Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

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85For many older people, the Community Care Alarm Serviceis an important aid to keeping safe by providing immediateaccess to a mobile warden in the event of accident or illness,but also as a means of checking up on bogus callers.It is important that older people have information and advicewhich enables them to keep themselves safe. There are manyexamples of where this work is being done: The Tyne and Wear Fire Service is proactive in offeringadvice and information to older people, including Home RiskAssessments. A Falls Prevention initiative including older and safer days. Bogus caller campaigns e.g. by Help the Aged. Old Spice drama group’s performances on staying safeand falls prevention.Actions Work with Safe <strong>Newcastle</strong> to address fear of crime andto develop targeted work to address issues particularlyaffecting older people. Develop intergenerational projects (see Outcome 1d).

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