Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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I.10 IndexReflecting telescope, 829–830, 830fReflectionchange of phase due to, 791–792,791fdiffuse, 728, 728fHuygen’s principle applied to,740–742, 741fof light, 727, 745polarization by, 807–808, 808fspecular, 728–729, 728ftotal internal, 742–745, 746Refracting surfacesflat, 766–768, 766f, 767fsign conventions for, 766tRefracting telescope, 829, 830, 830fRefractionangle of, 731, 731ffor glass, 733–734atmospheric, 768–769, 768fHuygens’s principle applied to,740–742, 741fimages formed by, 765–768, 779index of, 732, 732t, 736f, 745of laser light in DVD, 735–736law of, 732–736, 745Snell’s, 733, 745of light, 727, 730–731, 731f, 745Refractive myopia, 822Relative biological effectiveness(RBE), 959, 959tRelativistic energy, 860–861Relativistic momentum, 858, 868energy and, 862–865Relativity, 843–873Einstein’s principle of, 849–850Galilean, principle of, 844–845,845fgeneral, 865–868, 866f, 867fspecial theory of, 844, 849–858,851f, 852f, 854f, 855f, 856f,868consequences of, 850–858length contraction and,856–858, 856f, 868simultaneity and relativity of timeand, 850–851, 851ftime dilation and, 851–855,852f, 854f, 868twin paradox and, 855–856, 855fRem, 959Resistance, 573, 586–587equivalentof parallel combination ofresistors, 596f, 597,600–601, 615of series combination ofresistors, 594, 615load, 593of nichrome wire, 576–577of steam iron, 575temperature variation of, 577–579Resistance thermometer, platinum,578–579Resistivity, 575–577, 576t, 586electrical, 587temperature coefficient of, 578, 587Resistor(s), 574, 575fin AC circuits, 693–696, 694f, 695fin parallel, 596–601, 596f, 597f,598f, 599fin three-way lightbulb, 599power delivered to, 587power dissipated by, 580–581problem-solving strategy for, 600in series, 593–596, 594fResolving power, of diffractiongrating, 835–836, 838Resonancecircuit in, capacitance of, 705in RLC series circuit, 704–705,704fResonance frequency, 704of circuit, 709Resonators, 876Rest energy, 861, 869Retina, 820–821, 821fRetroreflection, 729Richter, Burton, 995Right-hand rulenumber 1, 629, 629f, 649number 2, 640, 640fRL circuits, 680–682, 683–684RLC series circuit, 699–702, 719resonance in, 704–705, 704frms current, 694–696, 718rms voltage, 695, 718Roadway flashers as RC circuits,606–607Rods, 820Roentgen, Wilhelm, 880–881Rubbia, Carlo, 998Rutherford, Ernest, 904, 939, 940f,941, 955–956planetary model of, of atom, 904,904fRydberg constant, 905SSafetyelectrical, 611–612reactor, 979–980Salam, Abdus, 997–998Scalar quantity, electric potential as,536, 539Scanning tunneling microscope,894–895, 894f, 895fScattering, polarization of light wavesby, 808, 808fSchrödinger, Erwin, 890–891, 891fSchwarzschild radius, 868Scintillation counter, 964, 964fSecondary coil, 660Self-induced emf, 677–680, 677f,678f, 684Self-inductance, 677–680, 677f, 678f,684Self-sustained chain reaction, innuclear reactor, 977Semiconductor(s), 499energy bands of, 926–927, 926f,927fSemiconductor devices, 928–929,928f, 929f, 930f, 931fjunction transistor in, 929–930,930fp-n junction in, 928–929, 928f,929fSemiconductor diode detector,964Series combination of capacitors,550–554, 551f, 561Shells, 912, 912tnumber of electrons in, 918tShockley, William, 929SI unit(s)for capacitance, 545for change in electric potentialenergy, 532for charge, 643for current, 569, 586, 643for electric charge, 499, 501for electric potential differencebetween two points, 536for electrical field, 505for emf, 592for inductance, 678for magnetic field, 629for magnetic flux, 661for radioactivity, 946for resistance, 574for resistivity, 587Sign conventions for mirrors,759–760, 760tSimultaneity, relativity of time and,850–851, 851fSingularity, 868Slit, limiting angle for, 832–833,838Smoke detectors, radioactivematerials in, 953, 953fSnell’s law, of refraction, 733, 745Sodium, photoelectric effect for,879–880Solar cells, nonreflective coatings for,794–795, 794fSolar energy, 713–714SolenoidAmpère’s law applied to, 648inductance of, 679–680magnetic field of, 646–648, 646fSolids, energy bands in, 924–927,925f, 926f, 927fSomatic damage, 959Sommerfeld, Arnold, 912Sound waves, diffraction of, 800

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