Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics


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I.4 IndexElectrical signals, conduction of, byneurons, 612–614Electrical storms, driver safetyduring, 515Electrified airplane wing, motionalemf and, 669Electrocardiograms (EKGs),583–584, 584fElectromagnet, 646Electromagnetic force, 984, 1002Electromagnetic induction, 555Faraday’s law of, 663–667, 683Electromagnetic pump, medical usesof, 633, 633fElectromagnetic radiation, light and,887Electromagnetic waves, 693, 708,719–720Doppler effect for, 718intensity of, 712production of, by antenna,709–710, 710fproperties of, 710–715spectrum of, 715–717, 720Electron(s), 498antiparticle of, 945binding, nucleons and, 944charge and mass of, 501tin copper wire, drift speed of, 571locating, position-momentumuncertainty principle in,893mass number of, 951number of, in filled subshells andshells, 918trelativistic momentum of, 858, 868wavelength of, 889Electron clouds, 916–917, 917fElectron-lepton number, law ofconservation of, 990Electron microscope, 889–890,890fElectron volt, 542, 561Electronic configuration, forelements, 918–919, 919tElectrostatic air cleaner, 544Electrostatic equilibrium, conductorsin, 512–515, 523Electrostatic precipitator, 543–544,543fElectroweak force, 984, 1002Electroweak theory, 997–999, 998fElements, electronic configurationfor, 918–919, 919tEmfback, motors and, 676–677, 676finduced, 660–663, 661falternating current generatorand, 675–676magnetic flux and, 661–663,661f, 662fmagnetic induction and, 663Emf (Continued)motional, 667–670, 667f, 668f, 683self-induced, 677–680, 677f, 678f,684sources of, 592–593, 614Emissionspontaneous, 922, 922f, 932stimulated, 922, 922f, 932Emission spectrum, 905, 905fEmitter, of pnp transistor, 929, 930fEndothermic reactions, 958, 966Energybindingof deutron, 943–945of nucleus, 943–944, 944f, 965conservation ofjunction rule and, 601, 615Lenz’s law and, 671electrical, power and, 580–583electrical potential, 538–541, 561half-life and, 949of hydrogen atom, 907ionization, 908kinetic, 860, 869conversion of mass to, inuranium fission, 864–865mass and, equivalence of, 861of photon, 887potential (See Potential energy)relativistic momentum and,862–865rest, 861, 869solar, 713–714stored in charged capacitor,554–556, 554f, 561stored in magnetic field, 682–683threshold, 958, 966total, 861, 869of x-ray, estimating, 920Energy bands in solids, 924–927,925f, 926f, 927fEquationlens maker’s, 771mass-energy equivalence, 861mirror, 758–759, 779photoelectric effect, 879thin-lens, 79, 770–771, 779Equilibrium, electrostatic,conductors in, 512–515,523Equipotential surfaces, 542–543,561Equipotentials, 542–543, 543fEquivalence, principle of, 866Equivalent capacitance, 553–554Equivalent resistanceof parallel combination of resistors,596f, 597, 615of series combination of resistors,594, 600–601, 615Ether, luminiferous, 846Event horizon, 868Excited states, of atoms, 921–922,921f, 922f, 932Exclusion principle, 912, 917–919,932quark model and, 996Exothermic reactions, 958, 966Exponential decay, 946, 946fEye(s), 820–825, 821f, 822f, 823fcat’s, resolution in, 833conditions of, 821–823evolution of, sun and, 717Ff -number, of camera lens, 820, 837Far point, 821Faraday, Michael, 505, 661fexperiment of, on currentproduction by changingmagnetic field, 661, 661fice-pail experiment of, 514,514flaw of induction of, 663–667,683applications of, 665–666, 665f,666f, 667fmotional emf and, 667–670,667f, 668f, 683Farads, 545Farsightedness, 821–822, 822f,823–824, 837Femtometer, 941Fermi, 941Fermi, Enrico, 951, 952fFerromagnetic materials, 649Feynman, Richard P., 987, 987fFeynman diagram, 987, 987fFiber optics, 744–745Fibrillation, 584Field(s)electric, 505–509, 506f, 523 (Seealso Electric field(s))magnetic, 628–631, 649Earth’s, 626–628deflection of lightning strikeby, 633Lenz’s law and, 671Field forces, Coulomb force as, 502Filmssoap, interference in, 794thin, interference in, 792–796,792f, 793f, 794f, 795f,811wedge-shaped, interference in,795–796, 795fFingerprints, magnetic field patternsand, 626Fireball, primordial, observation ofradiation from, 1000–1001

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