FINANCIAL AID APPEAL INSTRUCTIONSThe Woodland Financial Aid Office is required by federal regulations to monitor student progressiontoward completion of degree, transfer and certificate programs. Students are evaluated at the end ofevery term for the purpose of determining satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Students who do notsuccessfully complete the required SAP requirements are ineligible to receive financial aid assistance.Students who do not meet SAP requirements and have extenuating circumstances may file a financialaid appeal to have their financial aid status reviewed.In order to be considered for financial aid for the current academic term you must submit an appealto the Financial Aid Office at your campus of attendance no later than two weeks prior to the lastday of the semester.Financial Aid Appeal Filing Instructions:‣ Complete the attached Financial Aid Appeal form. Complete all questions in a legible andcomplete manner. Attach supporting documentation of your extenuating circumstances thatprevented you from making satisfactory academic progress.‣ Submit your financial aid appeal form with a current educational plan to the Financial AidOffice.‣ If you do not have an ‘official’ educational plan you may submit a ‘draft’ copy educational planwith your financial aid appeal form. In the mean time you must schedule an appointment withan academic counselor to complete an ‘official’ educational plan.‣ If you submit a draft educational plan you have 30 days from the date you submit your financialaid appeal form to submit an official educational plan to the Financial Aid Office. Theeducational plan you submit must match your declared major and must be signed by youracademic counselor.‣ Your financial aid appeal form will NOT be reviewed if:a. you are not enrolled in classesb. you do not submit a current educational planc. your financial aid appeal form is incompleted. you do not attach supporting documentation of your extenuating circumstancesSubmit your financial aid appeal form and your educational plan to the Financial Aid Office. Pleaseallow approximately 2-3 weeks for your appeal to be reviewed. You will be notified of the decision bypostal mail or email.If you need further clarification or assistance please contact the Financial Aid Office.

<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>AID</strong> <strong>APPEAL</strong> <strong>INSTRUCTIONS</strong>The Woodland Financial Aid Office is required by federal regulations to monitor student progressiontoward completion of degree, transfer and certificate programs. Students are evaluated at the end ofevery term for the purpose of determining satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Students who do notsuccessfully complete the required SAP requirements are ineligible to receive financial aid assistance.Students who do not meet SAP requirements and have extenuating circumstances may file a financialaid appeal to have their financial aid status reviewed.In order to be considered for financial aid for the current academic term you must submit an appealto the Financial Aid Office at your campus of attendance no later than two weeks prior to the lastday of the semester.Financial Aid Appeal Filing Instructions:‣ Complete the attached Financial Aid Appeal form. Complete all questions in a legible andcomplete manner. Attach supporting documentation of your extenuating circumstances thatprevented you from making satisfactory academic progress.‣ Submit your financial aid appeal form with a current educational plan to the Financial AidOffice.‣ If you do not have an ‘official’ educational plan you may submit a ‘draft’ copy educational planwith your financial aid appeal form. In the mean time you must schedule an appointment withan academic counselor to complete an ‘official’ educational plan.‣ If you submit a draft educational plan you have 30 days from the date you submit your financialaid appeal form to submit an official educational plan to the Financial Aid Office. Theeducational plan you submit must match your declared major and must be signed by youracademic counselor.‣ Your financial aid appeal form will NOT be reviewed if:a. you are not enrolled in classesb. you do not submit a current educational planc. your financial aid appeal form is incompleted. you do not attach supporting documentation of your extenuating circumstancesSubmit your financial aid appeal form and your educational plan to the Financial Aid Office. Pleaseallow approximately 2-3 weeks for your appeal to be reviewed. You will be notified of the decision bypostal mail or email.If you need further clarification or assistance please contact the Financial Aid Office.

2010-2011 <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>AID</strong> <strong>APPEAL</strong> FORMLast Name First Name Student ID#Mailing Address( )Phone NumberCity State Zip Code Email<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>AID</strong> OFFICE COMPLETES THIS SECTION - Reason for Appeal Received By:FA appeal is for: Fall Spring SummerEducational Goal:Program:If any box is checked below complete questions 1-5.GPA below 2.0 Did not complete the minimum units required LoanT-Perm: R2T4 or Pell Overpayment Balance Due: Federal $ YCCD $ DateChekedIf any box is checked below complete questions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.30 Plus Remedial 90 Plus Units/150% Rule (completed six or more semesters) Loan1. What is your degree objective and program major? Certificate Associate Degree Transfer Major:2. What is your anticipated completion/graduation date from WCC?3. What is the total number of units you need to complete your certificate/degree at WCC?4. Explain the reasons beyond your control or extenuating circumstances that caused you to not makesatisfactory academic progress. Attach supporting documentation.5. Explain how you have resolved or plan to resolve the problem(s) and how you plan to succeed in yourclasses at WCC. Give examples of your efforts to improve your academic performance and/or attain youreducational objectives.

Last Name First Name Student ID#6. Explain why you have not been able to attain your educational goal within the 90 units / 6-semester limit.Attach supporting documentation.7. Explain how you plan to complete your educational goal within the allotted time frame.I certify that all statements made above and contained in the support documentation are true and correct tothe best of my knowledge.Student SignatureDateACADEMIC COUNSELOR USE ONLY:Comments:Academic Counselor SignatureDate<strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>AID</strong> OFFICE USE ONLY:Pell: Approved Denied Pending:FWS: Approved Denied Pending:Loan: Approved Denied Pending:Referred to FA CommitteeFA Committee Decision:Other:FAA SignatureDate

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