Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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C.2 CreditsPhysical Science Study Committee, College <strong>Physics</strong>, LexingtonMass., D. C. Heath and Co., 1968 794: Richard Megna, FundamentalPhotographs 796: Courtesy of Sony Disc Manufacturing798: top left, Courtesy of P. M. Rinard, from Am. J. Phys.,44:70, 1976; top right, From M. Cagnet, M. Francon, and J. C.Thierr, Atlas of Optical Phenomena, Berlin, Springer-Verlag,1962, plate 18 803: © Kristen Brochmann/Fundamental Photographs806: a–c. Photos courtesy of Henry Leap 809: bottomleft, Sepp Seitz 1981; bottom right, Peter Aprahamian/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.Chapter 25. 819: © Denis Scott/CORBIS 821: top right,From Lennart Nilson, in collaboration with Jan Lindberg,Behold Man: A Photographic Journey of Discovery Inside theBody, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1974 827: bottom right,© Tony Freeman/Photo Edit 829: NASA 830: top right,© Tony Freeman/Photo Edit; bottom, Courtesy of PalomarObservatory/California Institute of Technology 832: a–c. Photosfrom M. Cagnet, M. Francon, and J. C. Thierr 833: FromM. Cagnet, M. Francon, and J. C. Thierr, Atlas of Optical Phenomena,Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1962, plate 34Chapter 26. 843: Courtesy of the Archives, California Instituteof Technology 849: AIP Niels Bohr Library 861: LawrenceBerkeley Laboratory/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers,Inc.Chapter 27. 874: © Eye of Science/Science Source/PhotoResearchers, Inc. 878: © Bettmann/CORBIS 881: Courtesy ofGE Medical Systems 884: Science Source/Photo Researchers,Inc. 885: Courtesy of AIP Niels Bohr Library 887: AIP NielsBohr Library 890: top right, © David Parker/Photo Researchers,Inc. 891: top right, AIP Emilio Segré VisualArchives; bottom right, Courtesy of the University of Hamburg894: IBM Corporation Research Division 902: John Chumack/Photo Researchers, Inc.Chapter 28. 903: Dembinsky Photo Associates 904: StockMontage, Inc. 907: top right, Princeton University/Courtesy ofAIP Emilio Segré Visual Archives 918: CERN/Courtesy of AIPEmilio Segré Visual Archives 923: Courtesy of HRL LaboratoriesLLC, Malibu, CA 924: top right, Courtesy of CentralScientific Company; middle left, Philippe Plailly/Photo Researchers,Inc. 931: top left, Courtesy of Texas Instruments,Inc.; top right, Courtesy of Intel CorporationChapter 29. 939: Courtesy of Public Service Electric andGas Company 940: North Wind Picture Archives 942: Courtesyof Louise Barker/AIP Niels Bohr Library 945: FPG International946: © Richard Megna/Fundamental Photographs952: National Accelerator Laboratory 953: HenryPaul/Gamma Liaison 955: Santi Visali/The IMAGE Bank962: Jay Freis/The Image Bank 963: top left, SBHA/GettyImages; top right, Scott Camazine/Science Source/PhotoResearchers, Inc.; bottom right, © Hank Morgan/PhotoResearchers 965: top left, Photo Researchers, Inc./SciencePhoto Library; top right, Dan McCoy/RainbowChapter 30. 973: Sandia National Laboratories/Photo byRandy Montoya 977: Courtesy of Chicago Historical Society980: NASA 983: top left, Courtesy of Princeton Plasma <strong>Physics</strong>Laboratory; top right, Courtesy of Princeton University 985:Courtesy AIP Emilio Segré Visual Archives 986: UPI/Corbis-Bettmann 987: © Shelly Gazin/CORBIS 993: Photo courtesy ofMichael R. Dressler 996: Courtesy of Fermi National AcceleratorLaboratory 998: Courtesy of CERN 1000: top left, Courtesyof AIP Emilio Segré Visual Archives; bottom left, AT&T BellLaboratoriesTables and IllustrationsThis page constitutes an extension of the copyright page.We have made every effort to trace the ownership of all copyrightedmaterial and to secure permission from copyrightholders. In the event of any question arising as to the use ofany material, we will be pleased to make the necessary correctionsin future printings. Thanks are due to the following authors,publishers, and agents for permission to use the materialindicated.Chapter 25. 821: Art by Robert Demarest, from Cecie Starrand Beverly McMillan, Human Biology 5th ed. Copyright© 2003, Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.Chapter 27. 894–895: This section was written by Roger A.Freedman, University of California, Santa Barbara 895: Basedon a drawing from P. K. Hansma, V. B. Elings, O. Marti, andC. Bracker, Science 242:209, 1988, Copyright 1988 by theAAASChapter 28. 905: K. W. Whitten, R. E. Davis, M. L. Peck,and G. G. Stanley, General Chemistry, 7th ed., Belmont, CA,Brooks/Cole, 2004Chapter 30.1008: © 2005 Sidney Harris

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