Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

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58This situation is being exacerbated by an interpretation of theAge Discrimination Act which means that people aged 60+ mayno longer be offered discounts on fees for adult learning classes.Through the work of its Learning and Culture Group, the Elders<strong>Council</strong> has developed a body of knowledge on what olderpeople are seeking from lifelong learning. The Quality of LifePartnership and the Elders <strong>Council</strong> are working with othervoluntary sector partners to develop a clearer picture of theway in which informal, community-based learning opportunitiesare being provided, and to explore ways to share resourcesand good practice.The Quality of Life Partnership and the Elders <strong>Council</strong> are alsoworking with <strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Adult Learning, theLearning Partnership and the Learning and Skills <strong>Council</strong> andother partners to safeguard provision for older learners in thischanging environment.As people live longer lives, they need to continue to learnand develop skills which enable them to keep pace with theever-changing environment and increased knowledge andunderstanding of the ageing process. There is scope fordeveloping a Later Life Curriculum based on topics whichare of interest to older people e.g. IT; Positive Ageing(a health education course piloted by the Active Ageinggroup); maintaining your home and garden; financial literacy(incorporating information about new financial products forhousing such as equity release or property appreciation loans);volunteering; or self-employment.

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