designing a novel and high performance online english for business ...

designing a novel and high performance online english for business ... designing a novel and high performance online english for business ...


outcomes will be highly motivating. In fact Mashup create a community of online services based onBusiness English‟s demand.The aim of this project is first, to develop a Mashup framework for EBP courses as onesolution to problems in web-based EBP need analysis, and second, to construct a web-based courseaccess authentic activities and text with a minimum of effort that exploit instructional online tools andservices to integrate them for a useful online course. We hope this new study develop the applicationof Mashups for EBP courses.II.METHODOLOGYIn current study Mashup tools apply for web-based EBP course. The great advantage of suchan application is that there is no need to spend on need analyses or interpreting data for the reason ofestablishing an appropriate design for online EBP course. But, as the students „requirements of thecourse is recognized by the software, it surf the Internet services render activities which best match tothe needs of the learner. Besides, learners are not restricted to some types of pedagogical activitiespresented by one web-service but they exploit similar activities in other online services or websites.Learners are in direct interaction with the software, so that they can control their own learning pace.Such involvement of learners offer a new instructional environment in on-line EBP courses. Themethodology of this study is discussed in such an order: Technical design and the structure of thesoftware, Integration of Mashup with EBP on-line course and the final section is a sample testify.2.1 Technical design and the structure of the softwareThe software design is conducted under a triple-ware schema to achieve information andfiltered data from the internet and related services must to be merged and provided as an interface toend user. Figure 1 provides an explicit explanation about the triple-ware schema. It shows a completedata flow of the information from the beginning of the process to its end.Figure 1. Triple-ware schemaThe Triple-ware schema‟ function follow these steps: First, we design a script in EMML(Enterprise Mashup Markup Language) language to invoke data from the web by using web servers- inour proposed solution is tomcat 5.5- and the implementation backplane of Mashup. The engine usesJDK (Java Development Kit 1.5) on the windows platform.After that Mashup apply forced script to surf the net and web services to fetch data. The outputfile will be created in this step; data presented in the XML (Extensible Markup Language) formatcontain some elements with optional attributes. So, XML file will be available to use, the elements actas input for the next step. The third step is the main part for the users, which is the implementation ofsoftware in the .Net environment by C# language programming to fetch data from the XML file as aninput feed in the special form. It is done in a friendly design to be used by learners. In this step the userrequirement will be asked. According to it Mashup outline short abstract so that the proper data will beavailable for the user. If any of the information does not satisfy the user, the URL (Universal Resourcelocator) can be clicked to gain extra information in order to show the original source of data.2.2 Integration of Mashup into EBPThe course is proposed for intensive web-based EBP courses, respectively run for jobexperiencedstudents who bring business knowledge and skills to the language-learning situation. Thenature of the course is mainly focus on the learners as a main source of need analysis. Some pre-courseinformation is obtained by completing a short form of questionnaire. The approach for designing theEBP course is the integration of skill-centered and learning-centered approach. The former makes the

