:The world’s largest and mostpowerful Francis turbines, with arunner diameter of 9.1 m foran output of 716 MW.1976 Bath County, USA:The world’s most powerful pumpturbines with an output of 458 MW.1978 Itaipu, Brazil/Paraguay:Complete mechanical design for theworld’s most powerful hydroelectricplant (13,300 MW).1988 Yacyretá, Argentina:The largest and most powerfulKaplan turbines in the Western worldrated at 154 MW and featuring arunner diameter of 9.5 m.ItaipuItaipu4019e<str<strong>on</strong>g>Presentati<strong>on</strong></str<strong>on</strong>g> | 2009-08-18 | 6

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