Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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I.12 IndexWave(s) (Continued)infrared, 716–717, 716f, 717flightlinearly polarized, 805, 805fpolarization of, 804–811unpolarized, 805, 805fplane, 710–711radio, 716, 716f, 717fsound, diffraction of, 800Wave front, 728, 728fin Huygens’ construction,739–740, 740fWave function, 890–891, 896Wave optics, 786–818Wave properties, of particles,887–888Wave theory, of light, 726–727WavelengthCompton, 885, 886cutoff, 879de Broglie’s, 888, 896of baseball, 889of electron, 889of light source, measuring, 790–791Wavelets, 740Weak force, 984, 1002Weber, 661Weber per square meter, 629Weinberg, Steven, 997–998Wheeler, John, 867Wien’s displacement law, 875, 895Wilson, Robert W., 1000, 1000fWindshield wipers, timed, as RCcircuits, 606Wirelevitating, 644long, straightAmpère’s law and, 641–642,642f, 650magnetic field of, 640–643, 640f,641f, 642f, 650magnetic force on, origin of, 632,632fWire chamber, as track detector,965Work, electric potential energy and,531–535Work function, of metal, 879, 879t,895XX-rays, 716f, 717, 717f, 805–896,880–885, 881f, 882f, 883f,884fcharacteristic, 920–921, 920f,932X-rays (Continued)diffraction of, by crystals, 883–885,883f, 884f, 895–896energy of, estimating, 920scattering of, 886–887in study of work of master painters,882Xerography, 544, 545fYYerkes Observatory, 830Young, Thomas, 727double-slit interferenceexperiment of, 787–791,787f, 788f, 789f, 811Yukawa, Hideki, 986–987, 986fZZeeman effect, 912Zonules, in accommodation,821Zweig, George, 993

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