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Copyright © Minotti SpA 2013 All rights reserved SPENCER ...

Copyright © Minotti SpA 2013 All rights reserved SPENCER ...


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<strong>SPENCER</strong> DESIGN RODOLFO DORDONIStruttura: testata unica e giroletto in legno multistrato assemblati tra loro medianteangolari in metallo che permettono un facile montaggio del letto; entrambi gli elementisono imbottiti in poliuretano espanso ad alta resilienza a quote differenziate. Tutte leparti imbottite sono rivestite con fibra termolegata ed accoppiata con tela di cotonebianca che conferisce morbidezza e sofficità alle imbottiture isolandole dal tessuto,garantendo in questo modo naturalezza ed igiene al prodotto.Imbottitura cuscino testata: in fibra ipoallergenica con inserto centrale in poliuretanoespanso ad alta morbidezza.Rivestimento: in tessuto completamente sfoderabile. In pelle fisso il rivestimento dellatestata, sfoderabile il giroletto e il cuscino testata.Piedini: appoggio a terra tramite piedini (disegno esclusivo <strong>Minotti</strong> Studio) stampati inalluminio pressofuso e verniciati color Peltro finitura extra-lucido anti-touch. Scivolanteprotettivo in Hytrel® (gomma morbida antigraffio).N.B: è possibile regolare l’altezza di inserimento della rete. Il supporto reggirete puòessere agganciato al giroletto in diverse posizioni per accogliere qualsiasi tipo di rete.Frame: multiply wood, one-piece headboard and frame assembled with metal bracketsfor easy bed assembly; both with variable-density resilient polyurethane foam padding.<strong>All</strong> the upholstered sections are covered with a fiber thermally bound to a white cottoncloth which makes the upholstery soft while separating it from the fabric, for a natural,healthy product.Headboard cushion: padded with a hypo-allergenic fiber padding with ultra softpolyurethane foam core.Upholstery: completely removable fabric upholstery. Non-removable leather for thebedhead, removable leather covers for the bed sides and bedhead cushion.Feet: molded aluminum die-cast feet (exclusive design by <strong>Minotti</strong> Studio) with extra-glossy,anti-touch Pewter-colored finish. Protective Hytrel® glide (soft scratchproof rubber).ATTENTION: adjustable spring height. The spring support can be fitted to the frame invarious positions to accommodate any kind of box spring.Struktur: Durchgehendes Kopfteil und Rahmen aus mehrschichtigem Holz,untereinander mit Metallwinkeln verbunden, die die Montage des Betts erleichtern;beide Elemente sind mit unterschiedlich dick geschäumtem, hochdichtem Polyurethangepolstert. <strong>All</strong>e gepolsterten Teile sind mit Thermofaser mit weißer Baumwollabfütterungbezogen, die der Polsterung Elastizität und Weichheit verleiht, gleichzeitig aber diePolsterung vom Bezugsstoff trennt, so dass die natürliche Beschaffenheit und Hygienedes Produkts gewahrt werden.Kissen des Kopfteils: mit anallergischer Füllung mit zentraler Einlage aus hochweichemPolyurethanschaum.Bezug: Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar. Lederbezug am Kopfteil fest, abziehbar anBettrahmen und Kissen.Füße: Bodenauflage mit kleinen Füßen (exklusives Design von <strong>Minotti</strong> Studio) ausAluminiumdruckguss, zinnfarbig hochglanzlackiert mit Anti-Fingerprint-Beschichtung.Gleitschutz aus Hytrel® (weicher, kratzsicherer Gummi).ACHTUNG: Die Einlegehöhe des Bettrosts kann reguliert werden. Die Rosthalterunglässt sich in verschiedenen Positionen am Rahmen einhaken, was die Verwendung vonallen Rostarten erlaubt.Structure : tête unique et tour de lit en bois contreplaqué assemblés par des anglesde fixation en métal permettant un montage facile du lit; les éléments sont tous lesdeux rembourrés en polyuréthane expansé à haute résilience, à épaisseurs différentes.Toutes les parties rembourrées sont recouvertes de fibre thermoliée et couplée avec dela toile de coton blanc qui donne souplesse et moelleux aux rembourrages tout en lesisolant du tissu, garantissant ainsi le naturel et l’hygiène du produit.Rembourrage : coussin de la tête en fibre hypoallergénique avec insert central enpolyuréthane expansé très souple.Revêtement : en tissu complètement déhoussable. En cuir, le revêtement de la tête estfixe, celui du tour de lit est déhoussable ainsi que le coussin de la tête.Pieds : appui au sol par pieds (dessin exclusif <strong>Minotti</strong> Studio) estampés en aluminiummoulé sous pression et peints couleur étain, finition extra brillante anti-traces. Patins deprotection en Hytrel® (gomme souple anti-rayure).REMARQUE : il est possible régler la hauteur de pose du sommier. Le support dusommier peut s’accrocher au tour de lit en différentes positions pour accueillir n’importequel type de sommier.<strong>Copyright</strong> © <strong>Minotti</strong> <strong>SpA</strong> <strong>2013</strong> <strong>All</strong> <strong>rights</strong> <strong>reserved</strong>

