Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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Index I.5Fissionnuclear, 973–976, 974f, 1002uranium, 973–975conversion of mass to kineticenergy in, 864–865Fission fragments, 974Focal lengthfor concave mirror, 759, 759ffor lens, 769, 769fFocal pointfor concave mirror, 758–759,759ffor lens, 769, 770fForce(s)electricelectric fields and, 506gravitational force and, 502on proton, 507field, Coulomb force as, 502gravitational, electric force and,502in nature, fundamental, 984–985,1002Franklin, Benjamin, 498felectricity and, 498Fraunhofer diffraction pattern, 798,798fFresnel bright spot, 798Fringe shift, 837Fringes, interference, 787f, 788–789,788f, 811diffraction and, 798Newton’s rings as, 793–794, 793fin single-slit diffraction, 799,799fFrisch, Otto, 973Full-wave rectifier, 929, 929fFuses, 598in household circuits, 610Fusion, nuclear, 980–984, 1002in sun, 980–981, 980fGGalilean relativity, 844–845, 845fGamma decay, 952Gamma rays, 716f, 717, 952, 966Gamow, George, 1000fGas(es)identification of, usingspectrometer, 737noble, 918radon, activity of, 948Gauss, 629, 649Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 517Gauss’s law, 519–523, 523Geiger, Hans, 904, 939Geiger counter, 963–964, 963fGell-Mann, Murray, 993, 983fGenerator(s), 673–677, 683alternating current, 673–674, 673f,674f, 683induced emf in, 675–676direct current, 674–675, 675fVan de Graaff, 516–517, 516fGenetic damage, 959Geometric optics, ray approximationin, 728, 728fGermer, L. H., 888Glaser, D., 965Glashow, Sheldon, 997–998Glass, angle of refraction for, 733–734Gluons, 985, 985tin force between quarks, 996Goeppert-Mayer, Maria, 942fGoudsmit, Samuel, 912, 915Grand unification theory, 999Grating, diffraction. See DiffractiongratingGravitational force, 984–985, 1002electric force and, 502Gravitational potential energy,electric potential energyand, 533Gravitational property, of mass,865–866, 866fGravitons, 985, 985tGrimaldi, Francesco, 727Ground-fault interrupters (GFIs), 612Faraday’s law and, 665–666, 665f,666fGround state, 908Grounding, 500Guitar, electric, sound production by,Faraday’s law and, 666, 666fHHadrons, 988, 988t, 1002quark composition of, 994tHahn, Otto, 973Hale telescope, 830, 830fHalf-lifeenergy and, 949of radioactive substance, 946–948,966Half-wave rectifier, 929Halogens, 919Heart, electrical activity of, 583–586,583f, 584fHeisenberg, Werner, 891–892,891fHeliumdiscovery of, 906electronic arrangement in, 918singly ionized, 911Henry, 678Henry, Joseph, 678fHertz, Heinrich Rudolf, 708fon Maxwell’s predictions, 708–709Higgs boson, 998Holes, for valence band, 927, 927fHolography, 924, 924fHubble telescope, 831Huygens, Christian, 726, 727fHuygens’s principle, 739–742, 740f,741f, 746applied to reflection andrefraction, 740–742, 741fHydrogenBalmer series for, 909–910, 909fBohr theory of, 906–912modification of, 910–912, 912f,931electronic arrangement in, 917–918Hydrogen atomde Broglie waves and, 912–913,913fquantum mechanics and, 913–915,914tHyperopia, 821–822, 822f, 823–824,837IImage(s)formed by concave mirrors,762–763formed by converging lens,773–774, 774fformed by convex mirrors, 764formed by refraction, 765–768,779just resolved, 832, 832f, 838real, 754, 779virtual, 754, 779Image distance, 754, 779Image point, in concave mirror, 757,757f, 758Impedance, of RLC circuit, 700, 701t,719Implanted cardioverter defibrillators(ICDs), 585–586, 585f, 586tIncoherent light sources,interference and, 787Index of refraction, 732, 732t, 736f,745Induced emf, 660–663, 661falternating current generator and,675–676magnetic flux and, 661–663, 661f,662fmagnetic induction and, 663Induced voltages, 660–692Inductance, 678, 684calculating, 678, 679–680of solenoid, 679–680

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