Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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I.8 IndexNewton’s rings, 793–796, 793fNoble gases, 918Nonohmic material, 574, 574fNorth poleEarth’s geographic, 626of magnet, 624Noyce, Robert, 930npn transistor, in semiconductordevices, 929Nuclear fission, 973–976, 974f, 1002Nuclear force, 942Nuclear fusion, 980–984, 1002in sun, 980–981, 980fNuclear magnetic resonance, 962Nuclear physics, 939–972decay processes in, 948–955, 949f,951f, 953f, 955fnatural radioactivity in, 955, 955f,955tnuclear reactions in, 955–958, 966properties of nuclei in, 940–942,940t, 941f, 943fradioactivity in, 945–948, 945f,946f, 966Nuclear reactions, 955–958, 966Nuclear reactors, 976–980, 976f,977f, 978f, 1002safety of, 979–980Nucleus(i)of atom, 904atomic number of, 940, 965binding energy of, 943–944, 944f,965charge of, 940daughter, 949mass number of, 940, 965mass of, 940, 940tneutron number of, 940parent, 949properties of, 940–942, 940t, 941f,943fsize of, 941–942, 941fstability of, 942, 943fNumbers, right-hand rule, 640OObject distance, 754, 779Occhialini, Guiseppe P. S., 987Occupational radiation, exposurelimits for, 960Oersted, Hans Christian, 640, 640fOhm, Georg Simon, 574, 574fOhm-meter, 575, 587Ohmic material, 574, 574fOhms, 574, 586Ohm’s law, 574, 586Ohm’s law, for AC circuit, 697, 718Omega minus particle, 993Onnes, H. Kamerlingh, 579Open-circuit voltage, 593Optical activity, 808–809, 809fOptical instruments, 819–842camera as, 819–820, 820fcompound microscope as,827–829, 827f, 837–838Michelson interferometer as,836–837, 836ftelescope as, 829–831, 829f, 830f,831f, 838Opticsfiber, 744–745geometric, ray approximation in,728, 728fwave, 786–818Orbital magnetic quantum number,912, 932for hydrogen atom, 914, 914tOrbital quantum number, 912, 932for hydrogen atom, 914, 914tOrder numberof diffraction pattern, 801–802of fringe, 789, 811Oscillator, macroscopic, quantized, 877Pp-n junction, in semiconductordevices, 928–929, 928f,929fp-type semiconductors, 927Pacemakers, cardiac, 584–585Pair annihilation, 865, 865f, 869Pair production, 865, 865f, 869Parallel combination of capacitors,548–550, 549f, 561Parallel-plate capacitor, 546–548Parent nucleus, 949Particle(s)alpha, 904chargedmotion of, in magnetic field,637–640, 637f, 638f, 639f,650trapping of, by magnetic field, 638classification of, 988t, 998–999,1002elementary, 984motion of, perpendicular touniform magnetic field, 637strange, 991–992wave properties of, 887–888Particle physicsbeginning of, 986–988, 987fproblems and perspectives in, 1001Particle theory of light, 879Path difference, 788, 789fPauli, Wolfgang, 915, 918fPauli exclusion principle, 912,917–919, 932Penning trap, 638Penzias, Arno A., 1000, 1000fPeriodic table, 918–919Periscopes, submarine, internalreflection in, 743Permeability, of free space, 641,650Permittivity of free space, 546, 561PET (positron emissiontomography), 986Phase angle , for RLC circuit,699–700, 700t, 719Phasor diagram, for RLC circuit, 699,699f, 700fPhasors, in RLC circuit, 699Photocells, 880Photodielectric effect, 727Photoelectric effect, 877–878, 878f,895for sodium, 879–880Photoelectrons, 877, 878Photographic emulsion, as trackdetector, 965Photographs, flash, red eyes in, 729Photomultiplier (PM) tube, 964,964fPhoton(s), 277, 985, 985tenergy of, 879momentum of, 887–888virtual, 987, 987fPhoton theory, of light, 879<strong>Physics</strong>atomic, 903–938 (See also Atomicphysics)nuclear, 939–972 (See also Nuclearphysics)quantum, 874–902 (See also<strong>Quantum</strong> physics)Pion, 987Planck, Max, 878fPlanck’s constant, 727, 745, 876–877,895Plane wave, 710–711Plasma confinement time, inthermonuclear reactor,982Plasma ion density, in thermonuclearreactor, 982pnp transistor, in semiconductordevices, 929, 930fPoint charge, electric potentialcreated by, 538–541,539fPolarization, 500capacitance and, 559–560, 560fof light waves, 804–811, 812by reflection, 807–808, 808fby scattering, 808, 808fby selective absorption, 805–807,805f, 806f

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