Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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Index I.7Magnetic field(s) (Continued)Earth’s, 626–628deflection of lightning strike by,633energy stored in, 682–683Lenz’s law and, 671of long, straight wire, 640–643,640f, 641f, 642f, 650motion of charged particles in,637–640, 637f, 638f, 639f,650of solenoid, 646–648, 646fMagnetic field confinement,976–978, 977fMagnetic field lines, 625–626, 626fMagnetic fluxchange in, Faraday’s law ofinduction and, 663induced emf and, 661–663, 661f,662fMagnetic forceon current-carrying conductor,631–634, 631f, 632f, 633f,649between parallel conductors,643–644, 643fMagnetic materials, soft versus hard,625Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),962–963, 963fMagnetism, 624–659Magnificationangularof lens, 825, 826f, 837of telescope, 829, 838of compound microscope,827–829, 827f, 837–838lateral, 755of mirror, 755, 779of refracting surface, 765, 779for thin lens, 770, 779Magnifier, simple, 825–827, 825f, 826fMalus’s law, 806Marsden, Ernest, 908, 939Massconversion of, to kinetic energy inuranium fission,864–865energy and, equivalence of, 861gravitational attraction of, for othermasses, 865–866, 866finertial property of, 865–866of nucleus, 940, 940tMass numberof electron, 951of nuclei, 940, 965Mass spectrometer, 638–639Materialselectrically charged, 498ferromagnetic, 649nonohmic, 574, 574fohmic, 574, 574fMaterials (Continued)optical activity of, 808–809, 809fresistivity of, 575–577, 576tMatter, radiation damage in, 959–960Maximain interference pattern of diffractiongrating, 801–802, 801fsecondary, 797Maximum angular magnification, oflens, 826–827, 837Maxwell, James Clerk, 707, 708fon electromagnetism, 707–708Hertz on, 708–709on light, 727Medical applications, of radiation,959–963, 961f, 962f, 963fMeitner, Lise, 973Mendeleev, Dmitri, 918Mesons, 986–988, 1002quark composition of, 994t, 995fMetal detectors, in airports as seriesresonance circuits, 704Meteoroids, light streaks of, 922Metric, 867Michelson, Albert A., 836experiment of, on speed of light,846–849, 847f, 849fMichelson interferometer, 836–837,836fMichelson–Morley experiment, onspeed of light, 846–849,847f, 849fMicroscopecompound, 827–829, 827f,837–838electron, 889–890, 890flimiting resolution of, 833–834scanning tunneling, 894–895,894f, 895fMicrowaves, 716, 716fpolarizing, 806Millikan, Robert Andrews, 499oil-drop experiment of, 515–516,515fMinima, 797–798Mirage, 768f, 769Mirror(s)concave, 757–759, 757f, 758f, 759f,761fconvex, 759–765, 759f, 760f, 761f,762fdiverging, 759flat, 754–757, 755f, 756f, 757f, 779Lloyd’s, 791, 791fray diagrams for, 760–762, 761frearview, day and night settings for,756–757, 756fsign conventions for, 759–760,760tspherical, images formed by,757–759Mirror equation, 758–759, 779Moderator, in nuclear reactor, 972Momentumof photon, 887–888relativistic, 858, 868energy and, 862–865Monitor, apnea, Faraday’s law and,666, 667fMorley, Edward W., experiment of,on speed of light, 846–849,847f, 849fMoseley, Henry G. J., 920Motion of proton between twocharged plates, 537Motional emf, 667–670, 667f, 668fMotorsback emf and, 676–677, 676felectric, 636–637, 636f, 637fMRI (magnetic resonance imaging),962–963, 963fMüller, K. Alex, 579Multimeter, digital, 572f, 573Muons, 853–854, 854f, 981Muscles, ciliary, in accommodation,821Myopia, 822, 822f, 824–825, 837Nn-type semiconductors, 927Nature, fundamental forces in,984–985, 1002Near point, 821Nearsightedness, 822, 823f, 824–825,837Ne’eman, Yuval, 993Neurons, conduction of electricalsignals by, 612–614Neutrino, 951, 952, 966Neutroncharge and mass of, 501tdiscovery of, 956Neutron capture, in nuclear reactors,998Neutron decay, 990Neutron energies, regulation of, innuclear reactors, 977–978Neutron leakage, in nuclear reactors,977Neutron number, of nuclei, 940Newton, Isaac, on time, 850Newtonian focus, 830Newton’s law of motionfirst, Galilean relativity and, 844second, motion of charged particlein magnetic field and, 637,650third, magnetic force between twoparallel conductors and,643

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