P406061-Cover 1..2

P406061-Cover 1..2

P406061-Cover 1..2


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CONTENTSixBeriberi Heart Disease 157I. Clinical Manifestations 157Bibliography 157Beta-Blockers 159I. Beta-Receptors 160II. Mechanism of Action 160III. Salutary Effects 160IV. Indications 161V. Clinical Trials 163VI. Adverse Effects and Cautions 164VII. Classification 164VIII. Subtle Differences and Research Implications 165IX. Individual Beta-Blockers 166Bibliography 167Blood Clots 169I. Causes of Blood Clots 169II. Nondrug Treatment 170III. Drug Treatment 170Bibliography 174Blood Pressure 175I. Historical Review 175II. Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure 178III. Classification 178IV. Normal Fluctuations in Blood Pressure 178V. Finger Cuff Method of Penaz 180VI. Technique and Pitfalls of Measurement 180VII. Effects of High Blood Pressure 180Bibliography 180Brugada Syndrome 183I. Clinical Features 183II. Perspective 184Bibliography 184Bundle Branch Block 185I. Right Bundle Branch Block 185II. Left Bundle Branch Block 187Bibliography 187Caffeine and the Heart 189I. Biochemistry 189II. Effects 190Bibliography 191Calcium Antagonists 193I. Mechanism of Action 193II. Available Calcium Antagonists 194III. Therapeutic Benefits 196IV. Next Generation Agents 196Bibliography 197Carcinoid Heart Disease 199I. Heart Damage 199II. Diagnosis 199III. Treatment 200IV. Clinical Study 200Bibliography 200Cardiogenic Shock 201I. Causes 201II. Pathophysiology 201III. Management 202IV. Perspective and Research Implications 202Bibliography 202Cardiomyopathy 203I. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 204II. Sudden Death 207III. Dilated Cardiomyopathy 209IV. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy 211V. Specific Heart Muscle Disease 211Bibliography 212Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 215I. Causes of Loss of Consciousness 215II. Cardiac Arrest Rhythms 216III. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 216IV. Defibrillation 219V. Drugs for Cardiac Arrest 220VI. Perspectives and Research Implications 221VII. Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest 221VIII. The Heimlich Maneuver 222Bibliography 222Chagas Disease 223I. Epidemiology 223II. Symptoms and Signs 223III. Diagnostic Investigations 225IV. Management 225Bibliography 225Chelation and Heart Disease 227I. Clinical Study 227II. Perspective 227Bibliography 228Abstract 228Chemotherapy-Induced Heart Disease 229I. Chemotherapeutic Agents 229II. Cardiac Damage from Anthracyclines 229

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