Reflex - Coral Instal

Reflex - Coral Instal

Reflex - Coral Instal

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Diaphragm Expansion VesselsDiaphragm Expansion VesselsQuick selection table for RefixSelection according to nominal volume Vn10 °C Cold water inlet temperature60 °C Storage tank temperatureVV Spa pSVVnp0VStGas input pressurep0 = 3.0 barGas input pressurep0 = 4.0 bar = standardSet pressure of pressure reducing valve pa ≥ 3.2 barSet pressure of pressure reducing valve pa ≥ 4.2 barpsv [bar] 6 7 8 10VSt [litres]Refix nominal volume [litres]90 8 8 8 8100 8 8 8 8120 8 8 8 8130 8 8 8 8150 8 8 8 8180 12 8 8 8DD200 12 12 8 8250 12 12 12 8300 18 18 12 12400 25 18 18 18500 25 25 18 18600 33 25 25 18700 33 33 25 25800 60 33 33 25900 60 60 33 251000 60 60 33 331500 80 80 60 602000 100 100 80 80DT3000 200 200 100 100psv [bar] 6 7 8 10VSt [litres]Refix nominal volume [litres]90 8 8 8 8100 12 8 8 8120 12 8 8 8130 12 8 8 8150 18 12 8 8180 18 12 8 8DD200 18 12 12 8250 25 18 12 12300 25 18 18 12400 33 33 18 18500 60 33 25 18600 60 60 25 25700 60 60 33 25800 80 60 60 25900 80 60 60 331000 100 60 60 601500 200 100 80 602000 200 200 100 80DT3000 300 200 200 100Selection exampleStorage volume (VSt)900 litresHot water temperature (THw) 60 °CSet pressure of pressure reducing valve (pi) 4.2 barSafety valve (pSV)10.0 barExpansion (60 °C/10 °C) (n) 1.7 %Pre-set pressure (p0)4.0 barNominal volume (Vn)31.5 litresSelected22

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