Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

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72intervention. The proposed actions offer scope for joint workwith the Wellbeing and Health Partnership.There is a range of expertise across the system on supportingmore isolated older people, particularly in ways which buildconfidence and greater independence. A network of befriendingagencies has been developed through the Quality of LifePartnership to share expertise and develop innovativeapproaches to befriending.There are a number of services for older people at risk ofisolation, particularly aimed at people who are frailer and lessable to get out about. These range from specialist provisionsuch as day clubs organised by Dementia Care Partnership(www.dementiacare.org.uk), through to lunch and leisure clubsorganised by voluntary organisations such as Age Concern<strong>Newcastle</strong> or the Greater Walker Community Trust(www.gwct.org), as well as a range of clubs and lunch groupsorganised in the community by older people and communitygroups in community centres and places of worship.Attending a lunch club or day centre may be the main socialcontact for an isolated older person. It is therefore veryimportant that the experience is fulfilling and that clubs andday centres are able to access a range of stimulating activitiesand community resources.Sharing memories can be a rewarding experience for olderpeople. The <strong>Newcastle</strong> Community Heritage Project is creatingopportunities for older people to document these stories,thereby creating new historical records which can also bea rich source of material for intergenerational projects.

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