Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

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140Positive Ageing is a pilot course developed by the Quality ofLife Partnership designed to give older people the informationto manage their own health and well-being.Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) are independent housingorganisations registered with the Housing Corporation to providesocial housing. RSLs are run as a business but do not tradefor profit.Respect is a cross-government strategy to tackle badbehaviour and nurture good.Safe <strong>Newcastle</strong> Travel Campaign is supported by Safe <strong>Newcastle</strong>Partnership and includes a range of initiatives including CCTV onstreets and buses, better street lighting and Metro security patrols.Single Non-Emergency Number 101 is a new 24-hour numberprovided by the police and local councils in Northumberlandand Tyne & Wear to deal with community safety issues, includingcertain non-emergency crime, policing and anti-social behaviour.TaxiLink is a transport service for people with disabilitiesoperated by Nexus.Ward Committees: Each ward in <strong>Newcastle</strong> has a committeewhich brings together local councillors, residents and otherpartners like the police. It meets on a regular basis to informresidents about things that are relevant locally and to gainfeedback about what is happening in their area.Ward Co-ordinators are city council officers responsible forsupporting local people to get involved with ward committees,develop ward plans and support local councillors.Worklessness is a term used to describe people who areout of work but would like to have a job.

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