Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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Polarizer, 805–806, 805f, 806–807Polarizing angle, 808, 812Polaroid, 805PolesEarth’s geographic, 626of magnet, 624Population inversion, 923Positron emission tomography (PET),986Positrons, 945, 952, 985–986, 1002Potential(s)action, 612, 614fcharged conductors and,541–542electric, 531–542, 561potential energy and, 536stopping, 878Potential difference, voltage as, 549Potential energydue to point charges, 538–541electricchange in, 532work and, 531–535gravitational, electric potentialenergy and, 533potential and, 536Powell, Cecil Frank, 987Powerin AC circuit, 702–704, 719average, in AC circuit, 703, 719converted by electric heater,582–583distribution of, to city, transformersin, 706–707, 707felectrical energy and, 580–583of lens, 823, 837level of, control on, in nuclearreactors, 978–979, 978fresolving, of diffraction grating,835–836, 838Power factor, in AC circuit, 703, 719Precipitator, electrostatic, 543–544,543fPresbyopia, 822Primary coil, 660Primordial fireball, observation ofradiation from, 1000–1001Principal axis, of mirror, 757–758,757f, 758fPrincipal quantum number, 912, 932Prism(s)diffraction grating vs., 802dispersion and, 736–738, 737f, 746Prism spectrometer, 736–737, 738fProblem-solving strategyfor capacitors, 552for electric forces and fields, 508for electric potential, 540for Kirchhoff’s rules, 602for resistors, 600for thin-film interference, 794Proper time, 852Proton-proton cycle, in sun, 974–975Proton(s), 498charge and mass of, 501telectric force on, 507motion of, between two chargedplates, 537motion of, in magnetic field,630–631, 631fPumps, electromagnetic, medicaluses of, 633, 633fPupil, 820Purkinje fibers, 583f, 584QQ values, 957–958Quantized charge, 499<strong>Quantum</strong> chromodynamics, 996,1002<strong>Quantum</strong> mechanicshydrogen atom and, 913–915, 914ttheory of, 891, 896<strong>Quantum</strong> number(s), 876for 2 p subshell, 916energy and, 908, 908forbital, 912, 932for hydrogen atom, 914, 914torbital magnetic, 912, 932for hydrogen atom, 914, 914tprincipal, 912, 932spin magnetic, 912, 915–916, 932<strong>Quantum</strong> physics, 874–902blackbody radiation in, 875–877,875f, 876f, 895Compton effect of, 885–887, 885f,896diffraction of x-rays by crystals in,883–885, 883f, 884f,895–896photoelectric effect and, 877–878,878f, 895photon theory of light and, 879Planck’s hypothesis in, 876–877scanning tunneling microscope in,894–895, 894f, 895funcertainty principle in, 891–893,892f, 896wave function in, 890–891, 896wave properties of particles in,887–888x-rays in, 880–885, 881f, 882f, 883f,884f, 895–896Quarks, 499n, 984, 996–997, 994t,995f, 995t, 996f, 997f, 1002color force between, 996–997, 1002colored, 996–997, 996f, 997f,1002force between, 996properties of, 994tRIndex I.9Radiationblackbody, 875–877, 875f, 876f,895electromagnetic, light and, 887medical applications of, 959–963,961f, 962f, 963fobservation of, from primordialfireball, 1000–1001occupational, exposure limits for,960thermal, 874–876color of stars and, 875from human body, 875–876Radiation damage, in matter,959–960Radiation detectors, 963–965,963–965, 963f, 963f, 964f,965fRadio, tuning of, series resonancecircuit and, 704Radio-wave transmission, 709–710Radio waves, 716, 716f, 717fRadioactive materialdecay constant of, 945–946, 966half-life of, 946–948, 966Radioactive tracing, 960Radioactivity, 945–948, 945f, 946f,966artificial, 955for carbon dating, 952–953natural, 955, 955f, 955tpractical uses of, 952–954Radiumactivity of, 947decaying, 950Radon detecting, radioactivity in, 953Radon gas, activity of, 948Rainbow, 738–739, 739f, 746Ray approximation, in geometricoptics, 728, 728fRay diagramsfor mirrors, 760–762, 761ffor thin lenses, 771–776, 772f,774f, 775f, 776fRayleigh’s criterion, 832, 838Rays, gamma, 716f, 717, 952, 966RBE (relative biologicaleffectiveness), 959, 959tRC circuits, 605–609, 606f, 607f, 615Reactancecapacitive, 696–697, 719inductive, 697, 719Reactorsfusion, 981–982nuclear, 976–980, 976f, 977f, 978f,1002Real image, 754, 779Rectifier, in semiconductor devices,929, 929f

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