Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

Older People's Strategy - Newcastle City Council

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122<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>for <strong>Older</strong> Peopleand an AgeingPopulation – aims3. Physical, mentaland emotionalhealth andwell-being4. Enjoying olderperson friendlyenvironments<strong>Newcastle</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>for <strong>Older</strong> People andan Ageing Population– outcomes3a. <strong>Older</strong> people and carersaccess a range of preventiveservices which enable themto stay physically, mentallyand emotionally healthy3b. <strong>Older</strong> people andcarers access a range ofgood-quality health andsocial care services3c. <strong>Older</strong> people will havegood social networks3d. <strong>Older</strong> people haveaccess to practical serviceswhich promote independence4a. <strong>Older</strong> people will feelsafe in their home, theircity and their communities4b. <strong>Older</strong> people havedecent, appropriateaccommodation in olderperson friendlyneighbourhoods4c. <strong>Older</strong> people can getout and about easilyOpportunity Age –quality of lifeoutcome domainsSupport and careIndependencewithin inclusivecommunitiesIndependencewithin inclusivecommunities5. Enable olderpeople to befinancially andmaterially secure5a. <strong>Older</strong> people havethe opportunity to preparefor retirement and toreceive ongoing adviceand information5b. <strong>Older</strong> people havethe opportunity to workMaterial well-beingFairness in workand later life

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