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Ex Signaling devicesATEX - Designation of electrical equipmentfor potentially explosive environments!Conditions in potentially explosive areasCombustiblesubstancesgases, vapoursdustsTemporary behaviour of thecombustible substance in theEx areaare present constantly, for longperiods or frequentlyClassification of the potentially explosiveareasRequired marking of the operatingequipment to be used according toCENELECCENELEC/IEC US NEC 505 US NEC 500 Device group Device categoryZone 0occur occasionally Zone 1probably do not occur, but ifso, then only rarely or for shortperiodsare present constantly, for longperiods or frequentlyZone 2Zone 20 –Class IZone 0Class IZone 1Class IZone 2Class IDivision 1Cass IDivision 2Cass IIDivision 1IIIIIIII1G2G or 1G3G or 2Gor 1Goccur occasionally Zone 21 – II 2D or 1D1Dprobably do not occur due to swirlingdust, but if so, then only rarelyor for short periodsZone 22 –Cass IIDivision 2II3D or 2Dor 1Dmethane, dust––MiningMining––Mining–IIM1M2 or M1Inspection authorityNotified body Country Id-no.TÜV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.Germany 0032PTB Germany 0102DMT Germany 0158DOS Germany 0297PSA Germany 0588BAM Germany 0589IBExU Germany 0837INERIS France 0080LCIE France 0081KEMA Netherlands 0344SP Sweden 0402LOM Spain 0588EECS (BASEEFA) UK 0800SCS UK 0618NEC 500 Class I Division 1NEC 505 Class I Zone 1IECCENELEC CE 0158 II 2G192

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