183 cm72 1/896 cm37231 cm9143 cm1727 cm10 5/8223 cm87 3/496 cm37231 cm9143 cm1727 cm10 5/8CUSCINI OPTIONAL “<strong>SPENCER</strong>”“<strong>SPENCER</strong>” OPTIONAL CUSHIONS42 cm16 1/242 cm16 1/250 cm19 3/850 cm19 3/8231 cm91MATERASSO 160x200 CMMATTRESS 63x783/4RETE 160x200 CMSLATTED BASE 63x783/4231 cm91MATERASSO 200x200 CMMATTRESS 783/4x783/4RETE 200x200 CMSLATTED BASE 783/4x783/4QUEEN SIZE203 cm8096 cm37231 cm9143 cm1727 cm10 5/8176 cm69 1/496 cm37234 cm92 1/843 cm1727 cm10 5/8231 cm91MATERASSO 180x200 CMMATTRESS 707/8x783/4RETE 180x200 CMSLATTED BASE 707/8x783/4234 cm92 1/8MATERASSO 153x203 CMMATTRESS 601/4x80RETE 153x203 CMSLATTED BASE 601/4x80KING SIZE216 cm8596 cm37234 cm92 1/843 cm1727 cm10 5/8MATERASSO 193x203 CMMATTRESS 76x80234 cm92 1/8RETE 193x203 CMSLATTED BASE 76x80FINITURA PIEDINI | FEET FINISHALLUMINIO | ALUMINUMPELTRO | PEWTER<strong>Copyright</strong> © <strong>Minotti</strong> <strong>SpA</strong> <strong>2013</strong> <strong>All</strong> <strong>rights</strong> <strong>reserved</strong>

ReggireteSlattedbase supportMATERASSO/MATTRESSRETE/SLATTED BASE9,5 cm3 3/4” 70 cm27 1/2”12 cm4 3/4”72,5 cm28 1/2”14,5 cm5 7/8”75 cm29 1/2”Distanze utili dal bordosuperiore della testataal supporto reggireteUseful distances betweenthe upper edge ofthe headboard andDistanze utili dal bordosuperiore del girolettoal supporto reggireteUseful distances betweenthe upper edge ofthe bed frame andMATERASSO/MATTRESSRETE/SLATTED BASE38 cm15”13 cm5 1/8”56 cm22”MATERASSO/MATTRESSRETE/SLATTED BASE13 cm5 1/8”40,5 cm16”53,5 cm21”MATERASSO/MATTRESSRETE/SLATTED BASE13 cm5 1/8”51 cm20”ALTEZZA DA TERRA AL BORDO SUPERIORE DEL MATERASSOHEIGHT FROM THE GROUND TO THE HIGHER EDGEPOSIZIONE 1 | POSITION 1 POSIZIONE 2 | POSITION 2 POSIZIONE 3 | POSITION 343 cm17”A Altezza dal materasso al bordosuperiore della testata letto.B Altezza da terra al bordosuperiore del materasso.A Distance from the mattress to theupper edge of the headboard.B Distance between floor and upperedge of mattress.A Abstand zwischen Matratze undoberer Kante des Bettkopfteils.B Abstand zwischen dem Bodenund dem oberen Rand der Matratze.A Hauter du matelas au bordsupérieur de la tête de lit.B Hauteur du bord supérieurdu matelas par rapport au sol.INGOMBRO PER RETE FISSA MATRIMONIALE CM 183X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS OF FIXED BASE CM 183X231A Distanza utile MAX. 160 CM, MIN. 158 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 160 CM, MIN. 158 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.INGOMBRO PER RETE FISSA MATRIMONIALE CM 203X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS OF FIXED BASE CM 203X231A Distanza utile MAX. 180 CM, MIN. 178 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 180 CM, MIN. 178 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.INGOMBRO PER RETE FISSA MATRIMONIALE CM 223X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS OF FIXED BASE CM 223X231A Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.INGOMBRO PER RETI SINGOLE CON MOVIMENTO CM 183X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE BASES WITH MOVEMENT CM 183X231A Distanza utile MAX. 80 CM, MIN. 77 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 80 CM, MIN. 77 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.INGOMBRO PER RETI SINGOLE CON MOVIMENTO CM 202X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE BASES WITH MOVEMENT CM 202X231A Distanza utile MAX. 90 CM, MIN. 87 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 90 CM, MIN. 87 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.INGOMBRO PER RETI SINGOLE CON MOVIMENTO CM 223X231OVERALL DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE BASES WITH MOVEMENT CM 223X231A Distanza utile MAX. 100 CM, MIN. 97 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 100 CM, MIN. 97 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.B Distanza utile MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM per appoggio rete / MAX. 200 CM, MIN. 198 CM useful distances for accommodating the base.<strong>Copyright</strong> © <strong>Minotti</strong> <strong>SpA</strong> <strong>2013</strong> <strong>All</strong> <strong>rights</strong> <strong>reserved</strong>

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