Presentation on Voith Hydro

Presentation on Voith Hydro Presentation on Voith Hydro


Ocean Energy – wave power stations• Wavegen in Inverness, Scotland, is Voith Hydro‘s center ofcompetence for wave energy and drives development andcommercialization of wave energy systems.• The technology focuses on converting wave energy to electricalpower basing on the OWC (oscillating water column) principle.4034dong>Presentationong> | 2009-08-18 | 46

Ocean Energy – wave power stations• In 2000 the world‘s first 250 kW pilot plant Limpet wascommissioned. Since these days, Limpet continuously feedselectricity into the grid on the Scottish Hebride Island of Islay.• The world‘s first breakwater wave power station is being built since2007 in Mutriku on the Atlantic coast of Spain. With a nominalpower of 300 kW, it will provide power for nearly 250 households.4034dong>Presentationong> | 2009-08-18 | 47

Ocean Energy – wave power stati<strong>on</strong>s• Wavegen in Inverness, Scotland, is <strong>Voith</strong> <strong>Hydro</strong>‘s center ofcompetence for wave energy and drives development andcommercializati<strong>on</strong> of wave energy systems.• The technology focuses <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>verting wave energy to electricalpower basing <strong>on</strong> the OWC (oscillating water column) principle.4034d<str<strong>on</strong>g>Presentati<strong>on</strong></str<strong>on</strong>g> | 2009-08-18 | 46

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