learning situation dependent on the target situation analysis. The learner is used to identify and toanalyze the target situation. It provide opportunities for learners to employ and evaluate the skills andstrategies considered necessary in the target situation [3]. The latter consider interest, enjoyment,learner involvement influence the entire course [3]. In this study not only highlight the importance oflearners preference and involvement in selecting their own activities but also the appropriate skills andexercises is presented to cope in target situation. The process of need analysis and lay down courseobjectives is handled by the learners. That is the course objectives that have been laid down areappropriate for learner.Figure 2. Screenshot for start pageThe curriculum design of the course conduced in Mashup is as follows:Need analysis: West argues that an essential feature of a good needs analysis is that it takesinto account the preferences of the learners in terms of both what to learn and styles of learning (1997)[11]. So in this level the learner complete a form which is similar to a questionnaire, in addition theyshould study and fill it in carefully. It is designed on the basis of learners „need of the course, level,and objectives they assume to be able to carry out as the result of training. For example „to be able towrite effective business report‟. By completing the form in fact the objective of the course isdetermined too.Fetching links: Unlike other methods, the information analysis and interpretation for designingand determining appropriate activities will be managed by the software. The information that is gainedduring need analysis is employed to Mashup. Having completed the form the learner click the invokebottom (Figure 2). The invoke bottom make Mashup to surf the Internet, in other words fetch theonline services and activities related to online EBP services and websites. Information provided by thestudent in the previous step is the only factor taken into account by Mashup to fetch the Web servicesthat include text-based or html-formatted documents, or online activities. This means that, the outlinedactivities are best matched to learners „level, course objectives, and above all learners‟ specific needs.Activities and links will be appeared in the “fetching List” (Figure 3).Selecting Activities: We can relate this step to the complete involvement of the student for tworeasons: first, they identify and select activities from fetching list. Most of the students in this stepneed activities to improve their language skills. On the other hand, Since the selection of activities iscarried on according to the needs of a particular student, the “fetching list” provide a short snippetsabove each link and activities to show a coherence between the needs of students and the curriculumstructure. Reading that short snippet ensure that the course provides adequate and appropriate coverage

learning situation dependent on the target situation analysis. The learner is used to identify <strong>and</strong> toanalyze the target situation. It provide opportunities <strong>for</strong> learners to employ <strong>and</strong> evaluate the skills <strong>and</strong>strategies considered necessary in the target situation [3]. The latter consider interest, enjoyment,learner involvement influence the entire course [3]. In this study not only <strong>high</strong>light the importance oflearners preference <strong>and</strong> involvement in selecting their own activities but also the appropriate skills <strong>and</strong>exercises is presented to cope in target situation. The process of need analysis <strong>and</strong> lay down courseobjectives is h<strong>and</strong>led by the learners. That is the course objectives that have been laid down areappropriate <strong>for</strong> learner.Figure 2. Screenshot <strong>for</strong> start pageThe curriculum design of the course conduced in Mashup is as follows:Need analysis: West argues that an essential feature of a good needs analysis is that it takesinto account the preferences of the learners in terms of both what to learn <strong>and</strong> styles of learning (1997)[11]. So in this level the learner complete a <strong>for</strong>m which is similar to a questionnaire, in addition theyshould study <strong>and</strong> fill it in carefully. It is designed on the basis of learners „need of the course, level,<strong>and</strong> objectives they assume to be able to carry out as the result of training. For example „to be able towrite effective <strong>business</strong> report‟. By completing the <strong>for</strong>m in fact the objective of the course isdetermined too.Fetching links: Unlike other methods, the in<strong>for</strong>mation analysis <strong>and</strong> interpretation <strong>for</strong> <strong>designing</strong><strong>and</strong> determining appropriate activities will be managed by the software. The in<strong>for</strong>mation that is gainedduring need analysis is employed to Mashup. Having completed the <strong>for</strong>m the learner click the invokebottom (Figure 2). The invoke bottom make Mashup to surf the Internet, in other words fetch the<strong>online</strong> services <strong>and</strong> activities related to <strong>online</strong> EBP services <strong>and</strong> websites. In<strong>for</strong>mation provided by thestudent in the previous step is the only factor taken into account by Mashup to fetch the Web servicesthat include text-based or html-<strong>for</strong>matted documents, or <strong>online</strong> activities. This means that, the outlinedactivities are best matched to learners „level, course objectives, <strong>and</strong> above all learners‟ specific needs.Activities <strong>and</strong> links will be appeared in the “fetching List” (Figure 3).Selecting Activities: We can relate this step to the complete involvement of the student <strong>for</strong> tworeasons: first, they identify <strong>and</strong> select activities from fetching list. Most of the students in this stepneed activities to improve their language skills. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, Since the selection of activities iscarried on according to the needs of a particular student, the “fetching list” provide a short snippetsabove each link <strong>and</strong> activities to show a coherence between the needs of students <strong>and</strong> the curriculumstructure. Reading that short snippet ensure that the course provides adequate <strong>and</strong> appropriate coverage

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