Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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South poleEarth’s geographic, 626of magnet, 624Space catapult, motional emf and,668, 668fSpace travellength contraction and, 856–858,856fspecial theory of relativity and,855–856, 855fSpacetime, curvature of, 867Spectral lines, 737Spectrometerdiffraction grating, 802, 802fmass, 638–639prism, 736–737, 738fSpectrum(a), 736, 736fabsorption, 905–906, 905fatomic, 905–906, 905fdispersion of light into, 738–739,738f, 739felectromagnetic, 715–717, 720emission, 905, 905fSpecular reflection, 728–729, 728fSpeed(s)drift, 570–571, 586of lightether wind theory of, 846, 846f,847fMichelson-Morley experiment,846–849, 847f, 849fSpherical aberration, 758, 758f, 778,778f, 779Spin magnetic quantum number,912, 915–916, 932Spontaneous decay, 949Spontaneous emission, 922, 922f, 932Standard Model, 998Stars, colors of, 875Step-down transformer, 706Step-up transformer, 706Stimulated absorption process, 921,921f, 932Stopping potential, 878Storms, electrical, driver safetyduring, 515Strange particles, 991–992Strangeness, 991–992, 1002Strassman, Fritz, 973Strong force, 984, 1002Stud finders, capacitors in, 558Submarine periscopes, internalreflection in, 743Subshells, 912, 912tnumber of electrons in, 918tSun, fusion in, 980–981, 980fSuperconductors, 579–580, 580fcritical temperatures for, 579tSuperposition principle, 503in calculating electric field, 506electric potential for two or morecharges and, 539Symmetry breaking, 998TTachycardia, definition of, 585Tape recorders, Lens’s law and,672–673, 672fTelecommunications, fiber optics in,745Telescope, 829–831, 829f, 830f, 831f,838resolution of, 834Television signal interference, 790Temperature, critical, 579for superconductors, 579tTemperature coefficientsof resistivity, 578, 587for various materials, 576tTemperature variationof resistance, 577–579Tesla, 629, 649Tesla, Nikola, 701fThermal radiation, 874–876colors of stars and, 875from human body, 875–876Thermometer, resistance, platinum,578–579Thermonuclear fusion reactions, 981Thin films, interference in, 792–796,792f, 793f, 794f, 795f, 811Thin-lens equation, 770–771, 779Thin lenses, 769–777, 769f, 770f,771f, 772f, 774f, 775f, 776fcombinations of, 776–777, 776fray diagrams for, 771–776, 772f,774f, 775f, 776fsign conventions for, 771tThomson, G. P., 888Thomson, Sir Joseph John, 904fmodel of, of atom, 904, 904fThree Mile Island, 979Threshold energy, 958, 966Threshold voltage, 881Timeproper, 852relativity of, simultaneity and,850–851, 851fTime constant, 605, 615for RL circuit, 680, 681–682, 684Time dilation, 851–855, 852f, 854f,868Ting, Samuel, 995Tokamak, 982–983, 983fTomographycomputed axial, 960–962, 961f, 962fpositron emission, 986Torque, on current loop, 634–636,634f, 635f, 650Total energy, 861, 869Tracing, radioactive, 960Track detectors, 964–965, 965fTransformer, AC, 705–707, 705f, 707fTransistor, junction, in semiconductordevices, 929–930, 930fIndex I.11Transmission axis, 805, 805fTransmission electron microscope,889–890, 890fTwin paradox, 855–856, 855fUUhlenbeck, George, 912, 915Ultraviolet catastrophe, 876Ultraviolet light, 716f, 717Uncertainty principle, 891–893, 892f,896Unified mass unit, definition of, 940Uranium fission, 973–975conversion of mass to kineticenergy in, 864–865VValence band, 925, 926, 926fholes for, 927, 927fVan de Graaff, Robert J.generator of, 516–517, 516fVan der Meer, Simon, 998Velocity, relativistic addition of,859–860, 859f, 868–869Virtual image, 754, 779Virtual photon, 987, 987fVisible light, 716f, 717Volt, 592electron, 542Voltage(s)induced, 660–692measurement of, in circuits,572–573notations for, 695topen-circuit, 593potential difference as, 549rms, 695, 718threshold, 881Von Laue, Max, 881, 883WWave(s)de Broglie, hydrogen atom and,912–913, 913felectromagnetic, 693, 708, 719Doppler effect for, 718intensity of, 712production of, by antenna,709–710, 710fproperties of, 710–715spectrum of, 715–717, 720

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